A/N: I do believe that a quick explanation is in need for this series. This is the 100 prompt challenge, something I felt would be a good idea to do as my return. However, this series isn't going to be a weekly or bi-weekly thing, but rather something along the lines of "I'll post when I have an idea for it" kind of thing. Each prompt will take up one chapter, and some will be very short, while some may be longer. Also, some of the prompts will be linked together, and those that are should be fairly obvious. So, as I've nothing left to say...Let's begin.

There was very little Leonard McCoy loved from his old life. He still loved his drinks, and quiet afternoons spent doing nothing. But these were only things, because Leonard had no room for human love anymore, apart from his daughter, though he only saw her at most three times a year. Joanna was the only thing that made him happy when he thought about his past, but the thoughts that came with it were less than pleasant.

Jocelyn had been her name. Leonard thought he had loved her, and she thought she had loved him. At the beginning it had been perfect, almost a fairy tale relationship. There were no fights, no anger, nothing at all that would have hinted at the fact that everything was about to fall apart. It had started with Leonard's drinking. Work had been getting stressful, and the doctor had needed something to calm his nerves. He'd had a drink with dinner, maybe one when he first got home. Leonard knew that Jocelyn wasn't a fan of his drinking, but she was putting up with it for his sake.

Then it moved onto the lack of communication. With Leonard working almost all of the time, and Jocelyn taking a new teaching position, the two almost never saw each other. They'd kiss briefly in the morning, and then rush off to their respective jobs. Come night, both of them were simply exhausted and would collapse into bed without so much as an "I love you".

Joanna's birth had been a saving grace, at least for a few years. It brought both mother and father together again, reminding each of them why they had fallen in love in the first place. Leonard stopped drinking to be a better father to Joanna, and both he and Jocelyn had taken shorter hours to spend more time together as a family. Joanna had brought them together again, but it wouldn't last forever.

Years went by and as Joanna got older, Leonard and Jocelyn had begun to spread apart again. The drinking returned, followed by the lack of communication. Just before Joanna turned seven, Jocelyn pulled Leonard aside to speak with him in the first time in months. She stared talking, but Leonard only heard one thing.

"I don't love you anymore. I think you should go." The words echoed around his mind as Jocelyn looked at him expectantly. He nodded dumbly, walking through the house up to their shared room. Joanna was on dancing around him as he packed, asking where he was going and why mommy wasn't going with him. Leonard could only shake his head and sling his small duffle over his shoulder, leaning down to kiss his daughter on the forehead before walking from the house. Months later and the papers were signed. Everything, including Joanna, belonged to Jocelyn. Leonard was out on his own, with nothing but the clothing on his back and his duffle. That was when he decided that he didn't need anyone else's love, that he was perfectly fine on his own.

However, that was all before he met Kirk. Wonderful, horrible, captain of being a pain in the ass James Tiberius Kirk.

A/N: I suppose that'll do for an opening chapter. Not the best work, but love is a rather difficult thing to start off with. Everything else should be much smoother than this (hopefully). Another thing I should mention is that this is going to be ever so slightly AU. Nothing major, but just small little plot changes and backstory tweaks. I`m going to do my best to keep faithful, but there may be some changes so please just...bare with me. The next chapter should hopefully be out within the next week or so...Keyword being hopefully.