Chapter 27: Thunder Struck Part 2

Returning to Doctor Oliver's lab to rest for a bit before Zeltrax showed up once again, the Rangers arrived to find that their base had been completely destroyed.

"What happened?" Kira gasped as she looked around. Machines were still smoking, and some of the walls had fallen.

"It's trashed," Ethan was horrified as they all looked around.

"Elsa..." Doctor Oliver frowned, but saw no sign of the woman. When something began to beep, Connor frowned.

"What's this?" he spotted a small black device in the rubble. He grabbed it, holding it up to Hayley.

"It's like a black box. I keep a security camera in it," the genius explained. She hurried over to the computer, which was somehow still intact, and plugged it in as everyone gathered around. "Let's take a look," she found the footage that had been taken just before the lab had been destroyed, and they watched Zeltrax drag Elsa away.

"This is just like when Lothor broke into Ninja Ops..." Ari shivered at the memory.

"This is all my fault..." they looked around at Doctor Mercer. "I should have stopped him," he muttered, his guilt weighing heavily over him.

"Don't blame yourself for what you did when you were him," Trent told him with a frown.

"Trent's right Anton. This was about me and Smitty. Nothing to do with you," Doctor Oliver agreed.

"But if there were no Mesogog-"

"We can't go back and change what's happened," Doctor Oliver stopped him. "Mesogog is gone, we should be thankful for that," he pointed out.

"So what now? I guess we don't hang up our morphers just yet," Connor frowned.

"No," Doctor Oliver shook his head gravely.


"Ari, Kira, you should go home and rest, we've got this covered," Doctor Oliver told the pair as they cleared the wreckage from his basement.

"I wouldn't be able to rest even if I tried," Ari shrugged as she tossed a broken piece of equipment into the pile with a loud clank.

"Me neither," Kira agreed as she lifted a piece of a pillar off a machine. "How are you feeling Ari? Trent told us that Mesogog started to use your power to fuel the machine," she glanced to the Gold Ranger.

"I'm fine. When Hayley destroyed the beam, he hadn't taken that much," Ari replied with a smile. "Too bad I still don't have any clue what it is," she complained, and with a sigh, she tossed another broken piece of metal over her shoulder and onto the pile.

"I wonder why Zeltrax took Elsa in the first place," Kira commented as she placed a machine that didn't look completely destroyed next to Hayley as she worked on repairing everything else.

"A hostage situation, I suppose," Ari shrugged.

"Ari's right," Doctor Oliver nodded. "He knows that as long as he has an innocent bystander, we won't be able to put our full strength into defeating him," he pointed out. Kira nodded, knowing that he was right. They would have to focus on saving Elsa before they could defeat Zeltrax.

"Doctor O, I've found Zeltrax," Ethan's voice spoke up through their communicators. "And I don't think he's here for the double feature," he commented.

"Ranger up. We'll meet you there," Doctor Oliver told him.

"Got it," Ethan ended the communication, and the Black Ranger glanced to the girls standing in the wreckage of the lab. There was a loud crash as Ari tossed the broken machine in her hands aside, and walked over to the other two.



"DINO THUNDER, POWER UP!" they morphed and headed out, meeting up with Connor, Trent and Ethan as they looked up at the Zord towering over the city.

"Check out his Zord!" Ethan groaned.

"Power Rangers! Surrender, or my most precious cargo will be destroyed!" Zeltrax called down to them.

"I bet he's got Elsa in there!" Connor realised in horror.

"Correct!" Zeltrax confirmed with a laugh. "I wanted her to see your demise!" he mocked them. "Triptoids!" the Rangers looked back down at the ground as the strange creatures appeared from nowhere. The Rangers began to fight off the creatures with their weapons, until Zeltrax began to attack from his Zord, blasting the ground around him. He narrowly avoided the Rangers, who were thrown several metres by the explosion.

"This has gone far enough!" Doctor Oliver growled as he pushed himself back to his feet. "Trent, can you handle the Triptoids?" he looked to the White Ranger as he pushed himself up with his sword.

"Not a problem," Trent replied confidently, and with a yell ran to take out the Triptoids.

"You guys call the Zords. I'm gonna get Elsa," Doctor Oliver told the other four Rangers.

"Be careful!" Ari called as he ran towards the Zelzord. There was clearly a trap waiting for him.

"Let's go guys! Dino Zords!" Connor yelled, calling on their Zords. They leapt up into them, combining to make their Megazord, and grabbed Zeltrax's Zord, holding him in place long enough for Doctor Oliver to slip into one of the pipes.

"I'm in!" he called to the Rangers.

"We've got your back!" Connor told him, before they were blasted backwards by Zeltrax. The Rangers cried out as they were thrown around the cockpit, but stayed on their feet.

"I'm gonna help Doctor O!" Kira decided.

"Kira!" Connor yelled to the Yellow Ranger, but she leapt from their Megazord and into one of the pipes before they could stop her.

"Come on guys, we gotta hold him off long enough for them to get out!" Ari called to the Red and Blue Rangers, who nodded. They ran at the Zord again, only for green light to wrap around them. The Megazord was yanked off the ground, and slammed back down.

"Ethan! Can you handle the Mezodon?" Connor called to him as they groaned.

"Thought you'd never ask!" Ethan grinned, swapping to the other Megazord. The pair of Megazords were blasted backwards again, and they cried out, trying to stay on their feet.

"Guys, I got her!" Kira's voice echoed from their morphers. "We're coming out!" she told them.

"Go Kira!" Ethan laughed, before the sky suddenly turned dark. "What's going on?" Ethan asked, his grin dropping.

"No idea," Connor looked blank.

"Whatever it is, it's not going to be good," Ari frowned. The sky had been blanketed by clouds, blocking out the sun. They were blasted again, and cried out. "We've got to get Kira and the others out of there!" the Gold Ranger yelled. The Mezodon Megazord ran at Zeltrax's Zord, and attacked, grabbing it from behind.

"Hold on, Ethan! I've got an idea!" Connor called out suddenly. The Thundersaurus Megazord ran towards the Zelzord, and stabbed the Tyranno-tail arm through the front. As they pulled it back out, Kira leapt out with Elsa.

"Nice one Connor," Ari grinned to the Red Ranger. A moment later, Doctor Oliver leapt out, closely followed by Zeltrax. His Zord then blasted Connor and Ari, and they staggered backwards. They were hit again, and barely managed to stay on their feet.

"Guys, you're gonna need all the Zords," Doctor Oliver told them quickly.

"Right! Dino Zords, full power!" Connor yelled, calling on all of the Zords. They all began to glow, and blasted the Zelzord, knocking it down. "We did it!" he laughed as it exploded.

"Uh, hold that thought," Ari gulped as it got back up, the explosions fading quickly.

"No way!" Connor cried out.

"Again?" Ethan groaned. The ground began to shake, and the Megazords were thrown about.

"You've gotta sacrifice the Zords!" Doctor Oliver yelled up at them.

"We can't!" Connor yelled, horrified at the thought.

"No, Doctor Oliver!" Ethan was equally as horrified.

"As much as I hate to say it, I think it might be the only way!" Ari told them as they struggled not to get sucked in by the Zelzord.

"Alright," Connor sighed. "Engage auto-destruct!" he yelled as they let their Zords move.

"I'm trying!" Ethan called out, stumbling around the cockpit of the Mezodon Megazord.

"Goodbye old friends," Connor closed his eyes as they slammed into the Zord, and the explosion echoed around the city as the sky returned to normal.


"Ari...Ari..." the Gold Ranger groaned as she heard a voice echoing towards her in the foggy mess that was her head.

"Five more minutes Kira, I swear I won't be late for class," she mumbled.

"We'll discuss that you think I sound like Kira later," Ari groaned again and opened her eyes to look up at Connor. "Are you ok?" he asked, helping her to sit up. He was covered in soot and dirt from the explosion, and there were bruises showing through where the dirt hadn't settled.

"It only hurts when I breathe," Ari managed a grin, knowing that she probably looked as bad, if not worse.

"So just don't breathe, I think a lot of problems would be sorted," Ethan managed a laugh, but it quickly turned into a groan.

"You deserve that," Connor told him as he looked over to the Blue Ranger. They got to their feet, and stumbled away from the wreckage of their Zords before anyone saw them.

"Ethan? Connor! Ari!" they emerged from the smoke and heard Kira call their names. Doctor Oliver, Trent, Kira and Elsa ran over to them, looking relieved. "That was impressive," Kira smiled at them.

"Tell me that when it stops hurting," Ari laughed weakly.

"But the Zords...they're destroyed..." Ethan realised sadly.

"It was the only way," Doctor Oliver told them gently. "You guys did what you had to do," he said.

"It's true. Nothing else would have stopped him," Trent agreed.

"So that's it then?" Connor frowned. "It can't just be over..." the Red Ranger shook his head.

"It doesn't feel over," Ari shook her head.

"Of course it's not over!" they heard a familiar roar, and looked around quickly to see Mesogog standing facing them, snarling at them furiously.

"Why do they always come back for more?" Doctor Oliver sighed.

"You've destroyed my plans of creating a perfect world!" Mesogog snarled at them. "However, I was able to absorb enough Dino Gem energy, and enough of the Gold Ranger's power, to complete my transfiguration!" he declared. "Witness the face of your final battle!" he began to glow gold as his entire appearance changed, becoming even more hideous and powerful looking.

"Ok, it was definitely a good idea to stop his plan. I do not want to look like that!" Ari looked disgusted as Mesogog snarled and laughed.

"You better step aside Elsa," Doctor Oliver told the woman, who nodded and ran to hide. "You guys ready for one more battle?" he then asked the five teenagers that stood beside him.

"Oh yeah," Connor grinned at him. "Ready?"




"Tyranno Power!"

"Tricera Power!"

"Ptera Power!"

"Plesio Power!"

"Brachio Power!"

"Drago Power!"

"Dino Rangers!" they yelled, calling on their greater power of Super Dino Mode.

"This is it!" Connor called, and they ran at Mesogog, attacking the monster. Mesogog was incredibly powerful, blocking Doctor Oliver, Trent and Kira's weapons and throwing them backwards. Calling on her Plesio blades, Ari spun through the air and sliced down Mesogog's back, making him roar and thrash around. He caught her on the side of the head with the back of his clawed hand, and she slammed into a car.

"I got him!" Connor landed on his back, trying to hold him steady. However, after a few moments of Mesogog thrashing around, the Red Ranger was thrown off. Trent ran at him with Doctor Oliver and Ethan, and they grabbed the monster, but he was too strong and too quick, throwing them off and blasting them. He then slammed Doctor Oliver into a car and blasted him from close range.

"Doctor O!" Kira and Ari ran to help the fallen Black Ranger, and while Kira leapt over the car he kicked at them, Ari used her ninja powers, streaking around it and towards Mesogog, who then blasted her in the chest. With a cry, Ari went hurtling back, slamming into Kira.

"My turn!" Connor dodged Mesogog's tongue, but it wrapped around him and tossed him aside.

"Hovercraft Cycle!" Ethan called on his bike, and blasted Mesogog, only for him to be blasted again.

"Over here, Meso Mess!" Connor taunted, making the monster turn away from the Blue Ranger. "Triassic Ranger! Battilizer Mode!" he called on his Battilizer and leapt into the air, blasting the monster and sending him flying into crates.

"You did it Connor," Kira smiled as they all regrouped, exhausted and bruised.

"Thanks," he grinned, before the rubble was blasted off Mesogog and he appeared again, unhurt and laughing loudly.

"Unbelievable," Doctor Oliver groaned, and with a laugh, Mesogog seemed to split in two.

"He's replicating!" Connor stared as the two monsters then split into four.

"One was bad enough. How do we fight them all?" Ethan demanded.

"Guys, we have to use all of our powers," Doctor Oliver realised, turning to the five. "It's the only way," he told them.

"Right," Connor nodded, and the others agreed.

"Do it Connor!" Trent looked to their leader.

"Power Rangers!" they all summoned their energy into glowing orbs in front of them.

"I summon the power of the Gem!" Connor yelled.

"Dino Gems, unite!" the six threw their power into the air and it combined to make a giant dinosaur that roared at Mesogog. It lunged for Mesogog, and destroyed him and his copies.

When the explosions died down, the six demorphed instantly, and looked to each other.

"Everyone ok?" Doctor Oliver asked them.

"I feel...different," Connor frowned at him.

"Yeah, like normal again," Trent nodded as they all lifted their Gems curiously.

"Me too," Kira agreed.

"It feels over now," Ari commented softly. "Our Ranger power, it's gone now," she told them, and the others glanced to her quickly.

"It took everything the Gems had to destroy Mesogog," Doctor Oliver explained softly.

"So...these are just...?"

"Ancient artifacts," Doctor Oliver finished for Connor. "That will look great in a museum," he told them.

"Hello Rangers," they all looked around to see Cassidy and Devin standing with Elsa, and their eyes widened in horror.

"So, you know then?" Connor frowned as they walked over to them.

"Well, I kinda already knew, but I had to show Cassidy in person," Devin grinned proudly.

"This is like, the greatest thing ever!" Cassidy exclaimed, and hugged Devin suddenly.

"Yeah, for you maybe," Ari told her with a frown.

"And we've got it all on tape!" Cassidy didn't seem to hear her. "You know, a reporter could make a whole career out of this!" she told them. The five teenagers looked at Doctor Oliver, not knowing what to do.

"Cassidy..." Doctor Oliver spoke up. "Do you realise what our lives will be like if that tape gets out?" he asked her gently.

"Yeah, I do," she smiled at him. "That's why I'm giving this to you," she held out the tape, and Doctor Oliver took it slowly, looking very confused.

"Wait...Cassidy passing up the scoop of a lifetime?" Kira stared at her.

"Guys, I'm pretty sure I hit my head," Ari glanced to the others, her eyes wide.

"Why are you giving that up?" Kira asked, not understanding.

"Because you're my friends," Cassidy told her softly. "It wouldn't be right to ruin your lives to make mine better. Not after everything you've done for us," she told them gratefully.

"I always knew there was a heart deep down in there somewhere," Ethan smiled at her.

"Yeah, I just needed someone to help me find it," Cassidy smiled, going red. "Now if you'll excuse us..."

"Yeah, we're off to the prom," Devin finished for her with a wide grin. He linked arms with her, and began to walk off.

"Finally," Kira rolled her eyes. "I thought those two were never going to get together," she smirked.

"I'm still thinking that about someone else," Ari whispered to her, and yelped when Kira slapped the back of her head.

"And just like that, life goes back to normal," Connor grinned as Ari hid on his other side, and he messed up her hair.

"Our lives may be normal, but trust me. It will never be the same," Doctor Oliver told them, and they headed off away from the wreckage.


"Ari, get out of there now!" Kira banged on the bathroom door, rolling her eyes.

"No!" was the childish response that she received.

"I will break down this door, you know I will!" Kira warned her.

"You will do no such thing," her father warned as he passed, chuckling a little as Kira shot him a glare. "You look lovely by the way sweetheart," he told his daughter.

"So will Ari, if I can drag her out of there," Kira glared at the door, making Mr Ford laugh.

"Not happening!" Ari yelled back out.

"You already agreed to go! And I already agreed to go with...!" Kira trailed off, going red.

"Wait..." the door opened, and Ari peeked out. "You mean Trent asked you?" she demanded, and Kira saw her chance. She put all her strength into shoving the door, taking Ari by surprise, and grabbed her. "Hey! You're going to ruin your dress!" Ari cried out in horror.

"Come on," Kira grabbed her, and yanked her along. A few terrified cries and loud threats later that Kira's parents decided not to investigate, Ari stood glaring at Kira. "Knock it off, you look so cute!" Kira was grinning by this point as she looked at the dress she had managed to put on Ari.

"We might have beaten Mesogog, but I might become evil for this Kira," Ari warned her, tugging at the gold and black dress that Kira's mother had gotten for the girl when Kira had mentioned that prom was coming up. Her dress reached the floor, and the gold and black skirt was covered with a thin black mesh material that had gold leaves over it.

"I'd like to see that," Kira challenged. "And besides, at least with your dress you can cheat," she pointed out.

"You mean...I can keep these on?" Ari's scowl disappeared and she lifted the skirt a little to reveal her favourite knee-length jeans and her blue converse.

"Yes, but there's one more condition," Kira smirked, and Ari took a step back, letting the skirt fall again.


Half an hour later, Ari glared at her reflection in the mirror. Having been threatened several times, Ari had been forced to sit through Kira putting eye-liner on her, as well as allowing her to curl her naturally messy hair.

"I still hate you, you know," Ari told her.

"And I'm still mad at you for nearly getting yourself killed when the Zords exploded," Kira told her flatly. Ari felt it strange that they stood in Kira's room, just about ready for prom, and they were discussing what almost felt like a dream. They were no longer Power Rangers, and this time, it actually felt over for Ari.

"Other than this, I'm gonna miss it here," Kira looked around at the ex-Gold Ranger as she smiled sadly.

"You say that like you're not going to visit," Kira frowned at her, and Ari looked around quickly.

"Of course I'll visit!" Ari looked horrified at the thought. "But it won't be the same. Especially with you guys going to college and everything," Ari had decided not to go to college, at least not until she would be the same age as those going.

"Well then you'll just have to come visit me," Kira told her firmly, and Ari laughed.

"Of course," she agreed, and hugged the shorter girl as she felt reluctant to be leaving in a week.


Scanning the crowd for any sign of his friends, Ethan broke into a wide smile as he spotted Ari, who was standing on her own, looking uncomfortable.

"Ari!" he called over and the black haired girl looked up quickly. "Wow, you look...amazing...I can't believe Kira got you in a dress! And make-up!" Ethan exclaimed, and Ari went red, slapping his arm.

"I thought you weren't coming tonight," she frowned at the ex-Blue Ranger, before noticing a pretty blonde girl beside him. "Oh...hi," she greeted awkwardly.

"Ari, this is Angela, my date," Ethan introduced her proudly. "We met in line for the movies," he told Ari, who covered her grin with her hand. "Angela, this is Ari, one of my friends I told you about," the geek told her with a grin.

"You're the skateboarder, right?" Angela asked as she smiled at Ari, who nodded. "That's cool, I always thought skateboarding looked fun, but way too painful for me," she admitted, and the Ninja laughed.

"Have you seen the others yet Ari? And better yet, who's your date, or did you and Kira come together in one of those packs that girls do when they don't have dates," Ethan grinned.

"My 'date' as you liked to call it, is getting punch. There he is," Ari grinned, and Ethan's eyes widened as Connor walked over and handed over a cup to the 16 year old.

"Connor? What happened to your list?" Ethan frowned at him.

"List?" Angela raised an eyebrow, and Ethan paused as Connor frowned at him and Ari giggled.

"I decided that the list was stupid, and I wanted to have fun. So who better than our little Ari," Connor grinned. "Besides, it was one of the only ways to get her here, I don't get why she doesn't wear dresses more often," he looked to Ari, who went red and slapped his arm.

"I will break your legs if you don't stop," she warned him, and he laughed, putting an arm around her. Ari rolled her eyes.

"So, you're Connor then, Ethan's told me all about you," Angela smiled at him, and Connor grinned back.

"I'm sure he has," Ethan grinned back.

"So where are your friends Kira and Trent? I want to meet them too," Angela told the boy, who looked at Ari. The girl smirked, and glanced to Connor, who was smirking too.

"No way...Trent asked her to be his date?" Ethan realised, and the two nodded.

"That's not all," Ari was laughing at this point. "We're pretty sure he was asking her out for real when we got here, they told us to go on ahead," she told Ethan, who laughed as well.

"Hey Ari, if you don't stop gossiping, I will come down there and shut you up myself!" they heard a call, and looked up to see Trent scowling down at Ari.

"I'd love to see you try Trent!" Ari called back with a smirk. "Let's see who would win in a fight, a skater or an artist!" she taunted, and he rolled his eyes.

"You're not worth the effort," he told her. They waved up at Doctor Oliver as he stood beside the ex-White Ranger.

"So where's Kira?" Ethan asked, smirking up at the boy. Trent blushed, but just grinned, looking to Ari.

"She'll show, eventually," he told them, and turned to talk to their teacher.

" you know?" Connor looked at Ari with a raised eyebrow. Instead of answering him, however, Ari just smiled innocently and raised her drink to her lips.

"That's Ari for yes," Ethan translated for Angela, who laughed. "Now if you'll excuse us, we're going to go dance," he told his ex-team-mates, and Angela hooked her arm around his with a smile, happily being led away.

"Looks like our little Ethan is all grown up," Connor wiped a mock tear away from his eye.

"They grow up so fast," Ari sniffed, but grinned as Connor pulled her along for a dance as well, making her laugh.

"Hey guys!" before long, the music faded and Doctor Oliver's voice rang through the hall. "I just wanted to say, we've had an interesting year. We've been through a lot," he commented.

"Understatement of the century," Ari giggled, and Connor smirked. Doctor Oliver's words were definitely aimed at the Rangers.

"More than any school should have to go through," the legend continued. "but we made it and we're ok. That's what's important! So, let's have fun tonight, and to help us do that, here she is...Kira Ford!" Doctor Oliver announced, and everyone cheered and clapped loudly as the curtains opened to reveal Kira and the band she was performing with.

Gave me something more than,
I've ever felt before.
We could be,
Falling in love,
Oh baby.

I can picture you and me,
More than coming closer.

Just a little more time and,
Just a little less thinking,
Just a little more time is all that I need.

Just a little believing,
Just a little more breathing.

Let's give it time...

Kira smiled at her friends as they cheered her on loudly, having been dancing to her song. The prom was in full swing, and after a few more songs, Kira joined her friends and they all danced, and laughed, switching partners so they all danced with each other, enjoying themselves to the fullest as Ari wondered just how different her life would have been, had she not been sent to Reefside. And now, even in a dress and in make-up, she was very happy Sensei Sugiura had done so, even if she wondered just what life had in store for her next.

So that's it! Dino Thunder is over, and it's on to Mystic Force: The Sun's Destiny next! Thanks to all who read/reviewed/followed/favourited, you guys have kept me motivated to keep going! The review count has already broken the record of most reviews I've received for a story, so thank you all!

The Sun's Destiny will be posted either tomorrow night or Monday, depending on where I am and what I'm doing – which is the main reason this wasn't up last night, I'm at a friend's house and we were playing Young Justice: Legacy (and the Power Rangers 'Action' card game) all night.

Anyway, I hope you all have enjoyed The Jurassic Sun, and that you all continue to read on with this series!

Please review!