Well, this is it guys. After five long years and 72 chapters, we've finally reached the final chapter of this story. It's been a crazy long ride and I've been grateful to share this story with you all over the years as much as I've liked writing it. I know I said this wouldn't be up until April, but luckily for me, life hadn't been getting in the way too much and I managed to get this written a lot sooner than I expected. Plus, as an added bonus, I'm posting very close to the publish date of this story too. What an awesome coincidence!

Ok, so in this chapter I have the final storyline as well as an epilogue that takes place afterwards. I tried adding in as much as I could without it becoming too overbearing, but I think I wrap up everyone's story and answer a lot of questions in doing so. If there is something else you'd like to know afterwards, I'll explain in the later chapter notes about to go about doing that. This chapter takes place nearly 2 years, so about 22 months, after the last chapter.

Anyway, on with the final chapter! Enjoy!

Chapter 72 – A New Generation

The Jorgenson-Haddock household was busier than it had ever been. Not only was the tiny living area packed to the brim, but it was also louder than a flock of badly singing Terrible Terrors, with each person having to talk at the top of their lungs in order to be heard over the raucous. Siri winced as her brother's guffaws met her ears, causing an echo like effect across the confines of the room; her patience was wearing thin.

"Oh for the love of Thor, would you shut up!" she snapped, quelling the noise in an instant. "I can't even hear myself think!"

"Sorry, Seer," her father said, flicking his daughter an apologetic glance. "We probably should have done this at our place. I didn't think when I said we should get ready here."

"To be honest, I don't think it would have been much better," Siri admitted, raising her voice over the thrum of voices in the room. "We tend to cause a nuisance no matter where we are." She threw a pointed glance in her brother's direction.

"Why does she always look at me when she says that?" Leif grumbled. "I'm not the one throwing a temper tantrum because I can't play with Toothless." He grunted as he struggled to hold a two-year-old Arik back from Toothless, currently surveying the scene with displeasure. "Arik, no!" he told the toddler sternly. "Toothless doesn't want to play." He heaved a sigh as the little boy wailed in displeasure. "See what I mean?" he deadpanned, glancing in his sister's direction.

"Maybe I should stay at home with him," Kelda said, biting her lip nervously at her son's cranky mood. "The last thing you need is screaming kids at the coronation; especially this one."

"You'll do no such thing," Siri said firmly, throwing her sister-in-law a reassuring smile. "I don't care if he screams the whole hall down, you are coming to this ceremony, do you understand me?"


"Don't argue with her, Kelda," Lennart interjected, emitting a soft chuckle. "You won't get anywhere. I mean, it's not everyday we get a new Chief of Berk-"

"Chieftess," Hiccup corrected him.

"Right. Chieftess of Berk."

Siri grinned. "You got that right."

"I can't believe you're not nervous," Ingrid said softly, flicking an awed glance in her sister's direction.

"I thought I would be," Siri admitted. "But I feel perfectly fine."

"You might feel fine-" Lennart said, plucking at a stray thread on his ceremonial tunic nervously, "-but I feel like I have a million eels swimming in my stomach." He took a deep breath to steady himself.

"You'll do fine, Len, don't worry." Hiccup patted his son-in-law reassuringly on the back. "All you have to do is recite a few words and kneel for the leadership symbol. It will be over before you know it."

"As long as I don't faint before it." Lennart's face was ashen.

"You won't faint," Audun interjected softly, throwing the man a friendly smile. "If you can speak in front of a council, then you can do this. But on the off chance that you do faint, which you won't-" he asserted, "-you'll have Ingrid on hand to help you out." He threw his girlfriend a tender smile, who flushed brightly at the compliment.

"I'm not a full healer yet, Audun," she said bashfully, reaching up to tuck a stray piece of hair behind her ear.

"It won't be long, though," Audun said proudly, wrapping a tender arm around the young woman's shoulders. "Then you'll be one of the best healers on Berk."

"Audun!" Ingrid playfully elbowed her boyfriend in the ribs with a giggle, causing him to grin sheepishly in response.

"Yeah, I'd rather not need a healer today, Ingrid-" Lennart chuckled, giving his sister-in-law a grateful glance. "Thanks anyway, though."

"You won't need a healer," Siri asserted firmly, placing a tender hand upon her husband's cheek. "You'll do just fine. Like dad said, it's just a few words and then the Chief symbol. Easy. And I'll be right there beside you."

"I wouldn't have it any other way," Lennart murmured. Covering her hand with his own, he glanced into Siri's bright azure eyes, causing her to flush brightly under her husband's tender glance.

"Urgh." Leif rolled his eyes at the scene in front of him. "Seriously, you two? We're right here, you know?"

Siri flicked him a narrowed glance. "How old are you? Two?"

"Yes," Kelda replied, flicking her husband a teasing grin.

"Gee, thanks for the support, Kelda," he deadpanned. "You remember that next time Arik screams the house down."

"Well, he had to have gotten it from somewhere," Kelda replied nonchalantly. "And Astrid has certainly told me some stories about you at this age to know it didn't come from me."

Leif flicked a glance towards his mother, currently in a battle with Torben into keeping his boots on. "I thought you were supposed to be on my side?" he asked, his lips turned down in a mock pout.

Astrid grinned. "Hey, she has a right to know what a terror you could be," she said. "And speaking of terrors…" She heaved a sigh as Torben wriggled away from her grasp. "Torben Stoick!" she exclaimed sternly. "Keep going and you won't see mummy become Chieftess, is that clear?" She threw her grandson a firm glance.

Torben stilled, his lip jutted out in a slight pout.

"Yes, Grammie."

"Sorry about that mum," Siri apologised, watching as her mother placed the boots onto the little boy's feet. "He's just a bit overexcited."

Astrid promptly waved off her daughter's concerns. "It's nothing I haven't seen before, sweetie, don't worry," she said, before smirking in triumph as the toddler was finally dressed. "Ah-ha! Knew we'd get there in the end."

"Does that mean it's time to go?" Kari asked, her eyes alight with excitement as she clung to Hiccup's arm nearby.

"Almost," Hiccup replied, smiling down at his granddaughter. "You see the sun, kaerr?" He pointed to the position of the bright orb outside the window. "Once that hits the middle of the sky, you'll know it's time to go."

Kari observed the sun thoughtfully. "So… very soon?" she guessed.

Hiccup nodded. "That's right," he said gently, placing his arm around her shoulders. "And by the end of the day, you will officially be the heir to Berk."

"Actually, speaking of that, dad," Siri interjected, causing Hiccup to turn his attention towards her. "What are you and mum going to do now that you've got the freedom? Is there anything you want to do?"

"Actually-" Astrid replied, her expression sheepish, "-we hadn't really thought about it."

"Really?" Siri's tone was surprised. "I would have thought that you'd be jumping at the chance to go exploring and add to your map or something."

"Yeah, well, as much as I love the sound of that, Seer, we can't just up and leave," Hiccup said softly, flicking a tender glance towards his three grandchildren, all piled around an exasperated looking Toothless, who, despite his annoyance, was willingly accepting the kids affections. "We may not be leaders after today, but we still have responsibilities. Helping you out, the kids… and don't forget that Ingrid is still at home, too." He looked over at his youngest child.

"You don't have to worry about me, dad," Ingrid said gently, throwing her father a sweet smile. "I'm not a little girl anymore. I'm sure a few nights on my own wouldn't be a problem. Besides, I have Audun if I want someone to talk too." She threw the young man a tender look.

"You don't have worry about Ingrid, sir," Audun said graciously, reaching down to take Ingrid's hand in his own. "I'll be with her. During the day, that is," he added quickly. "I… I wouldn't stay with her of course." The twenty-one-year old's face flushed darkly at the implication. "I-I'd just make sure she was alright."

"We know what you mean, Audun-" Astrid assured him kindly, "-and we're grateful for it. We couldn't ask for anyone better."

"Besides, if I do get lonely, I can always go over to someone's house," Ingrid pointed out. "Grandma… Siri… Leif… Idony…"

"Speaking of Valka." Astrid turned her attention towards Hiccup. "Did she say what time she was going to meet us there?"

Hiccup nodded. "She said she'd be there just before it starts, regardless of…" Hiccup swallowed thickly. "Regardless if she can get Gobber there or not."

"How is he going?" Siri asked softly, her stomach clenching tightly at the thought of the ailing blacksmith. "Is he eating again?"

Hiccup shook his head sadly. "Not really," he murmured, his voice hoarse. "Mum said he hasn't eaten much in days now. She's going to try and get him to the ceremony today, but… but she isn't sure he'll be able to make it up those stairs."

Astrid placed a tender hand on her husband's shoulder. "If he doesn't make it, we'll go and see him afterwards," she said, pressing a light kiss to her husband's cheek. "I'm sure it'll help."

Hiccup sighed. "Yeah… I know." He took a deep breath. "But either way, I'm pretty sure he wouldn't want Siri late for her own ceremony." He turned towards Siri. "Are you ready?"

Siri nodded. "As I'll ever be."

"Then let's get going," Astrid said, hauling Torben up into her arms as she spoke. "Most of the village are probably already there."

"Here, mum," Ingrid said, reaching out her arms for the toddler. "I'll take Torben. You walk with dad."

Astrid smiled. "Thanks, Ingrid," she said gratefully, passing the restless two-year-old over to his Aunty. "Just remember to sit him with Anna and Snotlout when you get there, though," she reminded her. "They'll make sure he and Kari behave."

"I won't talk, Grandma," Kari said firmly. "I promise."

Astrid chuckled. "I know you won't, sweetie," she said, running a hand through her granddaughter's dark brown locks. "I was just saying."

"Come on, we better get going," Leif said, casting a nervous glance towards the window. "It's almost midday."

"Well, I guess this is it," Hiccup said, glancing back at his wife with an apprehensive smile. "Within the next hour, we'll no longer be Berk's Chief and Chieftainess."

Astrid grinned. "Feeling sentimental, are we?"

He snorted. "Hardly. It's just been a long time, that's all. It's going to be weird not having to deal with everybody else's problems."

"Don't get your hopes up," Astrid chuckled, linking her arm through her husband's as they walked out the door. "I bet you anything they'll still do it for a while."

"Maybe we should take up Siri's suggestion to go exploring after all, huh?" Hiccup grinned.

"Well, I don't see why you can't," Siri said, listening in to the conversation. "You guys deserve to have a break after thirty years. It's time you had some time to yourselves."

"I guess we could always go and visit Atali, and the Defenders of the Wing and go from there," Hiccup suggested, brows furrowing in thought. "There's plenty of places out that way we never got to see." His eyes glazed over at the thought of adding to his long-neglected map.

Seeing her father's expression, Siri chuckled in amusement. "I know that look. Dad has a plan."

"I know that look, too," Astrid said lightly, squeezing her husband's arm to pull him from his reverie. "And in my experience it never ends well. Hiccup?" She waved a hand in front of her husband's eyes. "Babe, don't get too many crazy ideas. I don't want to be away for months on end."

"And we won't be," Hiccup assured her, glancing down at her with a soft smile. "Maybe it would have been the case back when we were younger, but we have a family now." He cast a sentimental gaze over his children and grandchildren. "No-" he murmured, shaking his head, "-short trips only now. The kids would never forgive us if we were away too long."

"Your leg wouldn't forgive you either," Astrid reminded him, gesturing to his wayward leg, which was currently giving its owner a more prominent limp than usual. "It's really giving you the run around these days."

"Tell me about it." Hiccup reached down to run a hand down the aching stump. "It's like it has a mind of its own these days." He winced as an unexpected pain shot up the limb.

Siri threw him a sympathetic smile. "Well, at least after today you don't have to go traipsing all over the island for no reason. You can give it a rest. And fly Toothless more," she added in afterthought, with a quick look towards the Night Fury, walking ahead of the extended family, seemingly in some sort of communication with Stormfly, Night Star and Scorch. Hearing his name, though, the dragon quickly glanced back towards his rider and throwing him a gummy smile.

Hiccup grinned. "You hear that, bud? We have a little more freedom after today."

Tongue hanging out in excitement, the Night Fury bounded over to his friend, a big gummy grin plastered on his face, before proceeding to swipe said tongue up the length of the Viking Chief's ceremonial tunic, much to his disgust.

"Oh! Toothless!" Hiccup's tone was exasperated as he wiped the dragon slobber off his shirt. "Not now!" He flicked the saliva off his hands. "You know, on second thought, I take that back." he grumbled, flicking an irritated glance towards his dragon friend. "You can stay here."

Siri laughed. "Oh, come on, dad," the thirty-year old grinned. "You and I both know that's a lie. You wouldn't go anywhere without your bud now, would you?" She threw her dad a teasing smile.

Hiccup glowered. "I don't what's worse," he mumbled. "Your mother or you sounding like your mother. You both think you have it all figured out."

Siri smirked. "Well, don't I?"

Hiccup heaved a sigh. "Yeah," he drawled, reaching down to run a hand along the Night Fury's smooth black scales. "I guess so."

"You do make it pretty obvious, sweetie," Astrid admitted, leaning forward to press a kiss to her husband's untouched cheek. "But that's just one of the reasons why I love you."

"Oh, really?" Hiccup's eyes twinkled mischievously. "And what are the other reasons?"

"Yeah… how about you two talk about that after the ceremony, okay?" Leif's face was screwed up in disgust at the public display of affection from his middle-aged parents. "Which… by the way, is supposed to be starting in around ten minutes." He jerked his head towards the sun.

"We're almost there," Kelda pointed out, effectively cutting of her husband's comment. "It's not like it'll take ten minutes to get up the stairs."

"Are you sure about that?" Lennart pointed towards the Great Hall, where a great number of Vikings were milling about outside the great oak doors, while many more were still clambering up the various amounts of stairs. "I say we have a packed house on our hands. Oh boy." The man's voice rose to a squeak at the thought.

"You'll be fine, daddy, don't worry," Kari said gently, clasping her father's hand in her own. "Just look at me if it makes you feel any better."

Lennart smiled. "That is an excellent idea, kaerr," the man replied, bending down to sweep a kiss to the little girl's cheek.

"Now we just have to hope that Snotlout and Anna got seats up the front," Hiccup chuckled as they made their way up the great stone steps.

"Don't worry, they did." The extended Haddock family glanced up at the sound of Brenna's voice, drifting back from the top of the stairs. "And they made sure that the rest of us kept our spots too. She grinned down at Siri as she climbed the final few steps to the top.

"How the heck did you manage to get here before me?" Siri asked incredulously, stepping forward into her friend's embrace as she made it to the top. "You're never on time for anything!"

"Hey, you try having three kids under six and I bet you'd never be on time for anything either," she grumbled, letting go of Siri to envelope Lennart and Kari into a hug. "But to answer your question, mum has them for today," she confessed. "I wasn't going to be late for my best friend's coronation, that's for sure."

"She isn't kidding, either," Hakon chuckled, throwing a quick glance towards his wife. "She was up at dawn getting the kids ready to go to their grandparents just so she could be ready."

"Hey, we're about to be the new council of Berk," Brenna reminded him firmly. "The last thing we need is to start off on the wrong foot."

"Eh, I wouldn't worry about it," Hiccup grinned. "Ruff and Tuff have been on the council for thirty years and they've never been on time for anything."

"Well, they're on time today," Oleg said, jerking his head towards the packed hall behind them. "They've been in here for the past half an hour."

"Well, there's a first time for everything," Hiccup said dryly. Looking past the small gathering of Vikings, he bit his lip uncertainly. "Is… is Gobber here?" he asked hopefully.

Hakon exchanged a sad smile with Brenna, before turning to Hiccup. He shook his head.

"I'm sorry, Hiccup," the man said gently. "I haven't seen him all morning. He… He wasn't doing too well yesterday, so he may not even make it."

"I haven't seen Valka yet either," Brenna confessed, seeing the questioning look in her Chief's eyes. "But I'm sure she'll be here soon."

"I know she will be," Hiccup said quietly. "Knowing her, she won't give up on Gobber until the last minute. Then she'll have to rush to get here."

"How long do you want to wait?" Astrid asked him, placing a comforting hand on her husband's shoulder.

Hiccup glanced over his shoulder at the village square, which was devoid of any Viking, adult or child, and gave a heavy sigh.

"As long as we can. After that we'll… we'll have to start without them."

"Let's just go in for now, though," Lennart suggested. "It looks like the place is packed."

Hakon nodded. "Has been for a while," he confessed, flicking a glance towards the swarm of Vikings inside. "They're ready to go when you are."

Lennart took a deep breath and glanced at his wife.

"Are you ready?"

"Whenever you are," she replied, reaching out to take hold of his trembling hand, before turning back to her children with a tender smile. "Now you two be good for Grandma and Grandpa, okay?" she said, bending down to sweep a kiss into her children's dark locks. "We'll see you after the ceremony."

Kari nodded solemnly. "Ok, mummy," she said. "Good luck. You too, daddy." She turned to her father with a bright smile. He returned it.

"Thanks, sweetie."

"Come on, guys," Leif said, reaching out a hand towards his niece and nephew. "I'll take you to Grandma and Grandpa." Upon entering the Great Hall, though, he promptly stopped and glanced back to his sister with a proud smile. "Good luck, guys."

Siri nodded to him. "Thanks, Leif."

"We'll see you later too, Siri," Ingrid said softly, leaning forward to press a kiss to her sister's cheek, then Lennart's. "Don't worry. It'll be fine."

"I hope so, for Lennart's sake."


Siri snorted. "I'm just kidding, Len."

"Well, on that note, let's go in before we have a riot on our hands," Hiccup said, ushering the remainder of the group inside. "We have to make sure everything is ready anyway. It's been a long time since a Chief has stepped down on his own accord."

"Who was the last one?" Lennart asked curiously, throwing a quick glance towards the wall of Chief's on the other side of the hall. "Hamish the second?"

"I think so," Hiccup said, brows furrowing thoughtfully. "Don't quote me on that, though. Fishlegs is the one who knows the most about our history."

"How does Thyri know what to do, then?" Eira asked shyly, speaking up for the first time. "Is it written down or something?"

Hiccup nodded. "It's in our town charter, but it hasn't been used for three hundred years. Elders are always taught what to do when they're sworn in, though."

Astrid glanced at her husband with a frown. "Why is it longer when a Chief steps down?" she asked. "I mean, all Gothi did with you was draw the symbol on your head. Why is this so different?"

"Because we had no Chief," Hiccup answered lightly, ignoring the lump that was forming in his throat. "According to the laws of Berk, if a Chief passes away while still presiding over his duties, the next in line is sworn in as quickly and easily as possible without fanfare to avoid problems." He grinned at Astrid's astonished look. "What?" he chuckled. "I've read the town charter too you know."

"Since when?" Astrid questioned, tone laced with amusement. "You never seem to remember it any other time."

"Oh, he's read it." Thyri's croaky voice interrupted the couple. She gave them a nod of acknowledgement as they turned their attention towards her. "Gothi made sure he read the whole thing back when he first became Chief, front to back. She explained that it was a loud and arduous process."

"I could imagine," Astrid said dryly.

"Have you ever read that thing?" Hiccup asked weakly. "It's drier than Toothless's scales!"

"I can agree with that," Siri interjected with a grin. "It's really boring. Although Lennart seems to enjoy it." She flicked a thumb towards her husband. He shrugged.

"I find the laws interesting."

"Hey, at least one of us does," Siri admitted. "Saves us from going back to it if we ever get stuck on something important. You've read it front to back several times."

"So have I," Thyri said, sighing heavily. "And I concur. It is extremely dry. Unfortunately, it is just one of the many records I had to read in the course of my elder training and which Hertha-" the elder referred to their elder-in-training, "-is currently reading."

"So you know what to do for all this?" Hiccup gestured to the crowded hall.

The elderly woman nodded. "It is a simple process," she said. "I am just to ask if Siri and Lennart are prepared for the act of leadership, then-"

Hiccup was no longer listening, with the elder's voice becoming an echo in his mind as he glanced around at the faces that he had overseen as Chief for over thirty years, as well as the people that were closest to him in his life. Those people, he noted joyfully, were seated in the very front row of the crowded hall, talking and laughing as they waited for the ceremony to begin. Hiccup's eyes roamed over them all. Leif, booming with laughter at a joke his wife was telling him, all the while struggling to hold onto a squirming Arik, eager to get to the dragons that were loitering on the other side of the hall. Ingrid, laying her head on Audun's shoulder, all the while listening intently as the young man spoke to her, his face lit up with happiness at the closeness of his girlfriend of sixteen months, all the while his arm was wrapped tenderly around the girl's shoulders. Snotlout and Anna sat beside them, with Anna struggling to keep two-year-old Torben in check as he desperately tried to reach his cousin to play, while Kari just eyed him in exasperation. Hiccup chuckled. His granddaughter was so much like Astrid in many ways, with a steely look in her eye reminiscent of the days when Astrid was set on being the best dragon killer on Berk. Sixteen-year old Rona sat beside her, deep in conversation with the little girl, which swiftly brought the six-year old's attention back to her. On Snotlout's other side sat Bjorn, leaning forward as best as he could to speak to Ingrid and Audun, while also keeping a hand firmly clasped around his girlfriend, Erica's, hand. Sigmund, Hiccup noticed with a chuckle, sat alone, with a sullen face redolent of someone who had just been dumped, which Hiccup noted was very likely the case. The twenty-six-year-old had never been one to hold a girlfriend, with his attitude being a turn off for most girl's. He wondered whether his friend would be stuck with that one forever. He was certainly going to be stuck with Rona forever. Especially if the man's overprotective nature towards interested boys didn't change. The poor teen had lost many an admirer that way and had still yet to land someone brave enough to try.

Hiccup's heart clenched tight as his gaze moved to the empty spot beside the family, intended for his mother and Gobber. While he had no doubt his mother would eventually show up, most likely at the last second, it was still up in the air as to whether his old mentor would be strong enough to attend himself. The aging blacksmith's health had been declining as of late, almost to the point that Hakon had taken over the forge in all but name, with Gobber, despite no longer doing the heavy duties, still stubbornly refusing to leave the young man alone in his precious smithy while he still drew breath. For all his stubbornness, though, it had been getting harder and harder to get the eighty-five-year-old to eat much more than a few morsels of late, with the once bulking Viking reduced to half of his former weight in a matter of months. His amputated limbs were also a problem, with the stumps causing the man debilitating pain, making lengthy walks a chore, with the Great Hall steps no exception. It had been months since the blacksmith had transcended the stairs and Hiccup wondered if the venture really was too much on his beloved mentor. Hopeful, the fifty-two year flicked his eyes towards the doorway again, where a few stragglers were making their way in, but still no sign of his mother or Gobber. He heaved a heavy sigh. Things were not looking up.

Determined to push all thoughts on the matter from his mind, Hiccup resumed his observation of the hall, where to his amusement he watched fifteen-year old Siggy talk in rapid speed to her father, her wild blonde hair coming lose from it's multitude of braids, all the while Fishlegs looked on perplexedly at his energetic daughter, who seemed blissfully unaware of her father's bewilderment. Noticing his friend's eyes on him, Fishlegs sent Hiccup an exasperated glance, causing him to grin in turn at his friend's predicament. Siggy had the energy of half a dozen Vikings, something neither Fishlegs nor Ruffnut had ever been able to keep up with. It was astounding to watch the teenager whirl through her chores in half the time the other teens did and then still have energy to spare. It was little wonder the girl was considering joining the Berk guard once she was of age. She'd run circles around the best recruit Hiccup imagined.

Ludovik on the other hand, though, was a different story. Where Siggy was athletic and wild, Hiccup watched as twenty-two-year-old Ludovik, currently sitting beside his mother, spoke enthusiastically to his new wife, Signe, who watched her husband with great interest despite the tedious topic, which judging by the snippets Hiccup was picking up every now and then, concerned past Chiefs. Yep, like father, like son. The fifty-two-year-old had to laugh as he watched the heavy-set young man's eyes light up as he spoke about a topic most people would baulk at.

Not everyone was sharing the young man's enthusiasm, though. While the young Ingerman droned on and on, Hiccup jumped as he heard Eric's exasperated tone cut through the conversation with a long drawn out moan, telling the man in no uncertain terms to shut up, earning him a swift cuff to the shoulder by his girlfriend, Tyra. Seeing this, Idony gave a whoop of satisfaction, giving the young woman a grin of satisfaction, which she cheerfully returned. Those two, as well as Annika, got along exceptional well and Tuffnut had often joked that this was probably because all three of them were redheads, a fact that Hiccup couldn't disagree with. The trio were a pair to be reckoned with and Hiccup only hoped that Eric knew what he was getting in for if the relationship continued, which judging by the affectionate gaze Eric was giving the young woman, was a definite. Tuffnut seemed to notice this, too, throwing his son a mischievous grin, turning Eric's cheeks into a brilliant shade of magenta, before he flicked his eyes away. Yep, typical Tuffnut.

"-iccup! Hiccup!" Astrid's curt voice suddenly cut through the haze of Hiccup's thoughts, startling him swiftly back to reality.

"Huh?" Hiccup jerked his head towards his wife. "Did you say something, Astrid?"

"I told you he wasn't listening," Siri chuckled, shaking her head in amusement. "He was miles away!" She waved a hand near her father's face. "Are you with us now, dad?"

Hiccup grinned. "I might be, but I don't think my brain is," he quipped, earning him a snort in reply.

"Well, whether it is or not, Thyri says we have to get started," Astrid said gently, reaching up to place a comforting hand upon her husband's shoulder. "She said we can't wait any longer."

"Are…are you sure?" Hiccup swallowed a lump that was forming in his throat.

Astrid gave him a sad smile. "We can't keep people waiting forever, Hiccup," she reminded him softly, running a hand through his thick auburn locks. "And if Gobber had been able to make it, he would have been here by now. You know that."

Hiccup sighed. "Yeah… I know," he said quietly. He flicked one last glance towards the door. "But… but what about mum?"

"She'll show up eventually," Lennart assured his father-in-law, reaching out to pat the man on the back. "I'm sure she won't miss too much. But you know as well as I do she wouldn't want us to hold off for too long. Not for her."

Hiccup nodded. As much as he hated to admit it, his wife and son-in-law were right. They were already several minutes behind and they couldn't hold it off any longer. Valka or no Valka, they had to start.

"Alright," Hiccup conceded. He glanced over at his daughter. "Are you ready?" he asked.

She nodded. "As I'll ever be," she admitted, her face betraying the nerves that she had obviously been trying to keep at bay.

"Don't worry," Hiccup said softly, reaching out his hand for hers. "You'll do just fine. You're more than ready."

Siri squeezed his hand in turn. "Thanks, dad."

Thyri glanced over at Hiccup. "Are we ready?" she asked patiently.

Hiccup nodded. "We're ready."

Taking her cue, the aging elder stepped forward, staff firmly in hand before slowly holding up her arms for silence, causing a ripple effect across the vast space with the front row becoming silent, swiftly followed by the other rows as a hushed silence fell over the rowdy Vikings. Satisfied that she had their attention, the elder slowly began to speak, her raspy voice carrying throughout the length of the hall.

"Today, we witness the dawning of a new era for Berk," she began. "While we have all lived under the guidance and care of our great Chief Hiccup, son of Stoick the Vast, for the past thirty-two years and celebrated a great era of peace and prosperity, it is now time to pass the torch over to our new Chieftess, the first in our great line of leaders." Thyri glanced over at Siri with a respectful nod. "Siri Astrid Jorgenson-Haddock, eldest child of Hiccup Horrendous Haddock the Third, are you willing to accept leadership today?"


"Wait, wait, wait!" Hiccup's heart jumped in his chest as he heard his mother's frantic voice. "Don't keep going! We're coming!"

Hiccup's face broke into a bright smile as he saw his mother come through the great oak doors, carefully guiding a frail, but eager looking Gobber, who, upon spotting Hiccup and Siri, quickly raised a hand in greeting.

"You didn't think I was gonna miss my girl's coronation, did ya?" he said gruffly, limping slowly towards the raised platform. "It just took me a little longer, that's all."

"Gobber." Tears pricked at the corners of Hiccup's eyes at the sight of his old mentor. "We… we didn't think you were going to come. Hang on…" He quickly glanced around for a chair, which Toothless swiftly produced, grabbing the wooden seat between his gums and placing it beside the elderly blacksmith with a gummy smile.

"Oh, I don't need that," he said stubbornly, waving a hand towards the offered chair. "I'm not that far gone, you know."

"Gobber." Astrid's voice was firm as she looked over at the elderly man. "Sit down."

"Urgh… fine," he muttered, lowering himself down upon the seat. "But only so we can get on with this. I mean, it's not everyday we get a Chieftess, is it?" He glanced over at Siri with a wink.

"How are you feeling, Gobber?" the young woman asked gently, bending down to envelope the man in a tight hug. "Are you feeling better?"

"Argh, I'm fit as a fiddle," he muttered, waving off the girl's concerns. "It's just this old body acting up is all."

Hiccup didn't have to see the elderly Viking to know this was a lie. Not only was the man a shadow of his former self, with dark circles ringing the man's eyes, but his voice was wheezy and hoarse. Despite all this, though, this was the most energetic Hiccup had seen his former mentor in months, with a spark twinkling in his weary eyes that made the Chief smile. Maybe, just maybe, there was hope for the old man after all. Only time would tell.

"Well, either way, we're just glad to see you, Gobber," Hiccup said cheerfully, stepping forward to clasp the man's good hand with his own. "It wouldn't have been the same without you."

"Yeah, well, it's not everyday you see a third Chief anointed in your lifetime, is it?" the man grinned. "I'm just glad to finally see the lass take over. Been a long time coming."

Hiccup smiled. "I guess it has," he said. Patting the man's hand, he quickly glanced over at his mother with a grateful smile. "Thanks for bringing me here, mum." He stepped forward to give the seventy-two-year-old a hug.

"Oh, it was nothing," the dragon woman said, shrugging the comment off. "Now, get my granddaughter anointed before I do it myself," she chuckled, stepping back from her son's hug. "She's been waiting long enough."

Hiccup chuckled, before glancing over at his daughter with teasing grin. "What do you say, Seer, do you think we should leave them hanging a little while longer?"

"Not unless you want a riot on your hands," Siri confessed, nodding towards the antsy crowd. "Let's get this done."

"Couldn't have said it better myself," Hiccup heard Snotlout mutter from the front row. "Let's get on with it already."

Hearing this, Thyri swiftly cleared her throat, and holding up her hands again for quiet, turned her attention back to Siri, who immediately froze in her place.

"As I was saying," Thyri began again. "Siri Astrid Jorgenson- Haddock, eldest child of Hiccup Horrendous Haddock the Third, are you willing to accept the oath of leadership today?"

"I am," Siri answered, her voice ringing loud and clear across the hall.

Thyri then turned to Lennart, who was standing beside Siri with a nervous expression.

"And what of you, Lennart Snotlout Jorgenson?" Thyri asked solemnly. "Are you also willing to accept the oath of leadership today, alongside your wife?"

Lennart swallowed nervously. "I… I am."

Thyri now turned to Hiccup and Astrid. "Do you accept these proceedings as they are?"

Hiccup and Astrid nodded. "We do."

"Then today is the beginning of a new era," the elder said, turning her attention back to the hushed crowd. "Hiccup and Astrid have accepted that their time as your leaders has come to an end, with Siri and Lennart stepping up in their place. Now, before everyone present, we shall anoint our new leaders and start the cycle anew."

"Siri Astrid Jorgenson-Haddock-" Thyri continued solemnly, turning her attention back to the thirty-year old, "-daughter of Chief Hiccup and Cheiftainess Astrid, do you promise to lead the people of Berk with understanding and respect, like all leaders before you?"

"I am," Siri replied, vaguely aware of her heart beating frantically against her chest.

"And do you promise, as Chieftess, to work with your fellow tribal leaders with cooperation, respect and maturity?"

"I do."

"And do you promise to do all in your power to uphold the traditions and customs of the Hooligan Tribe of Berk for as long as you are Chieftess, until such time these duties are no longer your own?"

"I will."

Thyri turned her glance upon Hiccup, who, understanding what was expected of him, swiftly reached up a shaking hand to his cape fastener, where, with trembling fingers, undone the thick Chief's cape around his neck, with a little help from Astrid, before gently placing it around his daughter's shoulders, clipping it up as he went. Blinking furiously at the tears prickling at the corners of his eyes, he stepped forward to press a gentle kiss to the woman's forehead.

"I'm so proud of you, baby," he whispered, causing Siri to smile brightly at him in reply, before he stepped back beside his wife, just as Thyri stepped forward once more.

"Please kneel," she instructed Siri, who, after a taking a deep breath to steady herself, slowly lowered herself onto one knee where the elder ran a finger through the dirt in the bowl beside her, before drawing the Chief's symbol upon the woman's head, then bowing in respect.

"Yay!" Hiccup winced as he heard his grandson's excitable voice ring out across the room. "Go mama!"

"Torben!" Anna hissed, throwing the two-year old a stern glance. "Hush!"

"It's not finished yet, Torben," Kari said irritably, patting the seat beside her so her brother could climb up next to her. "You have to be quiet just a little bit longer."

Seeing that the attention was now on him, the toddler broke into a sheepish smile.


"It's okay, buddy," Snotlout assured his grandson quietly, wary of the many eyes watching them. "Now's just not the time, okay?"

The little boy nodded. "Otay."

"Is he right now, Snotlout?" Hiccup asked, observing his grandson's restless movements as Kari handed him the old dragon doll, which had once belonged to their mother. "Do you need to take him out?"

The man shook his head. "We're good."

Thyri chuckled. "Right," she said, shaking her head in amusement, "-now that that is taken care of, we can continue." Clearing her throat, she now turned to Lennart, whose face quickly turned from amused to frightened in a fraction of a second as the old woman's eyes fell on him.

"Lennart Snotlout Jorgenson-Haddock, son of Snotlout and Anna Jorgenson, do you promise, as consort to the Chieftess of Berk, to lead the people of Berk with understanding and respect, like all leaders before you?"

Lennart swallowed nervously. "I do."

"And do you promise, as consort, to work alongside your wife to ensure the best outcomes with your fellow tribal leaders in cooperation, respect and maturity?"

He nodded. "I will."

"And do you promise, in all your powers as consort, to uphold the laws and customs of the Hooligan Tribe of Berk, for as long as you remain in your position?"

"I will."

Knowing what was next, Astrid stepped forward before the elder even turned to her, unfastening her white consort cape from her shoulders with steadier fingers than her husband's, before carefully attaching it to her son-in-law's shoulders with a smile, before stepping back beside her husband, tears pricking the corners of her eyes.

"Please kneel," Thyri instructed the man, brandishing her staff in demonstration.

Hiccup watched as his son-in-law stooped to the ground, his legs trembling, before the elder stepped forward to place the Chief's symbol upon the man's forehead, her stiff fingers manoeuvring upwards, around, then back down as she drew the symbol for the second time in as many minutes, before stepping back with a bow of respect. It was done.

"People of Berk-" Thyri exclaimed, raising her voice to be heard throughout the hall, "-may I present your new leaders, Chief Lennart and Chieftess Siri of Berk. Long live the Chieftess!" she pronounced passionately, jerking her staff high above her head.

"Long live the Chieftess!" the room echoed back.

"Long live the Chieftess!" Gobber cried exuberantly, all traces of illness temporarily forgotten.

"Long live the Chieftess!" Leif yelled, punching the air proudly, his voice louder than anyone else in the front row, a difficult feat considering Torben and Arik's squealing voices, as well as the dragons, with Toothless, Stormfly, Night Star and Scorch roaring louder than any other in the hall.

Blinking back tears, Hiccup felt Astrid's hands squeeze around his, causing her to turn and meet her gaze. Her azure eyes were sparkling with unshed tears, but the smile on her face said it all. Understanding, Hiccup nodded, returning his wife's smile, before bringing her closer and pressing a chaste kiss to her forehead. Their job was over. It was time for a new generation.

The roar of the crowd brought the couple back to the present and turning their attention towards the new leaders, Hiccup and Astrid met each other's eyes, before adding their voices to the crowd, louder and prouder than anyone so far.

"Long live the leaders! Long live the Chieftess!"

"Long live the Chieftess!"

"Long live the Chieftess!"


The beginning of Siri's reign as Chieftess was met with many bumps, with the thirty-year old finding full time Chiefing a lot harder than she first expected. With everyone's eyes on her, every slip up was met with harsh critiques and whispering lips, driving Siri to prove herself more than she ever had before. Eventually, though, her first real test came just after Snoggletog, when, after a temporary improvement, Gobber had passed away in his sleep, leaving the village to mourn greatly for the loss of their beloved blacksmith. The eighty-five-year-old had been stubborn right up until his final days, with the crippled smithy having limped into work to keep an eye on Hakon only the day before his passing, making the discovery the next day, by none other than Hakon himself, all the harder. Having known the man her whole life, Siri plunged into her work to dedicate a memorial to the Viking who had touched so many lives, earning her the respect and admiration of her hard-won tribe. Her father, having viewed Gobber as a second father was the hardest to console, but even he viewed his daughter's work in awe as she dedicated a statue to the Viking alongside his old friend, Stoick, in the town square. A fitting place, her father had said jokingly, as the pair were probably now driving each other crazy in Valhalla. Either way, it was a fitting tribute and once the time for mourning was over, Hakon picked up his mentor's tools and began to work, taking over the smithy as the old Viking had wanted.

Leif and Kelda eventually took over the dragon academy with Fishlegs taking a step back into a supportive position, while Valka retired after having one too many near misses with some of the wild dragons as she grew older. The pair's thirst for knowledge and inquisitive natures made them perfect for the role, with many a child being educated on the different species of dragon over the years, including their own children, with Arik gaining a sister, Sassa Kelda, and a brother, Even Hiccup, in the following years. Where Arik was wild and rowdy, his younger siblings were the complete opposite, with Sassa being highly enthusiastic about literally everything that came in her path that Leif deemed her the 'the female version of Fishlegs'. Highly intelligent, the girl had even learnt to recognise her letters before she was five years old, making for some interesting conversations within the household when she would spring up a conversation of whatever was on her mind, ranging from science to art, a task that Leif and Kelda were more than ready to accept for their blonde-haired daughter. Even, on the other hand, was completely different again, with the auburn-haired boy always finding joy in something, leading to an almost continuous smile on the little boy's freckled face. A face, that if people weren't careful, often got mistaken for a younger Hiccup, causing people to do a double take every time they saw the small boy giggle or play with the Terrible Terrors with a look of pure delight upon his face. There were even times that Astrid had to do a double take when she looked into her grandson's face, the resemblance that was that uncanny. Only time would tell if the resemblance remained.

Ingrid finally came into her own as a healer. Having been shy and timid all her life, the youngest Haddock child had found her calling helping people, with the woman becoming one of the most talented healers Lagetha had come to train. With gentle hands, Ingrid worked her way through her patients with all the empathy she had possessed throughout her young life, culminating in her immense popularity. Nothing bothered her, whether it was blood or infection or even bone breaks, she did them all without a second thought. The young woman found further happiness, when after four years of courting, she and Audun finally married, with a daughter, Lilja Ingrid, arriving a few years later. The couple had tried for more, but without luck, with the pair eventually finding out that they were no longer able to have anymore after a somewhat difficult labour, reminiscent of her own birth a few decades before. They never dwelled on it, though, with the pair always finding something to keep them busy, with Ingrid often being out on a call and Audun helping his parents, and later his older siblings, with the family yak farm, often taking Lilja with him, while at other times she would be with Ingrid or Hiccup, with the girl having taken an immense interest in her grandfather's former inventions. From a young age, Lilja never had the shy characteristics that defined her parents, being inquisitive and open about her love of mechanics, with the little girl designing her own tail fin for Toothless at the age of ten years old to help the aging Night Fury in his duties. Stunned with his granddaughter's work, Hiccup had asked Hakon to take her on as an apprentice at the forge, a chance she had leapt at with the girl taking in everything that could be possibly be taught to a child. Both her parents and grandparents hoped to one day see the young girl take over the forge, a sight they believed would be hilarious to an outsider. Now, if only they convince Lilja.

Hiccup and Astrid resumed work on his map. Now free of the duties that had consumed their lives for over thirty years, the couple took every chance they could to add to the already vast record, sometimes spending up to a week at a time exploring. Having never lost his love of adventure, Hiccup leapt at every chance he could to fly further than he ever had before, cultivating in several unchartered lands, new allies and a couple of new dragons. With their thirst for adventure rekindled, the rest of the gang also began to tag along, documenting their own experiences to their family whenever they were home. After a while, though, these trips became less and less with the pull of family too strong to ignore.

Siri and Lennart ended up having no more children after Kari and Torben, with their duties at home and the tribe taking up more than enough time. While Siri was out patrolling the village, Lennart would often stay at home, tutoring Kari and keeping Torben out of mischief, only joining his wife for council meetings or major village issues. Whenever he was out, though, Hiccup and Astrid would often be found babysitting during their long stints at home, making up games to play with a rambunctious Torben, often to the expense of Toothless, who had seen more than his fair share of tails being mangled by the little boy's curious hands or going flying with an inquisitive Kari, who Hiccup often described as an 'old soul.' When the little girl wasn't rescuing Toothless from her curious little brother, she was questioning and listening to everything her parents or grandparents told her, with an attention span that of a child twice her age. A fine quality in a future Chieftess, Astrid had said, given that the girl had more focus and patience than anyone that had come before her which only became more prevalent as the girl got older.

Toothless, too, enjoyed the little girl's company, and when he and Stormfly weren't out trying to keep the peace with the other dragons, he was with her, with the dragon forming a close bond with the child that was almost as close as the one he had with Hiccup. Almost. Out of everyone, the Night Fury would still prefer to spend time with his favourite human, occasionally letting Night Star and Scorch assist in the duties of keeping the other dragons in line while he flew out to other islands, often for hours at a time. Stepping down from his duties as Chief had reaffirmed the bond the duo shared and had only strengthened as the years went on. A bond that started many years before and would only continue in years to come.

This is Berk. The most peaceful isle on this side of the Archipelago. While other Viking tribes have numerous enemies and short life spans, we have harmony. We've had our trials and tribulations, but we stand firm. Our enemies may still be out there, but we live our lives to the full. Our home has expanded and our lives are long. Our tribe is ruled by a Chieftess, the first in our four-hundred-year history, my daughter, Siri, granddaughter of Stoick the Vast. My wife is our General, the peace-keeper if you will, a strong woman of almost sixty who could take down our enemies with a single stroke if she willed it. My family is at the heart of everything I do. My best friend is a Night Fury who also happens to be the alpha. I may be growing older, but our tribe remains, growing stronger and wiser with every leader we gain. My name is Hiccup Horrendous Haddock the Third and I am a Haddock. Our line is Haddocks. We are the Haddocks. We are the Hooligan Tribe.

First of all, I'd like to thank EVERYBODY who has read, favourited, followed and reviewed this story over the past five years, whether you've read it from the beginning or just found me recently, you have all been amazing. Honestly, when I first began this story, which only happened after a lot of encouragement, the most I ever expected was a few dozen loyal followers and 30 to 40 chapters at most, so to be here today, with over 72 chapters and well over 400 followers and favourites five years later is incredible. I'd also like to thank everyone who has helped me out in some way over the years, you know who you all are, as without your help, this story wouldn't be the way it is today. Your support has meant the world to me and I couldn't have chosen a better bunch of readers. Thank you all so much.

There has been a lot of changes over the course of the story as well, mainly due to people's input, which has been the most fun part of the process, but did you know there was one huge change hardly anyone knew about?

It was Lennart. Yep, our sweet and kind Jorgenson was actually the biggest change to occur throughout the series. Did you know that originally it was Lennart that was supposed to be the Gerold like figure and Gerold was the one who came in and helped Siri out? Yep. Way back in the early stages, Len was supposed to have an obnoxious streak that got nastier and nastier as he grew older, coming to a head after he and Siri started dating where Gerold, who was similar to Audun at this point and had been observing the girl he liked from a distance for a while, came in to help her break away from the toxic relationship, causing her to sever times with Len for good. It was only after I started developing Len's sweet and gentle side that I realised there was no way I could do this realistically or in a way that wouldn't break MY heart as he was fast becoming my favourite character and the friendship between them was so lovely. So, I switched the two guys around and never looked back since. Gerold never got to the level I intended, though, and that nasty streak was later used for Ake. Actually, a lot of Siri's boy troubles and plots I reused for Ingrid. It just seemed to work better for her. These days, though, it's so hard to imagine Len like this and although there have been plenty of other little changes, this was the biggest of the lot and one I wanted to share.

Ok, so, I'll admit it. That final closing monologue, which came to me right at the end of writing actually made me slightly emotional. After five years of writing, this story has come to an end, and, despite how hard it's been, it's been such a rewarding experience to have gotten it finally finished. I always planned to have this story end with Siri taking over as Chieftess and start over with a new generation (hence the chapter name) and I'm glad that worked out like I planned. Fun fact, this chapter actually takes place on the same day this story began thirty years later! And yes, that was also planned from the beginning! Also, just so you know, Ingrid's daughter, Lilja. Her name is pronounced 'Lil-ya', not 'ja' which it seems to be said as. It's a lesser known Nordic name meaning 'flower' apparently, one that my boyfriend actually found for me and he explained to me how to say it.

Ok, a few quick things about this chapter. I know a lot of you would have seen HTTYD 3 by now (if you haven't, SPOILERS!) and are probably confused by the Chieftess vs Cheiftainess thing. Well, so as not to confuse a Chieftess or Chief's consort, I call Astrid the Chieftainess, and the born leader, Chieftess. I know in the movie they call Astrid, Chieftess, after she marries Hiccup, but unfortunately, by this time, I'd already established my own naming system so had to stick with what I had. So, therefore in here, Astrid, being consort, is called one thing and Siri, being the ruler in her own right is called another. Yet, Lennart is still called Chief. Yeah, I know, it's confusing. Sorry about that guys!

Also, guys, I'm so sorry for the whole Gobber subplot in this chapter. If you'd be reading closely in the past few chapters, you would have known it was coming, but you probably weren't expecting him to be as ill as this in this chapter. But he was 85 by this point in time and this is mainly the reason why I left him alive and well throughout the story so he could make it to the end. But he went out as stubborn as always and I was fairly happy with that. I also added in the whole bit with Hiccup observing people so we could see all the other character's one last time in a way that wasn't forced because they were all there and standing by Siri and Len. Plus, it's just like Hiccup to zone out right as something major is about to happen!

Ok, so, before you all finish the authors notes and leave, for the last time for this story I kindly ask, PLEASE DON'T FORGET TO REVIEW! As always, though, NO FLAMES WILL BE TOLERATED, although, KIND, constructive criticism will always be accepted. To everyone who has ever left me a review, especially a select few who seemed to always do it, I'd like to say thank you. Getting feedback is the highlight of this hobby and it's always fun to read them.

Now, if you have ANY questions at all, about anything, like the story, my writing process, my favourite chapters, etc, just ask them. I will reply via PM for a member and answer them on my profile for a guest or in the deleted scenes chapter if people want them. Also PM or review whether or not you'd like to see any of the old deleted scenes I've kept or the extensive timeline/extra info I've kept of the story. If so, I'll post deleted scenes as a separate chapter. Character timeline has now gone up on my profile.

A/N: One last thing. Does anyone read my prequel series to this story, 'The Early Days?' I mean, it's been awhile since I updated it and it hasn't got the biggest following so far, but would people like to go to it now that that this is completed? Just let me know. I'd like to continue it, but I'm not sure if many people are reading it. Just tell me :)