Here it is, chapter 4, it explaisn some of the mysterios of the Travelers and the intro of a certain blonde nun (love the blonde nun), I think that the second Arc migth have something like Greek Mythos or Celtic Mythos, maybe something to put a certain Necro Blonde girl.

Also the Semi-Redemption of two girls. Hope you like it.

Chapter 4

Kamijou Touma learned one thing from the hell of the Black World, he learned how to truly fight, most of his fighting style was taken from movies and his experiences from the thugs, until the Black World.

Kamijou Touma was on the level of a Kung Fu master, a mixed martial artist and a UFC fighter, Kamijou Touma was a dangerous man, with the heart of a puppy and the mind of an old man.

Kicking the ground he dashed towards Hel, using the cold dust as cover



He hit the target, Hel took a step back, but it was enough time for Touma to get close and start his counter attack.

In one of the many worlds he was the Captain of the Box Club that died at the hands of a jealous girl who saw him dating a black haired girl, needless to say that Hel didn´t stand a chance

"Left, right, left, right, left, thorax" Touma didn´t had the knowledge of a magician, but he had the knowledge of a true fighter, that was enough.

It looked like one of the many fighting games; Hel could only block but that wasn´t enough as Touma kicked her on the leg making the magician to fall on her knees.

"…Sorry…" Kamijou Touma raised his left arm and punched the magician on the face.

Looking back he saw Othinus as she wlaked towards the shore that was fusing itself with

Thor had his own problem, Fefnir didn´t backed down, the young boy proved to be a formidable opponent even for his current state.

"Fang after Fang, it´s that the only thing you can do?" asked Thor getting annoyed that he couldn´t get close to him.

"This is not your battle Thor!" screamed Fefnir as he landed on the ice.

"I know, but that guy has decided to save Othinus from the fate of Death, if what he does is worth something then I will help him!" punching the ice he split the land in two, with him, Hel and Fefnir on one siede and Touma and Othinus in another.

"Well meet again Kamijou Touma!" screamed Touma as he ran towards Fefnir and Hel.


Othinus faced her sins in the shape of a group of priestess wearing red coats along with leather clothes, running towards her most of them conjured spells, mosto of them explosions and ligthing.; among them a little girl who looked to be 13 was slowing her pace.

Sasha Kruezhev stopped on her track while looking to the sand that was fusing with the Ice that the Magician, Hel; had created.

"Discussion: Kamijou Touma the Imagine Breaker User holds the spirit of justice on him, yet he´s helping a fugitive of the magic side escape, a magician who as Ollerus said, broke his wrist in their first meeting."

Looking at the "Magic God" she saw Touma knocking out a magician and running towards her.

"Discussion: Reason for protection unknown…" Sasha walked towards the pair of Travelers with her hammer on hand.

Touma recognized the little girl and put herself in front of Othinus as the first wave of Priestess approached the pair.

Touma acted as a barrier for every spell that they started throwing at them; meanwhile Othinus used her explosions to throw people away.

"SASHA!" screamed Touma.

The little girl stopped at her track hearing her name and


Academy City

Misaka WORST smiled at the pig tailed girl in front of her.

"Look Onee-tama, this girl has more balls than you, what happened to all your affection for him in Hawaii?" said WORST while smiling.

"AHHHHH!" screaming Mikoto pushed Kuroko and tackled the older girl. Or at least she tried too.

"Look at yourself Onee-tama, even Kuro-nyan, Kinuhata-chan and 10032 could beat you in your current state" laughed the girl. Mikoto looked at Saten and Uiharu, both of them looked confused.

"You are not worth of the Rank #3, I wonder, what would your clones think, the dead I mean… one boy sacrificed his life in order to protect yours and the lives of the remaining 10000 sister and when he asks for your help you turn around and attack him… you really are… despicable, I like that, but coming from you is… gross"

With her own hands WORST pulled up Mikoto from the sweater and threw her to the ground.

"Sorry Onee-tama, I don't have special feelings for the "Savior" but one of the sisters told me to pass the message, now in a personal note" WORST looked at the girl and frowned "Where is your real strength?" with those words WORST left the store.

"Mi-Misaka-san?" asked Saten approaching the girl on the floor, Misaka laid on the ground taking a fetal position covering her ears and…

"HYAAAAAAAAA!" screamed Misaka as all the feeling inside her exploded.

A Certain Apartment on 7 Floor

Index laid on "her" bed with open eyes, the words than Hyouka had said broke the poor librarian.

Tears came out from her eyes memories of her time with the boy came back to haunt her.

The cat could only watch at the fragile figure of the girl who seemd to be destroying every moment she thought of him.

"Touma Touma, I´m hungry I want to eat something"

"Okay okay, tell me Index-hime, what do you want to eat?" asked Touma to the girl as he finished cleaning the plates.

"Ah let´s go eat outside let´s go to the-"

"Denied!" said Touma crossing his arms "This Kamijou Touma is not capable of fulfilling that wish tha you want Index, think of our money too!"

Index felt her heart being stabbed; all those days of happiness were taking away by one single girl.

"She took him away from me…"


Tsuchimikado Maika looked at the pitiful figure of Index who could only raise her eyes to look at her.

"Look at you… where was your admiration for Kamijou-san?"


"Even now, Kamijou-san hasn´t changed at all, you see that boy has always put the wellbeing of others before him" continued Maika as she walked inside the room "Hasn´t he always sacrificed his time to be with you?" Index listened to the words of the maid.

"Touma… he"

"He´s fighting to save a girl from a fate worse than death, I don´t understand his reason to do it, but if Kamijou-san believes that he is doing good then he has the full support of this maid" said Maika punching her chest with proud "I know my brother would do the same for him, even betraying those that have him chained"


"He thinks I don´t know but I´m her sister, I know everything about him" with those words she left not before looking one last time at Index "Think, what has Kamijou-san done for you?"

With those words the maid in training left.

Index took a moment and...

"He... saved me..." tears came out from his eyes "What have I done..."

Komoe´s Apartment

"BUAAAAAAA" cried a petite girl with pink hair on her room, at her side beer cans and cigarettes tails, around her books and files about ESP powers, she was an incredible figure in the area of AIM themes, but now she was nothing more than a little girl crying for her student.

"Ah… Sensei?" asked her current roommate, a girl with pig tailed red hair looked at her with pity, Musujime Awaki, an Ex-member of GROUP, and a Level 4 with the ability Move Point.

"BUAAAA KAMIJOU-CHAN won´t be able to graduate if he keeps getting in trouble!" said the small girl throwing a tantrum

"Really it´s that what you have to say?" thought Musujime as she drank form her tea, eyeing the Tv she saw the picture of a spike haired boy. "So that´s the kind of world that you are mmm"

Apartment of Seiri and Aisa

From the friends of Kamijou Touma, Himegami Aisa was the most shocked at his decision, but somehow she accepted it.

She knew very well that the decision of the boy was the right one. A long time ago when she traveled with Aureolus Izzard the term Magic God was within the options to save the nun, but that was only a speculation, in the present this Magic God became the enemy of the world and now she was being chased, along with the boy that she admired.

But her friend was another story.

"I can´t believe that Kamijou would betray the city" said the girl while eating a plate of rice with soy sauce on it "If it were for me I would sent some members of Academy City and bring him back"

"For what?" said HImegami in her quiet voice, she was curious as to why her friend turned like this, after she had asked for information on him to send the Anti-Skill and retrieve him she was being tackled by one of their senpais, something mysterious since they didn´seem to have the relationship of friendship, maybe it was something else.

"For justice of course!" said Fukiyose leaving the plate on the table.

"You…" something was wrong, thougth HImegami, the relationship between Touma and Fukiyose was something like the responsible student vs the lazy student, but her current actions were not usual on her.


"You are a liar"


"You are worried about Kamijou, that´s why you are like this?" smiled Himegami at the reaction of her friend

"I´m not worried about that idiot!" slamming her hands on the table while blushing, her face red as a tomato.

"See…" said Himegami winning the argument and smiling "Kamijou it´s always like that, I never joke when I said that he is always busy" Himegami took a deep breath and continued "Did you know about the event of the Misawa Cram school?"

"Yea what about it?"

"They abused me, doing test on my blood and… well you can guess what else"

"Himegami you?"

"They didn´t abuse me in a sexual way if that´s what you're thinking, but my blood was very interesting for them, that night, Kamijou and a Priest with red hair went to rescue the nun, there was a very powerful person there, sadly they were on different sides, in the battle I used my body to shield Kamijou from an Attack, after that I lost consciousness, the only thing I remember was a laugh and a roar"

Fukiyose kept quiet trying to digest the information.

"Kamijou, is always getting himself in problems, there was the Daihesai and there was the Ichihanaran" said Fukiyose "I just want everyone in our class to graduate togheter..."llll

On her memory she saw Touma talking with a girl with short brown hair, I touched a pole and my mind went black, I could only hear him screaming my name, I…"

"He was worried; even now you are still his friend"

HImegami walked towards her friend and hugged her.

"What I´m trying to say is, believe in Kamijou, if he has a reason to save someone then is a good reason"

"… I admit it, I´m worried about Kamijou, I… I don´t know what happened to me in school, maybe I was angry…"

"You´ve fallen for him"

"WHAT!" screamed Fukiyose blushing

"You should be careful; you have entered the Normal Girl Route B"

"Route B?!"

"Yes, I´m route A"

"ARGHHHHH" screamed Fukiyose while holding her head "I knew it, as soon as Kamijou returns I will kill him!"

Himegami smiled, there was hope even now.


Kamijou Touma clashed against the priests, he punched one in the face and sent him flying crashing with another two.

Turning around he kicked the face of one of them and grabbed him by coat throwing him towards Othinus who using a metal sick punched him like a baseball.

Sasha looked at them, their teamwork was incredible, there was no need from words.


"Sasha-san, please, I know we really haven't talked to much considering our past introductions and I know you don´t have a reason to believe in me but please, trust me, Othinus isn´t bad, she´s changed, I know she must repent for what she did but we can kill her because of that!" screamed the boy while catching another priest with his hands.

Sashas stood there watching his actions, maybe he was right, there was no need for more blood, punishment was enough.

"Answer, you would need to take away her Magic Force, can you do that?" asked Sasha.

Othinus flinched, something that caugth the attention of the Traveler

"You know of a way?" asked the boy catching another priest and punching him on the jaw.

Othinus looked away before finally releasing a long sigh.

"A long time ago, I took my right eye on the Well of Mimir" said Othinus as she looked at the north.

"Question: Like the legend?" asked Sasha not moving from her position, priest passed by her side, moving towards the fugitives.

"It wasn´t a legend Sasha, ah sorry I can´t say very well your last name, anyway Othinus is well... how do I explain it"

"Question: You don´t believe that she is a real God, the title of Magic God is just that, a title"

"No, Othinus is the god of the legend, she was never using Idol Theory, it´s just that legend isn´t always correct" explained Touma as some of the priest got up again sighing he made a sign to Othinus who just nodded closing her eye she created an explosion around them.

Sasha didn´t care about them, she was most interested in both the Magic God and the Esper.

Her real target was Othinus, but now she didn´t knew what to do.

"Question: Do you believe that you can make everyone happy? Do you really believe that such ending is possible?"

"Yes" answered the boy.

"Answer: I see, then I will help you, but" pointing her saw at Othinus she glared at her behind her bangs "If you betray him I will personally kill you" with those words the trio left.

"So where is this Well of Mimir?" asked Touma as the trio left the beach.




One of the priests saw her captain running and reached for a little piece of paper, taking it into his mouth he swallowed it and his connection begun.

A magical artifact created by Anihilatus in wich the paper read the mental information of the user and sent it towards the leader of the group.

Unkown to them Leivina Birdway and Leesar watched from afar.

"You know... I don´t care about that Magic God, she´s still a danger but my real target is Kamijou-san, If I can lure him to help England it would help our country alot" said Leesar as she used a pair of binoculars to spy on the Esper, as she said those words she licked her lips.

"I know what you really want of him, you and I are here for different reasons"

"You are not tricking anyone boss" said Mark Space from behind them "You are just worried about him"

Lessar smiled looking at the blonde who was blushing like a big tomato.

"I understand Mark, what you want me to do is kill you here rigth?"

Anihilatus HQ

"I see… Sasha betrayed us" said Vasilisa as she watched a white piece of paper that had the words "Captain Rogue"

The superior of Sasha looked at the sky and smiled "Good job Sasha-chan"

Academy City

In Yomikawa´s apartment a certain white haired boy slept on his sofa.




"Ah fuck this" saying those words he got up and

Accelerator the #1 Esper opened his cellphone.

"Who the fuck is this?, Before you answer let me remind you that you woke me up from my daily nap and…. Hamazura?"

"Yea, I saw him on the news"

"He must have a reason, if he asks for help I will answer"

"Yea… me too"

"Think we can?"

"Hmp let´s wait for a while and check what he does"

Tokyo Airport

Shokuhou Misaki walked through the airport, she was wearing a normal outfit, a red skirt with a black sweater, her white thigh-highs and white gloves were still there.

"Now If I were to look for a black haired gentleman on the run with a criminal with him where would be the first place to look?" said the girl putting a finger to her lips.


Some notes, I´m putting the term traveler as traveler there´s a reason for this.