Author's Note.

Sorry, guys. This isn't an update. Now before you guys start a riot-tomato flies through the air-I have a perfectly reasonable explanati-carrot whizzes past my head-

I'm sorry! D: My brother killed Bunny-sempai and I had to wait to get a new one. AND to make matters worse it didn't have Microsoft Office on it, so I had to wait again to get enough money to buy it. Now that I have my new baby, Jay-Jay and once again have Microsoft, you should be seeing my face more.


With school and now work I don't know if I'll have enough time to write; but I am glad that I kept a copy of all my Word Documents on seven flash drives, because I had a feeling that my Godzilla of a brother would rampage. How right I was. So I hope to have something new, or old, pop out your way by the end of this week or the end of next week. So please be patient. I hope you haven't forgotten about me! :C I would be heartbroken.

I love you all and hope we can continue our whacky online friendship! Muah!

Bye du killar! Jag älskar dig så så mycket !