Alright. I got bored and wrote this. It's okay. Not my best, but, I'll probably write a few more occasionally. If you guys feel like I'm an okayish enough writer you can totally send me prompts. Here or on tumblr. Either or.

Anyway, have a wonderful day you beautiful readers.

Looking in the mirror, Stiles fixed his hair, straightened his tie, and smiled. "Scott!" He called. "I'm taking Lydia out, so, don't wait up." He walked into the hall, picked his keys up and walked out the door, as Scott hollered a reply. Stiles threw his keys up and caught them as he walked down the apartment steps. Soon he was in his beloved jeep, driving down the the road.

Stiles had entered his junior year of college, studying Criminal Justice, and Lydia would be graduating in Mathematics later that year. They didn't go out as much as Stiles would have liked. Most nights they'd end up in Stiles' and Scott's apartment having study parties and eating take out or pizza. But, tonight they were going out. Tonight was their anniversary, and Stiles was not going to study on their anniversary. He pulled up to Lydia's apartment and jumped out of the car. He ran up the two flights of stairs to Lydia's apartment. He knocked, and put on the best smolder he could. The door opened "Hey, hot stuff, I was-" he stopped abruptly when he realized Lydia's roommate had opened the door. "Uh, hi." He smiled awkwardly.

"Lydia!" Her roommate called, rolling her eyes.

"Yeah yeah, I'm coming." She said coming out of her room.

Stiles tried to look cool once again, "Hey hot stu-"

"I heard you from my room." She said patting his chest as she walked out the door.

"You-you did? Ah, yeah. Okay." He said nodding, closing the door behind him. "Hey." He called out suddenly leaning against the wall. "Don't you walk away from me." He said sternly.

Lydia smiled and turned to face him. "And what if I do?" She asked seriously, as she took a step towards him.

"Well." He said walking towards her. "I'm just going to have to do something like this." He placed his hand under her chin, tilting it up, and pressed his lips gently against hers. He pulled away and looked down at her. "Hey babe." He said smiling. She grabbed his hand and they began walking down the stairs. "So how are you?" He asked. "I haven't seen you in so long." He whined.

"Stiles. I was at your apartment until 11 last night."

"Uh, yeah." He scoffed. "And it's now, 5..." He glanced down at his watch. "5:38. That's a whole, uh, a whole..."

"18 hours." Lydia finished.

"Aww. See. You're counting too. That is so sweet Lydia." He said patting her cheek.

"You're a freak." She laughed.

"But," he said as he opened the car door for her, "you still love me?" He leaned in for another kiss, but she shoved his face away playfully and got in the car.

"Of course." She said as she closed the door. They drove for a few minutes in comfortable silence, holding hands.

"So. Where are we going?" Lydia finally asked.

"Ah, that is a surprise. You're just going to have to wait and see." He said as he raised her hand and pressed it against his lips, smiling.

Lydia narrowed her eyes skeptically."What. What is it?"

"What's what?" Stiles asked looking bewildered.

"You just seem... Weird. Weirder than normal. What are you hiding?"

Stiles scoffed. "I have no idea what you are talking about. I am perfectly normal, thank you very much. And I have absolutely nothing to hide." He glanced over at her to see her still trying to figure it out. "I promise."He said.

"Okay. Okay" she said putting her hands up. She looked at him, the colour suddenly drained from her face. "Stiles!" She yelled.

He looked at her then whipped his head around to look out his window, only to see an SUV headed straight towards them, he tried to grab Lydia to protect her from the oncoming impact. But he was watched as Lydia's head bashed against the window, cracking it, he then felt himself jerk back, then everything went black.

Lydia opened her eyes as a piercing pain pulsed through her head. The seatbelt dug into her shoulder, making it hard to breathe. Her hands rested on the ceiling of the car. She blinked a few times, trying to focus and turned to look at Stiles. His hands were hanging above his head. He wasn't moving and blood was gathering under his chin "Stiles!" She choked out. She looked down to see the steering column shoving him into his seat. "Stiles!" She cried before everything went fuzzy.

Lydia woke up in a hospital bed, she bolted upright, and despite the pain, looked around the room for Stiles. She swung her legs off the bed, grabbed her IV stand from the side, she used it to support her weight while shuffling towards the door. She turned the handle and stepped out into the hall. "Stiles." She called out. She felt very hot suddenly and her eyesight began to tunnel. Lydia felt herself begin to fall, but was caught before she hit the ground.

"Lydia. What are you doing?" Scott asked angrily. He shouted for help and stood up, cradling her in his arms and walked back into her room. He placed her gently on her bed. "What were you thinking?" He asked again. "Don't move. I'm getting a nurse." He leaned out the door and called for a nurse again.

Finally a nurse came in. He shined a flashlight in Lydia's eyes. "Can you tell me your name?" He asked.

"Lydia Martin." She slurred.

"Do you know what happened?"

"Car accident." She said slowly.

"That's right. Now. You have a moderate concussion, a broken collarbone, and some bruised ribs, you have a fracture in your zygomatic bone, but, you shoul-"

"What happened to Stiles?"

"Your friend?" The nurse asked

"Yes. Where is he?" Lydia asked.

"He's in surgery right now."

"What? Why?" She asked.

"Just try and get some rest." He said before walking out of the room.

"Scott. Why is Stiles in surgery?" She asked sitting up. He pulled a chair up beside the bed.

"I don't know. They won't tell us anything until his dad gets here." Lydia's eyes teared up. "He'll be here soon." He said grabbing her hand. "He's coming as fast as he can. It's going to be fine."

Lydia felt her pain ease, and she realized Scott was taking it away. "No stop." She said, pulling her hand from Scott's. "Save it for Stiles."

"Lydia, it doesn't work that way. I can help you both." Scott pleaded.

"I can't lose him too." She said finally breaking, leaning forward, crying into her hands.

Scott rubbed his hand over her back "I know. I know." He mumbled.

They sat there for a few minutes, until Isaac came in. "Hey, Stiles's dad is here."

Lydia started getting out of bed, but Scott stopped her. "Rest. I'll come tell you as soon as we know. Okay?" She nodded and leaned into the bed as Scott and Isaac left the room.

She had only been left alone for a few moments before her eyes began to feel heavy, she rubbed her eyes and willed herself to stay awake, but soon, she was sleeping.

Lydia woke up feeling very hot. She cried out in discomfort and kicked her blankets off of her. She sat up and grabbed the nearest container, emptying her stomach contents into it. She grabbed the water bottle her night stand and rinsed her mouth out. She slowly pushed herself off the bed and stood up, again, she grabbed her IV rack. She glanced at the clock before leaving her room, it was just after 2 AM. She walked down the quiet hallway. She didn't remember how, but she found herself standing in Stiles' room. His left arm was in a cast, and a bandage was taped to the left side of his head. She walked over to the right side of the bed and crawled in next to him. The bed was much too small, and Lydia teetered precariously on the edge, but she didn't care, she needed his comfort. "Don't you leave me Stiles Stilinski. Don't you dare." She cried into his shoulder. She kissed his cheek and stroked his hair. "They buzzed your hair." She pouted, and began to cry once again. Stiles shifted next to her and moved his right arm around her, pulling her closer to him. Lydia felt a wave of relief flood over as he wrapped his arm around her and soon her breathing went from quick, rapid breaths to long, even ones. For the next little while, the two slept peacefully.

Stiles grunted, waking Lydia from her sleep. "Stiles?" Lydia asked, sitting up, she had to hold back a cry when she put pressure on her right arm.

Slowly, Stiles opened his eyes. "Lydia." He rasped. "Wha-What happened?"

"You don't remember?"

"Uh, we were going to dinner an-" he stopped and reached up and turned Lydia's face, "What happened?" He asked, looking at stitches on her temple and cuts on her cheek.

"We got in an accident. But, I'm, I'm okay. But you. Don't ever scare me like that again. Okay?" She pleaded. "I can't- I can't lose you." She said crying into his shoulder.

"Lydia. I'm sorry. I'm not going anywhere, 'kay?" He whispered.

Just then the door opened, a nurse walked in, "What do you think you're doing in here?" She asked Lydia.

"Um..." Lydia murmured, sitting up and wiping some tears away.

"It is 3 AM. You can't be in here."

Lydia stood up from the bed, and grabbed her IV rack, "I was just about to leave."

"Wait. Are you the girl from room 213?"

"Um, probably."

"Let me grab you a wheel chair. You can't just disappear like that." The Nurse sighed leaving the room.

Lydia turned to Stiles. "I'll be back tomorrow, okay?" She leaned down and kissed him.

Stiles was flipping through channels, and eating a burger when his dad walked in. "Stiles, hey, you're awake."

"Yeah, yeah I am." Stiles said.

"Where'd you get that?" The sheriff asked, gesturing towards the burger.

"Scott dropped it off before heading to class."

"Ah." He replied, sitting down in the chair next to the bed. "Do you remember what happened?" His dad asked.

"A, uh, a car accident."

"Yep. Hit and run. We're still looking for them. Witnesses say it was a white SUV."

"Dad, I-I don't care who did it."

"I know Stiles." His dad said walking over to him. "I'm just glad you two are going to be okay." He leaned in and hugged Stiles.

"Yeah. How is Lydia?"

"She's fine. She broke her collarbone, and fractured her, uh, face? I don't really know. She has a concussion, but she's fine."

"Dad. That's not fine." Stiles argued.

"Stiles, you're not exactly a picture of health either. You had a compound fracture and a metal rod put in your arm. And you had a potential brain aneurism that they had to take care of."

"No, dad. I know all that. It's just. If I'm going to be her provi- dad. Where are my pants?"

"Your pants?" The sheriff questioned.

"Yeah dad, pants. The things you wear on your legs. The things you wear when you're not in a hospital gown. My pants." Stiles said, panicked.

"I don't know where they would be Stiles."

"Well, do they have a- they-they can't just throw them away. They have to give them back. Even if they were ruined, they have to keep them."

"Stiles. Why do you need your pants so bad?"

"Uh, well, my phone was in the pocket. And- and my wallet, and, other things."

"Okay, okay, I'll-I'll try and figure put where your pants are okay."

"Thank you."

"Yep." His dad replied, bewildered as he walked out the door.

Stiles sighed a breath of relief. A knock on the door brought him back from his momentary day dream.

"Hey Stiles." Lydia stood in the doorway, she was no longer in a hospital gown, her arm in a sling, she was looking as gorgeous as usual despite the cuts and bruises on the right side of her face.

"Hey you." He smiled at her. "You got discharged I see. That's exciting. I don't think I'll get out of here until tomorrow. Hey, what's wrong?" He asked. He could see the tears welling up in Lydia's eyes. "What is it? Come- come here babe." He said sitting up. She put her stuff down and sat down on the side of his bed.

"Sorry, I'm a mess." She said shakily.

"You don't need to apologize." He replied, lightly rubbing her back. "What is it?"

"I was really worried."

"Whaa? Worried? About me? C'mon Lydia. You don't need to worry about me."

"Shut up Stiles." She hit him lightly. "Be serious. You could have died."

"You could have too." He said.

She faced him, looking into his honest, concerned eyes, searching for the words to say. "I know. We both could have. There was a moment in the jeep, after, and- and I just can't lose you, Stiles. Not you too."

"I'm not going anywhere-"

"Let me finish, please. I realized that I don't want- that I can't... I had to imagine my life without you, and that's not something I want Stiles."

"Lydia what are you trying to say?" Stiles asked as the door opened.

His dad walked in, holding a small object, that glittered in the light. "Well. Your pants were trashed, but they gave me the contents of your pockets." He said, still looking at the ring between his fingers. "When were planning on proposing again, I though-"

"Dad!" Stiles' voice cracked.

The sheriff looked up from examining the ring "Oh." Was all he could say.

Stiles laughed nervously. "Um. Well..." He trailed off.

A small smile broke out on Lydia's face. She leaned in and kissed him. They pulled apart, looking into each others eyes, slowly, Lydia nodded.

"What. Was- was that a yes nod?" Stiles asked.

"It was most definitely a yes nod." She smiled, leaning her forehead against his.