(if you like the story please like me on facebook search for: My Love From Another Star Season 2 Continuum FanFic)


Preview: As time approach for the departure, Ahnya said her last goodbye to HK and leaving behind a riddle he must solve. News of SY's death devastated everyone close to her. But when MJ got wind of his wife's demise he refuse to leave Earth and instead was taken against his will. Unbeknownst to him, the woman he thought he'd lost forever returned back to Earth, a transformed person. SY's miraculous resurrection left everyone speechless and cause a media frenzy in Korea. But as the days went on, those closest to her quickly realize that there is something not quite right with SY. Meanwhile YJ and SM faces strong oppositions from their families and friends. When months pass by with no words from DMJ, SY had to make the difficult decision of abandoning her marriage vows when the chance arises.

Scene 4: Ahnya Farewell to HK

Ahnya: can we take a walk? I need to talk to you.

SY: go ahead Hwi Kyung, I could use some sleep. (HK nod his head. He walks out behind Ahnya when he suddenly bump into a nurse)

HK: isn't she too young to be a nurse? And why is she going to Song Yi's room? (He looked around but no one was paying any attention to him nor the nurse so he just let it drop and concentrate on Ahnya instead)

They are outside the hospital now and walking towards a small park. There were a few people here and there but they are mainly by themselves. Ahnya stop and stood under a big oak tree. HK looked around, seeing that they were pretty much alone, he went behind her and hugged her from behind. For a moment she squeezes his arms tightly before turning around and away from his touch.

Ahnya: I'm here to say my last goodbye to you.

HK: ya…stop kidding around. You have accepted my ring (he smile) so I'm not going to hear these kind of words even if you're just joking. (She look at him seriously) you're not joking.

Ahnya: no, I'm not. (she pulled out the ring on her finger) I wish I could wear this. I wish I was just a normal girl who could be by your side. But I'm not.

HK: but you are! To me you're not Ahnya from another world…you're just my girl. I know that I'm not particularly special but can't you stay by my side? (She's about to say something but he cut her off in panic) I know! I will always put you ahead of Song Yi, I promise you.

Ahnya: it's not that Hwi Kyung. (Sigh) I don't know how to put this to you. We are of different species, I can't be with you…we're not allowed, it's against nature, against…

HK: BULLSHIT! (He held her shoulders) you don't believe that or else you wouldn't come down here for me!

Ahnya: it doesn't matter what I believe.

HK: it absolutely does matter! It matters to me. Besides, look at Min Joon and Song Yi. If they can be together why can't we?

Ahnya: that's different. Kisohn was stranded here, he had no choice and he had assimilated…but me, I should have known better…and yet, and yet…

HK: …and yet, you love me. (He pulled her in and hugged her tight…she hesitated for a moment then hugged him tightly)…and I love you. Please don't leave me.

Ahnya: (she let out a choking sob, then tried to hold in her emotion, her face contorting with pain) I don't want to leave you, I don't. (She hugs him even tighter) you have to believe me.

HK: (he rubs his hands down her hair) I believe you…I believe you. (HK slowly pulled her out to look in her eyes) what can I do? How can we be together? There has to be a way.

Ahnya: I don't know. Even Kisohn…he'd have to come back and answer for his stay here. It creates an imbalance for earth that cause a lot of headache for the council body. But now that imbalance is miraculously healed with the bridging birth of Jin Sunhee. If we…if we were to be together, that imbalance will happen again, they won't allow it.

HK: I see (he didn't really see or understand but he didn't want to worry Ahnya further) then we make our own baby to bridge the imbalance.

Ahnya: (blush and pushed away from him, turning the other way) it's…it's not that simple. A child created by different species is extremely hard to make if not nearly impossible.

HK: (he walk around to face her directly) nearly impossible but not completely, hopelessly impossible.

Ahnya: (shook her head) no, it's not completely impossible but we ran out of time Hwi Kyung-ah. I have to leave now…you'll forget me in no time at all. You'll make a family with a normal woman and you'll be happy and I will be happy for you wherever I am. I…I can't take this I'm sorry. (She hand him back the ring)

HK: (stare at the ring) you know Song Yi refuse my rings numerous times in the past, you'd think I'd be use to this by now. And yet…none of those days feels like today. Because right now I feel as if I'm permanently broken somehow…(he look back up to Ahnya's eyes, his own filling up with tears) don't do this to us…can't we fought for us like Min Joon and Song Yi did for each other?

Ahnya: (look at him intensely) I don't know…can we?

HK: you are questioning how much I love you…if it's equal to the way Song Yi love Min Joon? (Ahnya slowly nod her head. His eyes move around in thoughts) if…if you can't stay here because of the imbalance then…then I could come to you. I will leave everything behind and will live with you on your planet. If they'll have me, I will do that. There's nothing here I would miss more than I would miss you.

Ahnya: (look a bit shock) you'd do that for me? What about your family?

HK: of course! This is the twenty first century, a woman doesn't have to follow the man. A man can follow the woman back to her home town. My family had me for thirty something years already. So, can we do that?

Ahnya: (laugh and cried at the same time. She touches his face lovingly) no, we can't. You won't last longer than 2 years as the rate of time for you is different than for us. That's why Kisohn does not age when he's here. His internal clock works differently. If you're in my home planet, your intermal clock would remain the same so you would be aging at a much faster rate. I can't let that happen to you. (HK looks crestfallen. Ahnya stare up at the sky) I have to go now.

HK: WHAT? Right now? So soon? (Ahnya nod her head) wait! (He pulled out his pen) here take this…it's not yours, this is mine but I have record over it. Take it with you and don't forget about me.

Ahnya: (nod her head and took the pen) I'll try and think of something, some way to come back…you trust me?

HK: (nod his head) I will do the same, will you be able to hear me when I call for you? (Ahnya nod her head) I'll call for you when I find the answer. (He leaned in and kiss her sweetly and softly on the lips) thank you for coming here and loving me (his forehead touched hers as he rubs the tears on her cheeks away while tears fall down his own eyes. She turns away about to teleport when he pulls her waist in towards his body and kiss her passionately, with all the love he have left) this is not goodbye, this is not farewell…this kiss is to remind you to wait for me. (She smile back sadly at him and disappear)

Scene 6: SY Realization

SY felt a hard yank as she float in midair but can't seem to place her limbs. She looks down and saw her own body, lying lifeless on the bed. Does this mean…she's dead? NO! How can that be? How could JSH have done this to her? It makes no sense! She saw the doctor walk outside dejectedly and followed him. He came out to talk to her family, giving them the news of her death. Her mother sobbed uncontrollable as her father held her mother close with his own grief. YJ shouted angrily at the doctor then kick the trash bin and hit the wall, sliding down hiding his teary face in his hands. SM sat down in front of YJ, took his hands in hers, laid her head on his chest as she tried to calm him down, both crying. BJ look at YJ and SM knowingly, then up at the ceiling as tears stream down her face, mumbling SY's name over and over. From across the room a door slam open as a HK stumble in but seeing everyone in despair, he fell down on his knees crying by himself, never even reaching the long hallway to SY's family.

SY doesn't understand what's going on. She tried to reach out to her family but the more she tried the further she's being pushed away until she couldn't see anyone or anything. She was sucked into a void so quickly she couldn't see anything around her. Then, everything suddenly froze in a tranquil quietness that settles in through a vast starlit darkness.

Suddenly bright light engulf her. So blinding it felt slightly unpleasant until colors rushed towards her and she could see herself sitting in some sort of box. She remembered the petrified feeling of fear until the door open and she look into the smiling face of DMJ. He looked younger and innocent, extending his hands out to her. The feelings of fascination and gratitude overwhelmed her. Everything came back in a floodgate of memories. Him shielding her, her joyfully painting the scene of his arrival on earth, him gifting her the hairpin…that same hairpin that was at the museum, they going to her parent's home. The images are as clear as yesterday and the feelings it brought along are as fresh as spring water on a summer's day. Then she suddenly felt the pain searing her back and through her. She remembered the words as she uttered it…that she won't forget him in any life there after…she also remember his heartbreaking reaction too as she left that body and that earth. It broke her heart. The chance to confess her love for him…now gone forever in that lifetime. YH vowed to herself she would come back to him no matter what it takes.

Apparently, it took more lives than she anticipated. Memories of those lives also rush back to her but she discarded them away. They were sad and pointless without DMJ in it…always searching for something she didn't even know she's missing until her death and her memories came back. Only at which time she remembers again her true purpose and had to redo the whole tiring process again but without her prior life's knowledge.

So this is what death is like…swimming in a sea of your own memories and experiences. Suddenly she felt pulled or sucked into a different direction and a different kind of memories invade her conscience. She's now walking in a serene forest waiting on…her husband? Without realizing it, she stepped near a hidden cliff and fell down. At the last moment she held on tight to part of a tree root and scream for help. That's when she saw HIM again…her savior. She knew him but she didn't know him. Her Do Min Joon…so this…this is the other her. Every memory, every emotion came hurdling back rapidly. The pains of being in love with Kisohn, the ecstasy in his kisses, the injuries at the hand of oppa Jae Kyung. Every details even till the very end at the gripping fear of the unknown and pending doom when everything she know is floating away to nothingness….how Kisohn, her Min Joon, had stayed with her, had held her closely until the last of her disappear into emptiness.

Her love and gratitude now felt larger than life and many more times infinite then the vast expand of space. She felt such an intense and deep love for Kisohn…that it almost felt like dying all over again. But what now? There's nothing that she could see or know where to go from here. She felt lost in this dark, starlit sea. Kisohn…what I'd give to see you again my Min Joon.

Scene 8: The Fatal News

DMJ stepped out of the small spaceship onto the camouflage mothership that hovers above Earth along with Qahnki and Ahnya. They were hailed to the control center and all beamed there. MJ looked around as his people turn about in their work station to stare at him. A man walked up to Qahnki, whispering animatedly in Qahnki's ears. He looked shocked and glance at MJ.

MJ: what is it? (Qahnki hesitated)

Ahnya: what's going on? Is there a problem?

Qahnki: I don't know what to say…or how to say this to you Kisohn…but

MJ: but what?

Qahnki: your wife, she's dead. (MJ gave a sarcastic laugh)

MJ: what trick are you up to now? She was fine, I just saw her not too long ago. Is this your plan to keep me? (Qahnki whisper a few words to the other man. The other man nods his head and walk back to his control post. MJ follow him with his eyes, looking at the multitude of hundreds of hologram screens recording Earth's event. Then suddenly one screen widens out and took up most of the space. There was some interference static as everyone look anticipatedly at the screen, especially MJ. Finally the static cleared out to SY lying in bed with the emergency light on as the nurses and doctors rush in. They tried to revive her but her heart couldn't be jumped back to life. The doctor then came out to give the news to her grieving family. MJ didn't once blink while staring at the recorded hologram). No I don't believe it, rewind it! (The man looks at Qahnki as MJ rush over and press the button marked in his language "re-viewing"…he looked at it again as tears swelled up in his eyes. He presses the button again, his eyes scanning every detail. He press rewind again) this is not true…it's just not possible. My wife would never leave me, she wouldn't. (His voice became raspy and angry. Without notice he slams his fist down on all the buttons. MJ tried lifting up the control table but realize he had no powers here when he's no longer on Earth's atmosphere).

Qahnki: the hologram doesn't lie, it records what happens on earth, it's unfortunate about your wife but it is the truth.

MJ: (turn to the frozen Ahnya who's too shock to react) we need to get back. (Turn to Qahnki) the deal is off for now; I need to get back to my wife.

Qahnki: there is no need for that, your wife is gone.

MJ: I WON'T BELIEVE IT UNTIL I SEE IT WITH MY OWN EYES…FEEL HER WITH MY OWN HANDS (he screams out at Qahnki as he took up the nearest chair and slam it into the hologram control center). THIS THING! THIS THING IS A LIE! YOU'RE ALL LYING TO ME!

Qahnki: restrain him (he made gestures to a few surrounding men who went in to detain MJ but MJ got loose, took that same chair and bear down on the machine again and again as the men tried to restrain him. They got him pinned down on the floor when Qahnki slowly
walk over and inject MJ with a tranquilizer on the neck, he quickly passes out).

Ahnya: (quietly, her voice quivering) is this true or are you manipulating him? (Qahnki turn to Ahnya looking slightly offended)

Qahnki: this is not something that can be easily faked; you of all people should know that.

Ahnya: but how could this happen (a tear fell down) how could…

Qahnki: I don't know and frankly I don't care, it's not our business. I will have to take Kisohn home right away as the longer we are here the riskier it will be that he will escape down to earth. With his enhanced ability and state of mind it won't be any good for anyone down there. He'll destroy the place like he did here. (Ahnya reluctantly nod her head, still in a daze) if you want, you can remain here for a little longer to sort things out. It looks like our hologram won't be of much use until it's fixed. You can also supervise the restructure as well, you help made it after all. Also, I understand you have your own personal issue to muck through but I expect you to be done with it all and be back home soon, yes?

Ahnya: (nod her head slowly) how long do I have?

Qahnki: two days should be plenty enough. Set your clock when I leave with Kisohn.

Ahnya: so roughly a little over two months? That's all?

Qahnki: (gave her a stern look) that's all you should need.

Scene 10: 3rd Day Post-Mortem

Man: today is the last viewing mother. Have you made up your mind on what you want to do? Cremation? Burial?

YJ: can you leave us be? Let us get through today. We'll give you an answer by the end of the day. (The man nods his head apologetically and left. YJ turn to his mother) I don't feel right about this mother. Song Yi…look at her. Doesn't she look alive to you, like she's just sleeping? (his tired, red eyes tear up again). I can't imagine burning her or putting her so far down, covered in dirt. Song Yi…my sister Song Yi wouldn't like that, she would make a fuss. (He made everyone burst into tears again, him included)

Ahnya; (walk through the door as HK rush over to her and hugged her tight…she pat him and pulled out of his arms, walking over to SY's mom) I'm sorry to hear about your daughter (SY's mom nod her head)

SY's mom: and Min Joon?

Ahnya: (shook her head) he wants to come but we can't allow that, he's very emotional and we're afraid he might hurt himself or someone. They took him home now. I did not see this coming…(she step up to look down at Song Yi laying peacefully and prettily in the casket) she still look so beautiful. (Ahnya touch SY's face and hands, squeezing it) I will miss our quarrel. (She wipes her eyes quickly and step back down, standing next to HK to make room for new guest viewings)

HK: (whisper in her ears) thank you for coming…I didn't think I'd see you again. (Ahnya nod her head to acknowledge his words)

As the viewing come to an end, SM walks up to the casket with a Phoenix stuffed animal in her right hand. She tearfully places it by SY's hand and press the belly. MJ voice started singing "BoBoBo" as it resonates throughout the silent, somber room.

SY float aimlessly in darkness when she suddenly heard MJ's voice. She heard him singing faintly somewhere and started following the sound as it gets louder and louder until she floated into her own mourning gathering. She saw her body laying still and tried to merge back in but couldn't as she kept getting yanked back. She couldn't get close to her own body no matter how hard she tried.

Suddenly SY felt something or someone behind her and before she could turn around to see, a force pushes her downward. There was so much pressure she'd thought for sure someone's pounding her flat. Only…to sat up gasping for air. After inhailing sufficient air in her lungs she turned around and face at least 30 flabbergasted, shock-faces. No one made a move except to gawk at her, their eyes so big, she'd thought it might popped out of their heads.

SY: well, I'm glad to see you too.

Some guests start scampering and running away, trying to find the nearest exit. A few took some pictures. Her family and friends stood still, looking horrifically at her.

HK: (slowly approach her) who are you?…WHAT are you? …exactly.

SY: what do you mean? I'm me and you're my husb…no, no I take that back here you're not my husband, Min Joon is, Kisohn that is. (Looking down at where she's sitting) I need to get out of here…Yoon Jae a little help here? (YJ just continue looking at his sister with his mouth wide open, but not making any move towards her). Mother? Father? (She looked at them but her mother fainted as her father caught her mother's fall. She looks around again and back at HK) Hwi Kyung-ah, are you going to help me out of here or what.

HK: I…(he walk closer to her but grab a metal stick from one of the flower arrangement, waving it in front of him like a shield) don't make any sudden movement.

SY: (roll her eyes) oh for the love of god!

Ahnya: (came up in front of HK) you can go back I'll deal with this. (She walk up slowly to SY but with purpose and confident and when she got close enough, extend her hands out to touch SY's face) you feel real…and alive.

SY: of course I'm real and alive. What's wrong with everyone? Shouldn't you be glad that I'm not dead yet? Help me out here Ahnya. (Ahnya carefully help her out of the coffin as SY clutch to the stuff animal tightly) let's go home…I want to see my daughter.

Scene 13: SY's Explanation

There was about over a hundred press journalists camping outside of SY's house. There were even people traveling in from other bordering countries. Not only were the press present but religious zealous groups with signs raised over their heads; one proclaiming SY as the devil reborn and the other a miraculous angel…and yet another asking what heaven was like. Then there's doctors and scientists who wanted a chance to see her and possibly do a "few" experiments. They are all making a ruckus outside of her house for the last 3 days and nights. The crowd just seems to multiply day by day rather than die down like her mother had predicted.

SY: (put her baby down into the tiny crib and about to head upstairs) I've had it with these people.

SY's mother: where are you going? What are you planning on doing now?

SY: mother, it's been over three days and these buffoons haven't left our lawn yet! I can't hide in here any longer. They want a statement I'll come out and give them a statement!

SY's mother: But you're not well yet! You know…from just giving birth and (her voice became lower and lower) waking up from a death sleep and what not.

SY: mother! Can't you see? I'm perfectly fine! I've been fine since I woke up. (SY's mother just wave her hand at her and SY stomp off to her room)

SY's mother: (turns around to walk back to her granddaughter whispering to herself) and she didn't see anything abnormal about that? I was still in pain for weeks after birthing her. (she shook her head)

SY walked into her room and close the laptop she's been researching on. She changes her clothes then briefly pauses in front of the mirror, looking at herself. It was the first thing she had done when she got home, ordered to be reinstatement of her mirrors. SY put on a demure housewife dress matched with pearl earrings and necklace. It's not her usual style…but…it's not bad, not for this situation anyways. She picked up her phone and dialed the hospital number.

SY stepped outside holding a wireless microphone as cameras started clicking away and people started hoarding towards her.

SY: if you guys want me to talk you stay 10 feet away from me or else I'm going back in and calling the police again for the fifth times. (They all started scooting backward). Ok, I'm going to say a few things to straighten out this situation and THEN I will answer 3 questions (camera switch over to her agency viewing her live on TV, he shook his head and slap his hand on his forehead pacing around with worry. Camera back to SY)

Crowd: at least 10 questions please!

SY: fine…4 questions…

Crowd: 8! 8 then!

SY: what are we? In the fish market? 5! That's the final offer, take it or leave it!

Crowd: ok, ok…5 is good!

SY: Wei! What kind of journalism are you guys anyhow? You do realize I'm married to an alien right? AN ALIEN! From out of this world? I don't see you making a big deal out of that. I just only woke up from a…slightly long…sleep and you're camping out at my doorstep. Ya…I find that really disturbing.

Crowd: Do Min Joon? He seems like a normal chap.

Crowd: …kinda dull and boring too.

Crowd: nothing interesting about him.

SY: (laugh sarcastically) are you saying I'm more abnormal then an alien? (crowd look at each other, lost for words) never mind, never mind. Let's just continue. (breath in) Ok, everyone! Listen up please! I'm not a demon! I'm not an angel either. I'm just me…Cheon Song Yi, the actress that you all know and love (she gave them a beaming smile and bats her lashes). I'm sure you were all just worried about me but I'm here to tell you that I'm back and everything is normal. No, I'm not a vampire or an alien or you know (she extends both her arms out and made a contorted face as the crowd scoot back further from her) not like the walking dead zombie thing either. I don't bite (she laughs and the crowd laughs nervously with her) well…that is not until I started working again. (Everyone stares at her) it's a joke…a joke? Yeahhhhh….ok…well just so everyone understand, the situation I'm in where I woke up from the "dead" quote on quote is actually a rare phenomenon of misdiagnose that had happened before all over the world. As you all can see I'm NOT dead…really I'm not that special. Hmm…let's see from what I read of, there's a man in Africa named Emanuel Tuwa…Tuwagirairmana who was dead for 7 days and came back to life, a Russian man dead frozen solid for 22 days, alive again! Or George Rodonaia who was like me, pronounce dead for 3 days but came back to life. Oh, and not too far from us in China, there was a 95 year old woman named Li Xiufeng who was proclaimed dead for 6 days climb out of her own coffin…kind of…like myself I guess. Well, there's more cases all around the world…I'm afraid I'm not such an exception. A day from now the hospital staff will make a press statement that this is all just a case of mistaken death diagnoses. I was just near dead but not quite dead dead. (gave a laugh-smile) Questions?

The crowd look crestfallen but the hands rose up nevertheless.

SY: yes, you?

Crowd: is this by chance have anything to do with your alien husband? Did he give you some medication that might have revived you?

SY: no, no…there's no miraculous medicine that I took from Min Joon. As a matter of fact, he'd left for his home planet before I was proclaimed dead…if you hear from him please pass the message along that he better get his ass back home. (People laughed) whoops am I allowed to say "ass"?…edit that out please. Next…

Crowd: do you have any plan to sue the hospital for the wrong diagnoses?

SY: at this time I don't have any of such intention. I'm sure it's all just a terrible mistake.

(Camera show her on the tv screen again, this time it's Lawyer Jang viewing it in his hospital bed)

LJ: (turn and look at his wife) when did she get so smart and diplomatic? (Laughs and look back at the screen again, eating his tangerine).

SY step back inside the house and look out the window, letting out a relief sigh as the people started packing up and leaving her property.

YJ: (clap his hands) wow, really…my sister is so awesome out there! You don't know how relieved I am that we deliberated on what to do with you. We could have really killed you! (He shivered) gives me the creeps just thinking about it.

SY: (walks by him and slap him on the chest) I wouldn't blame you…I was really already dead. (She looks at his dumbfounded face) if I didn't lie to them they'd never leave our lawn. (She walks leisurely to the fridge to grab a drink as if she just announces nothing in particularly important. She walk back out with her drink, walking pass YJ, still in his frozen shock state, pass the living room and into her own bedroom.

-4 Days Later-

SY father walks into the library and saw his daughter wielding a paint brush. He tried to hide his suspicion that something is not quite right. His daughter had never had any interest in art, even when she was a little girl. He got closer to the desk and saw pictures and drawings of Jin Sunhee in the crib, Min Joon in hanbok, and some other sceneries.

SY's father: what are you doing?

SY: I'm rediscovering my old passion.

SY's father: drawing and painting?

SY: (she continue concentrating on her work but give him a flippant answer) aw…uhhuh….(he nods his head slowly and look at his daughter in a confused sideward glance as he walk out the door, still perplex. The camera pan in on the painting hanging on the wall of the UFO flying over trees that was given to DMJ over 400 years ago.

-10 Days Later-

Jin Sunhee is playing in her crib beside SY who's sitting on the piano bench composing a song, a pencil in her hair. She jots down a note and looks at Jin Sunhee.

SY: what do you think about putting that note there honey? Your mama is not bad right? A little rusty but we'll get back into the swing of things. Hmhmhmhm (she started humming the notes and trying it out on the piano. Jin Sunhee just giggled as she float her milk bottle and teddy bear above her, twirling them in a circle, faster and faster, laughing harder and harder with the sound of the music)

YJ and SY's mother peek in from the doorway shaking their heads.

SY's mother: I'm starting to feel like I'm living in an alternate world. Why couldn't I just have a normal family? Why? (She looks upward, then sigh). You! (She look at YJ) your sister's life is giving me a heartache enough, don't follow her footstep!

YJ: (his eyes darted back and forth) by that you mean…

SY's mother: by that I mean don't fall in love with an alien or die and resurrect again, giving me a near heart attack. Anything else I would be fine with.

YJ: really? You really mean that?

SY's mother: (she thought a bit then nods her head) nothing can be worst then what your sister's putting me through right now. (YJ grinned widely and hugs his mother)

Scene 14: The Opposing Families

SY's mother & SM's mother: (both stood up from the table) ABSOLUTELY NOT!

Both side of the family look at each other nervously. SM looks at her mother and tried to pull her back down to her seat.

SM: mother please! Can you hear us out first?

SM's mother: are you out of your mind? I raise you better than this!

SY's mother: what?! Better than my Yoon Jae? You should have kept your daughter from seducing my innocent boy!

YJ: ma! Ma! It's not like that! I love Se Mi, I'm the one who seduce her ok?

SM's mother: you hear that?! Keep your boy away from corrupting my daughter!

SY's mother: corrupting? Who's corrupting who? My innocent Yoon Jae is just saying that to cover up for your daughter. She's almost 10 years his junior and should know better!

SM's mother: your son is obviously not innocent! Just look at your crazy family! There's no way in hell am I letting my daughter step foot in that house again!

SY's mother: who wants her to anyways! My son can do much better! You both are not dating…EVER! Let's go Yoon Jae!

SM's mother: (look affronted) GOOD! You heard that Se Mi? Let's get out of here…don't associate yourself any longer with these crazy people!

SM: mother! (Bow her head to SY's mother) I'm sorry, we'll be going for now until she cools down. (She stole a glance at YJ, perplex and shrug) as the rest of her family stood up, bow apologetically to YJ's family, then left.

YJ: Se Mi! Se Mi! (when all of SM's family was gone YJ look back at his mother) YA! You just single handedly ruin my life!

SY's mother: (look slightly guilty) don't be ridiculous! How could I even…did you see how her mother was? She wouldn't approve of it even if I did. Which I'm NOT! What were you doing with an old maid like her anyways? You can't just date girls your age? Why her of all people?

YJ: because I love her that's why! Why are you my mother of all people?! (He retorted back and walked out in a huff)

SY's mother looks affronted and breathes heavily as her husband pats her back to calm her down. She looks at SY, who's enjoying the food and ignoring all of their bickering. She's cooing and laughing with Jin Sunhee, lying comfortably in her baby chair.

SY's mother: don't you have anything to say to this? You're his sister and that…that girl was your best friend. How could you be fine with what's going on?

SY: she still IS my best friend mother and Yoon Jae is grown now, he can make his own decision. (She never lift her eyes from JSH, still playing and laughing while eating)

SY's mother: ya, ya, Ya! Did you know about this and let it continue to happen?

SY: (stop eating and looked over at her mother seriously) you can't stop something that's inevitable, mother. Besides they were already engage at one point.

SY's mother: ENGAGE?! When? With who's permission? Omo! Oh, oh…my head, my head! (She sat down holding her head in her hands as SY shrug and continue eating and cooing at JSH)

Scene 16: How To Say Goodbye

SY stood out in her balcony looking up at the night sky. The clouds unveil the full moon and she sigh. She took out her phone and replay the clip again as she does every night. The big bright moon in the background as MJ and her float in the air, he kissed her so lovingly. Tears fall down her face as it always does.

SY: Kisohn, where are you? You promised to come back for me…it's been almost a month Min Joon, don't make me wait for another three years, please…come back, Jin Sunhee is waiting to meet you. (she press the phone to her chest and cried. A knock at her door pulled her back to the present) yes?

BJ: it's me! Bokja…can I come in?

SY: (wipe her tears away quickly) yeah give me a second. (She came and open the door) what's going on, why are you here so late?

BJ: I'm here to say goodbye.

SY: what? What do you mean goodbye?

BJ: I'm taking some time off the shop and taking a trip through Europe. I plan to stay a while in Paris. You know…I always wanted.

SY: (stammer) but…how…when…are you leaving?

BJ: I'm leaving tomorrow morning. Don't take me to the airport though, you know I hate those sort of things.

SY: so fast? I'm not prepared!

BJ: (laughs) what's there to prepare for?

SY: …to let you go…I'm not prepare for that yet (she hugs BJ) well, when will you be back?

BJ: I'm not certain yet…maybe in a few months, maybe never.

SY: does this have anything to do with Yoon Jae and Se Mi? Because if that's the case…

BJ: (laugh again) maybe a little…but again, when you think about it, they are kinda cute together huh? It's just…what happen to you…it made me rethink more about my life. I've never done anything out of my comfort zone. If I die tomorrow, there's nothing interesting anyone could say about me. I'll just be known as the ajumma that owns the manga shop. I want more out of life then just that.

SY: (smiled at BJ) come here (she hugs BJ again, tighter this time) to me, you're the greatest friend anyone could ask for…isn't that better then any accomplishment? (laughs) joking…(her face turn serious again) thank you for being my friends all these years, you know I'll miss you and I'll be right here when you get back. I'll support you in whatever you want to do (she sniffle in the brimming tears) Don't take too long though, as you're Jin Sunhee's godmother after all. You have to own up to your responsibility you hear?

BJ: you've changed a lot Song Yi, but you're still the selfish bitch that I know (she punch SY playfully on the arm and they both grin at one another. A few pieces of popcorn suddenly flew over, hitting BJ's face and some landed on her hair. They both turn around and stare at Jin Sunhee laying in the crib on her belly, her head propped up to stare at SY and BJ…a bowl of popcorn a few feet away, sitting on the table.

SY: (smile and pat BJ's shoulder) your godmother and I are just playing…just playing honey. (The baby lay back down and continue sucking on her rattle).

SY: (lean over to whisper to BJ) her father is not here so she's extra protective of me.

BJ: (still looking at the crib as she took the popcorn from her hair and plop it into her mouth, chewing loudly) I can see that.

A few nights later SY couldn't sleep, though everyone else is asleep…even Jin Sunhee, who never cries and rarely ever sleeps. SY listlessly walks out to the swing in her back yard and sat down, then rubs her bare arm from the sudden chill. Ahnya appeared next to her on the swing but SY didn't bat an eye.

SY: what brings you here?

Ahnya: you no longer jump when I appeared.

SY: (smile slightly) don't get your hopes up so high…but I think I'm getting used to you being around.

Ahnya: (smiled as well) still…it saddens me a bit that I can no longer ruffled you up. (She open up a small blanket and drape it around SY, covering her bare arms) the weather is getting cooler, dress warmer so you don't get a cold…MJ wouldn't want that (she sniffles and looks away)…and don't get your hopes up, I might not be around for much longer.

SY: (gaze inquiringly at Ahnya) why does it sound like you're saying goodbye to me?

Ahnya: that's because I am. (They both became silent for a while). When I thought you had died…I really…(clears her throat) that is I was really sad for Kisohn.

SY: …I would have missed you too…(they both turn around and look at each other, both their eyes turning red with tears…SY look away first) what is with this stinging wind…really stung my eyes (she sniffle)

Ahnya: (turn away to wipe her nose real quick) I'm leaving for home tomorrow. Our hologram is fixed and I still can't come up with a solution for my life with Hwi Kyung. There's nothing left to do now but to go back home.

SY: I'm sorry about you and Hwi Kyung, are you sure there's no other way? (Ahnya shook her head sadly and SY nod her head) will you tell my husband that I'm waiting for him? That I miss him…no! Scratch that! Tell him if he doesn't come home soon I'm going to run away and marry another man! Yes, tell him that! (Ahnya smile and nod her head) you should come by the house tomorrow morning and have breakfast with us before you leave, before to beam up to your ship that is. It's best to leave on a full stomach.

Ahnya: (laughs) it doesn't work like that, I don't have the power to beam myself all the way out of Earth's atmosphere and into our ship.

SY: (look at her with wide eyes) then how do you do it?

Ahnya: like how you guys do it…by taking a plane.

SY: you mean…like getting on a smaller spaceship and…(she made a swish upward with her hand) fly up out of here? Like how MJ arrived over 400 years ago?

Ahnya: yeah…how did you know about that? (SY just shrug noncommittally)

SY: (quickly change the subject) so where is this "plane" going to pick you up?

(The camera pan out and muted their conversation as they both chatted together for a bit longer)

Scene 17: SY's Final Decision

SY sat on the couch the next morning feeling miserable. Partly because she stayed up too late missing Min Joon and partly because it seems everyone is leaving her. She started cleaning around the entertainment center just for some distraction, sorting through old DVD's when she saw it…the DVD of her wedding with MJ. She stare at it for a bit longer, the turn it on to re-watch. She remembered the occasion but somehow a part of her felt fresh and new, like seeing it for the very first time.

She laughs watching her friends and her preparing for the wedding, them making jokes, etc. She fast forwards to when her father was holder her hand walking her down the aisle. SY put down the remote, her eyes glued to the screen. She began to tear up watching herself step closer and closer towards Min Joon as they start exchanging vows. SY began crying so hard she couldn't hear the vows any more so she took the remote and press the volume to its max.

MJ: …I promise you that I will be the best husband that I could possibly can be. Although I can't promise you that I'll always be there for you, because there are things I don't have control over, but know that wherever I am…no matter how far we are apart…I will always find my way back to you…you're my home…you're my heart…a person can't live without a home and a heart for very long…not even this alien (he laughs, the crowds laughs with him and cry with SY). I hope you're ready to become my wife because I'm greedy and selfish when it comes to you…I can't say till death do us part…even in death I will never let you go (he lean in and kisses away the tears trailing down her face). Honor me by becoming my wife…forever.

SY: …forever (she repeats after him her voice breaking as she wipe away the torrent of tears running down her face) I told myself not to cry but look at me right now I'm such a mess…(MJ smiled softly and shook his head at her. She inhaled her sniffle trying to compose herself) ….funny you should mention forever…what does that word means? I used to not have any concept or worry or care about such a simple word…such a childish word. But since I've meet you, known you, fell in love with you…all I could think about is that word "forever"…dissect it, analyze it, dream it, wonder about it, wish for it. In such a short time you have become my world and my universe…I can't ever imagine my life without you in it. In this life, there's no one before you…and there will never be anyone after you. Should there comes a day when you leave my side, it doesn't matter for whatever reason, I will wait for your return until the day you come back no matter how long it takes…if I wasted this whole lifetime, then I will continue waiting for you in the next and the next until you come for me. This is the promise I'll make to you as your wife…for all time.

SY was sobbing so loudly along with the loud volume of the TV that her whole family came to the living room looking at her pitifully from behind. SY's mother is holding JSH as the baby's face puckered up and fat tears rolled down her chubby cheeks. They all stare at JSH and then at each other…then back at SY…it was the first time they've seen JSH cried.

SY suddenly stood up and turn around. She stop short as she look to her family. Then she walked over to her baby.

SY: my poor Sunny…don't cry. Mommy is going to go get your daddy back. (She look at her mom and dad then at YJ) take care of her for me, I have something important to do that can't wait. (She took one last look at JSH, then at the clock and rush out of the door)

SY's mother: where are you going? At least change your clothes! You're still in your nightgown for god sake! …your shoes! Shoes!

SY got in her car, in her bare feet and peel off. She look at the clock, half an hour…she could make it…she could make it if there's no traffic. She drove as fast as she could but hit a snag in traffic. She look out the window, seems like an accident had stall all the lanes. SY honk her cars in frustration but no one seems to move. She slams her fist on the steering wheel in frustration and looks at the clock again, 24 minutes. SY glance back at the traffic once more, got out of her car and slam the door…she started running to the side road as everyone gawk after her.

Her nightgown whipping in the wind and her bare feet felt raw on the pavement but she didn't care. Her stomach hurt painfully as she gasps for air. She ignored everything…only the thought of getting to her destination. This is it. This is her only chance…her last chance. Camera close up on her running feet, traveling up to her sweating neck and flowing hair. Then close up to her determined, watery eyes as SY narrates in the background:

I'm sorry Min Joon. I can't keep my promise and vows to you. Not after everything that happened between us. I'm not going to sit and wait for you, not anymore…not in this lifetime. You just sit tight and wait for me this time around…I'm coming for you Kisohn…I'm coming for you.

The screen blacked out and all can be heard is her harsh breathing for about 3 seconds…then the episode fades out.

[For further readings on everything else related to this show please visit mlfas -dot- wordpress -dot- com]