Chapter 7

It's been a long time since I updated because I just lost inspiration to write and hit a wall. Also because of negative reviews that I have received, my reply to those people is simply DON'T READ IT IF YOU DON'T BLOODY LIKE IT It's my story and I will write the characters and the plot however I wish. To those people who're enjoying the story and leaving positive reviews or constructive criticism, thank you. It's much appreciated. But here you go, enjoy

I rolled over on the couch, one arm draping off and hand skimming the floor. The knot in my back was awful, but I guess that's what I get for being a gentleman and offering Quinn my bed last night. I'm not sure I would have slept a wink if I had to share a bed with her when she's wearing a pair of my boxers and a tank top. There's something about a girl only wearing your clothes, it's too damn sexy. Of course I would have preferred to see that marvellous sight after a different situation but beggars can't be choosers. There was a stir in my boxers just at the image from last night as Quinn walked away into my bedroom, hips swaying, as she did. Morning wood, oh the joys of having an extra 'part', lifting the thin blanket from my crotch I could see the large bulge in the material, adjusting myself accordingly.

"Morning, San…" I heard from behind me in the kitchen doorway, coffee cup in hand with a small smirk gracing her lips. She gently bit her bottom lip, eyes falling to what I was just adjusting. She went to say something but hesitation seemed to stop her in her tracks, pink flush in her cheeks she looked down at her coffee. "Do you want some coffee? I was up a little earlier than you, I have class soon." She offered.

"Right, coffee.. Sounds good. What do you study?" I asked, hoping that I could at least look like I wasn't thinking about bending her over the kitchen table. I could only wonder what it was that she had intended to say to begin with, but really those thoughts would do my current situation no good right now. I tried not to but it was hard not to let my mind stew over what could have been. I figured that Quinn was inexperienced in that department, purely from how she acted last night on the couch. It didn't bother me so it shouldn't bother her; the thought of being one of few to actually have Quinn Fabray like that was actually a huge turn on.

I sat up with a tired yawn, being sure to keep the blanket covering my crotch a little as I did. Quinn returned with a cup of hot coffee that smelled like heaven right now, it was far too early for me but then again I always was a night owl. I guess that's one more thing to add to the list of how we differ to one another, maybe even compliment one another.

"You don't have to hide it, San." She laughed softly, eyes falling to where the blanket was placed as she handed me the coffee. "I study Art by the way, photography included in case you were wondering about that." She smiled and took a sip from her cup. Did she even sleep last night? She looked like a god damn angel at 7am and I'm pretty sure I looked like I hadn't slept in a week and been dragged through a hedge on the way.

I laughed awkwardly at her comment, I knew I didn't have to but it was still kind of embarrassing. I hadn't gone this long without sex since I was a virgin. But quite honestly I didn't just want anyone on my dick, I wanted her. "Art, huh? I should have guessed really. What does your Father think of that? I mean he doesn't really strike me as the arty type, you know? Good coffee, by the way." I winked with a grin, taking another sip of the heaven sent drink.

She shrugged nonchalantly at my question, gaze falling to the cup in her hand as another came up to brush the fallen strands of blonde hair from her face. "You know what my father is like… He thinks Art is a waste of time and was hoping that I would take over the Country Club eventually. It's not my passion though; it's not something I want to invest my life in. Art on the other hand, is. But at the end of the day I'm still his little girl and I still know how to pull his strings, so of course he paid for my college tuition, but not without hopes that I'll still want the Country Club." She rolled her eyes at the last part, smile still evident on her face. It never seemed to fade when she was around me. "But enough about me, I feel like I'm always talking about myself and yet I know next to nothing about you." She said, crossing one leg over the other.

I listened intently to her, watching the way her perfect lips moved as she spoke. Her angelic voice sounded even more beautiful in the morning and the way her soft hands which I had felt for myself, fiddled with the cup. I was turning into a complete sap for this girl but I'm not sure it bothered me as much as I thought it would have. "I get you... Don't give up your passion just because someone else tells you it's not where the money is or it doesn't live up to their expectations, Q. I admire you for that." I said, offering a sweet smile to the blonde.

It was mostly safe to remove the blanket from my lap now, tugging it aside I stretched my back to get the kinks out. Laughing softly, I shrugged at her last comment, downing what was left of my coffee. "Well, Miss Fabray that's because I am a mystery. I thought you liked it that way anyway?" I smirked, taking our empty coffee cups out to the kitchen as she followed close behind with a devilish glint in her eyes.

"I never said I didn't, but that doesn't mean I'm not curious still." She replied, leaning against the kitchen side, hazel eyes watching me closely as I moved towards her.

"I guess you'll just have to be patient then, huh? Patience is something I lack, but you... You seem to be a very patient girl, Q. Am I right?" I said smugly, edging my way to stand between her thighs, pressing my groin into hers, tan hands placed on the kitchen side, either side of her. I could literally feel her heart rate picking up by the second against my chest.

She visibly gulped, biting down on her bottom lip so hard I'm pretty sure she could have drawn blood if it was any harder. "I-I am patient, yes… But not with everything, sometimes I just have to get what I want, when I want it." She husked, seemingly wondering how I had somehow evaded her questions once again and put her in this vulnerable state, putty in my hands. There was only so much I could tease the poor girl though without putting myself through hell as well, the drawbacks of not having regular sex meaning I was like a teenager again.

"Can I ask you something?" I uttered in a low tone, pressing a few small kisses to Quinn's lips as she nodded in response, eyes glazed over, completely under my spell. "You've fucked before, right?" I asked openly, a girl like her can't have gone this long without having had at least one partner, surely. I moved my hands to rest at the small of her back, kissing her softly once again for a brief moment before pulling back to look at her. She looked withdrawn a little now, maybe even embarrassed from the pink tint in her cheeks.

"Not exactly…" She mumbled, looking down at the closeness of our bodies, swallowing thickly. "I have some experience in that department but I haven't exactly gone all the way, per say. I-I haven't found anyone that I've really wanted that much, not like you." She stuttered nervously to me, stopping when I smiled down at her, silencing her with a peck on the lips.

"Relax, Q. I figured anyway, I just wanted to be sure. It doesn't change anything. I just don't want it to be like in the back of my truck, or on my couch… I think you're worth more than that. And you can deny it all you want but you're hoping it'll be at least a bit meaningful, I mean you waited this long for it… How you did, I don't know." I laughed, shaking my head a little and she seemed to relax in my arms, breathing a sigh of relief and smiling as she rested her head on my shoulder.

"Crap, I'm going to be late for class if I don't get a move on soon." She sighed, looking at the clock. "I'll see you later for our lesson though, won't I?" She asked with a cheeky grin, fingers toying with the waistband of my boxers.

I shook my head with a smug grin, stepping away from the blonde and into the lounge, searching for her bag. "Oh c'mon, Q we're not still keeping that charade up are we? You're a damn good swimmer and we both know you only took those lessons to get to me. Now you have my number and you know where I live, weirdly enough." I winked playfully at her, throwing her bag to her. "So you don't need any more lessons. Not in swimming at least. So get to class, Fabray." I said with a smirk before heading towards the bathroom for a quick shower, leaving the blonde with her bag in her hand and a smitten look on her face.

"So you're seeing each other now? Or are you together, I'm not really sure what's happening between you two, Quinn. Elaborate, please because the suspense is quite frankly killing me" Blaine asked curiously with a small chuckle, copious amounts of gel in his hair and trousers revealing his ankles as usual.

Quinn shrugged her shoulders, a constant grin on her face as she clutched her books towards her chest, slowly strolling across campus to class. "I don't really know either, Blaine. I'm just seeing how it pans out…" She explained, trailing off when she caught sight of UCLA's biggest asshole heading towards her, Biff. She shared a knowing look with Blaine as he headed towards them both, trying to veer off in another direction.

"Quinn, why are you avoiding me? You were supposed to have dinner at my parent's house last night, your father insisted that you be there." He said sternly, stepping in front of her and brushing his hands over his pristine suit. "Look, I don't know what's happening with you lately but me and you… We're good for each other. We're the perfect power couple." He grinned smugly, leaning against the wall.

Blaine rolled his eyes at Biffs' arrogance and placed his arm around the blonde's shoulders in a feeble attempt to discourage the guy before him. "Actually Quinn and I are dating." He said, putting on his best macho voice, trying to make it look as convincing as he possibly could. Quinn couldn't hold back a small laugh at her gay friend's efforts, shaking her head a little.

Pointing with both hands towards the shorter boy he frowned a little "Nice try but I think I can tell when somebody is gay." He said pointedly, turning his attention directly back to the blonde.

"Biff, take a hint. I'm not interested in whatever kind of set up you and my father have put together for me. I am perfectly capable of taking care of myself. Now if you'll excuse us, we have a class to attend." She said as politely as she could, pushing past him with Blaine in tow, mumbling under his breath to Quinn "It's not that obvious, is it?"

"Santana, I invited a friend tonight, they should be here literally any moment. Do I look okay? I mean, I don't look fat in this shirt, right?" Sam said, tugging at the skin tight fabric that was hugging his abs.

I rolled my eyes dramatically at the blonde, poking the muscle that protruded as he lifted the shirt a little, revealing his abs. "No, Trouty you do not look fat. Who's this 'friend' you've invited then, huh? You seem to be pretty nervous about it. Have you shown them your George Bush impression yet? That's a killer and you're bound to bag them with that one." I chuckled, teasing him. I grabbed a beer from the cool box and handing one to my disgruntled friend.

He flicked his short blonde hair back out of his eyes, cracking open the beer as he replied. "San, it's a dude. We're like bros or whatever." He shrugged nonchalantly, avoiding eye contact with me as he stared out towards the beach, pretending to be interested in what everybody else was doing.

I sipped my beer, tilting the bottle towards him with a knowing smile. "Sure, buddy. I'll be nice to your boyfriend." I said with a smug smile, patting him on his chiselled arm.

The look on his face was priceless. Does he really think I'm that stupid? I knew he was hiding something from me. Swallowing thickly, Sam shook his head, profusely denying my educated guess.

"He's not my boyfriend yet, Santana! You can't just say things like that. I-I mean I'm not gay but I'm not a homophobe either. I love guys-.. I uh, mean gays." He let out a defeated sigh when he noticed the growing smirk I was harbouring.

"Dude, I don't care what you like. I'm hardly one to judge am, I?" I shrugged, taking a seat on the sand. He just grinned with his giant mouth and took a sip of his beer, shoving the other hand in his pocket.

Tapping my foot to the music, I felt my phone buzz in my shorts. 'San, where are you? I need to talk. I can't be at home right now xoxo.'

When you're worried about somebody it's kind of hard to concentrate on anything or anybody else. I tried to be interested in the conversations that I was involved in and the beach volleyball game I attempted to play with the guys, but my mind drifted straight back to her. Why couldn't she stay at home? If her brute of a father had anything to do with this…

Everything around me turned into a kind of background noise, a distant humming as I searched the beach for her and endlessly checked my phone, waiting for her blonde hair to appear at any given moment. I spotted her through the crowds, avoiding everyone's glances and mumbles as to why she was here.

"Q! Over here!" I called out to her, rushing over there as fast as I could when running over hot sand. The first thing I noticed was her tear stained cheeks and glassy eyes, she wasn't crying anymore but her cheeks were flush and it was evident she had been a short while ago. "What the hell happened?" I asked, concerned, taking her into my arms as she leaned into me.

"I-I'm sorry that I worried you so much. It's really nothing major and I'm totally okay… I just had an argument with him." She shrugged, voice cracking a little as she finished her sentence. Pulling back, she wiped her cheeks and tried to compose herself, the low rumble of the music making an easy distraction.

"It's okay, Q. C'mon we can talk in my car? Away from everyone else." I replied, ushering her away from the drunken crowds on the beach.

The parking lot was dark now and the only light in the car was from the illuminated dashboard, she still looked beautiful. Quinn let out a breath of relief that we were alone now, running a hand through her tussled blonde hair, hazel eyes locking with mine.

"By him, I meant my Father if you hadn't already guessed… You remember Biff right?" She asked, leaning into my side with her head on my shoulder. Besides the fact she was upset I could definitely get used to this. The warmth from her body against mine was perfect.

"How could I forget that douchebag?" I replied, chuckling lightly and bringing a small smile to Quinn's lips. It's hard to explain the feeling it gives you when you make the one person you really care about smile, when a moment ago they were in tears.

She fiddled with the basketball jersey I had on, with her hand that was splayed across my stomach. "Yeah, well I had a little bit of an altercation with him on campus today. Blaine tried to swoop in and save the day but well that didn't go quite as planned. Anyway, it turns out him and Father have some kind of arrangement over me… My father wants me with him. For business purposes mostly but because he's the son he always wanted is what I presume…" She trailed off, her hand gripping onto my jersey.

My hand stroked through her hair to soothe her, jaw clenching as Quinn explained what they had said to make her so upset. "He has no right, Quinn. You have the freedom to be with whoever you want to be with, regardless of some stupid business proposition or because he's the kind of guy your dad wants you with. That's just a pathetic excuse. Fuck him and his Country Club." I ranted, anger boiling inside of me just at the thought of him shouting at Quinn over that.

Quinn looked up at me, concerned. Trailing her hand up to my chest and leaving it to rest there. "San, calm down… It's okay because I'm here now. I'm not going to let him dictate what I do with my life like he did with my Mother. I like you, a lot, him and Biff can be golfing buddies all they like but it won't change a thing…" She explained, tongue darting out to wet her lips ever so slightly as she leaned up to press them against mine.

Our lips had barely touched in that kiss but the energy I felt from it was more than I had ever experienced with anyone else. I pulled her in closer to me, needing to feel more of her body against my own. Quinn deepened the kiss in response, she was in control here, she set the pace, parting my lips with her tongue as the sound of soft moans filled the car. We moved together in sync, my tongue brushing against hers. She was frantic this time though, different to before, somewhat desperate, like she needed nothing more than me in that moment.

Quinn clutched my shirt, tugging at it as if it would make my clothes instantly come off, making me smirk into the deep kiss, tan hand coming up to grip my fingers into her fair hair. She bit my lip gently in response but that was still daring for her in this moment, I could feel she was pressing for more. We both wanted it, needed it. I pulled away from her lips slightly, making her moan in retaliation as she tried to pull me back. That was soon replaced by muffled moans, biting into her bottom lip while I trailed my lips painfully slowly down the pale expanse of her neck, nipping gently at the skin there. I smiled against her neck, feeling her hands sneak underneath the hem of my jersey, fingers experimentally feeling my body, testing the waters.

Quinn was as desperate for me as I was for her and I could feel the heat emanating from her body, her heart racing as I kissed and gently sucked on her pulse point. She was feeling adventurous and so was I, one hand slowly wandering up to cup her breast through the thin fabric of her summer dress, feeling her nipples harden beneath my palms and testing her limits. Her breath hitched as I pulled back from her neck, staring straight into glazed over hazel eyes, now an awful lot darker than they were ten minutes ago. Her lips were parted and she looked down at my own plump lips as I licked them. There looked to have been a small moment of uncertainty but she made up her mind pretty quickly, diving back in for a kiss. There was no hesitation from her now, lips moving quickly against mine, tongues dancing together as our breathing alone steamed the car windows up.

Her chest was rising and pushing into my hand just from me palming her breasts, aching for more of me and by now I was definitely aching for more of her too. She knew that even if the bulge in my shorts wasn't obvious enough. I was so fucking hard it was painful. Her delicate fingers made their way down past my abs, tentatively feeling the material of my shorts until she reached the hard bulge, pressing through the fabric. I instinctively pressed my hips up into her hand, leaning back from the kiss for a much needed breath.

"Q… You sure about this? After what we spoke about, I mean not that I'm against it entirely, but you know…" I smiled, my chest rising and falling quickly as she looked at me with a hungry stare.

She replied by wrapping her hand around the bulge and biting her lip at what she felt. "You're so hard… Besides I never said I was going to have sex with you, Santana. I'm patient, you're not, remember?" She said with a devilish glint in her eyes and a smirk on her lips, squeezing my member slightly and earning a hiss from me in response. "I'm not completely clueless in the bedroom… Or car." She grinned, momentarily moving her hand to unbutton my shorts and slowly pull the zip down, relieving some pressure on my behalf.

"Shit... Q, don't tease me like this, please. I-I… Shit. Do you want to…" Talking was requiring too much brain power right now when Quinn's hand was reaching into my shorts, only the thin material of my boxers between her hand and my cock. I just signalled to the backseat and she had a slightly nervous but knowing smile on her face.

I had managed to get my shorts down to my ankles by time we were in the backseat and my god I didn't know how much more I could take of this. My cock was straining through my boxers and I looked up at her, silently begging as she climbed over my lap to straddle me. I didn't expect her to do what she did next with such haste, knowing what I needed so badly she unbuttoned my boxers, pushing them down my thighs and my hard cock sprung back to rest on my stomach. Her eyes were wide as she stared down at my crotch and all I could do was smirk up at her, running tan hands over her thighs, fingers lightly scratching her skin as I did so. After a moment to take it in she couldn't wait much longer and neither could I, she gripped her hand around my shaft and began to stroke over it, flicking her thumb over the head where so much pre come had already collected. I groaned at the feel of her soft hands, moving over my cock, using the pre-cum as lubricant so she could slide over me quickly, applying the perfect amount of pressure to make my hips cant upwards into her hand.

"Oh god…" I mumbled beneath my breath as she quickened her pace, softly kissing my lips just once before she moved down, leaving a trail of her kisses over my abs and stopping just before where the waistline of my boxers usually was. "Q… You don't have to do that, you know." I tried to sound convincing, I really did.

There was no response from her as she slowed her pace down, still stroking over my shaft as she pressed a kiss to the head of my dick, her lips perfectly enveloping it in velvet warmth. I couldn't help but bring my hands up to clutch her hair, I needed something to grip onto and to show her how amazing her mouth felt. Show her that it felt so much better than I had ever imagined it would when I was having fantasies about us. Quinn's lips glistened from my own fluids as she pulled back softly and it was the best sight I have ever seen to date. She let her tongue lick from the base of the underside of my cock right back to the head before taking me in her mouth again, taking a little more of me as her wet, warm tongue swirled around my cock. All I could do grip my fingers tighter, white knuckled and try not to come too soon. I let out a moan, looking down at her with heavy eyes, mesmerised by the rhythm she had set up, bobbing up and down on my cock, each time slowly taking more of me. I wondered how much more she could take because really I wasn't exactly small. But she tried and my god it felt amazing.

"Shit, Q. You feel so fucking good, baby…" I mumbled, my breathing heavy as my cock hit the back of her throat making her gag a little and pull back slightly to adjust, she didn't stop though. Relaxing her throat the best she could she continued to bob up and down, sucking my dick like it was the best thing she had ever tasted and taking as much as she could, her hand working the rest of my cock that she couldn't reach with her mouth. She pulled back and flicked her tongue over the head, hand still working my shaft as she watched me intently, her eyes dark with lust as she swallowed what she could of me once again, swallowing around me and working my cock with her throat as she tried not to gag.

"Fuck, Q… I-I'm gonna come." I let out under my breath with as much energy as I could muster up right now while in this haze. I tried to hold out for as long as I could but I was getting to the point where I was refraining so much from pushing my hips up into her mouth too much or holding her head in place for just a bit too long that she couldn't manage it yet.

She heard me, but she didn't have to say anything in response, she just moaned with my rock hard shaft still in her mouth, sending vibrations all the way through my body and coming up at just the right moment to suck on the head of my cock, hand quickly pumping up and down. I tried to warn her but honestly, she wasn't having any of it. She wanted my come and she got it, a lot of it. I pressed my hips up as she used her free hand to hold me in place, pleasure coursing through my body as I finally let go and released into her mouth, thick ropes of come landing in her mouth and on her perfect tongue as I groaned loudly, stroking my hands through her hair when I was finishing up. She smiled and swallowed all that was in her mouth, making me shiver with the after tremors of my orgasm. If that wasn't enough she licked the remains of my come from the head of my dick, milking whatever was left into her mouth. I swear she was made for me.

"Holy… Fuck." Was all I could manage after that, waiting for my breathing and heart rate to return to normal. Quinn came to join me on the back seats, tucking my softening appendage back into my boxers with a smug grin.

She cleared her throat and husked out in her angelic voice "I take it that was satisfactory…" She smirked, pressing a gentle kiss to my lips as if she was innocent and all I could do was nod in pure ecstasy.

That's all for today! Let me know what you thought but please do remember what I mentioned above.

Thank you for reading,
