Hello everyone and welcome to my new story! This first chapter is only short, but I rather like it. Let me know what you guys think and I promise there will be a lot more action, Original love and of course, Klaroline to come. Enjoy!

Disclaimer: I do not own any part of TVD or TO or any characters in this story.

Chapter One

"You know, I'm getting awfully tired of your repeated behaviour, aren't you brother?" Rebekah smirked, holding a knife up to the vampire chained to the ceiling in front of her; his blood draining from his body as she continued to scar him.

"Oh yes, little sister, why don't you teach him a lesson" Klaus smirked, winking at his sister as she dug her knife into the groaning vampire for the fifth time. Klaus took a sip of his drink and watched as the blood slowly began dripping on the floor. Drip, drip, drip.

"It'd be my pleasure" Rebekah growled, her eyes turning a dark black as she hissed, her fangs protruding. "Run" She ordered, looking the baby vampire in the eye as she unlocked his chains, her pupils were dilating as she compelled him to do so. Within seconds the young vampire was sprinting through the house, the large front door slamming behind him.

"Well that's hardly a lesson now is it Rebekah" Klaus groaned, taking another sip of his drink as he watched his sister turn slowly towards him.

"I'm not finished yet, Nik" She hissed before flashing after her prey. She always did enjoy the chase. He laughed before turning around and returning to his study, continuing on with his newest painting.

Rebekah flashed down across the fields, through the French Quarter and eventually trapped her prey in the back alleyway, just behind the night clubs. The only thing present around them was the garbage bins.

"That was a pretty good attempt at an escape, I'm rather impressed" Rebekah smiled as her target lay on the floor. She turned, wiping away the blood from her lips and stopping dead in her tracks as she saw a dark figure ahead of her.

"Marcel" She growled. Marcel had previously been her lover, she'd loved him many years ago, after Nicklaus had rendered him part of the family; unfortunately for her, he had turned into a complete ass hole and destroying her and her family was his highest priority.

"Hello Rebekah, nice meal for you" He growled, looking at another one of his day walkers lying at her feet; he was just a meal for her, a joke, entertainment.

The French Quarter was filled with hatred at the moment. Marcel was no longer king of the Quarter after Klaus returned from his travels. He took over from Marcel and was now the 'king', as he liked to call himself.

Marcel had gathered all of his day and night walkers which were against Klaus and the Originals and had formed his own army; a pathetic one at that, a few baby vampires that he had to turn because he didn't have enough followers.

"Yes, he was rather fun actually, I do love a good chase" Rebekah teased, ensuring that she wound Marcel up in the process. Turning to look back at the dead vampire she gasped.

"Oh no! Was he one of yours?" Rebekah teased, smirking before Marcel started laughing. She heard a low growling from behind her and turned slowly to see three werewolves in their true form behind her, surrounding a single man in the middle.

"Can I help you?" She asked, determined to stand her ground against her new enemies that seemed to have joined forces. Although both parties were keeping their distance from each other; their main prey being her.

"You killed my brother" The man in the middle spoke, earning growls from the werewolves beside him. "Now I think it's time I returned the favour" The werewolf growled, his eyes turning yellow as he howled.

She hunched down, hissing as her fangs protruded from her lips as her eyes turned black. Ready to fight whatever was thrown her way. That was the thing with Rebekah; she was fearless.

As she lurched forward she was stepped dead in her tracks as the man cried out, falling to the ground, his neck having been snapped.

"Well that was just rude" The blonde winked as she smiled at the Original in front of her.

"Well Caroline, this is the first time that I will readily admit that I'm glad to see you!" Rebekah laughed, her fangs retreating as she smiled at the baby vampire in front of her. The wolves had ran off at the death of their leader and Marcel gasped. Caroline nodded over Rebekah's shoulder, a large smile on her lips.

Turning slowly Rebekah saw Marcel mid-air with a hand around his throat. Noticing the leather jacket, Rebekah laughed.

"Stefan" She gasped, smiling as he held her enemy in the air with ease. He had definitely got stronger.

"Needing some assistance are we?" He teased, snapping Marcel's neck and walking over to her, Caroline at his side.

"We heard you Originals had a fight on your hands." Caroline stated.

"What would you like us to do?" Stefan asked, a serious look on his face as they looked at the smiling Original in front of them.

There you go, what did you guys think?! I really like this idea for a story and I can't wait to see how it pans out! Team Originals with Caroline and Stefan?! That equals my perfection.