A/N: I've been meaning to write a sequel to Allegiant 2.0 but I'm currently in deep with another FourTris fic, Find Your Way Back. I can't do it anytime soon. I do, however, miss being in my Divergent head! cannon, and thus this story.

This thing actually originated from a part I've cut from Allegiant 2.0. I was supposed to put there how Tris and Tobias got their apartment on chapter 10 but I decided to delete it due to pacing issues. I found it again a couple months after I wrote it and it sparked the idea for this story's plot. I've always wanted to write something a bit happy for my favorite fictional couple, give Fourtris some break...some peace and quiet for once because they never got that in the books. (AND, frankly, these two deserve to be happy! Come on!) The gist of this fic runs around Tris and Tobias settling after the war and the experiments' disbandment. The first chapter is just setting up for the second half.

This was supposed to be a single chapter story but it got so long I had to cut it in half. The other half of this is already finished, just needs some polishing. It will be ready early next week. I'm giving this a T rating for the meantime just so it would appear on the general search but I'll be changing it into an M later this week because the next part calls for it. Anyway, if you want to send me asks, comments, or just plain chat, you can find me on Tumblr - herbrightoceaneyes.

It's been three months since we left our city, two since I got shot releasing the memory serum in the Bureau, and a month and a half since Chicago became an open city. Almost everyone went back after that. It was something we didn't expect. We anticipated the opposite, for people to venture out, explore the bigger world we didn't know about. It was a welcome development especially with all the work that needs to be done in the city.

But I wasn't allowed back, not immediately. It's only been two weeks since Dr. Reed deemed me ready to leave the former Bureau's premises though I've been out of the hospital a month ago, a day before the negotiation for Chicago. I insisted and, against his better judgment, Dr. Reed agreed but not without conditions. In exchange, he demanded that I stay in the compound for a few more weeks reasoning that I still needed to undergo several check-ups and rehab, something that wouldn't be available to me in the city because the factionless burned down part of the hospital. Dr. Reed told me all those things while both Tobias and Christina stood witness. It was a trap I couldn't get out of so I relented.

Now that I am given the all clear, I want nothing more but to go home.

"Have you packed all your things, Tris?" Christina asks dumping her own bag on the couch. I'm still staying in the room Matthew found for me and Tobias just before I was discharged from the hospital. "Four will be here in an hour, right? He told you." Tobias had been going to and from Chicago, helping out Harrison and Johanna who both have been formally elected as leaders. I haven't seen him in two days. I'm sure he would not have left me here if it weren't for Christina. The two of them seemed to have made a pact to watch over me. I should be annoyed but after what I've put them through, I really couldn't blame them. Even if they understand why I did the things I've done, and they both do for the record, it's not enough to quell whatever fear both of them have about losing me.

"Yeah," I answer, "it's not like I've got a lot to pack anyway." I shrug.

Christina looks at me searchingly like she expects something more and when she doesn't get it, she asks if I'm sure I'm not forgetting anything.

"All the things I brought with me when we came here will be the same ones I'm taking back," I tell her. Of course, I know what she has in mind but I don't want to talk about it. Not now, someday but not right now. It's enough that in the moments I'm alone I think about all my - our - losses. Uriah and Caleb's not coming back with us. My parents won't be there to welcome me home. Bitterness floods me but I don't have anyone or anything to direct it to so I keep it in.

"How 'bout your boyfriend's stuff?" Christina asks another question changing the direction of my thoughts. Tension must have showed off on my face.

"All ready to go."

"'Kay," she bites her lower lip. "Let's eat. Maybe we could even sneak out some food for our trip."

"It's not a field trip, Christina," I tease. "Afraid you'll go hungry?"

"What? You can never be overly prepared for anything," she grins. "What if the truck breaks down or runs out of fuel?"

I roll my eyes and laugh because she's just making excuses. "Whatever you say, Chris. Whatever you say."

It was already halfway-thru the morning and there were only a few people in the dining hall. Matthew, Nita and Regie were there though and they spot us almost immediately.

"Today's the day," Matthew says as we approach the food line. There's a big smile on his face. I wish I could be that cheerful in the morning.

"Yup," Christina answers not looking at him because her attention's on the food in front of her. She purses her lips, "What do you want to eat, Tris?"

"I just want some hot chocolate," I say. "I'll be having whatever you're getting."

She puts two blueberry muffins and a loaf of banana bread on my tray before going off to the machine that dispenses coffee and hot chocolate. Matthew and Regie follow her.

I turn to see Nita behind me. I give her a small polite smile which she returns. "You okay now?" she inquires. She gets three bowls of oatmeal and tops it with some sort of fruit jam.

"I'm fine, I guess," I answer her before taking another muffin for Tobias just in case he hadn't eaten yet. "Dr. Reed told me that I still need to have a couple more check-ups but they've fixed the hospital in the city so I could go there instead." I look her over. Tobias accused me of being jealous of her, one of our many fights here in this place. I didn't admit it, not then and certainly not now, but he was right. I was jealous because she's exactly the kind of girl I thought Tobias would want to be with. It didn't help that Nita did show interest in him, something he was totally oblivious to though Christina told me that she pointed it out to him in one of their conversations while they both waited for me to wake up. It was the answer he gave my best friend that finally made me dismiss any lingering jealousy I have floating around. He told her that any other girl paying him attention didn't matter because he already has me. Tobias had said something similar before when he asked me what made me think he'd be interested in anyone else. He's been nothing but faithful even when I wasn't there to see.

"You could ask the lunch lady to wrap that," Nita points at the banana loaf on my tray. I raise an eyebrow questioningly. "Yeah, of course you could." She then asks the woman in the counter to wrap the bread for me. "So you'd have something to eat later. The trip back to the city's still a couple of hours and it's almost lunch," Nita smiles at me.

We look around for seats but we both see Christina, Matthew and Regie already settling themselves on one of the tables near the windows. We walk towards them. "What are you planning to do next? Will you stay here?"

"I'd go to the other cities, see if there's anything good for me out there." One corner of her lips turn up, "I would have to cart around this kid though," Nita taps Regie's shoulder before sitting down. I settle myself next to Christina. "Matthew's following you guys to Chicago," she continues.

Both Christina and I turn our attention to Matthew. "Really?" My best friend inquires.

"Yes, but I'd help out here first. I just thought maybe I could make a better life for myself in Chicago," Matthew admits. "Dr. Reed's going to head this place by the way."

"That's good then," Christina chimes. I wish I could be as optimistic as they are but I can't help thinking about what Tobias told me, that this, whatever peace we're all experiencing right now could just be like the factions - temporary solutions, fleeting and precarious.

I give my friend one of the muffins on my tray, she hands me a cup of hot chocolate. Across from our seat, Nita and Matthew talk to each other with Regie sitting in between them.

"Have you talked to Four about," Christina hesitates but eventually continues, "about...ummm...you know, your last trip to the hospital?" Her voice is low, almost whispering but even if I know the other three people with us didn't hear the question she asked me I still blush. A couple of days ago, I brought her along with me to the hospital to ask about birth control methods. I know I could have gone alone, the Abnegation in me would have wanted that but the unsure girl inside me won out. I needed someone to talk to about things like this.

"You don't have to answer," she stammers. "God, it's hard to outgrow old habits."

I bite the inside of my cheek. If anything, Christina had so far curbed her Candor instincts, graciously not asking too much question about that. I decide to be honest with her, "I haven't." I take a deep breath. "I don't know how to tell him." I know I should talk about this with Tobias, and I will, I just have to find a way to make it less awkward. We've only had sex once, that night before my accident. He'd been gentle, asked me several times if I was sure before doing anything. Our mutual inexperience made it somehow better for me. I know it won't be the last time even if Tobias hasn't tried anything to initiate it again. I decided to get what the doctor called a depo shot. It's good for three months.

"Hey, you're doing the right, smart thing" Christina states. "At least one of you needs to be responsible. Not saying anything against Four. Maybe he's just finding the right time to talk to you about it." She cocks her eyebrows.

I feel blood rushing to my face. I'm sure I'm blushing furiously. "Shut up, Christina!" I smack her arm but she dodges it and heartily laughs at my embarrassed expression.

"You're adorable, Tris." She grins. Right at that moment, the doors of the dining hall open and Tobias walks in. I cup my cheeks with my hands willing away the flush I know is still there. He smiles when he spots me and I smile back. I throw a warning look towards Christina's direction. She smirks in response and for a while I thought she'll tell him everything we've just talked about but all she does is make a face at my boyfriend. "Good to see you, too, Christina," Tobias lightly taps her shoulder. I'm happy they're getting along. I remember mine and Christina's first day at Dauntless, the two of them didn't quite meet in a good way. Actually, Tobias hated my friend's Candor ways.

I scoot a bit to my right to give Tobias enough space to sit beside me. Christina gives me a knowing look. I ignore it. "You're early," I reach out for his hand under the table letting the other's voices drone on in our background.

"So we could all be in Chicago earlier," he twines our fingers together." I push the plate with the muffins towards him. "You're both ready to leave?" Tobias juts his chin towards Christina's direction.

"Yeah," I confirm, handing him my cup of hot chocolate. He takes a sip from it before taking a piece of the muffin I've been eating. "There's a muffin on the plate in front of you."

"We can share," he laughs a bit. He takes another piece to spite me. "I have a couple of things to take care of then we'll leave, alright?" His thumb rubs gentle circles on my knuckles, a comforting gesture

"Won't you tell me what you're going to do?" I look at him, eye to eye, trying to read what's on his mind only succeeding at getting hypnotized by his dark blues. Tobias disentangles his hand from mine. I am momentarily jarred by the loss of contact but his hand just moves to the small of my back and it quiets the alarm sounding inside my head.

"Caleb," Tobias answers and he doesn't have to explain himself. I nod. This is one more thing I'm thankful for, him taking care of the things I cannot.

He gives me my cup back, "I think I better get on with it." He sits up.

"Eat some more."

"The sooner I get things done, Tris, the sooner we'll get home." He leans down and kisses the top of my head. "We'd talk later," Tobias pauses looking unsure, "There is...there is something I've been meaning to ask you."

"Okay," I respond then he walks off from our table and out of the dining hall.

"What was that about?" Christina turns to me, her brows creased in the middle. "Are you guys alright?"

"Yeah, we're good." I try to smile but I know it doesn't quite convince her. She doesn't say anything though and I'm grateful for it because I also don't know the answer to her questions. "Tobias wants to leave soon. He's just attending to something," I state changing the topic.

"Well, we're ready," Christina shrugs.

For lack of anything to say, I just nod.


The drive back to the city was exactly how I remembered it months ago when we escaped it - dusty roads filled with potholes and cracked concrete, old infrastructures falling into ruins, nature reclaiming what was originally hers. It was uncomfortable even with Tobias' careful driving. Amar and George follow behind on their own truck. The two of them only went back to get their things from their apartments in the Bureau compound.

Christina filled the silence with her questions about the place her mom picked for them. Tobias answered her inquiries dutifully with incredible patience I've never seen from him before. I just listened to their back-and-forth, dropping a few comments a couple of times. Stephanie, Christina's mother, picked an apartment in the Hancock Building. It's also where Zeke and Hana, Shauna, Hector and their mother, and George and Amar chose to live. I wonder if I and Tobias will go back to his apartment in the Dauntless compound, or find a new place somewhere else like our friends.

I let out a sigh of relief once I see the fence loom on the horizon. I yawn and stretch my limbs as far as the little space I've got in the passenger seat would allow. Christina has more leg space at the back but she has our bags to her right and the urn holding Caleb's ashes to her left so I don't know if that makes any difference.

"Just a while more, Tris," Tobias places a hand on my knee. He smiles at me when I look up at him.

"I'm more hungry than tired," Christina complains. I give her what's left of the banana loaf. I didn't notice but I've eaten almost half of the bread. Christina raises an eyebrow at me. Smirking, she says, "Gee, thanks." She takes a slice, "And you said I was the one who was afraid to go hungry." I roll my eyes, Tobias bites his lower lip obviously trying to stop himself from laughing. "I had nothing else to do," I defend myself but it only earns me laughter from both of them.

Christina starts nibbling on her slice. "What's new in the city?" The question directed at Tobias.

"Whatever I told you the last time, that's it. There's nothing much, yet," he shrugs.

From the outside, Chicago looks the same as when we left it. But the gate that has kept us locked inside the city is now left wide open. It feels welcoming, something that's so far removed from the imposing feeling it used to give. It's a change, a first of many as we attempt to rebuild the city.

Tobias rolls down his window and stops our vehicle letting the guards stationed at the gate perform their mandatory check. "Welcome back," one of them says. They do the same thing on George and Amar's truck.

"Do you think you'll be alright going back to the Abnegation sector?" Tobias asks once we start moving again. "I need to get a few things from Marcus' house."

"I'll be fine," I tell him.

"We won't stay long. I promise."

"Are George and Amar going to Abnegation, too?" Christina's brows are furrowed.

"Yes but only to have lunch. Why?" Tobias looks at her from the rear view mirror.

"I was thinking Mom and Rose must be waiting for me. I mean, you did tell them I'll be coming home today, right Four?"

"Yes, I did," he reassures her. "If you want, you can leave with Amar and George. You're all going to the same building anyway."

"Will that be alright with you two? I don't want both of you to think I'm ditching you guys," she explains with a wry smile.

I give out a short laugh. "We're not thinking that, Christina. Of course, we understand and it's fine."

"Thank you," she beams.