Regina Mills was in a familiar circumstance: a Town Hall meeting with everyone accusing her of something and yelling at her. Even though she had planned this with Emma ahead of time, it felt disconcerting, nonetheless. That loudmouth Leroy was popping-off, as was Granny, even Belle and Ruby were chiming in with hurtful comments. Ingrates! She had given up everything to send them back to where they belonged. Okay, so she had to put on a show of power… but what? Earthquake! That will shake 'em up but good. As she disappeared into a cloud of purple smoke, she knew Emma would follow her out.

As Emma ran after Regina, the crowd turned to Mary Margaret.

"How was that, Honey?" Granny queried.

"That was great, you guys!" Mary Margaret affirmed.

"Are you sure about this?" Belle asked. "Are you sure Regina has changed?"

"Yeah," Leroy added, his eyes wide. "That earthquake was pretty scary!"

"I'm sure. Regina has changed. We wouldn't have made it out of Neverland without her and she sacrificed everything yesterday, or… um last year… whenever, for the happiness of others."

"But this business of Regina and Emma being together to save us," Dr. Whale intoned. "I don't see it!"

"What have you been looking at?" Ruby smirked. "Those two have been hot for each other since Day One."

"Aah, love-hate," Belle sighed, wistfully. "I know it well."

"No need to go there, I think," David intoned in a fatherly manner.

"None indeed," Archie agreed. "But, psychologically, it is a valid concept. A love-hate relationship has been linked to the occurrence of emotional ambivalence in early childhood and to conflicting responses by different ego states within the same person."

"Wikipedia again, Doc?" Belle questioned.

"Well, yes, if you must know," Archie stammered as he pushed his glasses back up onto his nose. "But, a love-hate relationship is wild, thrilling and full of passion. It is also stressful and heart wrenching."

"Wait a minute," Belle interrupted. "I think I read this on the inter…"

"For every exhilarating rush of love, there are moments of rage and anger," Archie continued quickly.

"I'm down with that," Ruby grinned.

"Please," David protested. "This is my daughter we're discussing here!"

"I'm just sayin'," Ruby shrugged.

Mary Margaret attempted to restore order.

"My plan was to combine Regina and Emma. Since the loss of Gold," she glanced at Belle as the young woman sank back into her chair.

"Sorry, sweetie," she whispered in her direction.

"But, Regina and Emma are the only two left with magic in our town. They are our best shot at getting to the bottom of this new curse."

"But how did you know this would work?" Granny asked. "That Emma would run out after Regina?"

Ruby rolled her eyes. "Granny… please."

"I just had a feeling, after everything that happened in Neverland and after Regina's sacrifice, that if she was attacked, my daughter would defend her!"

"She didn't exactly defend her, sweetheart," Granny interjected. "She threatened her!"

"Maybe it's their way," Belle sighed.

Mary Margaret nodded.

"Okay then," Leroy grumbled. "Good enough for me. Let's go get a drink."

As the rabble filed out, David turned to Mary Margaret.

"How did you know that Emma would follow her?"

"I know our daughter better than she thinks. She spent a lot of time with Regina in Neverland. They bonded. Didn't you notice them growing closer?"

"I tried not to," David shook his head.

"Ever since Emma showed up again, she's wanted to see Regina; she just didn't want to say it. When she saw her at Granny's, she immediately went to her. David," she eyed him earnestly, "she cares about her. We have to respect that."

"But, you don't believe what Ruby and Belle and Archie were implying, do you?" David protested.

"Listen," Mary Margaret deadpanned, "I'll take Regina over a flying monkey every time."


Regina rested her head against the bedroom window. Rain was beginning to fall. The glass felt cold against her forehead as tears trickled down her cheeks. Emma had run off to plant the seed of a "con" with that blowhard, Leroy. She felt immensely disappointed that her attempts at reproducing the memory potion had failed. She missed Henry. He didn't know her anymore. She had woken up in the morning with an aching in her gut. Her sacrifice had not only cost her son, but someone else… the one person she could relate to in Storybrooke. When Emma showed up with Henry, and she saw them…

She was shaken from her reverie by the sight of Emma running up the front walk. She stopped and glanced up at Regina. With a huge smile, she gave her a thumbs up. Regina wiped away her tears as she could not help but smile back. She raced down the stairs to meet her.

"Worked like a charm," was Emma's cheery greeting as Regina opened the door.

"As I suspected it would," Regina smiled.

Emma hesitated. Something was wrong.

"You've been crying."

"Don't be ridiculous," Regina feigned as she turned her back and began walking up the stairs. This was too much. She had lost everything… again. All she had left was her pride. She would not allow Emma to see her pain!

"Stop right there, lady," Emma commanded.

Regina stood motionless upon the staircase, her back to the other woman.

"I always know when you're lying, remember?"

"Just let it go, Emma."

"No!" She bounded up the stairs after Regina until she stood by her side. "You tell me what's going on!"

Regina was struggling to control her emotions. Why does she have to stand so close? She glanced at her with tear filled eyes.

Emma felt her heart swell with sympathy.

"What is it?" she spoke softly. "Is it Henry?"

Regina sat down upon the stairs. She was losing her battle to keep her composure. Her cold exterior began to crack under the seemingly sincere concern of the woman now hovering over her.

"It's more than that," she sighed. "It's everything."

Emma peered down at her, feeling suddenly nervous and vulnerable, herself.

"What do you mean?"

"I've done nothing but curse myself. I have no one."

"Aaw, don't say that."

Regina looked up at her. "Why? It's true, isn't it?"

Emma rolled her eyes. She couldn't believe she was going to say what she was about to say. Damn, it's been a year, I'm barely back for 24 hours and already I'm falling for this… for her… again!

"You have me, Regina," she stated flatly as she proffered her hand for the other woman to take.

Regina glared up at her. Is she mocking me? Her inner fire ignited. There was nothing worse than being condescended to by a member of the Charming family… especially one she cared about, but could never truly have.

"Why would you say that? You don't care about me!" she snapped.

Emma swallowed hard, trying with all her might not to take the bait. What is it with her anyway? One minute all soft and sad, the next snarling like some cornered wild beast.

"For better or worse, we're in this together," she stated flatly as she offered her hand more forcefully.

Emma pondered. She is wild. Completely untamed. Just one of the things I love about her. Knock it off, Swan! Get real! She doesn't care about you like that! Her tone changed.

"Now get your ass up and stop feeling sorry for yourself. We've got work to do!"

Regina slid her hand into Emma's as she rose from the stairs.

"Let's go splash some water on your face," the blonde spoke softly.

Regina nodded.


Emma looked around while Regina was in the bathroom. She couldn't help but notice the pictures of Henry. This is so sad. She picked up a photo of Henry from the nightstand. He couldn't have been more than three. A sweet smile crossed her face.

"Put that down!" came Regina's commanding voice.

"Oh," Emma sputtered as she replaced the photo. "I'm sorry. I just never knew him at this age."

"But, for a year, you had the memory," Regina stated as she carefully repositioned the picture frame. "Do you still?"

"It's kinda' weird. I mean yeah, but I know it's not real, so it's getting hazier."

"Sorry about that."

"It's not your fault. I know that. You tried to give us a good life."

"Tell me about that."

"About what?"

"Your life in New York City."

"Wouldn't you rather hear about Henry?"

Regina visibly shrank.

"No. It's too painful."

"Of course. Maybe later? We're going to have to face it at some point."

"But not now. I'm not ready. Tell me about your life in New York. Were you happy?"

"Yeah, I was, or at least I thought I was. There was this guy."

"Do tell," Regina's eyebrow lifted.

"Yeah. We were getting serious until I found out…" Emma's voice trailed off.

"Until you found out what?"

"Nothing, really. It just didn't work out, is all."

"I always know when you're lying."

Emma smiled ironically. "Touché."

"So out with it. Until you found out what?"

"Alright then," Emma blushed as she sighed. "Until I found out that he was a flying monkey."

"A flying what?!" was Regina's incredulous response.

"A flying monkey," Emma's voice trailed off as she added, "I'm pretty sure you heard me the first time."

"A flying monkey?" Regina began to laugh. "Like from the Wizard of Oz? Tell me, Emma, was he blue?"

Emma became angry.

"Knock it off, Regina!" she shouted.

"Excuse me," Regina gathered herself. "But, I did need the laugh, so thank you for that."

"It's not funny," Emma protested.

"Finding out that the one you've shared your hopes, your dreams, your most intimate thoughts with is a flying monkey? No. That's not funny," Regina burst out into laughter once again. "It's hysterical! I mean, I've had my share of bad relationships, but a flying monkey?"

"That's it!" Emma declared emphatically. She glanced quickly around the room until she spotted a small comb on the dresser. She grabbed it and hurled it at Regina, who ducked.

"Nice try, what else you got, Swan?"

"This!" Emma shouted as she grabbed a brush and held it threateningly. "I've got a brush! Oh yeah, you're in trouble now!"

"You mean that?" Regina parried as she flicked her wrist and the brush turned into a banana. "That's more to your taste, I think."

"Not funny, Regina!"

"No," Regina began laughing again. "You're right. It's still hysterical!"

Emma threw the banana at Regina who caught it with one hand. She peeled it slowly and placed it in her mouth seductively as she took a bite.

"See anything you like?" Regina purred. "Getting turned on?"

"You'll be sorry you did that!" Emma growled angrily.

"Oh, I'm so afraid of your Super Power," Regina smiled sarcastically. "Let me bow before you!"

Emma concentrated hard, conjuring all the magic Regina had taught her. A fly swatter appeared in her hands. Regina's eyebrow peaked.

"Seriously?" she smirked.

"Seriously, bitch!" came Emma's fuming retort. "I was going for a riding crop, but this will do!"

Regina laughed out loud and flicked her wrist again in an attempt to neutralize Emma's new weapon. Nothing.

"Maybe your magic can't undo mine anymore," Emma grinned. She snapped the fly swatter in the air.

"Now wait a minute, Emma. I was just joking," Regina blurted, still trying not to laugh.

"I'm not," came the reply.

Regina turned to run, but was caught square on the behind by a smack from Emma's weapon.

"Ow," she howled as she turned to face Emma. "That's not funny! That's going to leave a mark!"

"I hope so! What are you going to do about it?!"

"This," Regina's eyes narrowed as a mace appeared in her hand.

"A mace? Over-the-top, much?" Emma laughed. "Really, Regina? How medieval of you. Old school all the way, huh?"

Regina looked at the weapon she was holding. She appeared perplexed. "How is this old school? It was all the rage in the Enchanted Forest."

She dropped her hand with the weapon still in it. She looked crestfallen as she peered up at Emma.

"You think I'm old school?"

Emma was taken aback. There she goes again: one minute a bitch, the next all vulnerable and soft. Why do I fall for this? She dropped the fly swatter and crossed the space between them.

"No, Regina. I mean, a flamethrower like the one from Alien might have been a more contemporary choice, but…"

"I never saw Alien."

"What? How could you have not seen Alien? You saw the Wizard of Oz but you never watched Alien?"

"I was raising our son," Regina replied. "Which would you prefer he watch?"

"Yeah, I know but, it sure would've been interesting to see whom you identified with: Ripley or the creature, probably both, knowing you. But, that's beside the point. I mean, Regina… a mace? You were really going to try and hit me with that thing?"

Regina frowned.

"You know you can't cross me… my evilness and all that. Now you've gone and ruined my good time."

"A good time at my expense!"

"I'm sorry. I thought we were having such fun. Now you think I'm old school."

Emma took both of Regina's hands in her own as she laid her forehead upon the other woman's.

"Let's just be clear about something, you may be the weirdest, most twisted person I have ever known, but I also think you're amazing."

"Really?" Regina sulked. "Not old school?"

"Strong, sad, powerful, and vulnerable all at once," Emma smiled. "A modern woman in every way!"

"Really?" Regina repeated.

"You know I can't lie to you."

"Right," Regina finally smiled. "But you also think I'm a bitch."

"Let me clarify." Emma slid her hand over Regina's rear end where she had smacked her as she gently brushed her lips. "I think you're my bitch."

Regina responded passionately as she pressed her lips against Emma's. Suddenly clothes were being ripped asunder as they fell upon the bed.

"Regina," Emma gasped desperately. "I don't have a lot of extra clothes on this trip."

"Oh, sorry."

Regina did her magic wrist flick and both were suddenly naked.

"Oh God," Emma moaned as she gazed at Regina's body. "I have imagined this so many times since I got my memory back!"

Regina eyed every inch of her as her fingers began to trace the contours of her breasts, her stomach, down to the space between her legs.

"Is it as you imagined?" she questioned as she took a nipple into her mouth.

"Magical," came Emma's husky reply.

Regina wrapped her in a sensuous embrace. Mad, passionate lovemaking ensued… the kind of lovemaking engendered by a year of pent-up desire. Finally satiated, Emma lay with her head upon Regina's chest.

"How was that for you?" Regina asked as she laid a kiss upon her golden hair.

"It's good to be back," Emma sighed. "God, I've missed this."

"Apparently not, I mean, how would you know?" Regina pondered.

"Don't start, Regina."

"Don't start what? You're the one who fucked a winged simian in my absence." She pursed her lips so as not to begin laughing again.

Emma pinned both of Regina's arms over her head onto the pillow as she straddled her naked body.

"You're the one who wiped my memory and sent me to New York with a new life."

"It was for your own good. I wanted to broaden your horizons, expose you to new and different experiences. Best thing for you, really."

"Knock it off, Regina. I'm warning you!"

"Or what, you'll conjure up another fly swatter?"

"It'll hurt a lot more on bare flesh!"

Regina pondered this for a moment, contemplating the suggestion.

"Might be fun," she finally smiled coyly. "But nothing compared to monkey sex, I'm sure. Did he wear his little hat, Em? I mean in the movie, they wore little hats, kinda' like bellboy hats, if I recall."

Emma was becoming agitated again.

"As a matter of fact, he did," she smiled down sarcastically. "I happen to like little bellhop caps." She took Regina's lower lip between her own and then bit down softly, "bellhop caps turn me on."

"Bitch!" Regina pushed her off and rolled her over so that she was on top. "You did like it, didn't you."

"Get over it already."

"Not until you say it."

"Say what?"

Regina pressed her shoulders down as she writhed on top of her. "Say it!"

"Geez, you're so neurotic," Emma moaned.

"Say it!" Regina pulsated against her harder, faster. "Before I hurt you!"

"Alright then," Emma relented with halting breath. "You are WAY better than monkey-sex."

Regina rolled over onto her side and gathered Emma in an embrace. They kissed momentarily before they both began to laugh.

"Thanks," Regina whispered sincerely.

"For what? This new habit of thanking me is throwing me off my game."

"For giving me these moments of pleasure. For giving me respite from…"

Emma placed two fingers upon her lips.

"You don't have to finish. I know what's on your mind. We'll figure it out, Regina… together. I promise."

Regina rested her head on Emma's shoulder.

"So, keep this on the down-low, like before?" Emma queried. "No, um, unnecessary emotional entanglements? Just you and me scratching a private itch?"

"Distant and cold to each other in public, as usual. None of the dimwits in this town will ever suspect," Regina replied. "It's none of their business, anyway."

"Okay," Emma sighed in an irritated manner. "Some of those folks you're referring to as dimwits are my family. But… agreed."

"That's one of the things I love about you," Regina smiled. "You don't take the town's side against me."

"Wait, there are things you love about me?"

Regina was caught off guard.

"Oh, um, no, of course not." She regarded Emma affectionately. "Not unless there are things you love about me."

Both women were quiet, afraid to venture into this frightening new territory. Regina finally broke the silence.

"You know, I think I've got a little bellhop hat in my closet, if you want to go again," she smiled as she traced Emma's lips.

"You don't need a little hat, Babe. I'll take you over a flying monkey every time."