Yugi ran into the living room and paced back and forth 'Why am I so nervous I mean he a few years older than me but not by much, maybe its because I not yet an adult GAH!'

Yugi sat down on the couch and Malik walked in "Yugi? are you okay?" he walked around to sit next to Yugi who shrugged

"I don't know Malik I mean I knew he was older than me, but seven Years older I don't know I feel weird about it, I know its not that big of a deal but..." Yugi looked at the ground blushing

"You don't know how to process that he is older than you, Right?" Malik put a hand on Yugi's shoulder "Trust me I know how you feel." Malik smiled as Yugi looked up

"You do?" Yugi tilted his head

"Yugi how old do you think Bakura is?" Malik laced his fingers together

"Bakura's 18 turning 19." Yugi turned to face Malik "Why?"

"Well..." Malik turned facing forward "he's actually turning 238 this year. and Ryou is only 89, I myself am turning 107 and my old lover was 233. And to be honest we are young for vampires, just try guessing how old king Solomon is," Malik looked at Yugi who was staring at him in shock

"You all are that old?!" Yugi put a hand on his head "Wow, I mean that's amazing...But Yami and Bakura seem to know each other very well how is he only 24?"

Malik shifted uncomfortable "Well... He..Died and was reborn 24 years ago, Bakura, even if he hates to admit it, thinks of Yami as his best friend so he went to Yami and gave him all his memories except how he died. his body is young but his mind is about as old as Bakura's. Some times Yugi I think Yami can see how he died, But I know that's impossible" Malik laughed then sighed "When I was younger I was thought of as a freak because... I was a half breed, And then you were born you, Yugi, you change everything we though was impossible. Wolf and Vampire blood are so different that it was though they can never mix so you, you are the impossible. You made a difference with half breeds like me, I don't know why wolf and vampire blood cant mix, but in you there is a perfect mixture." Malik looked at Yugi with a small sad smile "I was almost killed because of who I was, I was saved by a Wolf named Marik. I was only 15 and back in the day our kind was hunted the humans found and tied me to a cross they were going to purify me with fire, and Marik rushed in killed half the village and ran off with me. When we stopped I push him away Yelling at him I didn't want to be saved I want to die, I hit him over and over crying , he asked why I wanted to die. So I told him I was a half breed Something that shouldn't exist, He asked if that was my way of think or was I influenced," Malik wiped his eyes "We stayed together for a long time but his pack leader found about me he wanted me dead and wanted Marik to do it so we fought he won and made it look like I was dead, he walked away with out turning back." Malik let a few tears out

Yugi himself had tears in his eyes "Malik I'm so sorry you had to go through that, I mean I don't know what to say." Malik pulled Yugis face toward him

"Yugi I told you all of this because I want you to know that your life who you are it better our world and take thing as they are and cherish them because one day they might slip though your fingers and you'll lose them forever. So try and accept wants coming to you. No matter what's thrown at you take it as is." Malik stood up "I'm...going to go make dinner just think about what I said." Malik turned and bowed to Yugi before heading to the kitchen

Yugi stood up and walked out side and up to Bakura standing in front of him he spoke "Teach me to fight."

Bakura was standing with Ryou and Yami who looked at him mouths open Bakura looked at him before shaking his head "Sorry little brother but I won't fight you, I can't." Bakura turned and jumped into the trees

"Why won't he teach me" Yugi glared in the direction Bakura left in

"He is sworn by an oath to never hurt but to protect you." Ryou explained to Yugi

"I don't care I want to protect him, all of you really. I want my family safe, I can't do that if you all keep me in a box." Yugi turned around to his new mate "Yami will you teach me to fight? I want to protect you, I need you to teach me." Yugi plead with Yami who looked like he was debating on it

"Yugi" Yami started "I will teach you but first you must learn healing spells, your father was on of the few vampires to have magic and so do you. The blood weapon we have is in our nature but magic is rare we need to get you a teacher, and I know they perfect one, give me 10 minutes." Yami walked away back into the house Yugi looked at Ryou who shrugged

Yami stepped into the house just as King Solomon stepped into the kitchen "Yami what are you doing?" Solomon glared at Yami as he demanded an answer

"My King" Yami bowed "Yugi wishes to learn and because I know he can't stand doing nothing I will have him trained besides you know that old wolf will try and take him and you don't want that." Yami responded as polite as he could

"Hm" Solomon look away "You know I wanted him to marry a human right?" he asked as he walked over to sit down and relax

Yami nodded "I understand, but He wanted to help and I will admit I feel in love with him and felt a draw to him when I saved him, My king please let me have this before his 18 birthday?"

Solomon sighed and nodded his head "Very well until he reaches of age you are his mate then I'll see what he wants."

Yami looked up but Solomon was gone, he walked over to the phone and made the call