'This document is a testament to which state that, Minami Kotori, first daughter of the Minami family, is a candidate to be a bride of the next heir of the Shion conglomerate, Shion Kaito. Under only to the approval of both family in which the candidate may be annulled or not attaining the required condition. This are the condition needed:

1. Minami Kotori, must not be married.

2. She must first finished her high school year before she may be pick. As well as the other candidates.

3. She must remain virgin until one of the candidate has been chosen.'

"I see." mumbled Kaito as he read the evidences brought by Kotori. Right now in front of him was a document that testifying to their problem. He was holding a document in a highly classy folder. Closing it and removing his glasses and hanging them in his pocket.

"This is legit...No...more that legit, this is an approved and valued agreement." he said as he handed it to Honoka who was seating next to him in her seat. Around her was Sonoda Umi and his so called 'fiancée' Minami Kotori.

"How can you be so sure?" Ask Umi cautiously. He gave her a heavy sigh as he bit on some pocky his was eating.

"See the insignia at the front of the folder..." He pointed at folder. The insignia was a a five petal Sakura surrounded by a Ouroboros (AU: Dragon eating it's tail.) "There. The six petal represents the clan's family, and the dragon means infinity. To be forever bond to the family you love." he continued.

"And look at the tail and eye of the dragon." he said as he pointed it out. The examine it first, not getting it until, "EH!? That's a ruby and sapphire!?" Umi exclaim.

"That's right. Because Shion was a miner back then, or something. Anyway, Ruby means strength of the family and sapphire means peace. All documents important has that kind of cover so it's easy to see if it's legit." he finished as he finished his last food on the table. "well anyway, don't bother thinking about the detail and finding away out of it cause you'll only be wasting time." he finished. As he stood out from his seat.

"I'm skipping class, I'll be at the rooftop if you need me, And-." He glared at them, "don't tell anyone where I'll be." he finished as he walked out of the room.

"Umm...should we stop him?" Kotori question to the others with a bit of sweat drop. The others was same.

"No...we shouldn't." Umi answered as the other simply nodded.



(Kaito's POV)

As I walked in the room, the first thing that caught my attention was the people inside. The whole Muse group idol, the principal, and my mom. The idol group was standing in row as in front of them was Kousaka, Minami and Sonoda, they where facing the two adults who was seating in front of each other.

"Did you need me?" I spoke in a polite tone as I was facing the whole people inside.

"Oh so polite. Why do you only do that when in front of someone and not me." Said my annoying mom while making an exaggerated sad face.

"Did you need me principal?" I said, ignoring my mother who sobbed, "you're ignoring me!"

"Yes Kaito-san, Reiko-san wanted to speak to you." Answered the principal as she gesture to my mom, who was still fake crying. After she was gesture she cough and return to her happy-go-lucky face. Oi woman, you're embarrassing yourself!

"Yes son, I need to speak to you." She said as she stood up and walked up to the girls. "You see, I have just found out that this school. This very school where all my happy three years of high school was just about to be close because there are few students who want to enter here." She yapped while looking out the window.

"But-" she walked up to the girls as she patted Kousaka's head, "This girls wanted to save this school by doing what they think, I also think it too, is the best course of action to save this school. And that's to form a group idol name Muse to save this school. Isn't that touching!" She finished with a big smile as she went in front of me, grinning like a fool.

"And? What those their back story and mission got to do with me?" I answered her with annoying tone written all over my words.

She spread out her arms in front of the girls as she finally said, "That's why you're here. I command you to help them get to the top so they can save this school!"

"WHAT!?" said me and the other girls in unison.

"Why does he need to help us?!" Said the girl with black hair that is tie in a twin ponytail. She's clearly a first year. No doubt about it.

"Yeah! What does this have to do with me!? " I continued to the girl outburst.

"Now now." her only answer as she looked at the girls and ask them, "Girls do you know what V1 is?" ask my mom.

….oh no...

"umm...not really" Said one of the girls whose hair is color brown...Why do I remember girls only by their hair?

"You see...V1 is a duo group that started years ago by Ms and Ks, It was said that the duo was only 7 to 8 years old, but they where quite famous singer back then...and until today." she finished as she raised one finger.

"question two." she said as she raised another one, "Do you know the band 'Black Imitation'?" she finally ask.

Some of the girls in the group clearly know whom she was talking about. "Isn't that the rock band that started years ago? They where three members Len, Gack, and Kyte." Said the red head, Nishiko, one of my supposedly fiancée.

"Correct. They are a rock band where the three member, Kyte the bassist, Gack the drummer and lastly Len the guitar and their cross-dresser. Third question." She continued as she raised another finger.

"Do you know the group Spice?" That question clearly was a bar raiser for the others as they clearly gave the look that said that they know it.

"Huhu~ I see. So you know them huh? Well, I don't need to explain that. Last question." She raised the last finger. "Do you know who help A-Rise get to the top?" She said with a devilish grin.

The others girls was shock...or more like shock with a question look on their faces. Finally one of them question. It was that black haired, tied in a twin ponytail girl again.

"...Is there someone who help them?" she ask. clearly wanting to know who helped them got to the top they were in.

...I can already feel my mom winning.

"Huhu~" My mom gave her signature chuckle. "Of course there is. You wanna know who?" she ask as she leaned to the girl who gave her a nervous nod.

"The person who help A-Rise rise to the top was the one person who was in all the question I asked. And that is-" She went up behind me and hug me from behind as she looked at them from my shoulder. Oh god...I already know where this is going...and it's in a bad place...for me!

"Ta-da!" she said. Finally. There other girls was more shocked now. "You see, Vocaloid first started as a small recording and mixing studio, their first project, V1 was success. The first people they were first able to give rise was the duo Ms and Ks, Or Meiko Sakine or Kaito Shion." she said. "You know Meiko right? She's quite famous today." she continued as the girls nodded.

"Now. Black Imitation was another V success rock band that form from the other successful singers V was able to produce. The member came from V2 and V3 project. The members were Gackupo Megpoid, Lenny Kagamine, and Kaito Shion, or much more well know as Kyte."

"Now the Spice group was a boys group was a another success of Vocaloid. It was a combination of the Black Imitation band and a new face. Hiyama Kiyoteru. They were quite famous, until they broke up."

All people in the room was quite attentive in the room even though the boring story my mom is telling.
But the last question was more of a key point to the story as the girls was listening closely.

"Now for A-Rise" My mom finally let go of me as she stood beside me. "Even though it was not a V project. It was a idol who was helped by one of the great members of the Vocaloid. It was a person who was in all the past story I told you about." she said as looked at me. I guess finally the others understood what she meant as they stared at me intensely, either in awe or question. But I don't know.

"And for the main point of why you are all here. I would like to help you girls in anyway I can to your mission in saving this school. And I can only do so much. And I know Mina-chi is a stubborn woman who will give you a cold shoulder." she said as she smiled at the principal who looked away from her looks.

"And that's why I'm lending you my son for you guys to attain your goal. After all not only is he a prodigy in composing. But also a good singer, adept dancer and has life experience with working in a group. Though his only defect are his bad mouth and attitude, but you can handle those things, just tell me if he does it and I'll kick his ass." She finished as she lightly pushed me towards them, of course I comply.

"So without further ado~ I'll see to the rise of the group idol Muse. And Kaito if I learn you skip from your job-" she glared at me, with those 'I'm serious now, Do it' looks "...well anyway. Rise Muse, and show them what you can do."

sorry for the late post. been busy a lot, (not really)

Finally where out of those filler chapter. Finally the start for the practice for the open house and Open house day. After that the story will split into arcs for every girl that is included in the event. Though I already have 3, I'm considering adding all the girls in the Muse like in one of those Erogane, Galge or Dating Sim game, But I don't really know. You guys tell me. Tell me in the review if I should make every girl their own arc story.