Naruto: High Priest, Book of log.


Important : I'm so sorry! I actually had the new chap on the doc manager, I accidentally re-posted the old one! I am so embarrassed. I hope that didn't make anyone hate me or my story. I am so sorry. I'll remember to check in the future! Please don't hate me. XP

I really pulled this chapter out of my ass. I think I was high or something when I wrote this, I will rewrite this if you guys don't like it. I went a bit off the deep end with this one, Its no problem if you think I should rewrite this and continue the more serious aspect of the fic, or I can continue this crack fic. I have plans for either way!

Hey guys, here's the new update! This was extremely quick for me! I have supplied this chapter for the previous one was a momentous achievement! Are you ready? I got flamed! And three more reviews as well! I'm glad I got flamed because I didn't know how I would take it, but I took it in strides. In case you don't already know this, but I will not appreciate flames, however, I will take them into consideration. Remember, if you actually want me to change something or you have an idea, just leave CC! Its a lot more convincing. Btw, Sasuke auto-corrects to sapsucker XD

Ps. I know many of you guys think reviews don't mean much, but thats not true! They are what keeps me motivated, It shows me people actually care! If you dont have an account but are still reading this story, I have guest reviews enabled, so leave one behind for me :)

Thank you to those of you who actually read the authors note.

-REVIEW RESPONSES- I will try to do this every chapter.

OBSERVER101: Thank you, I'll try! I have a few more converts in store you might like 'evil smirk'

PheonixOfCreation: I'll help you out on the questioning of my sanity part! I don't have any! Hope that helps! ALL HAIL THE LOG! Thank you so much for the review

Mejciu: No, the yondiame hokage is not alive, I'm glad to clear this up though! I'm not sure how you got this though, please tell me :P I'm not a particular fan of the yondiame as a father, but I wont bash him, even if I do something with him later. I will NOT Bring him back to life. Thanks for reading and reviewing!

Anonymous Guest Flamer: I realize that the cliche at the beginning may not be funny per se, however, I hope I picked it up a little from here! I'm not proud of the beginning either. I, and likely many other authors would appreciate it if you grew a spine in the near future and either a. logged in, or b. made an account before you flame! Thank you for your comment though! Your the reason I wrote another chapter of this 'peace of trash story'! (You misspelled piece, not me!)

Disclaimer : I don't own Naruto just yet, however, I seem to have miscalculated about the chakra prototype, after doing some research, I've found that that will NOT be possible! Who woulda guessed eh? Certainly not you. Wait, what, you did? Bah, I bet even you couldn't think of this new solution I have! Here it is. I must warn you before you read it, its sheer brilliance may leave you a blind fool! OK, here it is. I will build a time machine, go back to the dinosaur age, blast off to the moon, catch a martian on the moon (EVERYONE knows that martians live on the moon) make him make me a mind control thingy, Come back, take over everyone's minds EXECPT Kishimoto, and then make everyone tickle him! HAHAHAHAHA. He will beg for me to take Naruto off his hands! Sheer genius no?

Without further ado, Let the games, BEGIN

~~~One year, two months, 3 days, 16 minutes, and 29 seconds later~~~

The first year had been utter hell for Naruto, his only hope had been his new found friend Sasuke. They were now two months into the second year, and Naruto was sleeping in his seat next to Sasuke. Sasuke poked him in the side and Naruto jerked a bit. Unfortunately for them both, Iruka saw this movement and glared at Sasuke. Iruka beamed an eraser at Naruto's head, causing the boy to shoot upright, hitting Sasuke in the nose.

"WATCH IT NARUTO" came the voice of Sasuke's number one fan-girl, and Naruto's numero uno hater, other known as Sakura-Fan-Girl-Howler-Monkey-Demon-of-Utter-Annoyance-Who-Has-Made-Multiple-People-Deaf.

"Sakura, Quiet down! Naruto, pay attention!" Iruka yelled at each.

"Dobe" Sasuke muttered

"Shut it teme" Responded Naruto

"Train after school in the usual spot?"

"I'll beat you there"

"OK Class, we have a test today!" Iruka said as he passed out the piece of paper. LOG paper.

As Sasuke and Naruto got the paper, They noticed something off. Naruto brought the paper to his nose, took a big whiff, then tasted it. Has face grew into one of alarm "SASUKE DONT DO IT" Naruto screamed as he tackled Saussure and took his test.

"Hey! Give that back" He yelled

"No Sasuke, you don't want this! Its LOG PAPER!"

All the while Iruka had gained a sweat drop in the background

"GASP! No! He wouldn't!" Sasuke said to Naruto and turned his attention to Iruka, who had gained a nervous look in his eye. "HE WOULD" Iruka! This is a SIN! I refuse to write on this!"

Iruka gained a tick mark, but at Naruto's next comment, he grew rigid. "So Iruka-sensei, what happened to the rice paper? Hm? I sure hope I dont need to break out THE PAINT, do I?"

"b-b-b-but Naruto! Be reasonable! We ran out yesterday!"

"And you saw fit to give us a test today? On TREE paper?! Its bad enough that this building is made out of a good amount of fallen trees, but you would not only force us to work in this, this, this, this MUTIALTED LOG?! This monstrosity?! This murder?! NO! This is enough shame, however,This is TOO FAR! I believe I speak for Sasuke as well when I say, We will NOT take this test!

Iruka, now fearing for the color of his clothes, decided to lay off the boys. "Fine, the test is done, but only because you worship a LOG of all things.

Naruto, although affronted at that comment, knew when to accept things.

"Get back in your seats, Naruto, Sasuke."

~~~Four hours later, Uchiha training grounds.~~~

"Naruto, Want to spar?"

"Yes, but hold on, we have company."

All of a sudden, A miniature hippopotamus charged through the wall, right at Sasuke. Sasuke didn't see what was happening until Naruto launched a barrage of kunai at the raging hippo.

"What the hell is that?!" Sasuke yelled as he watched the beast fall before him.

"Look alive! There's more!" Naruto warned to Sasuke just before more of the raging beasts charged from the woods

Naruto delivered a sharp uppercut to one of the angry mammals. As Naruto and Sasuke continued to take down the intruders, A deep chattering noise could be heard from the woods, coming straight at them

"I hear something coming Naruto!"

"So do I Sasuke!" Naruto replied with fear on his voice.

All Of a sudden, their worst nightmare, the bane of the log, Charged though the woods, breaking a few trees on the way.

"Naruto, is that?" Sasuke asked fearfully

"Yeah, it is. To think one would find us here, let alone be daring enough to fight us in Konoha. Even if it succeeds to kill us, it will be put down. Is it's hate for the log truly so great?" It turned towards the duo with its beady red eyes. "I cant believe that one of its kind would be so angry at us."

"Yeah, to think that one of the squirrel higher-ups would see fit to eliminate us personally." Sasuke said

The two stood before the Gigantic squirrel, and reached for their weapon pouches.

Hope you enjoy, remember, review! Its what keeps me going!