A torrent of icy rain obscured the view of the world outside. The slope of the mountain kept the cave dry, but only to an certain extent. Eren had tracked in a fair amount of water from the short time they'd been out there. The shifter had long since dried due to his high body temperature. It was also thanks to that high body temperature that they didn't need a fire. Just one less thing to worry about.

Armin ran a trembling hand through his hair and stared up at his best friend. The fifteen meter titan was currently slouched uncomfortably against the cave wall. For the most part he seemed fine, but Armin could tell that he was wound tighter than a spring. It was shocking that he was even still concious, much less alert enough to remain in full control. If Armin had to guess, then he'd say Eren was so hyped up on adrenaline that he couldn't pass out even if he wanted to.

The ambush had happened at the worst possible time, Armin recalled. They'd been heading back to the walls when several abnormals attacked. The formation quickly fell apart, not that it had been very stable at the time. Most of the soldiers had fled to the walls. The rest had been forced back into that hellish forest. He didn't think it was possible for Eren to be seperated from the pack, not with how valueble he is. In fact, he didn't even notice until the fifteen meter titan came smashing through a hoard of titans right before his eyes.

A distressed grumbling tore him from his thoughts and he looked up to find Eren clawing at his arms. The sight was gruesome in itself. Steaming blood leaked from torn flesh as it tried to mend itself, only to be shredded again by broken fingernails. Those bright teal eyes glistened with tears, although it was hard to tell if it was from pain, frustration, or panic. A high pitched gurgling emitted from his throat as he sunk his fingers deeper into the flesh of his arm. Steam poured from the wound, filling the air with the rancid stench of rotting titan flesh. With a trembling hand, he tore the skin from his arm, breifly exposing bone before it closed back up again.

Armin was both disturbed and fasinated by the display. For one thing, it was painful to watch his best friend attempt to escape his own skin. The fact that he was a titan was irrelevent. For another, it was made him wonder what had brought about such actions. Perhaps he was trying to escape his own skin. But then why not release the transformation? His question was answered when Eren began clawing at the nape of his neck.

Heavy sobs wracked the titans body as he tore at his flesh. Glistening tears spilled over his lids, staining his face crimson. His distant gaze was focused on some far off point. Armin chewed on his lower lip, unsure of what to do. One wrong move and Eren might try to kill him. But if he didn't do something soon then Eren might kill himself. Determination shining in his saphire eyes, he used the last of his gas to sling onto his friend's back.

The air was thick with steam, but the potency seemed to dilute it. For an instant he saw the wings of freedom, bloodied and shredded by broken claws. Hot flesh instantly began to mend itself, but Eren refused to let it gain any ground. Black, steaming liquid leaked from the grotesque wound. Armin made a split second decision, knowing that everything was riding on his best friend having enough of himself left to notice.

He dove into the steaming pocket of carved out flesh, the intense heat burning his own skin. The steam itself was enough to raise blisters on his exposed hands. For a moment he cursed himself for thinking this was a good idea. But then he reminded himself why exactly he was doing this.

"Eren," he forced out. "Its going to be okay Eren. You just have to listen to me."

The titan froze and Armin took that as a good sign. With trembling hands he wrapped his arms around his friend's torse. The blistering heat seeped into his clothes, cooking him as though he were a piece of meat. Using what little strength he had left, he pulled. The attatched muscles stetched but refused to give. A large hand gently grazed his back, almost as though he was checking to see if it was real.

"I'm getting you out Eren. Just relax and let me get you out." He whispered into his friend's exposed ear.

Boiling liquid soaked his shirt and he jerked back, pulling Eren with him. A loud whimper sounded from his throat. He dug the thick soles of his boots into the steaming flesh in an attempt to gain traction. Everything burned and he wanted nothing more than to stop. But he continued to pull, feeling the muscles give a little more every few minutes.

And then it gave. He jerked back at an awkward angle, pulling Eren with him. The shifter gasped, then desolved into a fit of coughing. Tears of pain and relief pricked Armin's eyes. Another cluster of muscles snapped then, and for a moment he was airbone. The stone floor crushed his lungs, but he didn't care. Because Eren was free. He was going to be okay.

He lay under his friend, trying to expand the tense muscles of his lungs. Eren shivered feverishly, his weak muscles as hard as the stone floor beneath them. His skin burned like the evaporating titan corpse, in a muted sort of way. The heat helped relax his own muscles, freeing his lungs to be choked by the rancid steam.

Weakly, he forced himself up. His entire body protested as he dragged his friend around to the front of the rotting body. His boots lacked the familiar traction, telling him that the soles had probably melted. His blond hair was plastred to his face, sweat soaking every inch of his body. He glanced down to see crimson painting his shirt, then looked away. He'd figured as much.

Mist kissed his face when he reached the mouth of the cave. The rain was letting up, that was good. They could probably leave soon. He pulled Eren onto his lap, staring down to drifted back down to esses the damage. Severe burns covered Eren's neck and face, far warse than usual. His too bright teal eyes stared at him confusedly, as though expecting something.

"It's going to be okay Eren." He said, brushing back his brunette hair.

The shifter blinked tiredly. He buring his nose into Armin's chest, cooing tiredly. The action was strange to say the least, but Armin has seen stranger things. He turned his gaze back to the mouth of the cave. The rain had slowed to a misty drizzle, barely even anything. And thats when he saw it. A green flair.

AN: A certain someone deserves at least half the credit for this chapter. If it wasn't for kaileylexiteresa this chapter wouldn't have even been written. And then I want to also thank erengitus for the original suggestion. It was also my first suggestion so it will always hold a special place in my heart. If you're still reading then I kept my promise. I made it happen.

I would like to now apologise for the delay. My english teacher is fucking crazy. Its rediculous. But I have like three other ideas currently so it shouldn't take too long. Speaking of those ideas, how do you guys feel about Eren being experimented on? Like hard core experiments. I want your honest opinion cause I'm a little reluctant to do it.

Anyway this was a long author's note. Thanks to all the reviews last chapter. I really enjoied writing that one. You guys make me so happy. Please review and tell me suggestions if you have them.