Chapter 36

The days after their revelation had soon blurred into weeks, and the weeks in turn blurred into months. The months themselves never made themselves at home, and soon years had flown by. Storm would swear if she blinked, she'd have missed it all. Though she had never had much time to blink let alone do anything else.

It had just so happened that Joey had been more than a handful, and their baby girl, Rose, had luckily taken after the brunette. She was clever and loved nothing more than sitting quietly with a puzzle or a book. She often spent time watching her older brother and mother get into trouble of all sorts. Hermione had often just left them to it, figuring it would always make for a quiet night if they tired themselves out early enough.

They had adapted to each stage of their lives quickly and had loved every moment of it. They had questioned what to do with their time when both of the kids had finally gone to school. Finally finding they could both work throughout the mornings and afternoons so they would have their evenings free to just be together.

Soon enough they had found themselves in Diagon Alley, preparing to send the youngest Griffin's to Hogwarts in turn. That was always something Storm hated doing, school shopping. It was always hectic but luckily Hermione had always found a way to get their supplies list early. That meant getting in and getting out before the crowds had the opportunity to flock to the cobbled streets.

She would always remember the look in Hermione's eyes as she helped prepare their daughters trunk. She carefully packed away all of her books, all of her quills and all of her ink before any of her clothes had even been thought about. It seemed they had been on the same page there as Rose watched her mother intensely, watched every flick of her wand. She couldn't wait to go and was absolutely chomping at the bit. She had regaled Storm with all of her hopes for the classes she would have that evening, and to Storm's credit she listened carefully to every word.

It had been the worst year for Rose, watching Joey go off to the school she had heard so much about from her mothers. She had watched as the bright red steam train had disappeared into the distance with her brother on it. Joey had run off with barely a wave in their direction, grumbling when Hermione had pulled him back for a kiss on the head. She had had to tiptoe to reach, noting the young boy was very nearly taller than her already.

Storm had just slapped him roughly on the shoulder and shooed him off. Calling after him with a final "don't do anything I wouldn't!" before earning herself a swift whack to the elbow and a glare from Hermione. Apparently, there wasn't much Storm wouldn't do. Hermione had even gone so far to say actually, what she wouldn't do was anything carefully. They had made it to Christmas without any injuries and that in itself had been nothing short of a miracle.

Shortly after that Christmas Storm had been forced to retire from playing quidditch. She had fallen off of her broom after flying into a goal post and knocking herself silly. She had landed in what only could be described as a crumpled mess on the floor that had been a significant distance away. Hermione had watched the impact and was sure she had heard the crunch from way up in the stands. It had been safe to say that although magic significantly sped up the healing process of any injury, it sure didn't make it as if it never happened. Storm had broken her back, and she had been lucky to even be able to walk afterwards. Though sitting for extended periods on a broom had quickly been deemed impossible. Her first game back had involved both Hermione and Rose trying to help the shifter up the stairs and into a hot shower as all of her muscles fought against them after finally landing.

She was lucky enough to have been offered a job as a coach instead and was able to indulge herself once the season had resumed. Though from a much safer perspective. That had been something Hermione had been incredibly happy about. Storm was nearing her thirty second birthday, and after fifteen years of watching the younger woman injured Hermione had definitely had enough. She had hoped Storm would conclude without the need for a big injury but, well that just wouldn't have been realistic.

Soon enough they found themselves stood alone watching the steam train take both Rose and Joseph away to the school they both held so dear. It felt as if in the middle of the hustle and bustle of the platform they were consumed with silence. The days after the first few days at Hogwarts had seemed a little bit uncomfortably quiet. Storm had found herself unsure of exactly what to do after finishing work, and she knew Hermione had felt the same loss.

They had found each other again, and they had basked in the time to just be. Neither of them was particularly old, and they had just been awarded a mass amount of time to do with whatever they pleased. Though, after spending the last thirteen years catering for everyone but themselves, it had taken a while to get used to.

On the morning of Storm's thirty second birthday, she found herself waking to the smell of a cooked breakfast. Her dark eyes had blinked open and she had been immediately confronted by the sight of Hermione making her way into their bedroom. A tray of food and coffee hovering a small distance in front of her.

"Good morning!" Storm spoke, a large smile tugging at her lips as she pushed herself up against the headboard of their bed. A small pang of sadness tugged at her chest as she noted it would be the first birthday in a long time that she had spent without either of her kids with her. She had always gotten lucky, and her birthday had always fallen in the spring holidays. Meaning her wake up call had always been the two rugrats as she liked to call them jumping on her head, swiftly followed by Hermione climbing in next to her.

"Good morning sleepy head" Hermione spoke, her own smile making its way across her lips. She had carefully set the tray down across the younger woman's legs before leaning down to press a tender kiss to the shifter's temple. "Happy Birthday" She added quietly a moment before taking the shifter's lips hostage with a searing kiss.

"Happy Birthday indeed" Storm hummed appreciatively, watching as the older witch pulled away to make her way to her own side of the bed. Crawling beneath the covers carefully so she didn't spill their breakfast.

"What time are we due on the Hogwarts express?" Storm quizzed; an eyebrow raised as she made easy work of slicing up some pancakes. Slugging a generous helping of syrup all over them.

Hogwarts was hosting a celebration much like the first to celebrate their fifteenth year of victory. It had been set and all of the magical world would be there. They had opted into taking the notorious train for nostalgias sake, Storm stating she would love nothing more than a Pumpkin pasty from the trolly for her birthday.

"We have about an hour before we have to be there. All of our stuff is ready to go, you just need to eat and get dressed!" Hermione spoke brightly, her dark eyes having flicked up to meet equally dark eyes for a moment before going back to reading that mornings edition of the profit.

"I can't wait! Do you think they'll have those candied nuts again? Like they did last time?" Storm asked around a mouthful of pancake. "Are the kids meeting us at the station or will they have to wait at the castle?" She spoke again before Hermione had chance to answer. She could tell the younger woman was excited. They had both found it difficult in being away from the youngest pair for so long. They hadn't seen them since they had gone back to school in January.

A small comfort had been their letters, or more so the letters from Rose that had come every few days to update them on the happenings. It seemed they were both enjoying their time at the school, though they had never doubted they would.

"They'll have to stay at Hogwarts as they're a bit too young to be wandering off the grounds on their own. Hogsmeade trips don't start until third year remember" Hermione answered, moving to take the tray from Storm as she finished her breakfast. "Now will you go and shower, otherwise we'll be late" She scolded playfully with a roll of her eyes. It seemed the shifter was full of beans.

"Do we have time for you to come with me?" Storm spoke, a lopsided grin tugging at her lips as she peered around the doorframe, an eyebrow raised in question.

"I don't think so!" Hermione quipped with a laugh before disappearing to take their things downstairs. She hoped it would do the trick in speeding the younger woman up and was pleased when she heard the thunder of footsteps down the stairs a little while later.

Storm had dried and dressed quickly, her dark shaggy hair had been pushed out of her eyes unsuccessfully out of her eyes and they were soon on their way to the station. It wasn't long at all before they were embarking on Hogsmeade station, watching through the window as it grew closer and closer. Storm was all but bouncing in her seat and Hermione couldn't help the bright smile that had tugged it's way across her lips.

Luckily, all of their things had been tucked safely within the confines of the brunettes beaded bag ad they didn't have to worry about collecting their luggage. They would be spending the week on the grounds, watching the quidditch tournament that would be put on by the older years. Storm had already made a comment about looking for some new talent, and Ginny had added her interest in helping her. Though there was no doubt that they both really just wanted to watch the games.

Storm had been off like a shot, all but running as she pulled Hermione behind her. They had both reminisced, basking in the nostalgia the entire trip had brought them. Neither had stepped foot on Hogwarts grounds since they left all those years ago.

Hermione found herself watching Storm, watching how she all but radiated excitement. She was physically buzzing, and it was definitely contagious. As they approached the gates the familiar sight of their young lanky chap and his younger sister caught their eyes moments before a shrieked "Mom! Momma!" Met their ears. Rose had set off in a run and had all but launched herself at Storm. The shifter had caught the young girl with ease and wrapped her up in a crushing hug.

"Hello my girl!" Storm spoke loudly, watching as her son's lopsided grin got larger as he approached his parents at a more leisurely pace. Though he wasted no time in wrapping his shorter mother up in his own version of the hug she had become so familiar with.

"Did you bring any snacks?" He quizzed, and Hermione couldn't help but laugh. He had so many of Storm's tendencies it was uncanny.

"Of course!" Hermione spoke brightly as she was released, moving to wrap their daughter up after a moment. The pair delving immediately into a conversation that had absolutely everything to do with a specific book Rose had been unable to find in the library and wanted her mother's help.

"Where is your faith boy?" Storm quizzed playfully. "Your mother is a master at bringing snacks" She stated as she moved to pat the younger shifter on the back, her own grin just as lopsided as his.

This was their normal, and this was their comfort. As lovely as it was being able to have time to just themselves it was a breath of fresh air to be reunited with their kids.

Hermione had taken a moment then, to really watch the interaction. Took a moment to tuck the memory away for days when they themselves were older with children of their own. She watched as Rose moved to take Storm's hand and watched as Joey spoke animatedly about what had been happening over the course of the year so far. Of course, most of that revolved around Quidditch, but that hadn't been a surprise.

Storm had paused then, looking back over her shoulder as the older witch dropped behind slightly. Her dark eyes sparkling with excitement and for a moment it was as if time had stopped completely. They were back in the place it had all started and there was something incredibly humbling about that thought. A bright smile tugged at her lips then as she made to catch up to her family, watching Storm laughed at something Joey had said. Watching how Rose was watching the exchange just as intensely from her place at Storm's side. She had to laugh then as she really thought on it all, as memories flooded her brain and snapshots of their time spent during their last year of Hogwarts and all the years after flooded her mind.

After all this is where she had found her calm and it had definitely come after the Storm.

A/N: That's it then folks. I am so incredibly grateful to have been awarded the time to finish this story. I will forever hold Storm and her adventures closely as they have truly been an experience.

Thank you for sticking with us for so long. Every comment, like, and favourite has meant the world to me. I can only hope you have all enjoyed this as much as I have.

This is not goodbye, merely a see you later from both me and the most problematic Griffin.

Over and out.
