Litji: Hey guys!

Kisshu: What is with the cheerful mood?

Litji: I have just been on a two week vacation!

Ichigo: Really? Where?

Litji: Well I was-

Kisshu: Does it even matter right now?! YOU'ER LATE! Litji doesn't own TMM!


Kisshu's POV


'I can't believe what I just saw! I mean I got rid of that stupid tree hugger and she still don't love me! Then there is that darn Sosh kid! She sure blushed a lot around him! A-And I thought we had something together. I comforted her when she was sad! She even said she liked me! Did she lie? Or does she like that flower boy more? Should I give up?' I shivered at the last thought then begin smirking. 'No way am I giving up on my koneko-chan! Especially now when I'm so close! But how am I supposed to do that?'

My smirk soon was replaced by a frown as I thought it over. I sigh and flops down on my bed. I closed my eyes and lay down. I rubbed my forehead. 'Now that I think about it; why was she buying flowers? I might have seen the conversation but I didn't hear all of it'

I sat and thought about it for a little while until a brilliant thought crossed my mind; 'Why don't I just go ask her now?' I smirked as I teleported to my beloved koneko-chan's room. When I got there, I couldn't see Ichigo anywhere. I pouted and sat down on her bed and waited.

And waited.

And waited.

I was really worried by now. Normally she would have been home hours ago. I mean it is already waaaaay past over midnight! By now, I was pacing around the room. Just as I decide to go look for her, the door opened. "Kisshu What the hell are you doing in my room?" She stood in the doorway her eyes pressed closed tightly. She sighed and slowly walked into the room flopping down on her bed. She just looked so exhausted. "Are you alright Ichigo?"

"Of course I am! Actually, I am in a better mood then I have been for a whole year! I'm just a little tired…." She smiled a little small smile and crept under her blankets not even bothering to change cloths. I felt jealousy rush through me. I weren't the one to make her smile. Why is she smiling so happily? Who is she smiling for? Was it that Sosh kid? Or somebody else? Why never me?! "Oh really? Why?" I tried to sound calm and happy but I think some bitterness slipped into my voice. She began looking a little nervous as she answered me. "It is none of your business!" I could not help it I became angry. "None of my business; perhaps but you made me worried the least you can do is give me an explanation of where you were!"

"Calm down Kisshu! I was fine! You don't need t-"

"Was it that Sosh kid?! Is he-" I was cut off by Ichigo jumping out of bed looking angry. "Wait how do you know about Soshi? Were you spying on me?! For how long were you spying on me?!" She paled a little. "How long after Soshi were you spying on me?!" I shifted a little uneasy where I was standing. That apparently made her even angrier. "Well are you going to answer me or just stand there?!" She nearly yelled. "I had spied on you most of the day but I left after you said goodbye to him okay?!" She relaxed a little but was still furious.

She sighed and rubbed her temple. Right now, she was looking even more exhausted then when she came into the room. "I really don't have the energy to bother with you right now. Will you please leave so that I can get some sleep." She said tiredly. "Of course Ichigo and… and I'm sorry for getting angry at you…. I was just so jealous that somebody else made you smile and I thought it might be that flower boy…. And that made me even more jealous…." I looked down in shame. I really shouldn't have been angry at koneko-chan but I had been so worried, then I got jealous and then it turned to anger.

I was about to teleport out when I felt her take one of my hands in hers and used her other hand to turn my head up to look at her. She didn't look angry anymore, only sad and a little bit guilty. "I'm sorry too… I shouldn't have been getting angry and yelled at you. However, it was very wrong of you to be spying on me. Please promise me you won't be spying at me again."

"I promise." I couldn't stop myself as I quickly kissed her. She was stunned into silence for a moment and I used that moment to get a step away from her while floating in the air. She was blushing and I winked at her just before I teleported out of the room.

I got to my room and flopped down on my bed lazily with a grin on my face. Sure we had an argument but we apologized and I even stole a kiss from her. Oh I really do love kissing her because her lips are so soft and tastes of strawberries. 'I wonder why she looked so nervous when she asked how long I had been watching her after flower boy…. Darn now, I'm curious what she did after I left… and I forgot to ask why she bought those flowers! Oh well I guess I now have an excuse to visit her… not that I really needed one to begin with'

Well that was all for this time and I am sorry that I haven't updated before now….