Prologue: Locked Into Despair (BEGIN)

Peace was a very odd experience, Ratchet decided as he walked to the train station. The war, the one that they wage for several million years, ended a few years ago with the death of Megatron; this time, for good. With the proverbial snake killed, the Decepticon went Ouroborian on themselves, collapsing vary quickly, which resulted in minimal bloodshed. Of course, they didn't just toss all the Decepticons in the slammer; they couldn't hold every single one of them even if they wanted to, so they negotiated. It was difficult, considering Starscream was scheming for a way to take advantage of the situation, but they eventually came up with a way for Decepticons to integrate themselves into society, bar a few unrelenting psychopaths that they couldn't risk getting out no matter the cost.

With that done, reconstruction of the planet came relatively easy. Sure, it wasn't a walk in the park, but it was better than constant war. Iacon and Kaon came first, as part of the agreement that they had. Surprisingly, both cities integrated sides, with some Autobots choosing to live in Kaon and vice versa. After that, they expanded, having about a quarter of the planet rebuild now in 75 years. That was certainly better progress than either side expected. It was first thing that both side agreed to work together as an equal force, and it proved most valuable.

Of course, they had another problem: the neutrals. Many of them held ill-will against both sides for bringing Cybertron to its first death. There were riots, protests, the whole nine yards. However, even more negations eventually lend to a shaky truce between the three leaders, Optimus, Starscream, and Metalhawk. It was another crisis averted.

After that, it was a mostly normal reconstruction. All three hated each other, but all of them realize the well-being of the planet was the most important part. There was a strange peace among the three that eventually became a mutual understanding of each other. There was less contempt and fights between each other, and more attempts to help each other. Ratchet became a more optimistic person after those days.

Then came the letter. Ratchet returned to the barracks that held several Autobots, neutrals, and Decepticons. When he entered, an Autobot came in and said that there were a letter from Hope's Peak Academy for Ratchet. As far as Ratchet knew, there wasn't a Hope's Peak Academy in existence, but was surprise to learn that the address was it was in Iacon. Ratchet knew what it was now. Some private investor was building something huge in one area claiming to build a structure that "represented hope to all who see it." Ratchet didn't understand the nonsense that came out of his mouth, but hope wasn't too bad a thing to build a structure for.

Than Ratchet read the letter.

To Ratchet,

Hello! This is the headmaster of the new building "Hope's Peak Academy." You may be wondering why I'm sending a letter to you. Well, it's simple. You're special. To be specific, you're the "Ultimate Medic." Nice title, right? Anyway, this building is taking special students who excel in an area to teach them how to use them. They are "Super" level. In order to teach them, we need to call in some of the best of the field, A.K.A. the "Ultimates."You will be a teacher to the special youth who have emerge from the war with a brand new hope for the world and teach them to use it to bring hope for the next generations to come. I understand if you're suspicious of this letter, but this is a very real thing for me and the students. This school's teachers are strictly Autobot and Decepticon, to represent the unity between us as a whole. If you wish to come, please come a week before the grand opening. Some basic research should help you figure out when that is. I insist that you come and lead the brand new generation to a new world of hope.


The Headmaster

Ratchet was quite suspicious of the letter and talked to Optimus about it, who was in the middle of speaking with Jazz. "I'm telling you, this is very weird," Jazz said. The white-and-black 'bot was in the middle of saying to his leader. Optimus was thinking this through before he saw Ratchet coming in.

"Ah, Ratchet. What brings you here?" Optimus questioned. Jazz turned around to face him, a very familiar letter in his hand, Ratchet noticed.

"Looks like the same reason as Jazz," Ratchet noticed, showing his letter to both of them. Optimus looked surprise at seeing that.

"I thought this would be a one-off prank design for a single person, but I'm wrong. Looks like one was given to everyone," Optimus surmised.

"No, that's impossible. Prowl didn't get one as well as every other person I asked on the way here. This is very specific," Jazz said, suspicion in his voice.

"Why special skill did it want you for, Jazz?" Ratchet asked. "Mine was 'Ultimate Medic.'"

"You got called an Ultimate too?" Jazz asked. "Mine was 'Ultimate Audiophile', which fits pretty well," Jazz said, crossing his arm. "This guy put a lot of work into this. This deserved at least a cursory investigation among us," Jazz said. "I mean, I understand a need for a school, but we haven't reach the education stage."

"Well then, how about you two go over there when the day comes to see if this is real. Something like this could be very valuable to reconstructing the planet. We would have needed a school sooner or later. It's best for the world to do this now," Optimus recommended.

"Yeah, I guess it couldn't hurt. At the very least, I would like to see if any Decepticons are going there as well. The letters mentioned that the teachers were going to be both Autobots and Decepticons, but I wonder if the school can really trust them," Ratchet wondered. Before Optimus can answer, a beamed came from the console, indicating that Starscream wanted to talk from Kaon.

"I wonder what the screecher wants?" Jazz asked. Optimus didn't have time to muse these thoughts as he pressed the button, allowing Starscream to show up on the screen, looking like he was about to reach his breaking point. He the background, they could hear Skywarp celebrating something.

"Greetings, Star-"

"Oh, cut the superficial greeting and let me get to the point of why I'm here. Have you heard about this 'Hope's Peak Academy' in your city?" Starscream asked. The three occupants looked at each other in surprised. It looked like the Decepticons did get letters as well.

"Yes, we have. Both Jazz and Ratchet have gotten letters from the place," Optimus answered.

"Well now, looks like Skywarp's not the only one," Starscream muttered.

"Skywarp?" Ratchet asked him incredulously. "What would they want him to teach their students?"

"Apparently, he's an Ultimate-" before he could finished, Skywarp pushed him aside and explained.

"I'm the Ultimate Prankster!" Skywarp shouted, throwing his fists in the air. "I knew someone would finally recognize my skills," Skywarp said smugly.

"Being able to prank gets you in the school?" Jazz asked, bemused.

"Yep!" Skywarp said, resting his hands to the said."And I know who my first target is going to be…" Skywarp left off, living the implication in the air. "Anyway, I'm going to pack. See you fraggers at the school," Skywarp said, warping off. Starscream returned to the screen, gritting his teeth in absolute rage.

"How did that moron get invited to that school?" he murmured to himself before calming himself down. "Doesn't matter. At least he won't be bothering me and Thundercracker for a long time," he said, looking back at the screen. "That's all," he said, turning the screen off, leaving the Autobots to contemplate what had just occurred.

"It appears the Decepticons have been invited after all, and at least Skywarp is going over there," Optimus said, thinking this through.

"It looks like this is very serious and not a prank," Ratchet murmured to himself.

"All the more you should go there," Optimus suggested.

"But we don't know anything about the building, or even who commissioned it to be built," Jazz argued. "We should at least figured that out before we go over there."

"Then I will leave you to it," Optimus said, motioning for them to leave. The two Autobots left, thinking to themselves how they were going to solve.

The investigation lasted a week, ending the day before they had to go to the academy. It turned up exactly nothing useful. They figured out that the building was privately constructed and the money required for it was astronomical. The person had to have very deep pockets. Aside from that, they couldn't find any information on the man, who prefer to be anonymous. According to what they have read, they would figure out who he was when they entered the building, so if they wanted to know, they would have to go over there.

However, it wasn't a complete waste, as they figured some more that was going. Nightbeat came to see them shortly after about being invited, named the "Ultimate Detective." He also noticed that Bumblebee got one too, probably labeled the "Ultimate Scout." He also saw Rewind and Chromedome talking together about being invited, labeled "Ultimate Archivist" and "Ultimate Mnemosurgeon," respectively. On the Decepticon side, Soundwave and Shockwave were both invited as "Ultimate Communications Director," and "Ultimate Logician," respectively. All the Combaticons were invited as well, being labeled the "Ultimate Tactician" (Onslaught), "Ultimate Brawler" (Brawl), "Ultimate Interrogator" (Vortex), "Ultimate Sniper (Blast Off), and "Ultimate Merchant" (Swindle). There was a few more on each side, according to reports, but they had no idea who it was.

Now Ratchet was waiting at the train station to take them to the building. Jazz had to do some final things for Prowl before he could come and insisted he go by himself. Now, Ratchet was up extremely early in the morning with no one around and the sun hadn't even come up yet. Ratchet was by himself, alone to all of his thoughts about the place.

"Hey, Ratchet, dude. What are you doing here?" Or so he thought. He turned around to see Beachcomber coming up to him. What was he doing up so early?

"Waiting for the train to take me to this Hope's Peak Academy," Ratchet informed him.

"Wait, you've been invited too?" Beachcomber asked. "I got invited as the 'Ultimate Geologist.' I'm guessing you're here as the 'Ultimate Medic,' right, man?" he asked. Ratchet gave a nod. Before he could speak, the train came roaring in and the two entered the train, taking a seat across from each other, the only one in the cart. "So, why are you up so early?" he asked again.

"I just thought I come here early and see what it had to offer before everyone else," Ratchet explained. "You?" he asked. Beachcomber rubbed his head nervously, thinking it through, before answering.

"Couldn't recharge well. Kept getting nightmares. I don't know why, but this place gives me the shivers, man," Beachcomber said. "I haven't even been there yet."

"Are you going to be fine?" Ratchet asked, concerned.

"Yeah, I'll be fine. I mean, it's just an academy, right? What the worst that can happen?" he asked, before pausing and looking thoughtful. "I just screwed us over, didn't I?"


"Scrap…" Beachcomber drawled out, staying silent, which Ratchet agreed too. The two stayed on the train together until they both reached the stop and got off together. "So, you've seen the place right? I have and it's huge," Beachcomber said, over-expressing himself, flying his arms wildly.

"Yes, I have. It is pretty gigantic," Ratchet commented as they exited the train station. "In fact, there's out proof," he said, looking across the train station to the academy. It was several stories wide and had several buildings connected to each other.

"Well, here we go. You first," Beachcomber gestured, getting behind Ratchet. Ratchet looked at him before giving a groan.

"Beachcomber, I doubt anything is going to happen to us just by walking on the school grounds," Ratchet chastised. He walked across the deserted street to the school sidewalk, Beachcomber right behind him. "Now, Beachcomber, watched as I take a step on the school grounds and nothing happens," Ratchet said, taking a step on the ground.

And promptly blacked out.