Gomen ne series:



The azure sky above was reflected in his eyes as Ryuichi gazed upward. His cobalt irises followed the trails of cloud dispersing in the gentle breeze. He sighed and grasped the bridge railing tightly, the sleeve of his right arm slightly pulled up by the motion. It allowed the bandage around his wrist to be seen.

He clenched his hand tighter around the metal railing, his lips trembling. He didn't know how to feel. All he could comprehend as he stared at the disappearing clouds was an intense sense of nothingness. He never thought he'd be so depressed again, and so soon. Too soon. The voice that had captivated him from the moment he first heard its owner sing would never return.

"Ryuichi, I know this news has come at a bad time, but..." Tohma reached for his bandmate's arm but stopped short. Instead the blond shacho leaned on the railing next to Ryuichi, and stared at the spring sky, his teal eyes moist with unshed tears.

"...I'm sorry...I'm making you worry about me, even though last month Eiri-san..."

"It's...I'm all right. With Eiri...it wasn't unexpected, but Shindou..." Tohma closed his eyes briefly before looking down at the flowing river beneath the bridge. "I guess it shouldn't have been completely unexpected, since he loved Eiri..."

"We should get back to the studio, shouldn't we? Nittle Grasper's new album has been delayed three times already..." Ryuichi turned so his back was against the railing; his bottom lip trembled while he hid his eyes from view with his hair.


"...the fans need us, now more than ever." The vocalist plastered a smile on his face then headed to the end of the bridge where a stretch limo was waiting.

Author's Note: Short, I know, but every time I tried to add more to this chapter it seemed to ruin the 'mood' of the chapter. I hope you readers enjoy this and future chapter! Please review!