Title: Surrogate Lover

Pairing: AoKise

Rating: T

Summary: AU. In which Aomine and Kise are madly in love with each other, but there's one thing Aomine wants that Kise can't give, a family. Kise thinks of a solution for that problem in their relationship, he hires a surrogate named Kuroko Tetsuna.

Warning(s):Fail angst up ahead and fail grammar. I'm sorry.

Disclaimer: I do not own Kuroko no Basuke


Part 2: You and Me


Kise was still awake waiting for Aomine.

The tall blue haired man came home fourteen minutes after two in the morning. The blonde haired model was waiting for him, the hot meal he cooked hours ago was now cold. He stood up from where he was sitting when he heard the door to their house open with the audible, click. The keys jingling when they were set on the table.

Aomine soundlessly walked pass him.

"Aominecchi," He called out. That got a reaction from the tanned officer, "Do you want something to eat?"

There was hesitance in the blue-haired man. An audible sigh was heard before he continued to trudge sluggishly to their shared bedroom, "I'm sorry Kise, there was some ass that made me do overtime at the station. I'm tired, I'll just head to the shower and go on to bed."

Kise stood there a little put off to as to how his lover was behaving. Aomine looked like he was drained of energy. Kise didn't want to push the matter, Aomine would tell him when he was ready.

"That's fine Aominecchi, why don't you just go on first, I'll clean up here."

Aomine didn't respond.


Kise could hear the shower running when he came into their bedroom. He clicked his tongue in annoyance when he saw Aomine's clothes just thrown haphazardly on the floor. He's told the officer countless of times to actually put it on the hamper.

"Oh Aominecchi," He let out an annoyed mumble.

Kise walked to where the clothes were and started to gather them in his arms. His caught a whiff on one of the articles.

He paused.

He felt his stomach drop.

No, no, no, he denied.

His face is plastered with the look of shock and bewilderment, of denial. He shook his head. This is–

Because where Aomine's scent that he's been accustomed to for the last seven years, the mere scent that he loved and trusted, the scent of the man that saved him were a lingering smell of vanilla and cotton candy. There's only one person who he knew smelt like that, a person who smelled like that perfume. Kuroko Tetsuna.

He must've been stuck in his stupor for a long time that he didn't hear Aomine come out of their shared bathroom.

"Hey, Kise." The blonde heard his name being called.

He rose from his crouched position, dropping the discarded clothes on the hamper and turned to look at Aomine.

"Yes?" He answered.

Aomine's back faced him. He put on a simple grey t-shirt and basketball shorts, the blue-haired man then pulled the blankets down and sat on the bed, "I'm going to sleep first. What about you?"

Kise shook his head albeit too fast, "N-no. I'm just going to pack some things for tomorrow's shoot. It's okay, go to sleep Aominecchi."

"If you say so. Good night."


When Aomine laid on their bed, on queue Kise left their bedroom with a hand on his lips to prevent him from screaming. He felt like everything was on fire. His eyes stung, his stomach was twisting in the most aguishly painful as possible, his chest felt like something was squeezing it from the inside.

Agony and pain filled him.

His nose burned with Tetsuna's smell. It was everywhere. He could smell her everywhere. In their bedroom, in the kitchen, in the living room. The scent that used to be his and Aomine's was slowly being engulfed by the scent of vanilla and cotton candy

Slowly the remnants of what was his and Aomine's were morphing to another. Everything he touched felt tainted. Everything he owned felt like it was stolen. His heart, his body. Everything he knew was broken. Pictures, personal items, everything felt like it wasn't his anymore. Like Aomine's heart was certainly not his.

So this is what heartbreak feels like.

The lump on his throat only got tighter and he couldn't keep it in any longer.

He burst into a horrible fit of laughter. The tears continuously running from his eyes.

"It hurts Aominecchi," He mumbled broken and tired.

And so he laughed, because fuck, he didn't know what was his anymore.


He couldn't sleep that night.

Aomine was next to him, his arms on his waist and his breaths even hitting the nape of Kise's neck. He felt used, disgusted even.

Serves you right, his consciousness told him, you're the one who suggested this in the first place, this is what you get. It's just karma bitting you in the ass.

He turned his body to face Aomine, careful not to rouse him from his deep sleep. Sepia eyes observed every curve of the tanned man. A feeling of regret and discomfort washing over him, hitting him full force. He could feel his tears well up again. He pushed stray strands away from his lover's face.

He smiled at him, tears brimming his face.

"I know what I have to do," He whispered. He pressed a kiss on the man's forehead before he pushed the covers away from him gently and carefully pulling Aomine's arm away from him. He stood and sat on the desk to the right of their bed.

He took his phone and immediately the LCD came to life with letters and a picture of the two of them. He slid the phone to unlock it, then scrolled through his contacts for their attorney's number.

Akashi Seijuro

Kise clicked on the name deciding that he shouldn't call him this late at night, no doubt the red-head would castrate him with his scissors if he called him this early in the morning. Deciding that he didn't want to die just yet, he sent a text, knowing that he would get a reply late tomorrow morning.

Can we meet up tomorrow, Akashicchi? There's something I want to discuss with you.

He craned his head to look back where the slumbering blue head was. He let out a sigh, "This will make you happier, Aominecchi."


"It's rare for you to meet me like this, Ryouta." A smirk graced the lips of one, Akashi Seijuuro. Akashi Seijuuro, one of the most renowned attorney's in Japan who just happened to be Kise Ryouta's long time family attorney. The red-head was graceful and vicious at what he did. He won cases left and right, victory for him was as easy as breathing. Akashi Seijuuro was a man of dignity and power, he had that type of aura surrounding him and how he carried himself didn't fare far from his reputation. He wore an elegant suit, not doubt that it was branded, pressed and not a wrinkle in sight. His hair tidy as it can be. Everything about Akashi oozed perfection and not someone to be messed with.

"It's good to see you again, Akashicchi," the blonde greeted stiffly. He watched as Akashi took the teacup in front of him.

The red-head took a sip from the fine china and hummed, "I can say the same to you. Now," Heterochromatic eyes bore with his own sepia ones, "What business do you have with me?"

The blonde clenched his fists together, "You know of Kuroko Tetsuna, correct?"

"I can't say I know a lot about her," The red-head man answered with a light tone, "I do know that she is your surrogate. You did tell me to make her contract after all, but her personal life has nothing to do with me."

"That's right," Kise retorted. He faced up and looked Akashi straight in the eyes, "Can you do me a favour?"

Akashi chuckled, "You should know that it will cost you."

"Of course," Kise held a knowing smirk on his face.

Akashi leaned in interest. It's not always that Kise would ask something of him. With intrigued eyes the red-haired lawyer asked, "What will you have me do, Ryouta?"

"Can you make it so that I will have all custody of the child?"

"Who do you think I am?"


Aomine's subconscious felt like he was stepping on glass.

His stomach churned in a negative way whenever he saw Kise. To his favour though, Kise was still the same. He was always pampering Aomine with home-made food, massages, and the occasional gifts–mostly clothes given by the modelling agency that Kise works with.

Still, Aomine can't fathom to look in Kise's eyes. It was too unbearable.

He knew that he betrayed Kise's trust. God, he had sex with the very woman that was carrying his child, as absurd as that sounded. He was conflicted with his feelings, both with Kise and Tetsuna. He knew–no, he knows, that he loves Kise with all his heart and soul. But the problem was Tetsuna.


The second Aomine awoke from his rendezvous with Tetsuna, he immediately but carefully pulled away from the teal-haired woman's arms. Despite his gentleness the woman still awoke from her slumber, with a stupidly horrendous bed head that could have made Aomine laugh had it not been for the fact that he had just cheated on Kise.

Tetsuna willingly let go of Aomine. The pregnant woman took the white blanket and used tied it around her chest to cover her body–not that she minded Aomine seeing her like this he's already seen everything anyways, as she gathered Aomine's clothes. She didn't say anything but Aomine knew that her thoughts were working a million miles per hour.

She handed his uniform to which he accepted thankfully. He could've left without words exchanged with her, but he felt like he should comfort the woman. He already did the deed, a little more wouldn't hurt would it? He grabbed Tetsuna's waist and pulled her closer to him, the young woman straddling the police officer. He took in her sight, her messy teal hair, her baby blue irises, her pink lips that were plumped, everything that was her. He lifted his hand and gently caressed the pillar of her neck that were littered with angry purplish-red marks that were left in his wake.

"Tetsu," He whispered quietly.

The woman blinked and moved her hands to smooth over Aomine's dark blue tresses. She moved to embrace him.

"I love you." She whisper to his ear, "I love you so much."

Those words stung in his heart.

"I… I wish," He said in an unsteady voice, he rubbed small circles on the base of her back, "I just wish that we met earlier. That we met in different circumstances. I wish I fell for you first. That you were there first."

He felt Tetsuna's hold tighten before she let go of him and leaned their foreheads together. Even with minimal light that shrouded them, he could see the agonising longing in her beautiful baby blues. Those eyes that pleaded to him.

"I know," She said, her voice soft and quiet as if trying not to break whatever this was, "I wish I met Aomine-kun first too."

She moved away from his lap, holding the blanket on her chest, "You have to go, Aomine-kun. Kise-kun is waiting for you."

"I know," The dark blue haired man slipped on his uniform. When he finished buttoning his slacks, he went to the genkan where Tetsuna quietly followed him. He slipped his shoes on, "…And Tetsu?"

He opened the door where the cold winter air greeted him with it's glory. He didn't turn to look back at the woman but instead he whispered audible only him, "… I think I love you too."

"–minecchi… Aominecchi…"

Aomine was awoken from his stupor once he heard his name being called. Aomine turned to where he thought the sound was coming from, surprised by the fact that Kise was already next to him on the couch. Parallel to him was a movie that he suspected Kise must've put on for the two of them.

"You're spacing out again," Kise nagged in a light manner, an adorable pout graced his face.

"What were you thinking about?"

A lot of things Kise. You, Tetsuna. How the hell am I going to break this to you. That I cheated on you. That I love you but I think I love Tetsuna too.

"Nothing," He shook his head.

I'm sorry, Kise.


Unbeknownst to him, Kise's eyes knitted in sadness. Aomine doesn't even have the guts to look at him.

"Ne," Kise uttered trying to keep his voice intact, "Aominecchi?"

The older man didn't move from his spot, his eyes trained on the show in front of him.


Here we go.

"Do you love me?"

The officer stiffened at the inquiry. There was a gruelling silence that washed over them.

"I do." Aomine gave his reply a few moments later, although lacking with the usual fondness he held over for the blonde. Which confirmed his suspicions. He wanted to cry, but he would not let Aomine have the satisfaction of seeing him cry in front of him.

"Then show me." The blonde demanded, "Make love to me, Aominecchi."

The dark blue haired man turned to him in surprise, "What?"

Kise rose from his seat and straddled Aomine staring into those confused cobalt-blue eyes, "Show me you love me."

Before I break.

Before I have to let you go.

Before you disappear from me completely.

Please, show me.

Show me that you still love me.

That I still hold some meaning to your heart.

Show me that you love me more than her.

Because I don't know what I'd do if…

"Sorry, I'm not in the mood, Kise. Not now,"The model watched as Aomine shook his head left and right. Aomine pushed Kise away from him none too gently as he briskly walked away from the blonde.

Ah, that's it.

This was his answer. He gritted his teeth together, his hands curled into fists until his knuckles were white. It hurt, a lot more than he imagined.

How ironic, the person that fixed him would be the same person that would break him.


There were distinguishable sounds of clicks and clangs as forks and knives made contact with ceramic plates. The three of them were sat together, Kise in his usual seat, left of Aomine while Tetsuna sat across from him at Aomine's right.

Kise had been very adamant in inviting Tetsuna to their home. Right now, Tetsuna was approximately 6 months pregnant, the bump in her stomach was very noticeable through the dress that she had been wearing.

"You look nice," Kise complimented with a smile that didn't quiet reach his eyes.

Tetsuna nodded stiffly, this was her first time inside the couples house since that happened. Aomine had kept minimal contact between themselves. Only visiting if she was taking care of herself every now and then, since Kise brought it up to Aomine that he wouldn't be able to see her because he was too busy with his shoots.

Still, when Kise brought up the idea of inviting Tetsuna to a dinner, Aomine was shocked. Well he tried to hide it of course, but he knew that Kise was planning something.

"Well it's only natural," Kise passed off while wiping the counters with windex, "Invite her next weekend, Aominecchi."

And so here they were sitting next to each other in a civil dinner, a westernised dinner that consisted of roast beef, boiled carrots, peas, and corn, with mashed potatoes that Kise had so wonderfully prepared. Aomine was jittery, trying to keep his guilty conscious intact, while Tetsuna avoided Kise's view.

There was an audible sigh heard from the suffocating silence the three of them were in. Aomine craned his head to look where the sound had came from and he saw Kise, wiping his face with his napkin, his fork and knife laid on his plate, while he put his elbows on the table, his hands supporting his head.

"So," He breathed out heavily, "How do like this house, Kurokocchi?"

Tetsuna paused mid-bite and swallowed. She got her napkin mimicking Kise's movements before answering, "It's a lovely home Kise-kun. It suits both you and Aomine-kun."

Aomine watched as a spectator as a conversation unfolded. He watched as Kise looked around his house with an indescribable look on his face, "I'm glad you think so. Me and Aominecchi worked so hard into decorating this."

Aomine didn't like where this was going, if anything it was random and uncalled for, nevertheless Kise continued in his nostalgic ramblings, "I remembered when Aominecchi and I had a fight because of which couch we wanted. Aominecchi is really stingy and he doesn't like spending a lot of money, so he wanted this atrocious looking couch. It was really ugly and I hated it, I told him that a leather couch would be much better than a corduroy one, because God knows how those stain."

Kise's small giggles were almost awkward between the two of them. Aomine too tried to smile it off, while Tetsuna scrutinised at the mention, what was Kise trying to tell them.

"I don't know how you'd want to decorate this house," Kise looked at her eyes, serious and full of remorse. That caught her attention. A lump on her throat settled. No, she prayed like a mantra. Still Kise smiled at him, a smile that was nothing like the Kise she had known. It was a smile of defeat, "But this is a house where you and Aominecchi will be living in, together. Of course I will need time to move out–"

At the mere utterance of such an audacious idea, Aomine harshly stood up from his seat, the china clanging with his movements, "What's this about Kise? What the hell moving out?"

Kise's gaze made it's way through Aomine's displeased disposition, "I don't know, why don't you tell me?"

Aomine stood still for a moment trying to look for a way to retort. Kise continued looking at the two of them with eyes that bore of pure betrayal and anger, "I trusted you two."

"Kise I–"

"No," Kise shook his head interrupting Aomine, "I don't want any excuses. Bottom line is, it's done, there's nothing we can do about it."

Fuck, Aomine couldn't stop himself from tearing up. He watched as Kise stood, despite the small height difference between them, Kise oozed out an aura not to be messed with, "I trusted you, Aominecchi." His voice cracked, "I trusted that you would love me above all else."

Aomine watched as the blonde bit his lips and closed his eyes, it was all too heartbreaking, his heart was breaking. Kise was in pain, Kise knew all along. Then it hit him. Kise knew all along. He had freaking planned this. Everything. This is why Tetsuna was here today. Despite his confidence in the manner, he just had to ask, "You knew?"

Kise scoffed in a way that Aomine's heart clenched at Kise's expression, "It's not a matter of 'if I knew' or not, Aominecchi."

Aomine tried to get close to him, but Kise backed away, his hands pushing Aomine's body away, "No. Don't."

He glanced at Tetsuna, she was shellshocked. She didn't know what to say.

Aomine was expecting Kise to slap him, to push him away harshly, to hit him, anything. But instead Kise gave a crushed sob and lowered himself into his knees, crying his heart out. He heard Tetsuna's footsteps making her way over to the two of them, as Aomine sunk into his knees and tried to hold the crying blonde.

"I–I… Kise," He let his tears fall, he felt his heart being shattered into a million-no billions of pieces, "I promise I won't do it again."

"No!" Kise wailed out loud, the blonde looked at him, his eyes red-rimmed and devastated, "I don't need empty promises Aomine Daiki. I don't need you to promise me anything anymore."

It stung. Never once had the blonde called him in his full name, "Kise–"

"The mere fact that you were able to do it once is enough for me," Kise dejectedly whimpered, "It's enough for me to know that I'm not the only on in your heart."

"So please," The blonde begged, "Make this easier for me. Everything is already done, Akashicchi already made the contract. You and Tetsuna will live here in this home. There's not bargaining out of it. I will leave you two. In exchange for the unborn child."

An appalled expression bore into Aomine's face, "What? You have no rights to the child Kise!"

Kise chuckled mockingly, "I don't think we should be discussing my rights. Didn't we agree to do this together? Where is the we now? You and Tetsuna will be together. You will have all the time in the world to conceive another child, but what about me? Who do I have?"

You saved me Aomine, you saved me from my own hell. You're the only familiar thing that I have in my life. The only constant, but now, I don't even know where your heart lies. With me or with Kuroko. You and I both know that I will raise that child better than the both of you. This is the only thing that I'm asking for."

Aomine swallowed the lump in his throat trying to find his voice, but for the life of him, he couldn't find it.


'I'm home," Aomine shrugged his uniform away as he entered. Tokyo summers were as ruthless as always, the heat was unbearable. He thanked the Lord for air-conditioning when he entered the apartment. He could hear something frying and he was wafted with the aroma of baked bonefish and miso.

The woman in the kitchen turned her head at the sight of Aomine and gave him a gentle smile, "Welcome back, Daiki-kun."

He approach the teal-haired woman, the bump in her belly was growing more and more as she reached her final trimester.

It's been two months since he's seen Kise Ryouta. The blonde had made it clear that he didn't want to see Aomine. Still, Kise checked on Tetsuna and her health. He still transferred money to her account, even though Tetsuna refused his offer, Kise is a stubborn man the blue haired man would counter, telling her to just accept his offer it would be good for her.

In the end, they did strike a deal. Aomine agreed, because that was the least he can do for Kise. He was right as always and Aomine was a god-damned idiot, but still it worked out. He was with Tetsuna now.

He reached for her, his arms fitting perfectly like they were made for him, not quite how Kise fit into his arms–no, he thought. He shook his head, he shouldn't be thinking about Kise right now. He was with Tetsuna. Tetsuna was an amazing woman, even more so she would make a spectacular wife and mother. He could see his whole future with Tetsuna, but why was it that he couldn't let go with his past with Kise.

Unremarkably so, he still dreamt of Kise.

Is it still home? When I miss you.


"How was work, Daiki-kun?"

Aomine would still have to get used to that. Two months isn't enough to completely forget seven years being with Kise. Seven years of hearing that ridiculous nickname–'Aominecchi' he couldn't forget all that, but he had to make an effort. He loved this woman. This was his choice.

He picked his chopsticks, clapping his hands together and saying thanks, "It was good, some brats were at the station today. Trespassed at some rich-ass hotel. Kid's these days."

Tetsuna held her silence, curiously Aomine looked at her. He was faced with her expression contorted in discomfort. She groaned, dropping the glass in her hands and it shattering as it made contact with the floor. Aomine was next to her the second the glass shattered.

"Tetsu!" He held her hand, Tetsuna holding his in a vice grip, "What's wrong?"

"I–I," Her voice trembled. She stared at Aomine's cobalt blue eyes, "I think my water just broke."


"I got here as soon as I heard."

Aomine stood up as he saw the blonde man burst through the doors of the waiting area. Kise Ryouta was in front of him. God, was he beautiful. He hadn't seen the man in 2 months but he was still as stunning as he remembered him to be.

"Earth to Aomine," The blonde called, "Are you alright."

Awestruck by the blonde he shook his head, "I'm okay. I was just startled," More like awestruck, by you, "She hasn't reached the ninth month yet. So I was a little scared, she's been there for a few hours, some green-haired doctor said that they going to perform a c-section, they said it was safer that way." He made note that the model no longer called him by the nickname he had for years.

Kise grinned, the Kise-like grin that he'd been used to, but this time it wasn't as warm as he had remembered it to be, "She's a strong girl that Kuroko, she's going to be alright. Let's just pray that she would be."

They heard the door open from the operation room, out came a green-haired man with glasses adorning his face, his left hand taped. He still had his scrubs on and for a moment the two men were scared of the outcome.

The doctor sighed, "Hello, I'm Dr. Midorima Shintarou, Kuroko Tetsuna's attending doctor. She's fine. It was a little difficult, but both the mother and the child are safe, but the baby is premature so she will need to stay here for a while."

"How about Tetsuna?" Aomine asked.

"She's alright, a bit tired from the delivery but she'll recover. Congratulations."

Kise nodded a thankful sigh escaping his lips, "Can we see them now?"

The doctor nodded, "Yes," the both of them made their way to the room but only to stopped by the doctor's arm, "I'm sorry, but only the father can visit her now."

Aomine faced Kise, the blonde man dejectedly smiled and nodded. He bowed his head, his bangs hiding his expression. The doctor said his goodbye, reminding to call him if anything happened.

Aomine just stood there lost at what to do.

Kise gave him a forced smile that didn't suit him at all. Aomine hated it, "What are you waiting for? Go! You go see her. Go see your daughter, I'll be here." The blonde coaxed.

Bullshit. Aomine knew that Kise wouldn't be there, still he walked forward to see Tetsuna. What he had with Kise was all in past now. This is where he belonged.

Or so he liked to think.


As Aomine predicted, Kise wasn't back when he came out to the waiting area. What he didn't predict was Kise not visiting at all since Tetsuna and the baby were born. It pissed him of greatly, because a few months ago, he the blonde had been so zealous about gaining custody of the child and now he was nowhere to be seen.

And so to remediate the problem, Aomine found himself in front of the driveway, in front of the house he'd called home for the last seven years of his life at seven in the evening.

He got out of the car, slamming the door hard before reaching the door. Out of habit he reached for his keys, only to be reminded that he didn't have the keys to the house anymore. The day he walked out on Kise to be with Tetsuna was the day he walked out on his past life with him.

He then decided to ring the doorbell like a civil man would.

When the door opened, he was surprised to see a blonde woman, a person whom looked so similar to Kise only a few years older. If Kise had been born a woman, Aomine had no doubt that Kise would look like this woman in front of him.

The blonde woman was a few centimetres shorter than himself, with long curly blonde hair tied to the side. She was wearing a flesh coloured blouse and a black pencil skirt. On her neck were a necklace full of pearls, a gold watch on her left arm, a gold charm bracelet on the other. A frown adorned her face, Aomine had the feeling that she was unhappy of his presence.

"Ryouta," Her velvet smooth voice called within the house, "Someone is here to see you."

The blonde that he had been searching for came to the door, clad in casual clothing which consisted of a white tee and black skinnies. Something that he would wear when he would relax inside their home. No Aomine couldn't think like that anymore. His home was with Tetsuna now.

"Aomine," Kise appeared to be shocked for his sudden visit, "What are you doing here?"

The woman whom had an uncanny resemblance to the model hummed knowingly. She picked up her purse and moved to put her shoes on.

"I'll be at the hotel Ryouta. Just call me later." She waved briskly walking to a silver car parked two houses down their own house.

"Wait! Nee-san!" Kise tried to call on her.

When he saw the blonde woman, who was actually Kise's older sister, drive off to her hotel, Aomine gruffly pushed Kise into the house closing the door behind him, "Aomine! Is there some–"

Aomine pushed him into a wall capturing him between his arm, the blonde had a mixed look of appalled and surprised, "Ouch! What are you–"

He didn't let the blonde finish, he captured the blonde's lips into a kiss. He felt the blonde model stiffen but in a fraction of a second he too melted into the kiss and kissed back with the same aggression as Aomine had. Kise moved his arms to wrap them around the tanned officer's neck, deepening the shared lip-lock that they had. Aomine could feel Kise's nimble fingers brushing his hair gently. He tilted his head to the side to get more of the blonde, he bit onto the model's lips to coax him, earning a moan of satisfaction from the model. Aomine took this chance to taste Kise. He kissed him with heated passion, longing, and sorrow.

In truth he had missed Kise, so much more that he didn't have a clue where he was going with this. The only thing that he could comprehend was that he needed Kise, now. The future could wait. Because right now his thoughts were all about Kise.

Kise pulled away first, his lips red and plump, "What are we doing?"

Aomine shook his head lost for words, "I have no idea."

That was all the words exchange before the two of them kissed again, this time in lust ith each other. They needed each other.

Aomine lifted Kise from their position fervently kissing each other with the same intensity as before, Kise wrapped his legs around the blue-haired man, as Aomine led the way to their old bedroom. Not once did they let go of each other on the way there.

Aomine laid Kise on the bed, taking in the stunning view of the panting blonde, "You're beautiful."

"Don't say anything, just kiss me." And Aomine did. Clothes were discarded, marks were left. Moans and groans of utter pleasure were filled in the wake of their passion. Kise calling out Aomine's name as he climaxed and Aomine groaning Kise's name as he came.

Breathlessly, the two of them laid on the bed they once shared.

Aomine held Kise close to him, he held him as if Kise was going to disappear at any moment the minute he was to let go of him.

No one said a word to each other. The two of them were just relishing the 'now' that they had, knowing fully well that tomorrow would come and that they would have to let go of the short fantasy they had. They had a reality to face.

Aomine gently pecked the top of Kise's head, brushing away stray bangs, whilst the blonde hummed contently.

A reality without each other.

"I love you, Aominecchi."

"Me too."


When Aomine woke up the next day, he could smell the scent of bacon in the air. He smiled and gathered his pants and boxers from the floor and put them on. He found Kise in the kitchen with only a large t-shirt.

He approached him quietly before engulfing into a back-hug. He buried his face into the blonde's neck, blowing raspberries on the marks he made last night, "You're teasing me, and those smooth legs of yours."

The blonde chuckled. Oh god how he missed this.

"Do you want coffee, Aominecchi?"


Aomine let go of the blonde as he made his way to the coffee machine to pour a cup for the officer. He handed the cup and Aomine gave a soft mumble thanking him.

Kise placed a plate of sizzling hot bacon on the island where Aomine sat at one of the stools.

Their time was ticking.

"Are you coming to visit?" Aomine just had to ask.

Kise didn't answer for a short amount of time. His back was turned so Aomine had no idea what Kise looked like right now, "I can't for a few days. I have a shoot to go to. My sister's in town as well."

"So your job is more important than the baby?"

There was an audible sigh that escaped the blonde's lips, he turned to face the blue-haired man chewing on one of the bacon strips, "It's not that easy Aominecchi. I promise I will visit her."

"And then what?"

Kise knitted his eyebrows in confusion, "What do you mean?"

"You'll take her away? Just like that?" Aomine demanded.

Aomine watched as Kise's face turned into an irate one, "We had an agreement."

"Bullshit." Aomine called out, "That's bullshit, Kise. I have as much as right as you do to that baby. She's not even yours to begin with."

Kise nodded, "You're right, you're absolutely fucking right, Aomine. I don't have a right to her. But we did have an agreement before all this started. Before the idea of a surrogation even happened. You promised me, the day I agreed to be with you." Kise chocked on the lump in his throat, "You promised me that you would love me. That it would only me. Imagine the hurt that I went through the night you came home smelling like Kuroko Tetsuna. Imagine the agonising pain that I had to go through everyday since that night knowing the man that I loved cheated on me right under my nose with a woman I considered a close friend no less. Imagine how hurt I was when you rejected me. How crushed I was when you decided not to tell me. How broken I was knowing that the heart that only harboured affections for me was now torn in two. That I had to share you with someone else."

Aomine had no words to retaliate to what Kise told him. There were tears flowing continuously on the blonde's cheeks. He watched as Kise sniffed, "You have the the gall to talk to me about my rights, Aomine Daiki. But you know what? I've learned my lesson. I'm an idiot for ever falling in love with you. I'm an idiot who made stupid mistakes. I'm an idiot for taking you back last night. I'm an idiot for trusting that you won't hurt me. So I'm so sorry Aomine Daiki. I'm so sorry that I wasn't born a woman. That I wasn't the person you could enjoy the long run with, but you know what…"

Aomine looked away from the blonde. No, he couldn't take this anymore.

"There was a time that I believed you were the one I would share my life with, but now, this is where it ends."

Kise walked away from him slamming the door to the bedroom and locking it. Aomine watched Kise's back, something in him was telling him that this could be the very last chance that he would see Kise. Overcome by his frustration and anger, he loudly groaned in frustration as he slammed his fist on the surface of the granite counter.


Aomine was on his way to the hospital to visit Tetsuna. He hadn't visited her yesterday because of the accumulating work that had to be done at the station.

He was greeted by some of the nurses that came to know him with the two weeks that they've stayed there. His daughter was growing healthily, despite being a month premature. Her doctors were worried that she hadn't developed properly but miraculously they found that she was indeed fully developed despite her being early. Dr. Midorima, told them that in she was ready to go home any day they wanted to. Not trying to rush Tetsuna, he decided that they would stay there for another three more days so that she would heal nicely.

He hadn't seen the blonde since then.

Upon his arrival, he walked pass a red-haired man with heterochromatic eyes, talking on his phone in some sort of other language, he guessed it was English.

"Yes, they should be departing in a few minutes. Did you hand him all the papers? Of course. I'll be there in an hour at best, send you the fax afterwards, that's all. Thank you."

Seeing that it was none of his business he continued to make his way to the teal-haired woman's room.

"Daiki-kun," She greeted in the same monotone voice that she would always use, but this time her voice was laced in insecurity almost nervous.

"Hey," He went to her and sat beside her on the bed, taking her hand and kissing the surface of it, "How are you feeling."

"I'm okay."

Aomine nodded and gave a small grin, "Hey listen. Greenie told me that we can go home if we want. Baby's okay, he says that she's growing nicely."

Unbeknownst to Aomine, Tetsuna clenched her fingers together, "Daiki-kun, there's something we should talk about."

"What is it?"

She closed her eyes for a brief moment before she determinedly looked into his cobalt-blue ones, "I have to apologise."

"What are you talking about?" He inquired confusedly.

"Kise-kun came today," She started. The mere utterance of Kise's name got his full-blown attention, "He came in with a man named Akashi Seijuro."


"I'm sorry," She apologised, "It seemed the right thing to do."

His gut twisted uncomfortably, "T-Tetsu, what did you do?"


Please be there.


You can't do this.

Aomine chanted in his head repeatedly. This can't be happening. He raced his car down the highway towards one destination.

You have to be there.

He clenched his teeth tightly as soon as Tetsuna told him what happened he sped towards his car, ignoring all the beeps and hollers of the drivers as he drove pass them.


"I didn't want to hurt Kise-kun more Daiki-kun," Tetsuna's face was furrowed in a guilty expression, "I took everything from him."

"No you didn–" Aomine bursted and was cut of by Tetsuna's own raised voice.

"You're an idiot if you think that way!" She retorted back, "Kise-kun loved you, so much. You were his world, you were everything that he knew, I could tell. I wanted something like that too. Imagine my surprise when he struck this deal with me."

The young woman looked to stare at him, "I didn't want to fall for you that time but I did. And I hurt him dearly because I took you away. You were Kise-kun's everything Daiki-kun. So I did not want to be the person who would cause him more pain."

"So you just gave her away!?"

"I believe she is in good hands," Tetsuna firmly stated, her eyes determined, "Kise-kun is a good person. He knows what he's doing."

"You signed her away without telling me!"

She looked down, fiddling with the white sheet over her body, "The contract stated that if the mother is present, then there is no need for the father to be there as well. I know that you're the father, but does the hospital know that? We're not married, Daiki-kun. And the decision that I made is for the better."

"How?! How is giving our child away for the better, Tetsu!" He demanded, shaking her shoulders back and forth.

"Because I couldn't look at her without feeling guilty!" She yelled back, tears rimmed in her eyes, "I couldn't look at her knowing that I broke up two wonderful people apart because I wanted to be loved!"


When Aomine reached the house, everything was quiet. He panted in agitation. He needed to get inside. To be reassured that his daughter was still there. That Kise was still there.

Walking up to the doorway, he found that the door was unlocked. Which struck him as weird, Kise always locked the door. He opened it carefully, but was bewildered to see that the whole house was barren.

Gone were decorations, paintings, shelves, everything.

Every single item that reminded him of Kise were gone. The couch that they had fought over, the TV they'd watch shows together. He trudged towards the kitchen opening cupboards mugs, glasses, bowls, plates, were gone. He slid every drawer there, again nothing. Denying the truth further, he went to the bedroom. Kise's toiletries gone, his clothes, their pictures. And then he checked the baby's room that the blonde man spent his days arranging and decorating. Once he opened the door, gone were the yellow pastel colour of the walls, gone were the crib, rocking chair, and diaper table. Everything was a boring colour of white. No furniture to be seen, not even a single photograph. It seemed like no one lived here.

Everything was gone.

Kise was gone.

Now he understood what Tetsuna told him awhile ago.


Epilogue: 7 Years of Love



"Ah, be careful Hotarucchi!" Kise called out to the young child that was running towards him. She happily ran as quickly as she can but before she could reach him, she tripped on her own feet and fell flat on her face with an audible Oof.

"Ah!" Kise panicked getting closer to the child, "I told you to be careful."

He took the liberty of getting her in the feet, the blonde assessing if she had any bruises or cuts anywhere.

With the blonde's fiddling the dark blue haired little girl giggled at him, "Daddy!~" She whined, "I'm fine! Look" She showed her elbows, "No scratch this time."

"I swear, you're going to give me a heart attack one of this days, Hotarucchi." He sighed as he took her hand and led her to where their luggages were.

"I'm so excited to see Aunties and Grandma and Grandpa," She bounced excitedly.

"Ah," Kise agreed he looked down at his daughter, "But remember, you have to speak in Japanese. You can't speak in English because grandma and grandpa doesn't speak English."


Once reaching their luggages, he placed the little girl on the top of them and pushed her towards the exit.

"Wooh!" She gleefully cheered, "Daddy faster!"

Kise chuckled, "Alright, alright."

Kise pushed her until they got to the parking lot where a rental car had been waiting for them. He unloaded the cart, with Hotaru jumping up and down telling him that she was hungry and Kise promising that he would get her something to eat along the way.

He strapped her in at the backseat of the car, "Remember Hotarucchi, we don't have your booster seat so you have to sit still in the car ride okay?"

"Yes Daddy!" She happily replied. Kise smiled and closed the door, before he got into the driver's seat.

Despite not having been in Tokyo for the last seven years, he still knew his way through the traffic. A feeling of nostalgia washed over him. He stopped in front of a convenient store. The two of them went inside Hotaru giggling at the sight of snacks that she wanted to buy.

"Now, you can only get a little snack because we're meeting Auntie for lunch, okay?" Kise reminded her. When he saw her nod, he let go of her hand and there she padded over to the snacks.

Kise chuckled at the sight of the little girl. It's hard to believe that seven years had gone by since he left Tokyo to go to America. Of course everything had been new to him but having the little girl with him became a constant need to provide for her, to protect her.

The girl grew up to look just like Aomine Daiki, with her dark blue hair, and cobalt blue eyes, her passion towards basketball at an early age, even her adventurous streak. The only thing that she didn't inherit was his tanned skin colour. The girl reminded her so much about Aomine, but at the same time, there were traces of himself in the girl, it might not be physically, but personality wise she was just like him. Cheerful, enthusiastic, sometimes clumsy, it was just like Hotaru was their child.

He mindlessly looked out the window only to see a tanned police officer with dark blue hair, outside waiting for someone. He knew that person anywhere. Aomine Daiki.

He watched as a woman approached the police officer in next to her was a pale little boy with light blue eyes and light blue hair. Kuroko Tetsuna, he observed was still as beautiful as he remembered her to be, she didn't look like she aged a year since the last time he'd seen her. Surprisingly he smiled at the sight of her, he could see that the two of them were expecting another child, with Tetsuna's ever growing stomach.

"Aominecchi, you sure have gotten busy, huh?" He joked to himself. He watched as the family of three, soon to be four, walked away with Aomine lifting his little boy up to his shoulders. He smiled at the fact there was a grin plastered on Aomine's face.

"I'm glad that you're happy," He mumbled. He turned to look at his own little girl still contemplating on the snack she would get, "I am too, it's all thanks to you."

"Daddy!" Hotaru shinned, "I don't know what to get!"

He shook his head in disbelief at how the cute his daughter could be sometimes, "Just pick something, Hotarucchi, we're going to be late!"

He was happy.

And so was Aomine.

That's all that mattered.


A/N: I have nothing to say to this. I am just so sorry. I hope you guys have a nice day, though.