I would liked to thank the following: nanitaa, kikyorocks543, ShikaIno1, ReaperNinjaGirl976, MsChifSantos for adding my story to their favorite list.

ShikaIno1: I am delighted to hear that you like the story!

Italyy: the answer is a combination of yes and no, this is based on Homer's Iliad and a combination of scene of the two troy movies.

Guest:I'm glad you find it interesting.

Here's chapter 2, hopefully you'd like this.

Disclaimer: I do not own the Naruto franchise

"Come ye allied kings and warlords of the High King of the Aegean! The Trojans have slighted the blood of Atreus! Your ruler summons you and thy valiant and mightiest warriors to arms at the shore of Aulis to set sail to the shores of Troy before the next waxing of the moon!

If naught, see and witness High King Gaara raze your land to ashes and put an end to your line!"

The emissary recited the finished message for the vassals and turned to the high king with an inquisitive look, "is there anything you would like to add sire or is everything to your liking?"

The redhead paused in contemplation from idly fiddling with his goblet. "No that will suffice. Have the fastest ferries and horses deliver the message to all of the allied rulers of the Aegean."

The emissary all but scurried to do his master's bidding and Gaara relished the feel of being able to strike terror even in his tempest to the hearts of full grown men.

Being a king is good but being a feared High King is all the better.

"Sire?" Jiraiya's voice who is the High king's adviser pierced through his bubble. "Won't you think it's wise to send the King of Ithaca for that person? I don't believe a piece of paper can convince him."

"And who is this him you speak of?" Gaara chose to play dumb.

He knows exactly who Jiraiya is referring to. After all how can one forget a person whose mere name boils one's blood? And Jiraiya is a wise man of not mentioning the accursed name as far as his lord is concerned.

That man never showed him, the High King an ounce of respect nor allegiance, not even once!

"You know exactly who I speak of my lord. Although he may be a man who swears no loyalty to anyone but to himself, he is an efficient and effective warlord…"

Begrudgingly Gaara's brain conceded to the man's prowess in the maelstrom of battle and unbidden, came the flashbacks of conquered battles and countries won with him in his campaigns and the ones that were almost lost due to his refusal to show until the very last moment in the battlefield all loitered in his mind's vision.

"I am saddened by this fate that the most beloved and blessed warlord of the gods is my most hated one." Gaara lamented before motioning for another emissary to relay a message to the King of Ithaca about another little task.

And when it was only the three of them left in the great hall of Mycenae, finally, Naruto made his long forgotten presence known once more.

"Pray tell Gaara on your keeness on jumping onto my case and do spare me of lulling me into a pretense that you're doing this out of brotherly affection and honor." Naruto tried not to sound so biting but it still came out that way.

The high king gave a scathingly amused laughter.

"My brother Naruto it seems like the weight of a crown has finally grown you a brain! You're not as clueless as you used to be!" his laughter turning into a mocking one as the seconds go by.

"You will do well not to mock me brother for I am no longer just your younger brother but a king as well." Naruto said in a clipped manner barely being able to contain his ire.

"It seems like even your diplomatic skills has improved."

I will wager that yours didn't

"Very well," Gaara languidly placed his elbow on the table and rested his chin against his palm and intently looked his younger brother in the eyes. "Do you believe Naruto that the fleets of the Aegean will sail across the high waters for us to offer them an olive branch as we talk and negotiate the matters peacefully for the return of your pretty albeit useful eloping wife?"

Gaara could feel delight rushing into his veins. The mere thought of what to come is exciting him to his very core but he must impress it further to his oblivious younger brother.

"Troy will bow down to the glory of the High King of the Aegean."

Naruto's eyes widen at the realization.

"You're going to burn Troy to the ground!"

"Not exactly but close," and with a sickeningly sweet smile he continued, "no son of Troy will live and not even infants will be spared when I am done with them, a fitting punishment for refusing an alliance with me."

"Brother I did not went here for you to incite war for I was expecting—"

A humorless cold laugh made his words die in his lips.

"Then what? For me to go in between you and the Trojan prince as you fight for your right to your wife? To make everything is fair?"

Naruto guiltily turned his head away because Gaara got it correctly. He was expecting that the influence and power his brother yields will have a hold to the Trojans and allow for them to settle this the way men have always settled this sort of affairs.

"My Naruto, we are no longer little boys where I will mediate for the return of your favorite toy, I am the most feared ruler of kings and I have to take every single opportunity that comes my way to serve my interest and to expand my power and influence."

And again Gaara gave that bone chilling smile, it was so wrong for Naruto's, no man should ever be capable of giving such a delighted smile while thinking of so much bloodshed.

"Of course, how could I have forgotten? Why would I ever think that the High King of the Aegean will settle for merely conquering the impenetrable Troy?' Naruto abruptly stood up and sharply turned for the double doors all intent of leaving the great hall. "King Gaara would not settle for anything less than total annihilation."

He have to get out of his brother's presence fast for he couldn't stand the crazed and bloodlust look that came over his brother's entire countenance. The thought of the eradication of an entire race have had his bloodlust singing.

He has always known that his brother has a vindictive and vengeful side but he failed to perceive the depth.

Annihilating an entire group of people just to impress his might and their refusal to swear loyalty to him…

"You're sick Gaara." Naruto whispered as he was about to exit through the opened great double doors, he shivered to his brother's chilling laugh, "don't be like that Naruto, you get your pretty wife back and I get to quench my bloodlust towards the Trojans."

"Thank your pretty wife for me before you strangle her to death when we get her back for truly this is a golden opportunity or perhaps I should thank her myself…" Naruto shivered and willed his legs to carry him faster out of the hall.

The peace of the inhabitants of Ithaca was shattered for the second time around as a man atop of a fiery steed made a scene of rushing from the gates of the town up to the city square and finally to the hall of the ruler. Again, like the previous one they did not stopped the man since like his predecessor, he carries with him the banner of the High King.

"I bring tidings from the High King of the Aegean!" the messenger said after bowing down low.

"I believe I have gotten the message from an emissary who came before you." The king relied

"My lord this is different, King Gaara have sent me just to relay a task that he has in mind for you!" the messenger insisted.

"Very well then speak of this task." He said lazily eyeing the messenger

"He wishes for you to offer advice to the Warlord of Aegina about the call to arms."

"In other words King Gaara wishes for me to convince the warlord to participate in the upcoming war against the Trojans." Kakashi stated more than asked, shaking his silver gray hair, he stood from his throne.

Although he is rather disappointed that he couldn't seem to spend some quality time alone with a book that have taken his interest as of late, the thought of visiting a certain gloomy warlord seems to be a good idea it's been a while since he last saw him.

If father just proffered me books of erotica genre instead of the history of our people and whatnots, perhaps his lifespan wouldn't have been remarkably shorten then perhaps he is the one here attending to the bothersome war and little side task… giving one last longing look to the book he faced the emissary.

"I will acquiesce with the task given to me."

A/N: Stay tune for the next chapter and again I'm still inviting anyone interested to edit my chapters.