This is the revamped chapter 1!

Hope you enjoy it.

To those who read it before the revisions, there have been slight changes to the characters but hopefully this is a much better and easier to read version of the story.

Once again, hope you enjoy.

Have you ever been so sure that the nightmares you had, those horrible and sickening nightmares, were nothing but bad dreams-only for them to turn out to be true?

"This is gonna be a drag." A girl with bright, orange fox-like eyes murmured as she looked out the tinted window of the black limo. Beside her, was a girl with enchanting cat-like, emerald orbs.

"Oh come on Shizuki… It might not be so bad." The girl with green eyes replied lightly, trying to assure her friend their circumstances might not have been as bad as it seemed. Her hair was a beautiful blue, like a sapphire and the closer down her wavy hair, towards the ends a little past her elbows, the lighter the pigment of her hair became. Her body was slim, almost fragile seeming, but beneath the clothes proved she was athletic. Her lightly tanned skin gave an almost exotic allure to her in the usually pale and light-skinned population of the place they lived in. Especially next to her porcelain skinned friend.

"Right… Miharu since when did I like interacting with others?" Shizuki quipped, giving her friend a very exasperated look.

"Well your parents said to behave and be polite." Miharu replied, not caring for the evident attitude Shizuki was giving her, plainly ignoring it.

Shizuki sighed before looking away like a pouty child, "... Riiiight. Like that'll ever happen." The girl glanced at her friends clothes out of habit and mostly boredom of staring at the dark scenery outside: a dark blue tank top with a forest green vest over, blue skinny jeans, a silver necklace with a dark ocean blue gem in the shape of a heart hung from it, and black converse. As if satisfied with her friends choice of clothes, the girl turned back to her previous activity of staring out the window. "As long as they don't touch me..." She hissed beneath her breath.

Shizuki, when people really paid attention, was the opposite of her friend in many ways, some less visible than others. Unlike Miharu's beautiful waves, Shizuki had pin straight black hair that turned silver at her shoulders then white at the ends, passing her breasts by a few inches. Her body was a bit more curvaceous than her friends and unlike Miharu, she had a little above the average sized chest. She wore an orange crop top that fell off her shoulders, the sleeves falling past her hands a bit, black high waisted jeans and black boots that had a two inch heel. Like Miharu, she had a necklace hanging around her neck. It had a black silk rope that allowed a golden clock, which opened like a pocket watch, to hang just below her chest. Her nails were long, unlike Miharu's who kept them short, and black. Silver rings found homes upon her middle finger, pinky, and thumb.

The two girls, contrary to how they interacted a good portion of the time, were very close childhood friends. Miharu's family founded Matsu Pharmaceuticals, a very popular Pharmaceutical giant. Shizuki's family owned Yamada Records, and other small talent and production agencies all throughout Asia. Despite their families being from two different areas of expertise, their mothers were best friends themselves, like sisters since middle school when Shizuki's mother punched a teacher for molesting Miharu's mother. Once they had children, they often let the girls with one another, going to the same schools and everything.

The two girls were currently on their way to the Sakamaki manor. Their parents were on a business trip and had asked a favor of the politician to house them while they were away, being uncomfortable letting the girls all alone in their homes. It wasn't ideal, and neither female thought it was a good idea.

"Mistress's, we're here." Spoke the limo driver.

At that, the two teens looked out the window on Miharu's side to see a large gothic mansion. The gates slightly open as it left for their arrival. "Creepy…" Shizuki whispered as she got out of the car and immediately went for the trunk of the limo. She took out her duffle bag before grabbing her friend's suitcase, closing the trunk right after.

Miharu stepped out of the car not long after before the two waved goodbye to their driver and watched him drive off.

"Well you first, Princess." Shizuki smirked.

Miharu growled, much to the amusement of her friend, "Don't call me that!"

Shizuki chuckled as she began the walk to the gap in the gate, slipping through and walking for Miharu to stand beside her, before beginning their walk through the courtyard. "It kinda looks like no one's lived here for a while…" Shizuki couldn't help but observe before she noticed the darkening clouds, a small drop of water falling onto her face, "It's raining..." She murmured, contently.

"Your makeup is going to run if you get drenched." Miharu teased as the soft rain only increased till it became harsh. At that fact, Shizuki looked a little disappointed before she used her hair to cover her face from the rain, both girls running towards the mansion's doors.

"What? Still hating the fact I prefer natural beauty than artificial?" Miharu said more as a statement of fact then a question, a grin on her face.

"Shut it, princess." Shizuki replied with an irked smirk. "Hurry up and knock on the door." Without missing a beat, she grabbed out her ipod from her bags side pocket and slipped on one of her earbuds into her ears, playing the last song she was listening to before she was picked up, What You Know by Two Door Cinema Club.

"Come on Baka." Miharu said as she pulled her friend by her hand and inside the mansion. She closed the door and the two set their stuff on the floor.

"This place looks old..." Shizuki mumbled sleepily.

"Hello?" Miharu asked.

If no one answered the door to begin with, why would anyone answer us now? Shizuki thought with a cocked brow before sighing. "Let's look around, ne?" She suggested.

"Yeah.." Miharu replied as they split up. She went right while Shizuki went left.

Shizuki walked into what she assumed to be the living room, her eyes fixating on the detailing of the home before turning corner and finding a person laying on a couch. At first she thought of just going to get Miharu since she didn't feel like talking to strangers all that much, but found herself walking towards them instead. But the closer she got to them, the colder it seemed. The person was a boy with blondish hair, earbuds in his ears, and his clothes seemingly lazily put on. She felt a heavy and uncomfortable air flow off him, and it made a chill run down her spine. Without saying so much as a word, Shizuki reached out and touched the boys hand, only to recoil quickly. He's fucking freezing. She thought before walking to the doorway, "Moyashi!"

Miharu left wherever she was and rushed to her friends side before looking at her quizzically, "... What?"

"... I think he's dead…" Shizuki whispered as she threw a thumb over her shoulder to the boy laying on the couch. "I mean… I think he is… You're the medical one here."

"First of all, DON'T call me, MOYASHI. And second of all, move." Miharu pushed past her friend, walking over to the seemingly sleeping boy on the couch before placing her ear to his chest. Moving away quickly soon after, she turned to Shizuki, "I don't hear a heartbeat."

"... ?!-" Suddenly, without warning, Shizuki grabbed onto Miharu's arm and pulled her to her feet and beside her.

Miharu looked confused at her friend, "Shizuki?" But her friend didn't turn to her, instead kept her eyes fixated and the boy on the couch. Following her gaze, "Shizuki he's-" But now she was a little confused, actually- VERY confused. She looked at the boy who she could've sworn was dead, now sitting up and staring at the two with beautiful blue eyes, and an expression much like Shizuki's during classes. "You're alive…?"

"... You two… could you be…" The boy spoke softly before his attention turned to something- or someone, behind them. "... Reiji."

The girls turned around to see another boy, a lot taller than them, staring at them as if they were beneath him. His eyes were a light pinkish red color, that suddenly reminded Shizuki of a certain girl she hated. His hair was a grayish purple and turned lavender at the ends, glasses upon his nose.

Shizuki took a step or two away from him, getting a terrible, even worse air off of that boy which made her hair stand on end. She made Miharu take some steps away as well.

"And who are you two?" The new boy, Reiji asked.

Shizuki kept silent, but Miharu spoke up, "I am Miharu Matsu… This is Shizuki Yamada… We were sent here by our parents. They said you would be informed of our arrival." She and only she would just say that so calmly.

"I have heard nothing of the sort." Reiji looked at Shu before looking at the boy on the couch, "Have you heard about this?" He asked, crossing his arms over his chest.

"... I-"

But before he could speak, however, Miharu let out a small noise beside her friend. Shizuki pulled her away from another boy, who had reddish brown hair and bright, light green eyes. A fedora on his head.

"Did you just lick me?" Miharu asked as she held a hand to her cheek.

Shizuki pulled the girl behind her and glared at the boy with a fedora.

"Oops~ It's a habit I'm sorry. You just looked so tasty~" The boy grinned. "Two little strays have stumbled into our home~" He cooed.

"Laito, we've been over this. That is very impolite." Reiji stated as he turned to the new boy. "Kanato I mean it, if Laito is getting scolded for it, means so will you." His eyes fixated on another boy that appeared behind the girls. He had light purple hair and matching eyes, a teddy bear in his arms.

They're popping up like roaches… Shizuki couldn't help but think as she moved away from them, pulling Miharu with her. Her eyes glared at them, but she said nothing. They all had a heavy air about them, sadistic and dark. She wanted to be nowhere near them and that heavy feeling.

"You smell sweet and refreshing. Maybe a bit more than the little bitch's..." The boy, Laito, grinned. "Right, Kanato?" He asked, turning to the boy with the teddy bear.

He better not be referring to me… Shizuki narrowed her eyes.

"Yes..." Kanato said with a smile. Then they turned to Shizuki. "I want to taste her too…"

Shizuki felt a chill rush down her spine as she glared at them.

"That's enough impolite behavior." Reiji sighed as he looked back to Shu, "You know something, yes?" He asked as everyone's attention now turned to the teen on the couch.

Shu had laid back down at some point when all of the boys began to gather in the living room, but when he felt everyone's attention back on him he opened his eyes to look at them. "... That man called to say ``two more girls were coming… Friends of his… To take care of them…"

"So it's basically like Little Bitch's situation?" Laito asked.

Everyone of the boys seemed to reach that conclusion before they all looked back at the girls. "... Well, I suppose introductions are in order." Reiji began, fixing his glasses before presenting each of his brothers, one by one, by name from oldest to the youngest even the other boys that weren't present. But, that information wasn't much use to the girls.

"Wait a second here." Miharu spoke up, "I need to call my mother." She was a little put off by the confusion an the sudden resolution of their situation. The vibe the boys were giving off were enough to put her best friend on end. Miharu saw how tense Shizuki was beside her. It was enough cause for Alarm. Miharu pulled out her phone ready to call her mom when one of the boys had taken it from her.

Shizuki looked over to see it was the one they called Laito. He looked at it as if it was a foreign object to him. Obviously he was being a dick.

"Give that back." Shizuki hissed as she grabbed the fedora wearing teen's wrist tightly. "That doesn't belong to you." She stated. Her eyes narrowed even more when it seemed like the boy was looking down at her amused.

"So it talks." Kanato hummed with a light smile on his features, just as amused as Laito if not more.

"This whole time you were quiet. I was wondering if you had a back bone, little doll." Laito chuckled as he leaned into Shizuki.

Without missing a beat Shizuki slapped the boy as hard as she could before grabbing the phone from his hand and handing it to her friend. Her eyes narrowed on him before Miharu let out a small noise of surprise. Turning around Shizuki saw another boy had appeared behind her friend. His hair was a in a different shade than the fedora wearing Laito, but he had similar green eyes. He grinned as he had taken the cell phone from Miharu and held it high so the two girls couldn't reach it.

"Phone's aren't allowed."

Shizuki felt like she was suffocating from the bad vibes these guys were giving off. Protectively she grabbed Miharu and pulled her close and glared at them as if she were a dog protecting her owner. She thought this was going to be a drag in the beginning now it was downright annoying and a bit frightening. She didn't care what her parents would say, she was not going to stay there nor let Miharu stay there either. As she turned to grab her stuff the sound of someone walking down the steps made her freeze.

"A-Ah… I'm sorry… Did I interrupt somethin- Zuki? Haru?"

Blonde hair and annoying, ignorant rosey pink eyes.

"Yui. What are you doing out of your room?" Reiji asked as all the boys attention turned from the two new girls to the blonde female that stood at the top of the steps.

"Yui…!" Miharu exclaimed, thoroughly confused as she looked upon the familiar girl.

Shizuki obviously did not share the same sentiment as she grabbed onto Miharu's hand a bit tighter and tensed up further as Yui Komori walked down the steps towards them. "... What are you doing here?" Shizuki asked in a low grumble. She didn't seem relieved to see a familiar face like Miharu was.

"Hey little bitch, you know these two?" Laito asked.

"Yeah pancake, you seem friendly with them."

"I… Yes, I went to school with them for a while…" Yui murmured as she looked between the two girls, only glancing at Shizuki before smiling at Miharu.

"Well, then please introduce them for us." Reiji stated as he fixed his glasses upon the bridge of his nose.

"... This is Miharu Matsu," Yui slowly gestured to Miharu, who looked over at Reiji level headedly. "And… this is her friend, Shizuki Yamada…" She looked to Shizuki, who was still holding onto Miharu's hand and glaring at the boys around them.

"Well, since that has been taken care of, and it is a school night. We should turn in for now. We can discuss more in the morning." Reiji stated before looking back to Yui, "Show them to their rooms. The empty ones beside yours." He instructed, turning on his heel to venture to some other part of the mansion where his own room was located.

Laito hummed in light dissatisfaction before looking at the two new girls that were being "welcomed" into their home. "I'll see you later then, Little Doll~ And Princess~" He cooed before going up the stairs to go to his room. Kanato had gone to do the same, and it seemed Shu had disappeared from the commotion some time before because the girls didn't see or hear him leave.

"Don't do something stupid, pancake." The last of the brothers, that showed up, said before he went off to his room as well.

Yui, now alone with the girls smiled gently, "... Follow me then… I'll… show you to your rooms…" She stated before turning and walking up the stairs. "... Why are you two here?" she asked as the three of them walked up the stairs, their belongings in hand.

Shizuki chose not to speak as she looked around them a bit as they walked, per usual, Miharu spoke for them.

"Our parents went out of town for a while and didn't want us to be staying home alone. They sent us here till they get back." Miharu explained before glancing at Shizuki, who still held her hand like a lost child. She could tell her friend did not like the vibe she was getting from all the boys and the house itself. As if to reassure her, Miharu squeezed the girls hand briefly, then looked back to Yui. "Why are you here?"

"... My father sent me to live here because he had to go overseas for a while…" Yui explained softly as she lead them down a hall. "Do you know when they'll be back?" She inquired.

"Nope." Miharu shook her head, an annoyed look in her eyes, "They said it was last minute, so the day they get back is up in the air right now. I don't think they'll be back for a while though."

Shizuki couldn't help but continue to let her eyes wander till she noticed how genuinely creepy the mansion itself was. The colors were dark and gloomy, and the air was thick with an unsettling aura. Especially as they passed a room with chains and locks on it. Brand new ones actually from what she could see. Being near it made her stomach turn so she quickly turned it away and pushed it out of her mind. The hallway was barely lit, which only added to the gloominess of the home. "... How could anyone live here… and still…" Her sentence trailed off as she thought about those weird boys again. How they licked Miharu and were downright fucking abnormal.

Before she even realized it, she had let go of Miharu's hand and was standing alone in the hall. Her eyes widened with alarm as she looked down the direction she came from and the direction she faced before beginning to run a bit to catch up. Though, the home was not kind to her. She came up to another hallway to her right and was left there unsure of which way the two other females went.

"This is so fucking annoying…" Shizuki whispered as she pondered her options. Either one had a 50% chance of her getting lost or running into one of the weird brothers. "... Miharu!" She called out, letting her voice travel down both halls, hoping she'd get some sort of reply back from her friend-however, fate was also not that kind.

"Will you shut the hell up?"

Shizuki turned on her heel to see a boy with snow white hair and crimson eyes that burned with annoyance.

"I'm fucking trying to nap and your dumbass is yelling. You're also stinking up the place with that smell of yours!" He hissed.

The boy was more than likely the brother they did not see before; Subaru. The youngest brother of the six.

Shizuki felt her cheeks heat up at his statement; I do NOT STINK. She thought before glaring at the boy. "How about you fucking plug your nose and listen to some fucking music if it bothers you so damn much!" She barked back before grabbing her things and heading down the hall to her right. Again. The vibe he gave off unsettled her to the point she was refusing much confrontation any further, but someone pushed her into one of the doors and pinned her there.

"You want to repeat that you shit?"

Her sunset eyes met with his ruby ones, her body tensing at the physical contact. Suddenly that unsettling feeling became harsher, washing over her body like a fountain as it slowly mixed with sadness, guilt, hurt, and pain.

The overwhelming feelings caused her to almost suffocate. "Let GO!" She growled before kicking him away from her and running down the hall now, not looking back and risking the chance of seeing him. Leaving her stuff behind she rushed into the nearest room and shut the door. She pressed her back to the hardwood before sliding down and closing her eyes once her rear touched the floor. "Fuck… Fuck fuck fuck." She cursed, wondering what she'd do now. Shizuki's fingers absently fiddled with the necklace that hung around her neck as she stared up at the ceiling. "Why did I space out?" She hissed.

Her airheaded mistake got her lost in an unfamiliar home with six unfamiliar, unsettling characters.

"How shittier could this situation get…?" Shizuki murmured as she slowly calmed down and rose to her feet. Her free hand felt up the wall till it found a light switch. Flipping it on, only to find it not working. Her only lightsource now the balcony the window that allowed the moonlight to pool into the room. She looked around and saw it was an old bedroom, the furniture not from the era. It was old… The room was hardly used it seemed from the stale air she breathed in. She could almost smell the dust accumulating in the room.

"... Why do they have so many bedrooms if they're not gonna use them…" She couldn't help but wonder as she walked towards the bed and sat upon it. It didn't have dust on it from what he could tell, so someone must've been sleeping there recently. She didn't want to leave the room and risk stumbling into another brother so she laid upon the bed and curled up upon the sheets. She decided to wait in that room till she heard familiar voices close by. They'd have to find her eventually. She grabbed her ipod from her pocket and unwrapped her earphones from her neck before putting on of them in her ear and playing Satellite Heart by Anya Marina.

Miharu was searching through the halls with Yui for their missing third party. They had realized she was missing once they got to the rooms, unfortunately. They didn't want to make too much noise so Yui and her kept their voices low as they looked from room to room in search of Shizuki.

"... Miharu!"

The girl tensed up before looking in the direction the call came from, clear as day from the girl that had disappeared on them. Yui and her exchanged a look before they began to run towards Shizuki's direction. Shizuki wasn't friendly with strangers, not that Miharu herself was either but she was polite. That's why Shizuki let Miharu do all the talking in most situations, allowed her to lead her around, and to take the lead. In some scenarios their roles would be reversed but they were codependent on each other. Knowing the girl with the capability to have an explosive personality was all alone in the strange brothers home, caused her stomach to fall to the floor.

That sinking feeling only got worse when the two girls came to the next hallway to find the girls things left behind in the middle of the carpeted floor. "What the hell…" Miharu whispered as she looked around. "Shizuki…?" She asked as she looked around.

"S-Subaru…!" Yui exclaimed, catching Miharu's attention to turn.

White hair and ruby eyes. This was Subaru.

"Tch. What the hell are you doing?" Subaru asked as he glared the girls down.

Unlike Yui, Miharu kept her gaze leveled, though did avert her gaze at times to see if there were any signs that could point her in the direction her friend could have run off to.

"Y-You see… We're looking for… Miharu's friend…" Yui stuttered as she held onto her necklace a bit. "... They're… They're staying with us now… Have you seen her?" She asked.

"She had black hair, and orange eyes. She is wearing a clock necklace around her neck." Miharu piped up, hoping the brother could offer up some, ANY, useful information on the girls whereabouts.

"That loudmouth ran off somewhere. Hell if I know…" Subaru replied with a great amount of attitude, something that Miharu didn't take kindly to at the moment.

Miharu frowned before pushing past him down the hall he seemingly came from, "Then excuse me. I have a friend to find." She stated with just as much attitude as he gave her, grabbing her friends things before continuing to walk down the hall. "Shizuki…! Shizuki where are you!" She called out. "Shizuki! You idiot! Come out already!"


The teen turned at the sound of her name only to find that instead of finding Yui behind her, it was Subaru, who grabbed her wrist harshly and glared at her coldly. "What makes you think you can push me." He demanded. His ruby orbs boring into her emerald ones.

"What makes you think you can touch me." Miharu stated matter-of-factly before trying to tug her wrist away from him. "Let go of me." She hissed, her eyes narrowing on him.

"You don't get to just do what you want. This is MY house. You're the outsider." Subaru growled as he tightened his hold on her, even when Miharu let out a small whimper. "You and that girl should just fucking get lost."

"Let her go!"

Subaru and Miharu turned down the hall till someone suddenly pushed him away from her.

Shizuki's eyes were dangerous as she glared at the boy who had touched her friend, an unforgiving expression on her face. "... Don't ever touch her. I'll kill you if you fucking touch her." She hissed venomously.

The Sakamaki brother seemed annoyed with her presence, seemingly ready to pounce on her before another voice entered the mix.

"I do believe I said to take them to their rooms, Yui."

Everyone turned towards Yui to see that one of the oldest Sakamaki's stood a bit behind her. Reiji's eyes looking between the four who were not only not in bed, but causing a bit of commotion. "What is the meaning of all this?" He asked, arms crossed over his chest. "Go to your rooms." His ordered, his tone leaving no room for argument. "Subaru, stay behind so I can just tell you the situation here and now and prevent any further-incidents or misunderstandings."

Yui squeaked before running over to the girls, "Please stay close and follow me." She pleaded before leading them once again to their rooms.

Shizuki, this time, did not take her eyes off the two in front of her as they went through the maze of halls to their final destination for the night.

"... These are your rooms…" Yui whispered as gestured to the rooms beside her own. "You both can choose whichever you want." She stated softly.

Miharu and Shizuki shared a look before nodding. Miharu took the room next to Yui's and Shizuki took the one farthest from Yui's and next to Miharu's.

The two plopped onto their bed as they suddenly let all the stress and anxiety of the day wash away, if only slightly. Their mind was slowly reeling from the last hour of their life, replaying the last events like a broken record. Something was strange with the boys of the Sakamaki household, and neither of them wanted to stick around and find out. Their thoughts went to the odd disappearing and reappearing acts the boys did throughout their encounter, the way they spoke of them, and the way Yui reacted.


Why was she afraid?

Should they be afraid too?

They thought it best to not think too hard on it at the moment; how bad could it be if Yui was looking relatively well? Shaking off their worries, if only for the night, they closed their eyes and allowed themselves to drift off into a dreamless sleep.

They had yet to realize how unfortunate they truly were...

SOOOOO there you have it~

Hopefully it was easier to follow along than the original, I will try to get chapter 2 up soon, but work and life come first so bare with my procrastinating ass. Please review, favorite and follow the story I would love to hear from you all to see what you think. I would really appreciate it. Also-

MIHARU! Don't use my real name in the reviews!

Anyways, thank you for taking the time in reading my fanfiction, I always appreciate it.

Love always,
