Grissom again didn't relax until the new Denali was in the garage hidden from view. The remoteness of their home didn't bother him; it would be easier to see if any strange cars were driving past. He sighed as he watched Nick climb out of the back seat and drag into the house, obviously drained from his experiences.

"Greg, will you make sure everything is secure?" Gil asked. "I'm going to call Jim and let him know we made it home okay."

"Sure," Greg said, sounding exhausted as well. He called the dogs and made his way towards the backyard.


"Hey Jim, it's me; we're home and locking up now," Grissom said. He secured the Denali and walked into the house. "I don't think his parents were able to find us again but we're going to hole up for a couple of days just to be sure."

"They didn't," Jim said. "They're in here trying to say that Nick's been kidnapped and they want to file an official complaint."

"Well that's something," Gil said. "They're not going to give up, Jim. So let them file the report and then tell them to get out of town. No one at work is going to take them seriously, you know that."

Brass sighed. "Yeah, I do," he said. "All right, I'll talk with 'em and take the report myself."

"Oh yeah, Nick's father is convinced you and I are lovers," Grissom said, trying not to laugh. "So I don't know how seriously he'll take you."


"He said he could spot a gay couple a mile away and had us pegged," Gil replied. "I denied it, of course, but I don't think he believed me. I don't know why."

"One of these days, Gil, you'll go too far," Jim said. "Just take care of Nick and don't worry about work; we'll get everything taken care of. I'll see you in a few days."


"He really said that?" Nick asked, leaning against the door frame.

Grissom put his phone away and looked at his lover. "Yes he did," Gil said. "Your father approached me in the lab parking lot when I went out to clean the Tahoes. That's why I was so wild when I came back to my office. I am sorry for that, Nick; my behavior was inexcusable for work."

"I thought it was hot," Nick said, wrapping his arms around his older lover. "You don't go possessive all that often but your eyes get this certain spark in them that's really sexy. And we're home now so you can claim me and Greggo all you want."

"Are you up to it?" Gil asked, pulling Nick in closer to him.

"Ohh yeah," Nick moaned. "Where's Greg?"

"Securing the house," Gil said. "Why don't we set up a treat for him in the bedroom?"

"Sounds good to me."

Greg was concerned about Nick, about what his parents were doing to him but at the same time he knew that Nick would be able to overcome everything that had been thrown at him. He made sure their alarm system was set and the dogs were secure before making his way up the stairs to the master bedroom.

Nick was laying in the middle of their king sized bed, naked and aroused. "Hey Greggo," he said, his voice low, "why don't you come join me and we can finish what we started at the lab."

"Where'd Gil go?" Greg asked, stripping off his crazy shirt and t-shirt in one motion.

"Right here," Grissom replied, pressing up behind Greg, hands going to the younger man's belt. "I still want you both."

"What about Nick, are you feeling okay?" Greg asked, pushing back against Grissom.

"No, but this will make me feel better," Nick replied. "Come join me?"

Greg stepped out of his pants and boxers and made his way to the bed. Nick grabbed his hand and pulled him down, claiming his mouth in a gentle but passionate kiss. Grissom just stood back and watched for a few minutes, slowly stripping out of his clothes and digging out the lube from the bedside table. 'Decisions, decisions,' Gil thought as he looked at both his lovers on the bed, wondering where to touch first, where to kiss and how the night was going to play out. He knew that Nicky needed them more that night because of the trauma he'd suffered from having to deal with the unexpected pain of his parents stalking him.

"Roll over, Nicky," Gil whispered in his lover's ear. "I want you, need you so badly."

Nick moaned at the heat in Grissom's words and rolled so Greg was pinned to the bed. Gil prepared Nick as quickly but also as gently as he could before thrusting home. Nick broke away from Greg's mouth to gasp in air as he was possessed by his lover. Gil's thrusts drove Nick's erection against Greg's who thrust back up against the friction.

"Mine," Gil growled, his voice taking on the possessive nature it had back in his office. "Mine."

"So what's going to happen now?" Greg asked the next morning at breakfast.

"Well I heard from Jim this morning that Nick's parents left Vegas and are on their way home," Gil replied, putting down his coffee mug. "He has a friend who will let him know if they don't make it back to Texas in a timely manner. But it is the time for hard decisions, Nicky; what do you want to do?"

Nick sighed and rubbed his eyes. "I just want to be able to live my life the way I want to," he said. "You've been given all my legal powers in case anything happens to me, Gil; I don't see why I should talk to my folks again unless I absolutely have to."

"That's a big decision to make, Nick," Gil said. "Are you sure you want it to go that far?"

"Yeah," Nick said. "One thing I thought of at the restaurant is they've been pulling shit like this my whole life. I put up with it because I thought it was normal parental behavior but now I know better. I just want to move forward, not back."

"Are you willing to go back to counseling for a while?" Gil asked.

"Sure," Nick said. "I need some help working through this; help you guys can't give me."

Greg reached over and laced his fingers with Nick's. "We know," he said. "Just be sure to tell us what we can do to help."

"Well," Nick said, making a show of considering, "last night was pretty spectacular and as we don't have to go back to work for a couple of days..."

Gil laughed. "In this, your wish is definitely our command," he said, his blue eyes sparkling.