Kimi sat with the rest of her friends in the reception room of Hell, none of them were really talking, they were all just staring at nothing, too tired and discouraged to say anything.

Caretaker walked in, looking angry, "kids, I'm sorry to inform you, but you're not allowed to leave until the rest of the reinforcements get here."

"Why?" Peter asked, jumping to his feet, "we have to get Suzie to a hospital, and we need…we need to tell Angelica's parents what happened…"

"I know, and I'm sorry, but Gabriel the grand douche isn't letting anyone leave until he sorts things out." She grumbled.

Kimi sighed, looking down at Kila, the little Daemon had disappeared during the heavier part of the fighting, and had reappeared shortly after the fighting had finished, the little fox was asleep in the nook of her arm, "when will he let us go?"

"Whenever he's sure there's no security threat." Caretaker muttered, turning around, "now if you'll excuse me, I need to go bitch out a certain Angel."

Kimi hung her head as she left, "I just want to get out of here." She mumbled.

"We all do." Peter mumbled.

"Maybe…maybe I can teleport us out." Zack said, "They can't stop us from using magic."

Sean and Trevor walked in, Sean's arm was in a cast, "hey guy's!" Trevor said cheerfully, "Sean just got a cast on his arm and wants to know if you guy's want to sign it!"

"That's not what we came in here for." Sean muttered, "the angel's have banned our use of Magic until further notice."

"What!" the room collectively shouted, jumping to their feet.

"Yeah, they won't even let the Medics heal my arm, or Suzie's wounds."

"But…but how can they stop us!"

'Nullification magic." Trevor said, "most Angels know how to use it for 'defensive purposes' personally I think it's just a way for them to be dicks to magic users."

"Either way, we're stuck here unless Lucifer overrules them."

Peter groaned, punching the wall, "why the hell are the angels even here!"

"They brought the reinforcements remember?" Zack asked, "the demon guards were almost all wiped out except for a team of them, which means they need to get more reinforcements if they want to keep this place at 100% strength."

"That still doesn't justify keeping us here." Sean muttered, "We fought alongside the guards, we kept this place from getting overrun, we lost friends because of this shit, why would they suspect us?"

"Because a devoted cultist will go to great lengths to succeed in their mission." Jimmy said as he crutched in, bandages covering most of his body, he looked at them, "this was an organized escape attempt, which means that they knew when we would be here, when there weren't enough guards to protect this place, and the only way they would know that is if they had someone on the inside."

"So…who was it?" Zack asked, looking at everyone, "I mean, none of us are traitors, so who could it have been?"

"Maybe it was Wally." Peter said, "she was the one who got possessed, maybe she was more willing about it then we thought."

"Now wait just a minute!" Jimmy snarled, "My sister isn't a traitor, she almost lost her life because of this!"

"Didn't you just say a cultist would go to great lengths to succeed? Who's to say Wally wasn't a cultist ready to give her life for the cause?"

"In that same logic, you could say it could've been angelica." Sean said.

"No," Peter said immediately, "Angelica wouldn't do that."

"Neither would Wally." Jimmy shot back, "but like you said, devote cultist."

"Angelica died to fight Drakon off!"

"Making it believable." Sean said simply.

"And why should we trust you?" Zack asked, "for all we know, you're the traitor, you and your little crazy friend."

"I'm no traitor." Sean growled.

"Neither am I, in normal circumstance." Trevor said with a shrug.

"Maybe you're the traitor Peter," Jimmy said, pointing a finger at the teen, "after all, you're real quick on accusing the rest of us."

"Or maybe you're the traitor." Peter said, walking towards Jimmy, "wielder of the dark sword, forged by Drakon himself, with his little co-conspirators."

"ENOUGH!" Kimi shouted, making everyone look over at her, she was still looking down, hugging a frightened looking Kila, "two of our friends are dead, another two are injured, possibly beyond care, and all any of you can do is argue!" she looked up, tears streaming down her face, "argue and accuse each other of being traitors! You've all known each other for so long, and the instant someone suggest the possibility of a traitor you turn on each other, how narrow minded can you be?"

"Kimi." Sean started.

"No, shut up." She said, standing up, "my friend is upstairs in a coma, the other's lost her eyesight and her best friend, they gave their all to make sure we wouldn't get hurt, and you repay them by accusing them of betraying us? That's bullshit!"

"What do you want us to do? Pretend like it's not a possibility?" Peter asked.

"I want you to consider that they're you're friends, not some unknown person who just entered our lives!" she let go of Kila and let the daemon jump onto her shoulder, "I want you to stop acting like you're some fucking soldiers who think the entire worlds out to get them!" as she shouted, she glared at all of them as their heads hung in shame, she turned around and walked out.

"Where are you going!?" Peter asked.

"I'm going to go see a friend." She said, walking towards the cellblock.


"What I don't understand is how you lost most of your guards!" Gabriel exclaimed, pacing in front of Lucifer, who was lounging in his desk chair.

"Oh well you see, that's what happens when Drakon breaks out of his cell." He said, "and then enlists the help of some of the most powerful demons in the cells."

"I still don't understand…"

"You don't have to understand." Lucifer snapped, sitting up, "at least not until I'm done understanding what took you so long to get here, or why you didn't answer any of my red alerts."

"I told you we'd be late.'

"No, you didn't, you said, 'I'll be there in the morning' well guess what sonny," he stood up, slamming his fists into the desk in front of him, "Morning was two days ago! So unless morning means forty eight hours from when I actually say, then you owe me an explanation!"

"I owe you nothing!"

"Oh you're right, you don't owe me, the lord of the underworld and one of the most powerful gods in this realm, an explanation, you owe those mages out there an explanation, you owe Malcolm and Angelica an explanation as to why they lost their lives, and you owe Suzie an explanation on why she lost her sight, and Wally, who could possibly loose her sanity because of all this! So I'll ask, what possessed you, in all you're inglorious might, to not only delay our reinforcements by two days, but to also ignore all of our red alert, high priority, 'we're getting fucked up down here send some god damned back up' messages!"

Gabriel glared at him, "I have my orders, I do not need to indulge them in you."

Lucifer grabbed him and slammed him into the wall, "listen here you little whelp." He snarled, "people died down here, they sacrificed themselves to push Drakon back down into his cell, and all you can say is that you had Orders to stay back!"

"Yes, and what's it to you? This isn't the first time you had humans die down here, many by your own hand."

"You weren't alive during that period boy, so I suggest you shut up about things you don't understand." Lucifer growled, Throwing him to the side, "I don't know what you're boss is doing up there, but I think he needs to remember that he's not all powerful and untouchable."

"Is that a threat?" Gabriel asked angrily, standing up and drawing his sword.

Lucifer laughed, "Please." He said, snapping his fingers and making the sword turn to water, "you have no chance against me boy."

"You shouldn't be able to use magic." Gabriel said.

"Here's a little fact." Lucifer said, "Gods are very powerful, which means your second rate magic doesn't work on us."

"You're no god! Just a demon!"

"Is that what they tell you up there?" Lucifer said with a laugh, he snapped his fingers, making the door fly open and the sword reappear in Gabriel's hand, "get out of my sight." He growled.

Gabriel hesitated, and then put the sword up, walking out, "the rest of your reinforcements will get here within the hour." Gabriel said.

"Ah I'm sure they'll love being in hell again." He said, glaring as Gabriel walked out, he snapped his fingers again, making the door slam.

Gabriel stood outside for a few seconds, and then punched the stonewall beside him, cracking it.


Hermit sat beside Suzie in the infirmary, he hadn't moved a single inch since the fight had ended, he didn't even move when Sean had told him about their magic being suppressed, all he did was incline his head ever so slightly to show that he had heard. "Suzie…"he said softly, putting a hand on her shoulder, "this is the second time we almost lost you…why I care I don't know…" he looked at her peaceful face, now marred by the scars going through her eyes, "it's never effected me as a person, never made me sad to think you gone…until now…" he looked around and slowly reached up and pulled his hood down, letting his frizzy red hair spill out, his green eyes looking down inquisitively at her, a scar crossing his face from his left temple down the right side of his jaw, "Hearing your scream…the pain and fear…it got to me…made me feel…protective and scared for you." he let out a dry chuckle, "some dark mage I am huh? Letting my emotions get the best of me…" he rubbed his eyes, "I don't even know why I'm here, waiting for you to wake up…it's weird."

"Not too weird…" Suzie said softly, making Hermit jump, the young mage was still lying down, but her eyes were now open, but instead of the vibrant brown they used to be, they were now grey and milky, staring sightlessly at the ceiling, "it's called feelings hermit…"

"I know what it's called." He said, "but I don't feel them…"

"You're human, you can feel them." She said with a soft laugh.

"Going away from me for a few seconds, how are you feeling?" he asked, feeling her forehead.

"I feel fine." She said quietly, "I'm sore though…and I can't see…can you take the bandages off my eyes?"

Hermit felt a pang of sadness wash over him, "there are no bandages Suzie…don't you remember?"

"I…I remember seeing Angelica die…and then…nothing…" her breathing started to quicken, "What did Drakon do? Why can't I see? W-why!"

"Suzie calm down." Hermit said as she started sitting up, and crying out in pain from the gashes on her back, she started to hyperventilate.

"Why-why-why c-c-c-c-can't I s-s-s-s-see?" she asked in a panic.

"Calm down!" Hermit said, putting his arms around her, she stiffened up tears coming out of her damaged eyes, "calm down," he said softly, "Drakon injured your eyes…they couldn't heal the wound…I'm sorry."

She let out a shuttered breath, clinging to him, tears streaming down her cheeks, "I'll never see again…" she asked quietly.

"No…you won't…"

She started sobbing, burying her face into his chest, Hermit awkwardly patted her back, "I'm sorry…" he whispered, "I'm so sorry…"


Kimi sat with Nightmare as he treated his own wounds, "I wish you'd let me help you." Kimi said, petting Kila.

"I'm capable of helping myself," he said with a soft laugh, "Now tell me more about these angels."

"I only met one, his name's Gabriel, he's locked this place down until he's sure there's no traitors."

"Gabriel…is Caretaker down here?"


"This probably won't end well then." He said.

"Why? What's their story?'

"It's not my story to tell." He said. Putting his hand to a gash on his arm, it slowly started to heal.

"I thought magic was nullified right now…" Kimi mumbled.

"Huh, there's a few beings who aren't affected by Angel magic, me and Lucifer are two such beings,

Kimi groaned, leaning back on the wall.

"How are the rest of your friends?" he asked.

"Two died…Angelica and Malcolm, Suzie, Deastro, Sean and Wally are injured…Wally's in a coma."

"Wally…she's the one who got possessed by Drakon, right?"

"Yes…they don't think she'll wake up…"

Midnight leaned back, "Lilac and Oak." He muttered.


"Burn Lilac petals and Oak leaves and hold it under her nose…" he muttered, "the smell should bring her out of her coma."

"Are you sure?" she asked, hope igniting in her eyes.

He nodded, "go, help your friend." He said.

"Thank you nightmare," she said, hugging him and running out.

Nightmare smiled sadly, "I can help save this one…"


Caretaker sat beside Wally's bed, reading a book.

"Caretaker." Gabriel said softly, walking into the infirmary.

"What do you want Gabriel?" she asked, not looking up from her book.

"I want to talk to you." he said, looking over at Suzie and Hermit, who were both asleep, Suzie was curled up in a ball on the bed, facing towards hermit, hermit was asleep in his chair beside the bed, his head leant up against the wall, holding her hand, Gabriel waved a hand at them, making the air shimmer around them.

"Wow, must be important if you put up a silencing charm on two sleeping teenagers."

He leaned against the wall, "I want to bury the hatchet between us." He said.

"I don't think there's a hatchet to bury, I also think it's a very bad to bury tools, you may need them."

He rolled his eyes, "come on caretaker, quit the bullshit."

"Ooh, cussing, very improper for an angel of God." she said.

"Ava." He said sharply, making her stand up and cross the room, slamming Gabriel into the wall, "you're not allowed to use that name." she whispered deathly calm in his ear,

"I was allowed once,' he said, "one of the privileged few."

"That was before the war, before you and your cronies wiped out my guild, and drove my friend insane."

"I had no part in that, those men were renegades, no true follower of god would stoop that low." He growled.

"News flash boy." She hissed with venom in her voice, "just because you think your god is perfect, doesn't mean he is." She threw him to the ground, just as Kimi ran in, "Caretaker!" she exclaimed, "is their lilac petals and oak leaves here?"

"I think so why?" she asked in confusion as Gabriel slowly got up and nullified the silencing charm.

"I just found out how to wake up Wally." She said, grabbing a ceramic bowl while Caretaker quickly looked for the Lilac and Oak.

"Who told you that Lilac and Oak would work?" Gabriel asked suspiciously.

"Nightmare." She said as caretaker put the leaves and the petals into the bowl, "Kila." Kimi said, and the little fox let out a puff of fire into the bowl, catching the leaves on fire, she blew them out and ran over to Wally, but was stopped by Gabriel.

"Do you have any idea who nightmare is?'

"A wise man who has done nothing but help me." she said, "now move."

Gabriel put his hand on the hilt of his hand-and-a-half sword, "I don't take orders from you." he growled.

"No one takes orders from you." Caretakers said, pushing him to the side easily, and allowing Kimi to put the bowl in front of Wally's sleeping face, she wafted the smoke towards Wally's nose, 'please work, please…" she said softly.

For a few seconds wally didn't move, then she started to cough her eyes fluttering open, she continued to cough, sitting up, Kimi put the bowl beside her bed, "wally!" she exclaimed happily, waking up, Hermit and Suzie, Hermit quickly threw his hood up, covering his face before Kimi had seen him.

"Kimi-" Wally croaked, her eyes unfocused, she was shaking a little.

"Wally," Hermit said, standing up, "do you remember anything?"

Wally looked at them, her eyes still unfocused, "I…I…" she whispered, tears streaming down her cheeks, "I…I…I was possessed….I...Drakon…torture…Angelica…Suzie…M-Malcolm…" she started to sob, looking down, Kimi hugged her, letting Wally burry her face into the crook of her neck.

Gabriel looked at them, "I'll go inform Lucifer." He muttered, walking out, Caretaker glared after him.

"Hermit, can you tell the others that Wally is awake and well?" she asked.

He nodded, he turned to Suzie and put his hand on her head, "I'll be back." He muttered, walking out.