Dressed warmly in the thickest coat with a red scarf around his neck, a teal-haired boy was rolling up a huge snowball about half his size before he stopped to rest and take a deep breath. Turning his head, he saw another male carrying a smaller ball of snow, walking in his direction. He could see puffs of cold air released from the other's perfect lips, causing him to have inappropriate thoughts of what those lips could do to melt him into goo.

Akashi Seijuurou. That was the name of his companion, his captain and teammate. His boyfriend. At that mentioned status, he hid his reddening cheeks underneath his scarf which was gifted to him by the taller (and most definitely much more handsome than he would ever be. How the said boyfriend of his fell in love with him, well, that was beyond him) boy.

The redhead piled his heap of snow on top of Kuroko's own with ease, giving a smile reserved especially for his lover.

Embarrassed, the younger one scrambled to make another snowball for the head of their snowman. It was a funny sight as the other almost tripped in his flight. Knowing fully well that Kuroko would be safe from any injury with the soft snow beneath them ready to cushion anyone's fall, he strode to the opposite direction in search for twigs as hands for their masterpiece. Along his way, he picked up a few acorns as well.

As soon as he gathered all that he needed, he marched back silently to where his significant other stood waiting for him to return, appreciating the peace surrounding the two individuals standing outside in the cold weather instead of enjoying a warm cup of cocoa in front of the fireplace. Maybe they could do that after a snowball fight. Now that gave him an idea.

He handed the acorns to the bluenette while he stuck the twigs into place at the sides of the snowman and pulled out a carrot he stuffed into his pocket before they went out to play. Now, Akashi was not one to enjoy doing activities which would waste his precious time but once in a while, he liked to indulge his Tetsuya and let him have his way. After all, it was worth it to see a wide smile decorating the other's face.

When the other was busy pushing the acorns into the middle segment of the snowman, Akashi sneaked behind him, compacted a snowball in his red-mitten-clothed hands, waiting for the shorter boy to look his way while he tossed the white substance upwards and then catching it a few times.

Oblivious as to what awaited him, Kuroko stared at his handiwork for a few seconds, eager to show Akashi and taking a picture with their snowman. He turned his body only to be smacked in the face with something chilly. His face scrunched up adorably, he opened an eye only to catch sight of a laughing red-eyed male, holding his stomach, his body curled up. Now that was a rare scene.

He pouted, faking a mad face but it only served to make his companion to laugh harder than he already was. If only he could capture this moment with a video camera. That would shut the other up.

Charging towards Akashi with the intention of attacking him, Kuroko crashed into him and they fell into a tangle of limbs on the snow-covered ground. The cerulean-eyed boy struggled to get up only to be stopped by a reluctant redhead's arms wound around his body in a tight grip. Any attempt to escape was futile when one is going against one Akashi Seijuurou.

"Akashi-kun is so childish." The bluenette had said. However, the said teenager only chuckled, placing a kiss on the cute red button nose of Kuroko's. The latter made a face. "I'm angry. Don't try to placate me with a kiss."

"Then how should I make up to you, your highness?" Kuroko hid his face in Akashi's shoulder after punching him playfully a few times. He twisted his neck slightly to whisper in his boyfriend's ear, "A warm cup of vanilla would do."

And that was how people passing by their cottage found them. Cuddling in front of the fireplace under a fluffy blanket with a warm cup of vanilla each in their hands.