Disclaimer: I only own my imagination!


Alfred got up and confidently walked to the head of the table. He plugged the computer in and was ready to start when he tried to move the mouse with his hands he remembered he was wearing normal gloves today, he had been in such a hurry he didn't check to make sure they were the touch screen gloves he had especially made for him.

Realizing everyone was staring at him, he dug to the bottom of his bag and pulled out his old hand mouse. (He never thought he would have to use it again! How uncool!)

He plugged it in, breathed a sigh of relief, then started his presentation on global warming.


The nations were all confused. Alfred always gave flawless presentations. Ridiculous, yes, but always flawless. Not this time, this time he actually blushed and a look uncertainty passed over his features for a moment.

Everyone silently wondered what was wrong.

If any of them had noticed the Americans doppelganger and had thought to ask him, well, then they would no longer be wondering.

Said Canadian was holding his sides to stop from laughing as he watched his brother fumble for a moment and the other nations looking confused, to him it was the funniest thing that had ever happened in a meeting.



I tried to rewrite it so it was a little smoother and entertaining. *gets ready to run from tomatoes*

If it's worse then tell me or if it's better the tell me…basically just tell me what you think…

Anywho Thanks for the reviews!