It would have been a normal morning at Rikkaidai if not for the more than odd attire of the resident Second Year Ace.

"Akaya? Why the heck are you wearing bubble wrap and a hockey mask?" Marui asked, not all that confident in his underclassman's sanity.

Looking around fretfully before speaking in a harsh whisper, Kirihara looked panicked, "Don't you know what today is Marui-senpai?!"

Marui popped a green bubble, "April 1st?"

The seaweed head waved his arms crazily, "No! Well technically yes...But no! It's not just April 1st! It's April Fool's Day!"

One blink.



Fou- "Ahhhh!" Marui flipped out. "We have to tell fukubuchou that Niou's going to do something evil!"

"Yeah!" Kirihara chorused in agreement. "Or else we're doomed!"

And so began their search for the rest of the team whilst keeping an eye out for any Niou-like activity. They did eventually find Sanada...but he wasn't exactly in a good mood to say the least...

"Woah," Marui breathed out, "what happened to you?"

A tic mark formed on the back of the vice-captain's hatless head. "Tarundoru!"

"It appears my calculations were correct," Yanagi said walking up to them, "Niou has indeed picked Genichirou to be his first victim. There is an increased 30% chance that Niou will be much more active in his pranks today."

Everyone within hearing range of that either groaned or immediately went to fake an injury to go home, lest they be made victim to one of the Trickster's notorious pranks. So began Rikkai's day of chaos.

The oddest part was the fact that none of the tennis team had seen Niou that day. Which only served to make them more paranoid.

Somehow, within the span of a few hours, Niou had managed to pull off a few amazing stunts, Yagyuu being the only exception. Marui had found numerous vegetables mixed into his sweet stock of cake, Jackal had a wig glued to his head, Sanada had a stolen cap and flour dumped on him, and Yanagi's data book was found in a sink.

But there was no doubt Kirihara got the brunt of it. His defenses did nothing to hinder the two buckets of water, plastic insects in his bento, dyed uniform and glitzed out racket.

Afternoon practice was pretty much cancelled due to their teammates hijinks. And so the regulars, minus Niou and Yagyuu (the former for obvious reasons and the latter presumably to lecture the other on proper behavior) had convened by themselves. Suffice to say it was a sight to see, especially Sanada almost weeping and the sight of Yukimura.

Elsewhere the Gentleman and Trickster were standing together, one cackling with mirth and the other looking rather disapproving.

"Niou-kun," Yagyuu said, "I understand today is April Fool's Day but don't you think you might have crossed the line?"

The silver haired tennis player shrugged casually, "Cut me some slack Yagyuu, today is meant to celebrate pranks."

Yagyuu sighed and adjusted his glasses, "Though convincing Sanada that Yukimura had died might have been taking it a bit far," he said, a scolding tone hidden behind politeness.

Niou once again cackled, "Happy April Fool's Day Rikkai, puri~."