Nami blinked carefully as the sunlight filtering in from the window brought her from he realm of sleep. She lazily stretched her arms out as a deep yawn escaped her. She felt refreshed, better than she had in months actually. As her mind woke up, she realized how late in the morning it really was.

That's odd, Zuro usually is crying for breakfast at this time, she thought as she went down the hall to her son's nursery.

Since he was two months old the infant had demanded his meal right as day broke, setting a pattern for the last four months. Nami went to the crib, expecting to see him still asleep. However, she was greeted by an empty crib. Panicking, she went to the twins' room to find it empty as well. A clatter in the kitchen had her making her way there, all sorts of worst-case situations in her head.

She grabbed the broom from the hallway as she stealthily slunk down the hall, all her old thieving skills coming out to keep her presence unknown. Maybe it's the Marines. Took them long enough to find us. Or could it be a bounty hunter? Where the hell is Zoro when I need him? Probably got lost during his morning workout, baka.

Nami finally got to the archway to the kitchen and peeked her head around it to assess the scene. Instead of being confronted by mysterious burly enemies, she was greeted by a white cloud of dust floating in the air, a puddle of goo on the floor, a children's argument, a giggling infant on the other side of the room, and two little girls covered in flour.

"Tani, Almi, what happened in here?" Nami asked as she tried to make sense of the chaos.

The argument stopped as her daughters looked up with the most innocent expressions they could manage.

"We decided to make Zuro breakfast so you could sleep," Almi began.

"But Almi messed up the pancakes!" Tani exclaimed.

"Nuh uh!"

"Yes you did!"

"No, you messed up Tani!"

The fight dissolved into useless bickering back and forth, neither girl willing to accept the blame for the bad recipe. Nami sighed and leant the broom against the wall before stopping the fight and collecting the infant from His high chair, which they had somehow got him sat into but didn't strap him in.

"Girls, thank you for the thought, but Zuro isn't old enough for pancakes."

"Oh. Well, can we make him eggs then?" Tani asked.

"Oooh, with peppers!" Almi said excitedly.

"Not yet girls. In a few more months, maybe." Nami said while shaking her head, holding in a laugh.

"Well, what can he eat then?" Almi demanded, little hands shoved into her hips.

"He can have some milk or applesauce," Nami said.

"Hmph, that's boring. Why couldn't you be cooler?" Tani quizzed her brother, who only stared at her while giggling.

"How about this, if you two start cleaning up the kitchen, I'll feed Zuro and then make us some French Toast."

"Yeah toast!" Both girls exclaimed before haphazardly picking up the disastrous pancake experiment.

Zoro made it back home in time for lunch, only to discover there was no food but instead a mess in the kitchen and no one in sight while Zuro napped in his bassinet in the living room. A quiet giggle that was followed by a sharp 'Shush' was the only warning he got before he was hit with two eggs and a bag of flour.

Nami met his surprised expression with a shrug.

"We decided to make cookies."

He never did figure out what started the food fight or what prompted the ambush.

This is actually based on something I did as a kid. My brother and I, 5 and 4 respectively, decided we would be helpful and feed our newborn sister pancakes. That worked out so well...

So, as I said, this will end up being a series of drabbles focused on the family. For the most part, they will be chronological though.
