A/N: I wrote this for lynrydwrites for Klaroline Gives Back. She requested Caroline Stark fic (aka Caroline is Tony Stark's daughter). This is what I came up with.

He had always loved Caroline's fire, the way her eyes narrowed when she was angered, lips pressed together until they were a thin line. She was a passionate person, one who wore her emotions on her sleeve even as she tried to keep a tight control over them. But just as her joy highlighted her every feature, bringing out a radiance to her that he could never quite capture no matter how many forms of paint he tried out, her rage was just as brilliant.

Klaus had been on the receiving end of it more than once, especially in the early stages of their relationship, but it had never been like this. There hadn't been the beginnings of hatred brewing behind her eyes as she looked up at him from the body she was cradling. The man under the suit was still breathing. Though the tiny machines that were making their way through his blood stream would put an end to that soon enough.

"What the hell did you do to my dad?" she demanded, her gaze shifting down as Tony Stark's breathing worsened, lungs not quite taking in enough air again.

And just like that all of Klaus Mikaelson's carefully crafted plans came crashing down around him.

Two years earlier

It was her laugh that first caught Klaus' attention-the absolute carefreeness of it echoing through the hallway of the science building causing him to turn his head, the specifics of the graduate student explaining his thesis completely lost on him. The legs that went along with that laugh, leading to an appealing set of curves, and luscious curls he wouldn't have minded running his hands through. He wasn't able to catch a glimpse of her face just yet though, attention pulled back to the student that he needed to focus on.

The young man's microbots could be the wave of the future, currently in development as a means for medical purposes: tiny surgeons that would be able to treat cancers smaller than any human could see. On the other hand, Klaus knew it'd be far more marketable as a weapon and with a few well placed nudges along with the right amount of money donated to help the young man be able to actually see his vision come to fruition Klaus was certain the student would see things his way.

An hour later and the young man was in his pocket, eager to actually build his prototype instead of working endlessly to convince the college board that it was even a possibility. Even better the girl with the killer legs and memorable laugh was walking out of the class she'd apparently gone into earlier. Klaus watched her say goodbye to a few classmates before turning the opposite way from them to sit down on one of the window seats that lined the hallway.

He headed straight toward her, smirk already present on his face as he approached. Confidence was something he'd never needed to fake, money and status backing up his cocky attitude. Add in the British accent that American girls seemed to go crazy over and he usually had them eating out of the palm of his hand from his first words.

"Hello, love," Klaus started, accent thicker than normal as he took a seat beside her.

She glanced up from the notebook she'd been scribbling in, clearly confused for a moment before realizing that he was speaking to her. Klaus' lips curled into a smile, anticipating the telltale signs of interest to blossom in the young woman's features.

It never happened, a quick lookover, obviously picking out the designer clothes he was wearing before she arched a brow, unimpressed. "Yeah, so not interested, but nice try," the girl murmured as she gathered up her things, leaving Klaus stunned as she disappeared into the crowd of students that were hurrying to their next class.

He stared at the space she'd been in for a moment before making his way through the crowd to follow her, undeterred. Unfortunately she was nowhere to be seen once he broke through, adding a mystery to the young woman that only intrigued Klaus more. There was work to be done, calls to be made to ensure the appropriate money was deposited in his newly bought scientist's bank account, and he pushed the girl out of his mind to focus on the task at hand.

That didn't stop him from sketching what he remembered of her later that evening, annoyed that the details weren't quite right.

"What are your thoughts on Dr. Pym's research into altering molecular sizes in laboratory rats?" Klaus asked as he sat down in the chair opposite Caroline. It had taken him three more almost meetups to garner her name, and even that had been by chance from overhearing a conversation she was having with one of her classmates, but he'd yet to let her know he knew it. Not that she'd given him a chance, blowing off each of his attempts at conversation every single time.

His usual charming demeanor obviously wasn't working, flirtatious smile and cocky attitude a complete miss, but Klaus had no qualms about trying out new material. He'd spotted the headline of the article she was reading in the scientific journal and figured that was as good an opening as any.

"I think he's far too eager to see if he can do it and not at all interested in considering if he should do it," Caroline murmured before finally looking up from the magazine. The eagerness he'd heard in her voice over having an actual conversation seemed to falter when she recognized him, but Klaus knew this would probably be his last opportunity to get his hooks into her.

"Isn't that what science is about, swe-" He forced himself to stop the endearment as her eyes narrowed. "Seeing what we can do? Pushing everything to its limit to see how far it can bend before breaking?"

"You have a very skewed view of science, Mr…?" Caroline nodded toward him and Klaus rested back against the chair, pleased that she wasn't walking away or kicking him to the curb like all those times before.

"Niklaus Mikaelson. But you can call me Klaus." Charming smile was back in play, the one that had gotten him onto the cover of Forbes magazine when he'd brought his father's failing company back into the green.

"Doesn't everyone call you Klaus?" Caroline countered as she set down her magazine and picked up the cup of hot cocoa she was still nursing. "Pretty sure you banned the use of Niklaus, or so you told the reporter."

He perked up a bit further at that, wondering what else she might know. "So you've read about me?"

"Class assignment," she told him with a shrug. "We had to read about you, Stark, Pym, all of the people dipping their money into funding different ventures. Plus you're the one who's interested in Jimmy's robotics research. He likes to go on and on about that."

Klaus was going to need to remind that boy to shut up about that. "My father," oh how he hated to even say that word in regards to Mikael, "Made the mistake of trying to fit the family company into a very specific market. I see no reason to limit the scope of it when expanding will help out with bottom line."

"Your profit margin," Caroline murmured, her distaste obvious, and he could practically see her itching to leave. "If you're not actually passionate about what it is your company is doing, Mr. Mikaelson, then your stockholders and those who work for you won't be either. If it's all about the money then everyone will happily cut corners to get what they need done, leaving you with an inferior product. I'd say talk to Obadiah Stane about that but well, everyone knows what happened to him."

She was gathering up her backpack and the magazine before Klaus could manage a reply, but he scrambled after her, not about to let her disappear on him again as she'd done before. "You're making assumptions."

"Am I wrong?" Caroline asked as she slung her backpack over her shoulder, brow arched as she waited for his reply.

"The robotics research that Jimmy is working on will be useful during cancer research. Hopefully be able to pinpoint the cells that are cancerous and destroy them before they're able to spread, saving countless lives," Klaus told her, even if it wasn't what he was having the lad work on in regards to his research. It could still be used for that, but dealing with the FDA was a headache. Weaponizing the microrobotics came with less red tape. "And if you read any of the articles you'll know precisely why eradicating cancer is particularly important to me."

Her gaze softened a bit at that. "Your youngest brother."

Henrik. And perhaps that should have been enough of a reason for Klaus to stick with using the research to cure cancer, but doing so wouldn't bring back his dead brother, and he'd already donated a wing to the hospital where the boy had died.

"But you are correct that it does often come down to profit margins. Companies can't stay in business if we're not making money, Ms…?" he prodded, wanting her to give up her name freely even if he already had it.

"Forbes. Caroline Forbes," she finally offered up and Klaus motioned back toward the chair she'd just got up from.

"Have another drink. With me this time." He grinned at her dubious look even as she glanced between the chair and him. "Come on, love. You have free reign to berate me on my business practices while we discuss the ethics of various research."

Caroline hesitated. "I dare you," Klaus added and watched as she rolled her eyes before plopping back down onto the chair.

"You're lucky I was never all that good at backing down from a dare." She nodded toward the line as she set her backpack down. "I want a peppermint mocha. If you're lucky I'll be here when you get back from ordering that."

"I don't need luck," Klaus started but Caroline held up her hand.

"Less cocky talk and more moving to get drinks or I'll be leaving."

He didn't need to be told twice. He'd finally gotten his opening and he wasn't about to waste it. Not when Klaus was certain he'd be able to get her eyes right when he sketched her later that night.

Caroline had always thought that once she was finally allowed to attend one of her father's charity events that she'd be ecstatic. She'd dreamed of doing so ever since she was little. The whole dressing up, getting her hair done, and dancing had sounded like a dream come true for her nine year old self. The reality of the situation was more nightmarish than anything.

She'd learned quickly why Pepper didn't really enjoy coming to these events when she'd attended her first one. Being surrounded by people who thought they were better than anyone else was aggravating, especially when they thought you were beneath them. Of course it wasn't like any of them actually knew she was the daughter of the man who was being honored that night, her current alias as a cousin of Pepper's still in effect.

Tony Stark might be a pompous ass but the secrecy in regards to her parentage had always been to protect her. At first from the spotlight of reporters who would have turned the small town she'd grown up in upside down, something her Sheriff mother wouldn't allow, and then after he'd come out as Iron Man it'd continued to protect her from idiots who'd want to lash out at him through others. They'd already done it with Pepper, there was no way Tony was about to allow her then ten year old self to be thrust into that dangerous position.

Turning twenty-one hadn't changed his position on that either. Which suited Caroline just fine. She had no desire to be hounded by the press or bad guys when she was trying to finish her college degree. Finals were stressful enough.

"I think I miss the days when you wore pigtails and overalls," Tony murmured as he led her around the dancefloor.

Caroline gave him such an offended look at that, but at least it earned a laugh from the both of them. "I never wore overalls. Ew."

"I don't know I'm pretty sure I have a photo of a three year old you in a pair of them…" He grinned causing her to roll her eyes at the very idea of it. Maybe if he'd said two year old her she could have bought it, but by three she had been very opinionated in her clothing choices, much to her mother's dismay. "At least back then I didn't have to worry about the looks you're getting in this dress."

"Pepper helped me pick this out," Caroline pointed out, nodding toward the redhead who was currently embroiled in a discussion with some stockholders. "And please, lecherous looks from tycoons is nothing compared to frat boys."

Tony sighed at that, stiffening a bit at the thought of his daughter being ogled by anyone. "Really not helping, Care."

"It's better to think about that than the fact that over half of these people probably think you're hitting on me, daddy." She smirked, unable to help remind him of that fact, enjoying his disgusted look.

"You're enjoying this," he murmured, shaking his head at her and she laughed, not about to deny that fact. It wasn't often that she got to rile her father up and she took great pleasure in being able to do so. "So what's this I hear about you having a boyfriend?"

Huh? "That's news to me because I definitely don't have one."

"Really? Because Jarvis says you've been getting calls from the same number multiple times a week for over a month now," Tony told her and she pursed her lips at that. She knew she should have gotten her own damn phone and not used one of her dad's products. Of course he had Jarvis monitoring her calls. She was so going to need to fiddle with her phone later that night.

"I don't see how that's big news when I text and call Bonnie pretty much every day of the week," Caroline countered. There had to be more to the story than just Jarvis' details. She glanced around the room, spotting the various members of her dad's team in attendance. "So which one of your jolly crew has been snooping around me?" Probably not Natasha. Girl code would have her refraining from telling her dad about boys she may or may not be seeing. She doubted that it was Steve either. He sucked at staying away when he was in town.

Her gaze fell on Dr. Banner and she remembered how he'd been in town to give some guest lectures, they'd even gone out for dinner once or twice. Had to be him who had seen her meeting up with Klaus over the last month or so.

Caroline looked back at Tony who hadn't answered her question and was doing his annoying 'I'm only trying to watch out for you' look. "Bruce wasn't snooping," her dad told her and she scoffed at that because clearly he had been. Or at least he'd commented to her dad about the guy he'd seen her with and that had been enough to cause Tony to go on a full scale alert.

"Who I hang out with isn't Avengers business," Caroline told him as the song came to an end. She stepped away from him before the next one could start up and slipped off the dance floor and through the crowd. He wouldn't be able to follow without causing a scene and thrusting her into the spotlight and she inwardly celebrated her avoidance tactic as she breezed by Steve on her way to the bar.

Thank god she could legally drink at these things now.


She whirled around at her name, the familiar British voice surprising her and smiled when her suspicions were confirmed as she spotted Klaus Mikaelson making his way toward her. "What are you doing here?"

"Pepper's always getting me an invite so I thought I'd finally take her up on it." The lie was so easy to tell. It slipped right out of her mouth like it always did, but Caroline didn't like the taste it left behind this time. Technically it wasn't a lie. Pepper was the one who sent her the invite, but she was still playing a part. "What about you? This is your boring shindig thing you were talking about earlier, isn't it?"

The one he wasn't looking forward to going to and she grinned at that as she looked him over. Klaus always dressed well but she really enjoyed the sight of him in a suit. "Schmoozing with the other CEOs is unfortunately something I have to do on a semi-regular basis," Klaus replied as they stopped at the bar and he raised his hand to get the bartender's attention, his annoyance causing her to laugh as she leaned against the counter.

"I don't think they'd like hearing you say that," Caroline murmured as Klaus ordered them both a glass of champagne.

"I'm fairly certain it's a common feeling among the lot of us, love," Klaus countered as the bartender returned with their glasses. He handed Caroline hers before gently tapping his glass against hers. "I didn't know you knew Pepper Potts though."

"She's family." Also not a lie! Just not a cousin. Caroline shrugged, nonchalant as she raised the glass to her lips and spotted her father looking their way. Great. "She gets me invites every so often and sometimes I take her up on them, but I think I've stayed about as long as I can stand this time. Plus I'm starving and the hors d'oeuvres that they serve are so not filling."

"There's a great pizza place right down the street," Klaus told her as he set down his glass. "We should still be able to order something if we leave now."

"They haven't even done the auction yet," Caroline reminded him, nodding toward the archway that led into the expansive room where that would be happening.

"I didn't want to be here in the first place, Caroline. I'd much rather make sure you're well fed than stick around here for another few hours," he assured her as he set down some bills for a tip. "I'll offer up a donation tomorrow as compensation for missing out."

"Alright show me where the best pizza place is," Caroline told him as she finished off her drink.

"I didn't say best, sweetheart. Simply great," Klaus offered her his arm as they headed toward the coat check. Caroline could practically feel the looks of her dad and his friends as they gathered their belongings. "For the best one we'd be headed to Italy but we've already established that I'm not about to whisk you away just yet."

"Gotta earn whisking away privileges, Mikaelson," she teased as he helped her into her coat.

"I plan on it." His breath was hot on her neck before he stepped back to put his own jacket on.

She couldn't help the shiver that ran down her spine at that, forcing herself to not look behind as they walked out to the elevators. She'd deal with her dad being fatherly tomorrow morning.

Finally getting Caroline into his bed should have been the end of it. The chase was over, the thrill of the back and forth between them gone. The awkward morning after when she woke should happen and then he'd go on with his day, never going out of his way to see her again.

That was how it had always gone before. Some might make it to two or three nights in his bed before he got bored of them, a few relegated to spaces in his phone that he'd use when he was bored and wanted a particular girl. But those were never the ones he'd had to work for, the easy ones who'd fallen for his lines right away were the ones he'd always chosen to string along.

But Klaus couldn't stop staring at her tucked into his bed as she slept, the beginnings of the sun's rays peeking in through the window. The thought of letting Caroline walk out of his life and not seeing her again was one that he didn't like, one that left a dark pit in his stomach. A possessiveness had overwhelmed him at the thought of it, one he'd only ever felt before when dealing with his siblings, and he had no desire to squash that feeling as he watched her turn away from the intruding rays to get a few more minutes of sleep.

Mine, his mind practically screamed as he took her in again, drawing his hand over her shoulder before pulling the cover up more securely around her body when she shivered. The game had shifted in his head, no longer about catching her and getting her into his bed. Now it was how to keep her, to ensure she wanted to further the beginnings of this relationship. He'd never been one for attachments beyond the familial ones he'd already had, but he yearned to explore the possibilities with her.

She stirred again, shifting closer to him on the bed and Klaus curled an arm around her body, tugging her so that she fitted against him. He didn't allow this level of intimacy, cuddling a weakness that he didn't like to partake in. But he wanted the feel of her skin brushing his again, drew his fingers up her spine before drawing them across her back to trace the letters of his name there.

He already knew what she liked, had learned her favorite kinds of meals, her preferred radio stations, the shows that were her guilty pleasures when she needed a break from studying. He'd learned about her friends, who were the ones that came in and out of her life, which ones had actually been there for her during the rougher patches. But Klaus couldn't see how any of that would help him actually win her heart.

Learning all of that had begun to help him get an in with Caroline, a step in the long staircase to get her in his bed. But he wasn't quite sure what to do now, had no clue how to actually have a relationship with someone, to move beyond the one night stands that were the norm for him. All Klaus knew was that he wanted to try for that next step but figuring out how precisely to do so was an enigma for him.

"You're thinking too hard," Caroline murmured as she peered at him through her hair. She'd woken to that familiar sensation of being watched, startled for a moment at not being in her bed before she remembered the events of the previous night.

She hadn't expected to actually wake up with Klaus, certain that everything she'd heard about his morning afters would come to fruition and that she'd be waking that morning alone and then probably never see him again. Or at least that's what she'd heard. And it was why she'd staved off his advances for anything physical for so long, not wanting to be another notch on his belt at first and then not wanting to lose the friendship that had started between them.

"Oh am I?" Klaus asked, fingers pausing as he quirked a brow at her.

"Mmm." Caroline stretched, breasts brushing against his chest as she shifted back a little, making him loosen his grip. "You get this crease in your forehead. Like when I best you at trivia at the bar about things you should seriously know."

"I hardly think knowledge of 90s rom coms is vital information." He laughed when she swatted his chest, lips pursed in mock annoyance at his answer. He brushed his mouth against hers, coaxing it open as he deepened the kiss, pressing her back against the mattress, not ready at all for them to leave his bed.

Caroline had been confused when Klaus hadn't followed the same pattern with her that she'd heard about him doing with countless other women after waking up with him. Having sex again hadn't been that out of character and she'd convinced herself that he'd only wanted to have some more fun before she'd walked out of his apartment. But then he'd insisted on making her breakfast-something that was a big old no according to her sources. And after breakfast he'd actually made plans to see her later that week and then again the week after that and the one after that.

Their texting became more frequent and she found herself calling him as well as Bonnie when she'd aced her exam, beaming at the excitement in his voice when he'd congratulated her. When two months had passed and they were still seeing one another, doing activities that she considered to be part of a 'normal relationship' Caroline had to tear down everything she thought she knew about Klaus and relationships.

Maybe he hadn't been up for having one with any of the previous women he'd pursued, but it was obvious that he was interested in having one with her. That thought left her feeling giddy and she'd finally allowed herself to drop some of the walls she'd built up between them in an effort to protect her heart.

It took another two months for Caroline to realize that what they had might actually be forever.

She was curled up on the couch next to him, making herself comfortable as she pressed up against his side and grinned as his arm curled around her. They were watching a movie, popcorn bowl in his lap that she kept snagging a few kernels from.

Klaus' hand drifted up her arm, fingers threading through her hair. "I love you."

She felt him stiffen at his own words, saw the flecks of vulnerability in his face as she tilted her head to look up at him. "I love you too."

His wide, exuberant smile before he kissed her was a sight that she never wanted to forget.

Caroline stared at the brown file that was now laying on the table in front of her. She didn't even need to look up to know who'd done it, the lack of any kind of perfume or specific shampoo scent alerting her to the fact that Natasha had joined her at the coffee shop. "Do I even want to know?"

She could guess what was inside of it. There was only one thing in her life that had changed recently but still this was so annoying.

"This is everything we've got on Niklaus Mikaelson," Natasha told her, confirming Caroline's earlier suspicions.

"Seriously?" She looked up, mentally counting to ten as she slowly inhaled. She would not verbally lash out at Nat when this had her father written all over it.

"He's just looking out for you," Natasha pointed out as she reached across to break off a piece of Caroline's pastry.

"No there's like looking out for me and then there's crossing the line and creating files on my boyfriend," Caroline muttered as she pushed the unlooked at material back toward the woman. "Would you want to know every last little minute detail about the guy you-okay scratch that. Of course you would. You take paranoia to a whole new level and okay that's understandable because of like a billion reasons."

"Do you know even know what his business does, Caroline?" Quirked brow toward the rest of the uneaten pastry and Caroline pushed the plate toward her, appetite completely gone.

"Quite a few things, though I know he's got a number of projects that specialize in weapons. Like oh I don't know, my father does." Caroline crossed her arms as she leaned back, feeling a twinge of guilt over taking out her annoyance on Natasha when she really needed to direct it at her dad. She pushed the file toward the Avenger as well. "I'm not reading this. I thought it was crazy enough when my mom did background checks on my high school boyfriends who we knew all our lives. And I put my foot down then. Doing it now too."

"Your dad only wants you to have all of the facts, Caroline," Natasha told her with a shrug as she ate. "Look, don't look. It's your choice. But not having all the pieces usually puts someone at a disadvantage and you know that."

"If I want to know something about Klaus then I'll ask," Caroline murmured as she gathered her things. "Relationships are supposed to be built on trust. And this." She nodded toward the discarded file. "So doesn't go hand in hand with that."

Natasha shook her head, the file no longer on the table. "I'll never understand how you became such an idealist." It didn't really jive at all with either of her parents' lives. Not that Caroline really considered herself to be one of those anyways. "And you know, you can't really have trust when you're not truthful about all aspects of your life."

Her cheeks flushed at that, knowing it was true, that she hadn't exactly filled Klaus in on all of the secrets of her life. She didn't know how to broach the subject of her dad, how to explain any of that to him. None of her previous relationships had gotten to the point where she'd needed to, but this one was. This one she could see being permanent and she needed to figure that out.

"We're still good for pancakes on Friday?" Natasha added as she rose too and Caroline didn't even want to think about where the woman had stashed the folder. She nodded, accepting the quick hug from the other woman before Natasha made her way out of the coffee shop.

Ugh. She so didn't need to be thinking about all of this right before finals. Her dad was in for a rude awakening when she surprised him later that night to talk.

"What is it that you need to be assured that the product works?" Klaus had reached his limit with this conversation over a minute ago, the back and forth between his scientists and the Hydra agent sparking the beginnings of a headache. He rolled the diamond ring he'd finally picked out earlier that day between his fingers, the motion calming him a little.

"We need to see it in use. On someone who's a bit harder to get to than your everyday passerby," the replied. "I suggest you make sure we're satisfied, Mr. Mikaelson. We'd hate to terminate our relationship."

The screen went dark and Klaus glared at it, wondering how much effort it would take to get the damn nanobots shot into that man's bloodstream for a demonstration. It wasn't worth it though. Not when there were bigger fish to try it out on even closer to home.

Tony Stark was supposed to be doing a charity event that night and he already had the invite. Even better the man would be showing up in his Iron Man suit if the rumors were true.

Klaus figured Tony Stark dying on camera would be satisfactory for the organization.

He should even be home in time to help Caroline out with her cramming and maybe get up the nerve to finally propose.


"I didn't know he was your father."

Caroline blinked as chaos reigned around her, somehow managing to pick out Klaus' words as people yelled. Her father was breathing normally again but Jarvis was saying something about system operations not being what they should. Security was screaming out orders, people rushing toward them.

She looked over at Klaus again as her father gripped her hand, squeezing it to try and reassure her that he was okay. "I never would have picked him if I'd known," Klaus continued, and for a man who'd just tried to kill someone he shouldn't have looked so lost, so unsure of himself.

"So you'd have killed some other innocent person?" She was shaking with anger, with disbelief over what she was hearing him say.

He didn't deny it, the uncertainty from a moment ago becoming a stony wall as he was finally grabbed and wrestled to the ground. She flinched as his body his the floor, heart constricting at the sight before she forced herself to look away, focusing on her dad instead.

"It's okay, daddy. You're going to be okay," Caroline murmured, fighting back the tears that were threatening to fall as the paramedics helped put him onto the stretcher even as he tried to convince everyone that he was fine.

She refused to look over as Klaus was dragged outside, not about to waste her time on someone she obviously hadn't really known. Even if her heart was shattering because of him.

"Mr. Mikaelson," Agent Coulson leaned against the bars of the cell, watching the man who'd been brought in only a few hours earlier. His brother was out in the lobby, already posting bail, but he needed to get to him before that happened. Fury wanted the offer issued and Coulson wasn't about to go against orders for that. "I'm here to talk to you about SHIELD-"

Klaus didn't even bother to look over at him, simply raised a hand to flip him off before dropping it again. At least he'd been able to annoy the man, even if he couldn't seem to get the sight of Caroline's horror and hatred out of his eyes. He didn't know how to fix this. Joining an organization that killed people (even if they were the 'bad guys') definitely didn't seem like a step in the right direction.

There was another smattering of footsteps in the hallway, this time followed by a familiar put upon sigh. "What did you get yourself into this time, Niklaus?" Elijah asked.

Klaus didn't even know where to begin in order to answer that.

No charges were ever filed, everything had been swept under the rug and no matter how hard Caroline tried to find out why her father wasn't talking. SHIELD business was pretty much the only answer she got and Pepper wasn't any help on explaining that to her either. Which was probably for the best because then she would have seen Klaus' name in the news and she was resolute that she would not let it darken her door ever again.

She'd gotten a new phone, not wanting to chance upon the photos or texts that they had exchanged. A new number so she wouldn't have to deal with him if he did try to reach out to her but also so she wouldn't need to deal with the possibility that he wouldn't. She managed to finish her semester at school and then transferred, not wanting to be in the city that reminded him of her.

It was a year before she heard his name again, just a blip on the news about big changes happening to the Mikaelson company.

Another six months and she heard her father and Pepper discussing the medical research that was coming out of it, excusing herself quickly when they saw her staring.

It was only when they discussed his company in one of her college classes that Caroline finally looked into it on her own. Weapons were no longer any part of Mikaelson Industries, not a penny was spent on anything that could be construed that way. Everything went into actual medical research and funding production and delivery of medical supplies and medicines to countries in need.

None of that knowledge prepared her for finding Klaus sitting on the steps of her new apartment building two years to the day since she'd last seen him.

He looked older, tired, the self-assurance that usually rolled off of him in waves not at all present. It was the uncertainty in his gaze as he looked at her that had her not turning on her heel to walk away.

They stared at one another, neither willing to be the one to break eye contact.

"Why didn't you join SHIELD?" she finally asked, thankful that she'd gotten that bit of information from Coulson when he'd been drunk at one of Steve's game nights.

"I'd have ended up killing someone if I did," Klaus canted his head toward her. "And I'm fairly certain you would be against that."

"I am not your conscience," Caroline bit out, angry at the very idea of it. What he did or didn't do was not on her.

"No," Klaus conceded with a nod. "But I have realized, Caroline, that you are my heart."

She scoffed, unable to believe he'd actually managed to stomach saying that with a straight face. "I'm serious," he continued and she stared at him, trying to figure out what angle he was working at. "I was going to propose to you that night."

Caroline swallowed. She didn't want to know this, how they'd nearly managed to make it to happily ever after. "Perhaps joining SHIELD would have gotten me closer to you again sooner. Helped me get in with your father, with his team. But it would have been a lie." At least he realized that. "I didn't lie though. I never would have hurt Tony Stark if I'd known who he was to you."

She looked down at that, because she did believe that and she wondered how different things would have been if she'd actually told him her big secret.

He was closer than he had been before, able to smell the scent of his cologne again. "My company will never make another weapon as long as I live. Medical research and supplies is all it will ever do, Caroline."

"What do you want, Klaus?" Why was he here haunting her?

"Just you."

She closed her eyes at that, trying to keep her resolve, to tighten the shield she'd built up around her heart for the last few years. She should tell him to get lost, to never darken her doorstep again. Those words nearly left her mouth but they caught in her throat when she looked at him, seeing the honesty in his eyes.

"I'll never be okay with what you were going to do." It was the truth. But her father had made countless weapons that had killed others throughout the years? He'd reached his turning point and flipped his life around. What he'd done didn't make him evil or even a bad man, misguided yes, but he was striving to be better. Could she really deny Klaus the chance to do the same?

Klaus nodded, shoulders slumping slightly in defeat at her words. "You still owe me the world's best pizza," Caroline told him before he could walk away, offering up a small smile.

Dimpled smile that she'd missed spread across his features. "That I do. I'm afraid you'll have to settle for this city's best at the moment."

Caroline stepped back onto the sidewalk, motioning for him to join her. "We'll build back up to it."