|Chapter 7: Sleepless nights; Confusion|

[Third Person's POV; Hoitsu's side]

'I don't understand it…'

'No more like, I don't want to understand it…' Hoitsu sighed, just as he came home. He had been greeted by a 'Dere-dere' Ritsu. Being all cheerful and all. Humming, and hopping. Hahah call him nuts if you must. But… after ten years… Ritsu was finally, genuinely…


Heaving another sigh, Hoitsu then turned as he laid down on the couch. Unexpectedly, Ritsu had prepared dinner for him when he arrive. And strangely edible.

Hahah… Hoitsu wouldn't be surprised if he finds out later on that the food he ate was actually poisoned so that he doesn't get in the way of Ritsu's and Takano's relationship.

'Wait, what is he? A Yandere?' Hoitsu shuddered at the thought of Ritsu being a 'yandere'. Right now, he insisted to sleep on the couch. He couldn't bear being close to Ritsu when he knows that Ritsu came to love someone else again. Not that Ritsu had ever loved him, or was even his, or that the brunette even tried to love at all. But now… he couldn't stand it. He was like slapped in the face by reality that Ritsu doesn't love him.

'No… Ritsu loves me… just…

Just not in a romantic way…' with that. It was the first time in those ten years of being with the suicidal Ritsu that he ever shed a tear. He then curled up as he hid himself on couch, despite that it was futile. He did his best to cover and hide his sobs and whimpers.

[Third Person's POV; Takafumi's side]

'I don't get it… why won't he tell me what happened?' Yokozawa thought for the hundredth he had boarded the train. Right now, he was just there, sitting as the train shook as it drove to his stop. There weren't much people-obviously, who would in the middle of the night?-in the train that time. So, he just sat there idly on a seat, with a scary serious, but worried look on his face. In truth, he had many stimulations and theories on why his colleague couldn't tell his kohai. But he didn't and couldn't believe any of it.


More like, he didn't want to believe it.

Especially one thought that he always have dread that might have strike the raven head colleague of his… which never came…

"Masamune can't and wouldn't tell him, because his kohai told him that he didn't want the past anymore…"

"Masamune won't tell him, because he wants his kohai to fall for him, as who he is now and not as the past him or because of their past and without letting him know…"-Ritsu already has though…=_=" Am annoying, aren't I? Sorry, on to the story…-

"Masamune can't tell him, because he don't want his kohai to hate him and push him away…"-relates to the second option-

"Masamune just can't tell him, yet… AND is just waiting for the moment to rise to tell him…"

"Or ha just can't tell him, because someone is in the way…"

"Masamune can't tell him because he can't do it…" Yokozawa then withdrew his thoughts, thinking again and shaking his head.

'No… Masamune has the guts to tell him… then… what's stopping him?' Yokozawa agreed with himself. With that he thought deeper. Other theories than came and go in his mind. Only for it to stop at one certain theory that he dread and wished never existed.

"Masamune can't tell him because he's cutting himself…" Yokozawa shuddered. The probability of his last thought of theory was high. And if that is really what is happening. Then telling the truth to the brunette can not only cost a tantrum… but…

A life

Yokozawa gulped. With that, he shoved the thought on the back of his head. Not wanting to believe it in any way. Denying that he even had thought of it, even for a second.

[? POV]

I yawned as I rode the midnight train. I just came back from England… and hell, it was hard quitting my job as my boss wouldn't let me go… but I made it somehow. And because of that. I am now riding the midnight train. There weren't much people, more like only five of us… though, the big guy on the seat across from me really creeps me out. He had had this look of serious and concern combination since he boarded.

He had this really huge build… if I was the old me, I would have cowered and be anxious, but seeing as I have been through a terrible experience… you can say that I got over it. Sighing, I looked up as I heard my stop.

Even the huge guy did snap out of his trance.

'So… we have the same stop…' I inwardly sighed in relief. Cause I swore since I went out to buy stuff-I already had an apartment, I just went out- someone had been following me like a shadow non-stop.

No, I'm not scared if it's a mugger or whatnot…

I just don't want the headline for tomorrows news would of one of those unsolved murder case.

I have a case of paranoia… and if I get too paranoid, I might kill someone.

The train then came to a halt. Yawning once more, I stood up from my seat as did the huge guy and the guy following me. With that the three of us exited the train, and head towards the same direction.

The huge guy on front, me behind him, and this persistent guy behind me. I yawned once more. Despite being paranoid, I can't help but me very sleepy. I really need to get home and fast.

The huige guy then turned to an intersection, which luckily was also the same direction as mine. So, I just did the same. Just then, I saw him stop at an apartment residence that had 'Kirishima' on their nameplate. Which is right next to mine. In which I just moved into just yesterday. I went past him and took out my gate keys. Seemingly to have notice me. He faced me.

"Oh, so you're the new neighbor…" he stated. I nodded affirmatively. He then gave me the elevator look, scanning me up and down with this 'look of familiarization' on his face. Which he soon hid and bowed. I returned it.

"I hope for your acquaintance…" he nodded. With that both of us entered our apartments. Him going in first. Just as I was about to lock my gate. When a hand suddenly landed over mine. Making the gate shake and me jump and look up. Before my violet orbs met with grassy green ones.


(A/N: This is the worst and shortest update, neh? Sorry, but I just had to cut it… and keep it this way… I'm stuck, and no, I did not force this out. It's all I can think of as a stopping point for this chappie. So, sorry… hahahh… can someone think of a 'Yandere' Ritsu? XDDD

I can…

Also, can someone guess who the last two people featured in this chap? XDDD

This is DarkAlchemistAssassin, at your service… Review?