The large Audi SUV pulls into Escala's underground garage, its wipers rapidly beating away the sheets of rain that have blanketed Seattle all day. It stops by the elevator's entrance. Sawyer emerges from the driver's side to open the back door to allow me to step out. He then leads the way to the elevator, pushing the button, and then stepping in to enter the penthouse code when the doors open. He holds the door for me to enter. Our eyes meet, but all he does is nod before returning to car. When the elevator opens, Taylor is holding the door open. Although our eyes meet, neither of us speaks, as there is no need. Everyone knows the drill by now, and I just hope we never have to do this ever again.

I walk through the great room straight into the bedroom. The duvet has already been pulled back, which allows me to lay my wife gently on to it. Only then do I move my arms, gently stroking her cheek, and am rewarded with a small smile. I lean down and kiss her forehead.

"We're home, baby."

She opens her beautiful eyes, so huge these days, and looks at me.

"I made it. Told you I could do this."

She reaches up and strokes my cheek. Although I want to scream out my fears and frustration, I instead smile back her and say,

"Yes, you did. Now you have to keep you end of the bargain and start gaining weight."

A small frown appears on her brow, but she smiles again,

"Yes, I know. And, you promise when I get back to my original weight we'll go back to France for a second honeymoon."


I smile back at her. Leaning down I kiss her.

I become aware of someone was entering the room, and look up to find Mai Lu quietly standing at the foot of the bed. She has her bag with her and our eyes meet.

"You spoke to Dr. Sellers?"

"Yes, Mr. Grey. He gave me his orders. I'm going to restart her fluids now and continue to Zofran around the clock. She's due a dose now."

I nod and look at Ana again, who appears to have drifted off again. I know it's because of the additional doses of Ativan they had to give her, and a pang of guilt hits as I remember my behavior at the infusion clinic that precipitated its necessity. I sigh, knowing I'll have to apologize to Ana later, but now is not the time.

Mai Lu kneels down next to Ana, lying her bag on the floor next to her. She reaches a up and gently rubs Ana's shoulder,

"Hi, Mrs. Grey." She stops in response to Ana's small frown.

"I mean, Ana." Not opening her eyes, the frown disappears.

"I am going to hook you back up to some IV fluids and give you another dose of Zofran. Are you in any pain; would you like a dose of morphine?"

Ana quickly shakes her head no.

"Are you sure, baby? It was a long drive home."

She opens her eyes, looking first at Mai Lu then me. I see her setting her mouth in her defiant way, knowing it means she won't, but I had to ask.

"No. Maybe some Vicodin in a little bit, but I'm fine, Christian, Mai Lu. Thank you."

I nod in acceptance as I watch Mai Lu pull the IV fluids and pump out, before reaching into the neck of Ana's gown for the connection to her port-a-cath. She swabs the cap well before hooking the tubing up, and then begins to program the pump. Once it begins to run, making the gentle whirring sound that reassures me it's giving Ana the fluid she needs, she pulls out a syringe and vial. After drawing the drug up, she scrubs the side port of the IV tubing, before slowing injecting the Zofran.

I gently stroke Ana's back as all this is done, trying, as has been constant for the endless weeks prior, to ignore the anxiety that threatens to well up as I feel every rib and bone of her spine through the thick fleece blanket she has been wrapped in since we left the clinic.

I hear Taylor clear his throat, and turn to him standing at the door.

"You have a phone call, Sir. Your Mother." I nod.

"Tell her I'll be right there." Looking back at Ana I ask her,

"Do you want to get out of the blanket and under the duvet?"

She shakes her head no. I kiss her forehead.

"Sleep, baby. I'll be right back. Mai Lu is right here if you need something. OK?"

Not opening her eyes, she nods and snuggles into the pillow, her head scarf shifting off. I pull it away and stroke her bald head. Will I ever get to bury my nose in her long tresses again?

I'm told it will grow back, now that she done with the chemo, but I am having trouble believing that we'll ever be the way things were before this nightmare started. It's been so long.