hi! I am taking this from one of the latest chapters~ hope you enjoy it! It will be multi chapters ^_^ might be drabbles or lemon on the upcoming chapters :p depends on my mood! Do hope I will update as soon as possible.

And stuff about disclaimer..I do not own Horimiya.

"Is there something you want me to do, Hori-san?"

Upon such question escaping his mouth, her thought ran wild, to the north and to the south, to the places she dared not even to think about.

"Do you want me…to do something?"

She could think of many things already.

Call my given name.

Kiss me for real, not only stealing that stupid clay candy.

Touch my cheeks, lean forward, and just goddamn lean forward to me and catch me in hot deep kiss.

Take me into your arms.


The train of thoughts are halted by his chaste kiss to her cheeks.

"Kyoko…" he said solemnly, eyes leveling hers, whilst his face is dangerously close and figure leaning into her, making her unconsciously curling to the natural crook inbetween his broad shoulders and jaw. She held her breath, waiting for the thin lips in front of her moved.

"I….", he hesitantly held his mouth in the midst of sentences, brows knitting a bit just as how he always is whenever he had something on his mind. Kyoko Hori was still freezing in her position, waiting for what comes next. Could it be a deep kiss? She would like to. But what if father comes? Stupid Kyousuke should just buy cigarettes somewhere else in Timbuktu or any other remote places right now.

He blinked several times and looked down, embarrassment creeping up on his face, showing a deep blush on his cheeks.

"I am so sorry Hori-san, I…."

She averted her gaze to the tingling earrings on his left ear, slowly to the right one with a black flat pearl-like button sticking on it, and then even more slowly to his eyes.

"Why Hori-san? Kyoko."She said without thinking. She swore she must be too direct today. But what the hell? This is Miyamura, the man he let in to her room on the school trip to Kyoto. Someone so dear to her…, "Izumi. My name." she added.

"Uh.. Kyoko," he blushed so violently and cupped his own face to hide the stupid smile he must be wearing that time. He gulped, decided to finally reveal what's on his mind.

"You know… Human is not able to control their own hormones.."

That being said, eighteen-year-old Izumi Miyamura, a healthy boy who is experiencing his youth thinks he shall do a mental harakiri for one stupid stuff he wanted to be honest about, but ended up annoying his goddess here.

Kyoko's face was priceless. She was not sure what kind of emotion she should be feeling right now. Or showing. And the greatest boyfriend of the month very decidedly once again thought that he should be very blunt and honest, and should revise what he has said.

"I mean, Kyoko.." he said, giving her the best and most honest smile from his heart, " I could not stop myself from touching you and thinking about some stuffs that will make something down there even more excited anymore, you see…."

The last thing he remembered is something about the crotch and something about a tiny and lovely hand….

There! very short. I promise to update within the next few days, kay? Next would be super fluffy...