"Hey everyone listen I just wanted to say that finally Kari and I became a couple"

T.K. announced as he and Kari held hands for everyone to see and the news spread like wildfire
Everyone was shocked when T.K. and Kari announced they were a couple during lunch at school.
It had finally happened. T.K. and Kari, the perfect couple, finally got together after all this time.
Yolei squealed like a fan girl because she couldn't believe that Kari finally got together with T.K!
Cody was also happy that Kari and T.K. got together and he would be congratulating them.
Unfortunately he was trying to get some oxygen into his lungs since Yolei had him in a death hug.

Ken smiled as he patted T.K. and Kari on their shoulders for their announcement,

"Congratulations you two I'm happy that you two got together."

However, he was also worried about Davis for he was not sure how he would take it.

Kari, who was also worried, looked at Davis who had a blank expression on his face aimed at them.
Kari knew that T.K. and her teased him from time to time, but she never thought that T.K. would actually get together with her.

Davis did the only thing he could do in a situation like this.
He smiled, even though it was fake it was still a smile.
Davis extended his hand out and congratulated them both.

"I am really happy for you two and I'm sure you two will make a great couple."

Everyone who heard David was glad that he had given up on Kari, but that was not the case.
Davis still wanted to be with Kari, but now that chance was gone, T.K. got Kari before he did.
He may have smiled a happy smile on the outside, but inside his anger was rising.
This feeling of wanting to break stuff kept floating around in his mind.

However, the school day went on with Davis trying to keep his anger down from lunch.
The classes were as boring as ever, and he was failing most of them lowering his GPA.
He was glad that soccer practice was after school it was always a good way to release some stress.
Davis made his way to the soccer field as Ken was already practicing his kicks with the team.
He was ready to go over to join them when the coach grabbed his arm and pulled him near the bench.

"Motomiya, I hate to do this for you are one of my best players, but you're kicked off the team."

"What?! Why?! I've been behaving and working hard with my soccer skills!"

Davis shouted as his anger was spiking again.

"You know the rules Motomiya; you have to keep your grades up to stay on the team. I have gone easy on you for you were the team captain, but now your grades have dropped too much and unless you bring them back, I cannot let you play. Therefore, you being soccer captain will be passed onto Ken"

Davis clenched his fists for he could not believe that he was not allowed now to play his favorite sport.
His anger grew even more as he heard his former teammates talk about him being off the team.
Some of them were also talking about how T.K. grabbed Kari before Davis could even try to.
Davis growled as he came upon a soccer ball as an evil smile slowly formed on his face.
With a strong kick of his legs, he sent that soccer ball flying towards his former teammates.
Davis ran back to the locker room as the soccer ball hit them, Davis smiled a bit glad to reveal a tiny bit of stress.
Ken who heard and saw the whole thing was sorry for Davis for this was just not going Davis' way today.

Davis was now walking through the halls of the school trying to find the rest of the digi-gang.
He was still mad about T.K. and Kari for being a couple, but that was not going to stop him from hanging out with his friends.
As he was walking, he heard people talking around him as he grabbed some books.

"Oh did you hear T.K. and Kari finally got together?!"

"About time I say, and did you hear that they are throwing a party tonight to celebrate their status as a couple."

"Of course everyone was invited, whoever wasn't invited is just a loser."

As the girls walked away, Davis couldn't believe what he had just heard.
His friends were throwing a party for T.K. and Kari and didn't invite him to it.
He slammed his fist into a nearby locker, unfortunate for the owner of the locker.
There was a dent in the locker door as Davis walked at a fast pace to get away from the school.
He didn't want to go home yet for if he went home with the temper he had, now his parents would ask what happened at school.
Davis didn't feel like explaining, so he just decided to walk around until he cooled down.
Davis didn't notice that someone was watching him leave the school for the day.

The sun was beginning to set as Davis went down a street he didn't recognize.
He had walked for a few hours and didn't notice how late it was due to his burning rage.
Davis started to hear the sound of rushing footsteps echo through the dark street as Davis put his guard up.
It was then that he saw three street punks come out from the shadows, surrounding him and begin to laugh evilly.

"Well well well, look what we have here boys. It looks like we found ourselves some fresh meat. Let's have some fun with him,"

The ugliest of the three brutes said as they cracked their knuckles threateningly.

Davis clenched his fists as one of the punks launched a fast punch, but he dodged it just in time.
Davis managing to get in close throws a right hook hitting the thug in the head.
The second punk goes in with a left punch only for Davis to throw a faster punch at the punks jaw.
Then the third punk managed to hit Davis in the back with a kick throwing him into the wall.
It was then Davis was being pummeled into the ground getting bruises, cuts, and blood going everywhere.
However, Davis' anger was starting to get the best of him and he finally snapped.
Soon Davis was dodging each punch to the best of his abilities and venting his anger.
He became an animal throwing punches and kicks at the three punks with a loud snarl.
Davis was not going to stop until all three of them were covered in blood and begging for mercy.

However, Davis didn't notice that there was another person watching him from the shadows, marveling at his fighting skills.
He was impressed he watched Davis fought the three punks by himself and he didn't look winded or out of energy.
His form might have been sloppy, but he had the raw determination to keep going and beat the three thugs down until they were a bloody mess.

Soon the streets were dark as Davis was panting from beating the street punks before him.
All three punks were lying around helplessly as Davis beat the living hell out of each of them.
It was then that Davis felt a lot better from fighting the three people and it was refreshing.
He checks his hands to find his gloves torn and his knuckles red from punching and throbbing.
It was then that he heard the sound of clapping behind him, which made him turn around to see who was there.

"I have to say that I am impressed with the way you fought. Surprising at how much skill you have in you. Most fighters have cut up knuckles when they finish their first fight. However, something tells me you have what it takes to become a pretty good fighter if you wanted too."

Davis growled lowly as the mysterious man stood before him in the dim street light.
The person was around 6' 6'' tall, has a decent amount of muscle and fast to stay out of sight.
He wore black glasses, a green shirt, black trench coat, dark blue jeans, and black dress shoes.

"You can relax now; I am not your enemy young one. You have raw potential, it just needs to be refined, which is where I come in and help you with it if you want to boy."

The man pulled out a card and handed it to Davis who quickly grabbed it wondering what it was the man gave him.

"Arrive at the address on the card tomorrow at 6:00 pm and I can make you into a fighter like no other. Now it's time to go home else you want to get caught by the police."

Davis looked at the card and wanted to thank the man only to find he was already gone as a cold breeze hit him softly.
The faint sound of police sirens were now clearly heard as Davis took off like a bat out of hell before the police saw him.
After a while Davis found his way home as his mom asked how his day was without looking back to see him covered in bruises and blood.
He told her it was fine as he ran to the bathroom to cover and clean his injuries before he went to lay down for the night.

The party that everyone was at to celebrate T.K. and Kari's relationship was oblivious about what happened to Davis.
It was still going strong after 3 hours as the Digidestined both young and older were dancing and chatting away.
The party was at a local club for teenagers and everyone was having a good time. T.K and Kari were on the dance floor;
Yolei was hanging on her boyfriend Ken who showed up late for reasons unknown; Cody was having punch and talking to Joe and Izzy.
Sora was sitting on Tai's lap while talking to Matt and Jun who was invited by him and Jun was happy being near Matt.
Mimi was there as well who moved back missing her friends as she watched how happy T.K. and Kari were together.
She was talking to Yolei about how glad that T.K. and Kari finally got together after everything they've been through.

The radio that was on playing the party music beeped as an important news announcement came on.

"We interrupt with this breaking news. Just 2 hours ago, police have found three young men lying in the streets beaten badly, while covered in blood. They are in very critical condition tonight when they were taken to the hospital they had bruises, bones broken in different places, cuts littered on their faces, and blood coming out of the nose or were busted wide open. The only thing they told the police was that it was a demon that attacked them. It was later found that these three people were vigilantes that stole drugs, money and sent people to the hospital. As much as we would like to thank this person for taking care of these criminals, the police have issued a curfew for everyone below the ages of 21 to get home by 10:00 tonight. Until we get more information, the police will keep this curfew in place for three days. If the police don't find the culprit then the curfew will be lifted and a warning will be sent out to be careful on the streets. That is all and now back to your previous station."

Everyone was scared after what they heard and saw it was 9:27 and needed to get home before curfew started.
They all said their good-byes and congratulated T.K. and Kari one last time as they grabbed their coats and gloves.

Ken out of all the people was not scared, instead he was sad and afraid for Davis' safety because he knew Davis was responsible for this.
Ken was on his way home to get ready for the party when he noticed Davis walking in a random direction down the street.
He followed his best friend until it reached sunset, and decided just to leave him be for he figured he was just clearing his head.
Just as Ken walked at least 200 yards from Davis he heard a shout from Davis and turned around to see Davis fighting three people.
He ran to help his best friend, but found out he didn't need any help at all. Ken watched the way Davis fought all three thugs at once.
He was impressed by the way, Davis fought, and it was only in self-defense mind you because Davis is a nice guy.
However, as Ken kept watching he found it hard to look away for his best friend was beating the lights out of the three street punks.
It was almost too scary to watch, but finally ended when the last person dropped to the ground not getting back up.
He then saw the whole exchange between Davis and they mysterious man that appeared.

He then saw Davis take off and figured he was going home to get ready for the party.
It was then Ken took off towards his house when he heard the sirens from the police cars.
Ken was late getting to the party, but no one bothered to ask where he was earlier.
Which he was somewhat glad for he didn't feel like telling what happened to Davis.
It had been over an hour and thirty minutes and Davis hadn't showed up yet.
He asked Yolei if Davis was invited, but before he could get an answer, the new report came on.
When the news broadcast ended every left after saying good-bye and congratulations to T.K. and Kari one more time.
He never got an answer out of Yolei, but decided that he would ask Davis tomorrow and also him about the mysterious man that talked to him.