Olives and Emeralds


Her body was never found. They found blood, though, enough to know she hadn't survived. There were scraps of red hair clinging to the sharp end of the dock. Hand prints showed how she had tried to pull herself up, how she had struggled to survive, to return to her family. But a final bloody imprint showed how she had lost strength before falling into the water.

It was a tragedy.

Her family didn't know how to handle it. They had no body, nothing but a few strands of hair and a lot of blood. Three weeks were taken to dredge the river, and still there was no sign of what was left of their daughter.

Thousands of people went into mourning, all of whom she had effected in some way. Ron Stoppable, her sidekick, was one. Once the long time boyfriend of the red-headed hero, he was hit hard, to a point where he could barely function for almost a month after her death. He avoided others and became very estranged from those he knew.

Even the villains she had faced seem to commit half-hearted crimes now that she was gone. Some stopped altogether, finding it wasn't quite worth it without her around. They even showed up to her funeral, some of them. The entire place was packed with hero and villain alike, despite the heavy rain that poured.

No one seemed to notice a woman standing to the side, face blocked by her umbrella. A black dress hugged her frame, green straps garnishing her shoulders. No joy graced her features, only a grim frown. Her brilliant green eyes were trained on the casket. Inside rested a set of clothes, a kimmunicator, and a few small trinkets. No body had been found, the woman knew. Unlike everyone else, though, this woman knew where the body was. It was her only solace.