Dragon Ball Z and its characters

Belong to Akira Toriyama! Not me….

Enjoy The Silence: Chapter 2: Deafening Silence

Videl could only stare in bewilderment. Her head was running through the images of Trunks in her head and none of them involved him having a body chiseled out of marble, nor him being so… so broad shouldered to say the least.

Meanwhile her mouth quivered in horror. She didn't know what to think about this "matured" version of her boyfriend's brother's besty. He had an unsettling scar in his torso that made her want to ask him about it. She however have enough sense to get herself out a room where someone other than her boyfriend was naked. She trembled in shock and covered her eyes from the scene.

"I-I'm sorry!" she yelped as she crawled out, getting up to run in the process.

Trunks was stone frozen the entire time. He was more nervous than anything. This stranger had just seen his family jewels… Not exactly a great way to meet someone for the first time. Though it was only for a moment before he covered them up. His eyes were basically popping from his head in shock and terror. She looked just as embarrassed as he was.

He cradled his head in his hands and choked out groans. Videl ran as fast as she could forgetting that she ever needed to go to the bathroom. She stumbled through the halls, her mind being occupied with erasing the excruciatingly embarrassing moment.

She eventually found her way outside where her friends were and somehow regretted coming along. She swallowed her fear and waddled next to her boyfriend. She clung to his arm, alarming him. Gohan looked down at her and raised an eyebrow.

"You okay? You look like you just saw a ghost," he whispered leaning down to her ear.

Videl's eyes were bouncing. She couldn't avoid his eyes for some reason. "I'm fine…" she stammered.

Gohan knew she was lying but was interrupted when Bulma strode over to them with finger sandwiches. Her robin egg eyes gleamed and stared directly at Videl. "Kami Gohan, what'd you do to Videl? She's stiff…"

Gohan shrugged and looked just as clueless as Bulma. Videl rubbed the back of her jet black hair and gulped. "I… I uh… I saw someone who looked like your son…"

Bulma's eyes went wide and then her lips curled into a smile. "You saw Trunks!? Was he out of-" Bulma stopped talking as soon as everything clicked. Judging by the poor girl's expression, her "son" was not out of the shower when Videl saw him.

Gohan smiled from cheek to cheek. "Trunks is here!? Woah Nelly! Where is he?"

"Well, he should be out soon…" Bulma amswered tapping her chin, while biting the inside of her cheek. "Until then, go ahead and eat the sandwiches."

Gohan gladly took two for Videl and himself. Shoving it down, Gohan nudged Videl, signaling for her to stop staring at the sandwich as if it had done something to her. She nearly choked on it when Goten and little Trunks ran by.

Gohan didn't waste a moment in tapping her back to help her out. "Slow down there…"

Videl got her food, mouth, and nerves in check. "Gohan… You mind telling me how there are two people who are almost alike but are two completely different ages?"

Gohan let out a sigh and held his chin. "Easy. Time travel makes it possible."

Videl sweat dropped. She had seen her fair share of insanity. But time travel? She thought it best to just go along. If she started questioning everything she saw around these people, she would lose her sanity. Her blue eyes hungered for a more detailed explanation. "Go on…" she groaned pinching the bridge of her nose.

Gohan smiled and continued. "Well… The guy you saw is an older version of Trunks. He comes from a future where everyone sort of died… I guess he came cause' he was feeling lonesome."

Videl got lost in thought. Everyone died? The poor guy was alone… And now he was just gawked at by some random girl… How awful. When her mom passed away she felt pretty lost. Like, her guide through life just left her behind. Compared to this older Trunks, she had no room to complain.

"That's gotta be rough…" she whispered, lowering her eyes to the turf.

"He's a good guy… Helped save the world with us. We owe him a lot."

The girl lost her train of thought when she heard Gohan call for Trunks. When everyone else joined in, she knew which one they were calling for. She stood stone still as her eyes searched averted the one she had seen in his birthday suit. Gohan pulled her with him as they started walking towards the ow fully clothed time traveler.

"Hey everyone! How are all of you!?" the man greeted. "Gohan! You've grown! You're almost as tall as me now!"

Videl's fear was rising up whenever she heard him laugh. It increased even more when everyone else laughed. If only they knew…

"Say Trunks. I heard you met Videl already," Bulma chuckled. Videl slowly raised her head to see his response.

His face was blushing coral pink by the second. Videl was already at scarlet. He inhaled. "Yeah but I didn't get to uh… catch her name." He turned towards her and extended his tanned scarred arm.

"I'm Trunks…" he smiled and bowed his head, his bowl haircut falling to cover his eyes.

Videl felt a bit better knowing this guy wasn't a gossip. She extended her hand in return and smiled to look like she wasn't a complete weirdo. "Videl. Nice to meet you."

"That makes one of us," snickered a young voice.

Everyone turned to look down at the younger Trunks. Bulma shook her head at him. "Trunks! Be nice to… yourself?"

Mirai Trunks lowered himself to be at eye level with his younger counterpart. "Still don't like me, huh?"

The boy turned his head in disgust. "You stole my name and my look. Of course I don't like you."

Mirai Trunks attention shifted over to the mini-Goku. "And who's this?"

Goten looked at his best friend for an answer. Little Trunks shrugged his shoulders. "Don't look at me Goten. It's talking to you."

Goten frowned and decided to go against his friend's wishes to be completely rude to this other Trunks. "My name's Goten." Mirai Trunks grinned and tousled his hair.

"How long are you staying?" Gohan asked.

The young man turned to Gohan and rubbed the back of his head. "I don't really know…"

Bulma clapped her hands together and grinned. "As long you want to son!"

"Can we at least call him something else while he's here!?" the younger Trunks scoffed.

Bulma hesitantly nodded. "He's got a point…" she turned to her older son, "How about Mirai for short?"

The older Trunks smiled and shrugged. "That's alright with me."


Bulma had thrown an appropriate party for Mirai's arrival. Everything got a little out of hand when the champagne came out, so Videl stepped outside for a few moments while her boyfriend took care of his parents.

Night was falling and the only light emitted was the front porch's. Videl was sitting on the railing, facing the outside world. She hadn't noticed how tired she was. Her hands were gripped tightly around the metal rod that kept her balanced.

Her black shoulder length hair snapped with her head as she turned to look at the opening door behind her. She was surprised and nervous to see Mirai.

"Oh hey there! Didn't know anyone was out here," he smiled.

Videl quickly transgressed to a deep lychee color. She still wasn't used to seeing him. It was strange having him and Trunks in the same room. "H-Hey…" she stammered. She had never been one to be weird around someone. But this was a special occasion. She had met this guy while he was au naturel.

"So… I'm sorry about this morning… I should really learn to lock the door…" he choked.

Now Videl was nervous. He brought it up so… bluntly. As if it was a normal accident. She gripped the railing even tighter so that her knuckles would turn white. Her lips were pressing against eachother… She didn't know how to respond to that…

Videl was nervous enough to slip off the railing. She began to scream when she felt gravity pulling her down a whole story. Arms instinctively went to cover her face. Her eyes shut but carefully opened when she felt someone holding her.

"I am so sorry! I didn't mean to!"

She was being held by Mirai. His left arm under her knees and the other holding the small of her back. She removed her arms and trembled. "Thanks… I uh.. Would've flown but I couldn't concentrate…"

Mirai grinned as they flew back up to the balcony. When they touched ground, he let her down. "So you know how to fly? Aren't you a full human?"

Videl growled. "What does me being human have anything to do with my abilities? I can do anything you Saiyans can."

Mirai was startled. He didn't mean to offend the girl. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to… Well it's just, it's been a while since I put my social skills to work."

Suddenly Videl felt bad for barking at the poor dude. He really must have been completely alone… No family, no friends… He was socially awkward. No wonder he brought up this morning so normally.

She huffed her bangs out of her face and frowned. She turned back around to the railing. Her arms lay crossed on the railing, while she plopped her chin on top of the intersection.

"It's fine…"

He joined her in watching the city below them move. Their field of vision was covered by massive buildings, hover cars, and people walking about their lives.

Videl lifted her blue eyes to look at the man next to her. He looked like he was in his early twenties. His features were defined, his jaw line being crisp and merged with his strong chin. His eyes took on a much more serious tone of blue than his mother's. It was more like teal.

His lavender hair was short and in a fashionable bowl cut, if that was even possible. He had one or two strands of hair than created an upside down "V" on his forehead. The soft breeze made his hair whoosh back, making it appear as if it were combed back.

It was eery how much he seemed to appear like his counterpart father. But to Videl, this Trunks took on his own look. It was no question that Gohan and his brother were the spitting image of their father, but Mirai was different from his own.

He noticed her staring at him and raised an eyebrow. "Is there something on my face?"

She gave the slightest of smiles and shook her head. He seemed nice enough. Weird, but nice. She decided to make the first step to a clean slate.

"Do you… want to start over?"

He turned his head to look at her. She was almost anxious to see what his answer might be. He did seem like a ticking time bomb. He grinned. "That'd be great."

She smiled and stood straight. Her arm extended toward him. "Nice to meet you, Mirai. I'm Videl."

He laughed and ran a hand through his hair and then shook her hand. "Pleasure to make your acquaintance Videl."

They kept shaking their hands awkwardly until the motion stopped on Videl's end. She stuck her hand behind her neck and looked towards the party. "You wanna head back in? I think Bulma's trying to make Vegeta sing.."

Mirai stood still for a moment, just looking at Videl.

"Mirai?" she called, shaking his shoulder.

He snapped out of it and smiled. "Yeah sure."

HOLY CRAP! I updated!

Oh my kami… sooooo much goodness ahead of us! I really love Mirai Trunks…. My poor Gohan… I really do like to torture you… I love you though!

REVIEW and tell me what you thought. BTW Goten and Trunks went to bed… I don't think Bulma or Cheech would drink in front of their children.