A/N: Oh my god, last chapter!

Gideon paced the floor, looking up at the doors every time he heard a noise. When Max had told Gideon to stay behind as Lily fought Eric, Gideon had protested, and eventually was restrained by the guards. All the other initiates had been dismissed to dinner. When Xavier, Luther, and Jackson had stayed behind, Four had them removed. Then Four and Lauren left too.

"Son, it's going to be okay." Gideon's father tried to comfort him.

"How is it going to be okay?!" He shouted, glad to have someone to scream at. "She's fighting Eric, Dad! She'll be lucky to make it out of this in one piece!"

"Gideon," his father placed a calming hand on his shoulder, "you have never wavered in your faith in Lily before. Now is not the time to start."

Gideon took a deep breath, trying to remain calm. He did not want to lash out at his father, not after he had stood up Max and refused, "to take part in this ridiculous playground dispute."

Gideon was just starting to calm down, when the doors were flung open. Luther burst into the room, tripping over his own feet as he did so.

"It's over." Luther panted, "It's over, she-"

Gideon did not wait to hear the rest of Luther's sentence. He bolted out of the room, taking the steps to the Pit three at a time until he reached the infirmary. He skidded to a halt at Lily's bedside. Her face was bruised and her nose was broken. Her chest was wrapped in bandages and one of her legs was in a brace. She appeared to be unconscious. Gideon knelt by her bedside, running his finger through her golden hair.

"Lily, Lily, say something, please." Gideon sobbed, "God, Lily, why would you do that? You stupid, brave, ridiculous…" Gideon couldn't go on. His voice caught in his throat and he buried his face in Lily's shoulder.

"I won."

Gideon looked up as he heard the tiny voice.

Lily's blue eyes were gazing down at him. Or, more likes squinting at him, really. They were very swollen. But, even through the swelling, Gideon could see they were shining with light.

"I won." She said again. Her voice was hoarse, but she still managed a light giggle.

"You won?" Gideon could not believe it, there was no way Lily had won. "But, how? I mean, look at you. You're a mess."

"Thanks." Lily laughed, "You should see Eric."

Gideon followed Lily's gaze to a bed at the other end of the infirmary. He had paid no attention to the other beds when he came in, and he was shocked by what he saw. Lying across the room was Eric, although he did not look like Eric at all. His face was covered in bruises, with a patch over one eye and a broken nose. His arm was in a cast, strung up in a hanging sling. Wires covered his face and chest, monitoring his vitals. There was a blood transfusion and an I.V. in his arms. He looked on the verge of death, much better than Lily.

"How on Earth did you do all of that?" Gideon asked.

"It was easy once I learned his style. He's a pretty forward fighter. Once I learned to stay behind him, I was okay. He broke my ribs though, and popped my knee. The doctor says I'll need to keep the brace on for a few days."

Gideon looked between Lily and Eric; he couldn't find words to describe what he was feeling. He was beyond amazed with Lily. She was more fantastic now than she had ever been. Finding himself at a loss for words, Gideon began to laugh. It began as a breathy chuckle, which then grew into an uproar of joy. Lily stared at him like he was crazy, before she too began to laugh.

"Ouch," Lily gripped her ribs, "laughing hurts."

Gideon stopped laughing immediately.

"I'm sorry." He said. "I am just so happy that you're okay."

"So am I." she smiled. "I have no idea what I was thinking when I challenged him. Actually, now that I think about it, I know exactly what I was thinking. I was thinking I couldn't let all our hard work go to waste."

"So you thought risking your life was a good idea." Gideon asked.

"I wasn't planning on risking my life." She said, "I figured if things got too bad I could just pretend to black out, but I didn't have to."

Gideon couldn't help himself, he laughed again. He leant in to kiss Lily, letting his laughter die on her lips. The sweet relief was indescribable. She was here, and he hoped that she would stay here forever. It was like all his wildest dreams had come true. He had found this perfect woman, strong and sweet and brave and smart, and completely unaware of just how happy she made him. To realize that he would get to spend the rest of his life trying to make her as happy as she made him, although he would be lucky to bring her even half as much joy, it was all he thought he would ever need.

When Lily was released from the infirmary, two days later, Max came to see here off.

"I want to congratulate you, Lily." He had said. "You have truly proven yourself as a Dauntless. It is my pleasure to inform you that your act of bravery has awarded you the first place rank in you initiation class. As you are first rank, it is tradition for me to offer the position of Dauntless leader in training."

"Thank you, Sir." Lily grinned. "And, thanks for not kicking Gideon and me to the curb. I appreciate your offer, but I'm really not interested in a leadership position. But, Gideon was second, right? I'm sure he would love the position."

Max looked down at the Amity transfer with such curiosity. He had tried for almost two months now to figure her out, and he still did not quite understand her. She was clearly Amity, but these spurts of bravery confused him. It was not until he saw her walk away with Gideon, the tall boy carrying her to keep her off her injured leg, that he finally understood.

"We'll get her," Eric said to him, "it won't be long before she screws up again."

"Leave it alone, Eric." He sighed.

"What? But sir, she-"

"Is not one of them," Max interrupted, "she's just a lovesick Amity."

"No she is not! Look what she did to me!"

"Yes, it is quite pathetic, isn't it? But, I suppose, that is the price you pay for underestimating someone. Anyone can learn to fight, Eric, and the Amity are fiercely loyal. You should have anticipated this."

"But, but I, and she…" Eric stammered

"Leave it be Eric. I won't have you wasting precious time on one star struck transfer. Jeanine is ready to move forward with the plan, and so am I. That is what you will focus your energy on. If I find out you have so much as looked at Lily, Gideon, or anything associated with them, I will be sure to see you returned to this bed. Am I understood?"

"Uh, yes, Sir." Eric's eyes were wide and his mouth hung open like a fish.

As Max walked away, he found himself chuckling slightly. Who would have imagined that one little Amity could be so much trouble?

The next several months were like magic for Lily. She and Gideon had each been given their own apartments, but she had moved most of her belongings into his home less than a week after being assigned. They used her apartment as a sort of gathering space for friends and family, and it was rarely empty. Xavier, Jackson, and Luther were over all the time, and Jackson usually brought a "friend". Gideon and Lily's parents visited often, and Lily would babysit Winnie after school most days. Even Tessa had started being nicer to her, although Lily still worried about her from time to time.

Lily had begun an apprenticeship at the tattoo parlor, and Gideon was working as his father's assistant. Everything was finally coming together.

One day, while walking to work, Lily saw an Erudite newspaper that caught her eye. She paused and dropped Gideon's hand as he kept walking. The headline read, Divergents: Threat to the Factions, Hiding in Plain Sight.

"Divergent," Lily thought, "what is that?"

She reached for the newspaper as she heard Gideon call out, "Lily, you're going to be late for work!"

"Alright, I'm coming darling." Lily rushed to catch up to him, leaving the newspaper on the rack, forgotten.

To Be Continued…

Foreword: Thank you so much to everyone who has read/faved/followed/reviewed. You are all wonderful people who make my heart soar.

And for those of you who want more of then characters, there is a sequel in the works! The sequel is also going to take elements from my spin-off story The Art of Blending and will follow closely with another fic, Faction Before Love. The first chapters of both of these stories are already posted. Art of Blending will have regular updates but Faction before love is on temporary hiatus due to some communication issues with my co-author, which we will have fixed very soon (time-zones are such a problem). So yeah, go check those out and follow my page, the sequel to Brave Hearts will be up as soon as those two are finished and it will be called The Drums of War. Warning, it breaks canon ALOT. Like, you'll have to just pretend Insurgent/Allegiant don't exist yet. But I hope you all read it because I've had so much fun bringing Gideon and Lily and all thereat to life for you.

Again, thank you all,


P.S. Shout out to sheerio4ever for reviewing every single chapter 3