So I am deciding to do a full out Beth and The Governor story. I like to call them Bethernor or whatever you would like to call them.

PAIRING: Beth/Governor


Updates may be every week or so. Anyway here we go.


(Beth's POV)

"Just let me go," I yelled at Rick and my daddy. I, Beth Greene, was trying to reason with our group's leader and my daddy. My daddy and Maggie were telling me no, never. Rick looked like he was trying to decide what he was going to tell me. You see I'm tired of being the useless, weak link in the group. Today at the council meeting they brought up something about going to Woodbury and I took that as a chance to be helpful. Once I offered everyone started yelling at each other.

"Enough!" Rick yelled and everyone immediately became silent. Rick looked over to me. "You sure you want to go?" I nodded not trusting my voice at the moment. "Alright then you can go."

"What?! You can't just send my daughter to Woodbury where that monster is!" My daddy's voice boomed throughout the prison that it made me flinch.

"Hershal how many people here does The Governor know?" Rick's question made my daddy go silent with no answer. "Exactly he doesn't know Beth which gives us that advantage."

"Daddy… I promise nothing will happen to me," I whispered, but loud enough for people to hear. I saw that he started to cry.

"Bethany… I know nothing will but I don't trust that man," He grabbed my hand thoughtfully. I sighed and pulled away to crouch down to his level.

"Daddy you always said that you can't take away your trust from someone you don't know. I know what he did to Maggie and Glenn but I don't think he will hurt me if he doesn't know where I really came from," I looked over to where Maggie and Glenn had been standing. I got up and stood next to Rick who was watching me.

"Then it's settled. You leave tomorrow night." Rick nodded at me. "Alright that's the end of the meeting." I smiled to myself, but then started to feel the fear build up. I went up to my cell and sat on the bed. I grabbed my copy of P.S I Love You and began to read. While reading my thoughts wondered elsewhere and began asking questions. Will I ever find love? Can I ever have kids? I'm I ever going to get married? Will this nightmare end? My thoughts were interrupted by I cough. I looked over to the entrance of the cell door and saw Rick standing there. I put my book down and stood up.

"Can I come in?" I nodded at Rick. Rick sat down on the bunk and folded his hands in his lap; I went to go sit down next to him. "You really gonna do this?"

"Yes I think I am. I mean I'm happy to get involved but then there's that part of me screaming no," I sighed.

"You know this group would never let anything happen to you," Rick continued to look at his hands. I reached over and took his hands in mine.

"I know we are family after all Rick," I smiled and he returned one. He leaned over and kissed my forehead.

"You know you're like a sister to me. By the way dinner is done," He got up and started to leave. Rick was like an older brother to everyone or a father figure to the group. I saw him as a brother, but he'd be a much older brother. I got up as well and headed down to get dinner. Tomorrow was going to be a long day, I thought.