Chapter 10: Profesor Layton Vs Jack The Raper

A/N: THIS IS IT! I decided tat naming teh final chapre teh same as teh stroy wood be coal for theming it. Tis is gon big payoff 4 everone who has fellowed tis stroy threw 2 teh end! Everthing wil cum together, ans ur minds wil get blown! Oslo, I am expending son, ass I am on teh weighting list 4 another fanfic sight, named Arceve Off Are Own, where I wil oslo post my fanfics, sins my British frend says it's a god sight, ans it has less duds complaning abot teh stroys. Butt Im juts rumbling now, sew let's get in2 teh finale of Profesor Layton Vs Jack The Raper!

A/N 2: Hi, Im Fuyu, u mite no me ass Detsniy's beast frend. I'm gong 2 co-writ tis chaptre wif him. Soz tat I nether getted 2 continue my Pokemon fanfic, butt I lost teh docment were I keeped teh plot, LOL! Sew 2 mack up, Im gong 2 do sum Pokemon stuf hear.

(S/N: Profesor Layton theme)

Watari was driving rely fats 2 get 2 his secret bass. He was so fast tat Layton, Luke and Brian Blessed were traveling with hem, sins teh Laytonmobile codn't kep up. Chesswick was in his Pokéball again. Watari stoped on a window washer flatform, ten he sad, "If Jams Bound was hear, he'd eat his hart owt at tis." Ten teh platform went underground, ans Watari drove in2 his serecet car park. Tey getted owt, ans took an elelator down.

In the secret ofice, tey went 2 Watari's radar. Tey locked it other, ans Watari set it 2 only show Everything Note signals. Layton was sew shocked, tat he actually yelled, "I KNOW TAT LOCATION! IT'S WHERE I CRASHED IN2 EMMY!" ans everyone else trembled, sins Layton doesn't yell, xcept now he did, ass it was such a big polt twist.

(Meenwill, in an evil bass)

(S/N: Dark Kingdom - Sailor Moon)

The Grim Raper was taking wif Lasondray, who had sent teh assassins 2 Matt in the lats chaptre. (A/N: Tats y they weared Flare Orange, sins tey where form his Team.) The Grim Raper angryed, "Y did u sent such mindless idiots? Tey can't even shoot at body parts over than his hed! Wat mad u think tey wood be god assassins?" ans Lysandre explanned, "I'm Surrounded By Idiots(GEDDIT!)" ans The Grim Raper assed, "Wat does tat men?" ans Lysanre detailed, "Teem Flare is mad up of idiots. I men, cum on, tat Maple chick took les suplies then her Grunts." butt Teh Grim Raper added, "Ure knot mach butter, u no! Using a team off 4 aganst a God Off Life, ore a Death Bird!" ans Lysandruh striked back, "Dint u red New Aventures Off Drak Soichiro? I expended my teem, sew it has 6, ten I mad a new Mega Gear tat lets me Mega all 6 at ones!"

(Bak in London)

(S/N: Pursiut: Using Magic - Profesor Layton Vs Feenicks Right)

Layton angred "Stop write their!" in order 2 stop Emmy form walking away. She was reding teh same newspaper tat Roban was in teh previous chaptre. Emmy tred 2 act natural, ans told hem, "Say, Profesor, haf u herd abot Jack The Raper been ressuecrted?" ans Layton respinded, "I've ben investegating tat all off teh past 2 days." ans Emmy respinded, "Wow, y dint u tell me yesterday? Oh weight, I was gong 2 King Shakespear." but Watari seen threw teh lie, "U were knot! King Shakespeare did knot met anyone matching ur description yesterday. Or teh day b4 tat!" ans Emmy replayed, "I tlod hem 2 kep it off the record." But Watari droped teh bombshell, "King Shakespeare wood haf mad an un-eraseable record lon b4 u cod maek such a request. And, to add moar, I no exactly y u neded 2 leaf in such a rush." ans Emmy ten assed, "ORLY?" sew Watari taked a deep breathe...


"U WHERE RUNING AWAY FORM TAT WHEREHOUSE, WITCH IS THE PALACE WERE U KILLED ROGER!" he blurted owt, ponting 2 teh wherehourse form Chapter 5. A crowd gathered arond, sew tey cod wach teh results off the thriling accusaction. Matt skidded his motorcycle threw, ans assed, "Roger? Teh Rogar who abused Flora?" Layton angred, "Roder did watt!?" Flora runned up, ans explaned, "Roger was a horrible man. He tried 2 knife me, ans broke down teh dores, ans tred 2 choke Matt. Not 2 menshun teh speer he shot at me b4 I used the Tim Note 2 get rid off him." Watari ten belowed, "The bloody Time Not?" ans asked abot it. Flora explaned how it sent Roger 2 teh wherehouse. "I dint no tat it oslo did tat." Watari reacted. Emmy started lolling, "Sins u arent accusing me now, guess I'm innolent." so Watari cometed, "Tat sonds lick sumthin a reel culprit wood say." and he ten pualed owt his mobile phone, ans calledthe Police Chef, "Hello, Mr. Cheif, I ned 2 do a search off an IC-1." (A/N: IC-1 is British Police Code, witch mens teh person is white.) Watari weighted, ans ten sad, "Tanks, I wil get 2 it." ten put th phone away.

Watari ten stated, "U may ned 2 avert ur eyes, sins I haf permision 2 strip-search." Watari ten went up, ans beginned searching. He checked her pockets, butt they juts had a few pruses, wif money, witch Watari added 2 his evidence bags, sisn he's a good cop. He searched teh undershirt, witch had an ood item in it's pockit. Watari checekd, ans it was a switchblad. He put it in a bag, eyeing Emmy with suspision. He ten took her 2 her underwhere, ans he fond a gun in her bra. Their seemed 2 be nothing else. But Watari remembered sumthin he red abot peeps hiding evidance in their asses. Sew he checked, ans fond a book. It was Rainbow coloured, ans it's title was...


(S/N: Descole's Theme - Profesor Layton 4)

EVERYTHING NOTE! Watari showed it, ans declared, "GOTCHA!" Layton ten added, "Yes, tat's teh book tat was on the mommy's blet!" Emmy ten asked, "Wat are u even accusing me off?" ans Watari explaned, "We suspect tat u are Jack The Raper!" The crowd gaspped, ten Emmy strated laffing lick madman. "Yes, u where rite! I am teh eternal cereal killer known as Jack The Raper! Ore, in my nattivr tonge, 'Emm-Ay', the princess of teh Shinigami!" Watari yelled, "The Shinigami!?" ans everone else assed, "The what?" Emmy keeped laffing, "Gues I don't ned my disgiuse anymoar." ans she truned bak in2 her mommy-lick appearecne, as the Shinigami princess.

Watari quikly getted his mobile phone, ans called teh Police Chef, "Suspect is moar dangerous ten expected, order a city-wide evacuation!" The crowd instantly runned away, sew ass 2 excape London and Emm-Ay. Emm-Ay explan, "My father wnet missing, sew I am Queen now. U may have taked my sauce of power, teh Everything Note, but tat won't stop me." ans teh road opened, ans a giant robot cummed owt.

(S/N: Finale Fit Live - Profesor Layton 4)

Jack The Raper commanded the robot. It locked lick teh 1 Descole used in teh 4th game, but it was much bigger, lick the size of a bus! It dint haf feet either, sew it was only able 2 b in teh hole in teh street. Emm-Ay declarred, "Wifout teh feet tat proved 2 b Descole's downfall, I am unstobbable!" Layton declared, "Emmy, tis is knot funny! Cut owt teh act, ans let yourshelf get arrested!" but she replayed, "Don't u dare call me Emmy. My nam is Jack The Raper! I will crush u 1st, sins u haf always ben a thron in my sid!" ass a giant hand came form the robot. Watari screemed, "NNOOO!" ass he shoved Layton owt off teh way. Matt yelled, "Watch owt!" but it was 2 late, ass Watari was grabed. Watari however, was 2 strong, ans dint get crushed, ans he quiped, "It takes moar than tis 2 stop me. I haf 75 yeers off experience!" ass he pualed owt his snipper, ans shot Jack The Raper in teh hed. She lost focus ans dropped Watari. (A/N: I no it's a bit awkward 2 call her Jack The Raper, sins she's a girl, but their are stranger cases off man names on girls, sew don't worry, besids, it's juts a story, sew it doesn't haf 2 act lick it's reel)

A helicop flyed other, ans droped a rope laddar. Watari explaned, "Tat's my airlift, everone hop on!" sew tey did. Teh ledder was pualed up, sew tey dint ned 2 clim. Watari thanked teh pilot, "Grat again, L." L replayed, "No porblem." LAyton added, "Still, wat can we do abot Jack The Raper?" locking down at London, witch was now empty. Brian Blessed smarted, "We stole the Everything Note, right? Sew how abot we use tat?" ans his Wynaut jumped owt of it's Pokéball and remarqued, "Wynaut?(GEDDIT!)" Watari declared, "Grate idea, my fine chum!" ans pualed owt the Everything Note, ans beginned writing, 'Jack The Raper gets arrest...', but ten a missile hit teh helicopter, ans the shake mad Watari drop the Everything Note owt. Watari screamed, "Wat teh bloody hell? Who was teh wanker tat did tat?" ans then L reported, "Hostile aircraft within direct vision." ans wen tey locked, tey seen anoher helicop... AND THE GRIM RAPER WAS PILOTING IT... NOT TO MENSHUN LYSANDER WAS STANDING AT TEH DOOR WIF A ROCKIT LUNCHER!

"Tuff nuts 2 crak, it sems." commeted Th Grim Raper, ass he seen teh good guy's helichopper was stil gong. Lysandre commeted, "Fly frowad." Sew he did.

Watari commeted, "It's tat Grim Raper bugger, ans a chap wif Flare Orange hare!" Luke ten qustioned, "I wander if Emmy rely is Jack The Raper. Or if she's a distruction by teh reel one." but ten Matt stated, "She is! Jack The Raper chased us on a motorcycle, ans wen we passed a streetlamp, we seen her face!" Layton was abot 2 comment on tis, but teh other chopter arived. Lysanrde had a massive machine gin, ans he screemed, "Die, yu pies off filth!" b4 opening fire in2 their helicop, ass he put fire bullts in his gun, sew teh helicop wnet on fire, sew evan thou he missed al of tem, he stil did a lot of damage. L ten ideaed, "Kamikaze course, engage!" ans he ramed the 2 helicopters togeter! But teh bad guys had reinforced spinny things, sew tey survived, ass teh god guys fel in a burning helicop, tat was faling 2 teh grund on fire, ans tey where geting faster, ten tey hit Termial Velcity, ans their was loads off fire lick a massive evil meteor was falling 2 destory London. Tey fall faster ten teh Everything Note, sew tey passed it, ans Watari grabed it, desperatly writting in it, "SAVE US!" Ten it did by lowering there gravity, sew teh helicop fall, will tey stayed in midair, slowly ascending 2 the ground.

Tey landed on a billding ruthtop. Brian Blessed asked, "Sew how abot we Everything Note her in2 lose?" ans Watari explaned, "It dint get reduced gravity, sew it falled faster ten us. We dont haf it now." Layton ideaed, "I haf a paln! Im gong 2 Scotland Yard, sew I can recrewit back-up!"

(S/N: Profesor Layton's Theme)

Layton jumped down, ans bounced of an arwing, "I wil distract her on my weigh 2 grab teh Laytonmobile, sew I can bi u sum tim!" he projected. Watari commeted, "Layton is 1 couragous chap." But ten Jack The Raper locked behind her, ans saw tem, prompting her to "Their u our. Now I wil dispose off u." But ten Layton shooted, "Emmy, wat dew u intend 2 gane form tis?" ans she truned rond, "U thin tis is been done wif teh intention of increesing sum kind of net worth? NO! I am doing souly 4 my own pesronal entertaintment! It was teh sam teh 1st tim I attucked tis pathetic humen world ass Jack The Raper!" She lunched a masive arm at Layton will teh otter heros escapped there building, ans sneeked in2 anouther 1. She continued, "I oslo crated teh Brumeda Triangel 2 see teh panic it wood course! And it was hillarous!" Layton jumped teh machine arm, ans assed, "How many isnane crims haf u done?" ans she replayed, "Mary Rogers? I dint get 2 kil her, butt I threw teh body in tat river. Blak Delia was all my personall work thou." Butt will was laffing at her own prid, Layton had sneeked in2 an ally.

Son, he reeched teh Tower Off London, ans jumped in2 teh Laytonmobile. Thankfuly, all his travling ment tat he now new teh fasted path 2 Scotland, sew he drived as fast as he could.

Jack The Raper smashed teh 1st building, ans laffed at beeting teh heros, sins she dint no tat tey escaped. She herd teh Laytonmobile, ans tryed 2 crash it, butt missed it, smashing teh road insted. The robot arm was stuck, mening teh robot was inalbe 2 mov until it getted owt, witch wood b a will.

Meenwill, in a neerby bilding, teh otter god guys chered at Layton's escap, but there celebration was shrot-lifed wen the elelator wnet, "DING!" tey locked at it in picnic, ass teh dores opened, ans Lesandray commeted, "Juts as I thot. U filth r sew predicable."

(S/N: Lysandre fit - Pacman Why)

Watari runned ans slided undre Lysandrei, ten getted up ans tred 2 punch him in bak off hed, but he truned rond sew it only hit check. Lysandra grabed Watari ans hammer throwed him 2 widow, but Brain Blessed jumped in way, ans stoped Watari form runing. But tis gived Lysandre enuf tim 2 brig owt his Garydos, Pieror, Galeaid, Blaziryu(GEDDIT! Ryu insted off Ken), Drakrai, ans Xrenas. He ten used his new Mega Gear 2 mack tem all Mega Evo at ones. (A/N: Pierar, Darkrei, ans Xenaus haf artifical Mega Stones tat Lsyandere mad himself.)

"What the..." Matt conmented, sins teh otter Mega Evos confussed him. He tred 2 rovolver at Lysander, but it dint work, sins he had used science 2 mack himslef bullt-prof.

(Meenwhil, at teh police)

(S/N: ID's Porpoise - Fried Album Awankening)

Dr Who, Roban, and Lucina left teh police, ans seed a giant robot. "Tat mite b form teh Cydermans!" Dr Who shooted, ans runed off. "Weight, giv us sum tim!" Lucina shooted ass she chased him. Roban codnt kep up thou, sew he deicded 2 mack his own serch.

BBut ten, Roban crased in2 sum1! He locked up ans... ANUTHER ROBIN! But tat was juts an actul robin, witch was chriping all happy ans stuf... BUT TEN IT TRUNED IN2 ANUTHER OF ROBAN! Roban was confussed, "Grima? Butt I thof tat Chrom kiled u, ans ten cut of ur hed wif teh Xalt Falchion." ans Gria lolled, "Dont u forgot? I only get seeled 4 teh necks 1000 yeers. I haf gone threw 5 moar seels, butt tis tim, I wil win ans burn teh world until it is rely burned lick wen u dorp ur tost in teh fire, ten Ill eat al teh peple teh world lick tey where tat tost, excet tey wont tast lick tey're burned, sins I lick burned fod since Im an evil dargon who has a stomag mad off fire ans..." But ten Roban schlepped hem 4 gong on abot tat stupid toast tangent.

Grima ten juped up ans kocked Roban other, ans pined hem, laffing manically, butt Roban ten bitted hem, ans teered of sum neck skin 2 mack hem get of. Roibn jumed up, ans fried a Thorn spel at Grima, witch wnet threw hem ans hit hurt hem ans it ten hit a car witch blowed up, butt nobody was in it, sew it was ok. Oslo, a dore form it hit Grima, witch was god since it hurt hem.

"Tats it!" shooted Girma, ans he ad a beg bal off evul ans fire ans tat Exerection spell, ten throwed it at Roban, who doged it. But it spilt in2 lick 100 smol homming versians of itslef, ans tey chessed him. But ten, Roibn getted an idea. He garbed Grima ans used hem ass a humen sheld, ans sew teh balls hit hem insted. Ten Robin slit Grima's neck wif teh Levin Sword. "And tat is tat." commeted Robin, ans he waked away. Butt ten Girma cummed bak to live becos The Grim Raper was hiding their ans macking hem cum bak 2 live by macking over peeps die ans giving Grima they're lifes insted! Tey getted in2 a stuggle, ans Roban hammer throwed Gema in2 a widow, witch smashed, ans he getted cutted lick 8,532,903,654,934,666 tims by teh shreds off glass!

Butt it dint mater sins The Grim Raper gived hem anuther life anyway. He runed ans garbed Robin form behind, shooting "UR MY VESSAL NOW!" ans Robin commeted, "Ha! Gay! sins he's a rely coal dud who satys calm under pressure, ans can still mock peeps will been threatend wif possesion or deaf or such.

Grima lolled rely evil, lick a crazy dud who was abot 2 becum teh leder of teh crim organization tey where in, butt evan more evil, "Ever tim I cum back, I kep teh fetal wonds, sew u can't kil me teh sam way twice. U cod kil me ever way I cod posably die, ans evan kil me in ways tat are impassable, ans I'll stil be alive." ans he continued to lol rely hard... Butt sins he stod up 2 laff, Rovaan ten run behind hem ans snaped his neck. Sins Robin was smrat enuf 2 no tat Grima wood cum bak, he through teh body in2 a building, ans locked it wif magic, sew Grima wood be stuck 4 a bit.

(Meenwill, in Scotland)

(S/N: Progesor Laton's theme)

Layton arrived at Scotland Yard, ans qickly yelled, "I ned help wif Jack The Raper!" ans ten a vocs explaned, "Alow me 2 help u out her!" It was...



.ALFENDI LAYTON! Layton was hapy 2 get sum help, ans tlod him, "Tanks 4 voluntearing. Is their any resao sew wiling 2 help wid tis dangerus tisk?" ans Alfendi sad, "Ah, introdictions mite be a god idea... father." ans Layton was confussed, ans hert hemself in teh confussion,(GEDDIT!) so Alfendi tlod hem, "Im form teh future, ans cam bak 2 help u." ans Layton assed, "Butt I thot tat the tim machine blue up." sew Alfendi quikly tlod hem, "In teh future, a wroking tim machine was invented, with teh help of a Dr, he nether gived his nam thou." and Layton nodded, gald 2 haf getted teh explanning, "Their is no tim 2 waste. Let's get bak 2 London, b4 thins get worse."

(Bak in London)

(S/N: Deal Off Faith - Star Trek Episo pe 1)

Lucina ans Dr Who had runned in2 sum Teem Flair assassins, ans Lucina was dong a gonklet swlord fit wif tem, will Dr Who tryed 2 use his screwdiver thin 2 sumon teh tim machine, but he dint no tat Lysanre used science 2 jam it, sins tey where standing rite bellow teh billding were Lysander was fitting teh god guys. Lucina was blad locking teh latest assassin, but ten she pushed hem, shooting "U WIL KNOT SOD ME!" becos she was in Britain, ans ten cut his hed off. Teh necks 1 ran, butt Lucina shooted, "I CHALICE MY FATES!(GEDDIT!)" ans ten dashed ans sliced his guts. 3 assassins cumed froward, sew Lucina did a backflip, accept she wnet forward 2 confuse tem, ans ten backstabed tem all.

Sodenly, an assassian pualed owt a gin, ans shat Lucina in teh soldier. She beginned 2 fal, but she held her Falchion hi, ans heeled herself. She ten runed at teh assassin, ans choped her gun in haf, ass wel as her hand! Most off teh assassians runned away, teh only ones left been teh grills who looked lick Godot.

Butt in teh billding tey where standing at, teh batle betwen the god guys ans Lysande ranged on. He had his Galde tack Luke hostag, ans was now fitting Brian Blessed. Brian Blessed throwed a pinch, ans Lysandre bolcked, ans mad Brian Blessed hit hemself. Brian Blessed garbed Lysandre's leg, but Xenas used his antlers 2 stab Brian Blessed, ans ten throw hem. Brian Blessed quikly aimed himself, and crased in2 Glade, freeing Luke. L ten runned forwad, ans used his dance fitting tat he used in tat Beyond Birthday book, witch caught Lysandre off guard. Matt ten garbed Lysandre's leg, ans spinned hem arond reely fats, so Xeres dint atack hem, ten Matt let go, lolling, "Sew long, gay Lysandre!" as Lysander falled threw a widow... BUT HE HED A TAMPOLIN UNDER THE BILLDING, ANS BOUNCED BAK UP! He garbed sum glas, ans upon getin bak in, throwed tem at Flora, butt Brian Blessed jumped in fornt, ans letted hemself take teh hit. LysaNDRE GROWLED IN ANGRE! He ten screamed, ass Watari souplexed hem. Gallad, Drakrei, ans Blazeken surronded Matt, sew he did a laryette, ans kocked tem owt off his way, b4 runing 2 Flora, ans ten he bridal carryed her 2 elevator, butt ten Lysandre triped hem, ans tey falled other. Lysandre was abot 2 stamp Flora, but ten Brian Blessed ten grabed hem form behind, ans hammer thowed hem again, ans wen he stoped at widow, Watari het hem wif teh snipper rifle, ans kocked hem owt. Lysandre bonced bak up, but ten Watari jumped owt at hem wil Segata Sanshiro music played, excpet teh words were insted lick, 'Emprah Wat-Ari, Emprah Wat-ari! Our Emprah, Watari!' ans teh two falled, ans strated 2 punch each otter on teh way down, ten tey het teh trampolin, ans flu bak up, butt wen tey reeched teh widow, Watari ten kiked hem, butt was 2 slo, ans Lysandre punch him threw teh bilding, ans he falled owt teh otter sid. Lysandre ten getted bak in.

Bellow teh bilding, Lysandre falled on Maple, ans kocked her owt. Alisona was confussed, ans Lucina ten toke her owt. Brony ten approached Watari, ans Celestia ten pualed owt a sword, ans moved in 2 fit Lucina. Watari ans Brony ten fitted, ans tey tred 2 pinch each otter, butt tey where rely god, ans keeped bolcking each otter. Brony tryed 2 dew a Karate Kid kick, butt Watari doged it, ans he punch her owt off teh air. She getted bak up, ans tryed tat thin where u punch sew fats, tat it locks lick u haf hundreds off hands, sew Watari turned arond, ans runned, b4 dong a wall kick 2 sotp her form dong it. Watari runned other her, ans garbed her hed, but he dint try 2 brek her neck heer anythin lick tat, he juts throguht sum sleeping pills in2 her mouth, sew she falled asleep.

Lucina screemed at Watari, "THANKS!" and she said it supper loud so it was in speech bubble lick in Feenciks Write, witch was a trik, sins it mad Celestia's ears hert, sew Lucina ten kocked her owt, ans ten Watari hit all teh unconscious Teem Flare chicks wif an Arrest Baton ans sent tem 2 prison.

"Thanks agin." Lucina sad, ans Watari nodded in agrement, ass he commeted, "It's a god thin tat she dint randomly gane extra atak power, ans it was juts enuf 2 kill u."(A/N: Tat hapened 2 me wen I was palying Fire Emblem Birthright, ans I lost Silas, ans had 2 restrat, ans its sew annyoing!)

Watari tlod, her "Thare's a tampoline on teh otter sid off teh billing, ans my frends our fitting in their!" sew Lucina declared, "Let's go ans sod him!"

(At teh entrance 2 London)

(S/N: Finale Fit Live - Profesor Layton 4)

Layon ans Alfendi arived. Tey runned other Grima, ans sent hem flying in2 a wall. Roban quikly getted idea. He accessed his convoy, ans garbbed a bunvh of swords, ans pinned Grima 2 teh wall wif tem. Roban clevered, "U mite knot be killed, but u can be stuck in2 1 place. I'll finish wif u latter. Now 2 find owt wat tat giant monsetr is."

Meenwill, Layton ans Alfendi had snuck up behind Jack The Raper, ans mad a paln. Alfendi had brought a sword, ans told Layton, "Father, we wil clim up her giant robot. U must get 2 teh pilot seet, ans ten atak her." (A/N: If u palyed Ded Rising 2: Of Teh Record, it's lick teh finale boss off tat game, except Layton uses a sword)

Layton ans Alfedi started 2 clim. Teh robot had been polished wel, 2 try ans stop climing, but tey had 2 win, sew tey ignored tat, ans keped climing. Layton asked, "Alfendi, wat are u gong 2 do will I fit her?" ans he replayed, "I'll try 2 distruct her if she c u. Oslo, I wil try 2 find sum control panel, in cas of an Emergency Stop buton or sumthin." Sodenly, Jack The Raper got teh robot's arm owt, ans smashed another buillding. She locked at her rader, ans it showed blips behind her position, she lcoked arond, but saw nothing, sins tey where below teh robot's mid-section. She punched teh rader in teh face, sins she thot it was glitched, but it juts mad it rely glitched, as lick 9,153,736,048,712 blips appered all other teh screen. Will she was distracted, she dint c tat Roban was running alon teh robot's arm. Ten she moved teh arm, ans Roban was sent flying off, but he ten garbbed teh Elwind book, ans used it 2 jumped on2 teh robot. Jack The Raper realised she codnt pinch hem, sins it mack teh robot hit itself, witch wood be a bad idea. She focused on Roban, ans getted owt a gin, ans shor at hem, sew he doged. Layton ten climed behind her, ans stabed her. She was shoked 4 a 2nd, but ten turned arond, lolling, "U thin u can kil teh Queen Of The Gods Of Deaf?" ten Roban shooted a Thorn spell at her, ans she truned arond, ans shot hem, but he roled away.

(Back at teh god guys)

(S/N: Dans Off Ilussions – Casslevaynea Sympathy Off Teh Nite)

Watari ans Lucina arrived in teh building. Lysandre was of garde at their apperance, ten Lucina stabed hem, but he dint die, sins he was 2 tuff 4 tat, but teh destruction let Watari sneak ans snatch his balls, ans he pauled in all of Lysandre's backup, ten put tem in an evidence bag. Matt was especially hapy, sins Flora had been captured by teh Darkrai, ans she was now saf. Matt runned other, ans shoke her soldiers, ans she woke up, ans she was lick, "Wat juts hapened? Matt, I thout u died!?" ans Matt explanned, "Lysander's Darkrai gived u nitemares, but Watari ans Lucina saved u." butt Matt ten screemed, ass Lysanre grabed hem! "If I can't atack u wif my teem, ten I'll remove tis filth wif my bare hands!" Matt ten cometed, "Ur weering gloves!" ans he getted puinch in teh face sins Lyandre dint find it funy. Flora getted rely made at tis, ans went in2 anger overdrive at seeing her boyfrend been treeted lick tis, kinda lick wen Fluttershy is angry. Flora runned behind Lysandre, ans kiked hem in the crotch. Lysandre bended other in pane, ans tem Flora scratched his face wif her nails. Brain Blessed commeted, "Flora used Furry Swips! It's supper effective!" Flora ten gived hem an elbow 2 teh forehead, ten a knee 2 teh chin. Luke grabed a plank, ans joined in teh bashing, hitting Lysandre in teh back.

Ten a balst of electric smash a widow, ans a blak dragon arrived, ans L commeted, "Brother?" ass riding teh dragon was L's brother, N.(A/N: Tat's y tey bof haf 1 letter nams, tey're brothers, sew it macks sense now.) N sad, "I herd tat somethin lick tis was hapening." ans L sad, "Wel, ur a bit l8 2 fit Lysandre now, lock." ans pointed at Flora ans Luke beeting hem down, followed by Watari using his Arrest Baton. N sad, "Ah, well, at least he's owt off teh way. BTW, wood a boy named Black or a grill named White happen 2 haf passed threw here?" ans L sad, "Not tat I no off. But Jack The Raper is here, ans mayb u cod help wif her." ans N sad, "Tat mite be a good cause." ans ten he invited everone in2 Zekrom's bak, ans tey flu towards Jack The Raper.

(But wat was hapening wif Jack The Raper?)

(S/N: Finale Fit Live - Profesor Layton 4)

Layton ans Roban teemed up, ans Jack The Raper getted owt of her chair 2 fit tem, using teh sam sword tat Layton stabed her wif. It was up 2 Roban's magic ans Layton's martial arts to safe tem tis tim. Layton duked a sword, ans ten rondhouse kik her. Roban ten used Nosefuratwo on her, witch, althou he dint no it, was her weekness.

Juts ten, underneath, Alfendi fond sumthin. A giant red button, butt he dint press it, sins he dint no wat it was. It may haf bean a trap. He ten went arund, ans getted on top. He sneeked in2 teh seat, ans fond sum instructions. A diagram showed tat button ass a self-destruct button, sew he knew he shod use it 2 stop Jack The Raper. Juts ten, Alfendi felt a prick of pane on his hed. He locked up 2 c Jack The Raper. Alfendi jumped bak, ans prepared 2 fit. He got owt a spair sword he had, sew he dew battle. Tey swumg at each otter, ans she tred to cut his feet off, sew jumped ans did otherhed strike in2 her bak, butt she just toke it out, ans used both at ones. She slashed tem bof, ans thou she missed, Alfedni pertended 2 b hit, ans fake stumpled off teh robot, thou he was juts climing under again. Tis was enuf 2 trik her. Layton screamed, "NOO! MY FUTURE SUN!" butt stayed composed, sins he had 2 survive.

Jack The Raper laffed evilly, ass she thot she had beaet Layton. Butt ten electricty hit her, ans she was stunned. Watari yelled down, "U can dew it, Layton, my fine man!" ans althou he confused by teh dragon, Layton gived a thumbs up 2 Watari, sins he had no tim 2 reply. Lucina yelled, "Roban, u can win tis fit! Do tis 4 teh future! Do it 4 me! Do it 4 Morgan! Are bonds our much stronger tan any God Off Death!"

Jack The Raper stated, "Bonds? Wat use are those gong 2 b wen u r al alone? U wil find owt teh falwes off..." butt ten a vocs sad, "Self-Destruct Sequence activated. All personel abandon teh craft within 10 seconds." ans ten Layton jumped off. Roban fried a stunning spell 2 kep Jack The Raper in palace, ans followed Layton. Tey runned form teh robot, ans met Alfendi! Layton assed, "I thot she kiled u!?" ans he sad, "I faked my deaf sew she woodn't stop me form presing tat self-destruct button." ans ten teh robot exploded.

(S/N: Won The Case: Everone's Victroy - Feenicks Right 5)

Zekrom landed, ans teh heroes got off. Flora was sew hapy 2 finally c her dad again, now tat tis was al other, ans gav hem a hug, "Dad, u did it! U saved London." ans Layton replayed, "Of course, it was teh rite thin 2 do. Im sure u helped Matt as much ass u cold." ans Watari chimed in, "Yes, she evan saved Matt form tat Lysandre wanker!" ans Matt added, "Yeah, she and Luke managed 2 get teh finale strikes on tat bas..." b4 Brian Blessed stoped hem, "Don't say it, we haf kids hear."

Lucina ans Roban embraced, "Just ass u said, Lucina, our bonds haf allowed us 2 survive." ans Lucina added, "Yes, wif deep bonds, their will b no such thin as fate 2 get in our way." Dr Who waked in, quipping, "All's well tat ends well."

Matt waked up 2 Layton, ans told hem, "Profesor, I ned 2 ask u sumthin." ans Layton said, "What is your request sir?" ans Matt beginned 2 blush, "Wel, it involves ur daughter." ans Layton replayed, "As lon as it isn't of a certain nature, u may ask whatever u please."


(S/N: Dark Age Of The Law - Feenicks Wright 5)

The remains off teh robot shaked. A hand shot up. "Surely u do knot siriusly bayleaf tat u can win agenst me?" ass Jack The Raper crawled owt. She locked lick Emmy agin, ans beginned lafing manicly, "Did u not lissen? Jack The Raper is eternal! I wil nether die! I am teh Queen Of Death! I haf moar power ten any otter shinigami! Blud? A mere speck of dust! The Grim Raper? He may be my cousion, butt I am at lest 500 tims moar power ten hem! My father would be powerless now!"


(S/N: Witch Trail Opening - Profesor Layton Vs Feenicks Right)

A man appered on teh sene. He locked a bit lick a mommy hemself, ans had a rely beg wit berd. Jack The Raper yelled in shok, "FATHER!?" ans teh man sad, "Yes, Emm-Ay. U always were tat tip off laddy. Evertim I leve, u act al high ans mighty. Ones we get bak 2 teh Shinigami Realm, I am hiring retainers 2 ensure u don't try tis serial killer act again. I mite evan haf 2 adopt sew I can haf a new heir who wood treat their role as monarch responsibly."

Jack The Raper yelled, "Yeah, wel wat can do 2 captor me?" ans Teh Shinigami King declared, "Tis!" ans he pualed owt the Everthing Note, "I must oslo make a safe 2 hid tis thing. U haf caused way 2 much treble wif it." ans he beginned 2 writ in it. She screemed, "U CAN'T DEW ANYTHIN! I WROT IN IT TAT I AM IMMUNE 2 ANYTHIN U DEW!" upon witch he sad, "I was just writing in 2 counter it." ans she paniced, "How did u no!?" ans he smarted, "Because you just told me!" butt ten she yelled, "I won't expect this!" ans pinched, grabing teh Everything Note, ans writing in2 it, b4 escaping.

The Shinigami King quikly getted idea, "She mad herself becum Supper Emm-Ay! Those in supper form can't be affected, sew I will fit fir wif fir!" ans Layton asked, "How are u gong 2 dew tat?" b4 sodnely felling odd. The Shinigami King declared, "I am gong 2 make u turn in2 Super Layton. Same wif Watari." ans ten teh two did. Super Layton now had a whit suit, and yellow hat. Super Watari gained rely coal dark black rainbow hair, ans getted yunger, witch mad hem look lick Howl, excpet wifowt the castle. The Shinigami King told tem, "Super Layton, ur hat is now rely strong, sew u can atak by throwing it, lick Michael Jackson. Super Watari, ur snipper rifle is now given infinite ammo, ans special bullts tat can harm Shinigami. Both off u can oslo now make fireballs. Oslo, u can fly now!" ans ever1 else cheered, ans supported tem 2 go ans stop Super Emm-Ay.

(A/N: OMFG! Tis fit is supper epic, tat we ned a commercial break, except wifowt commercials, so it's rely juts an eyecatch)

The eyecatch shows Layton ans Luke deducing together, b4 Flora, Matt ans Watari run in 2 help, ans tey ten dew teh epic point. BTW, it plays teh jingle form between chapters in Feenicks Write 5.

(A/N: Ok, bak 2 teh fic, sew get redy 4 teh epic finale)

(S/N: Rapped In Blak - Sonk Rosh)

Super Layton ans Super Watari had mad it 2 Supper Emm-Ay, ans prepared 2 fit. Super Watari mad teh 1st atak, ans sot at her, ans she laffed, butt ten yelped wen she was het, upon witch she new tat Super Watari's bullts cod hurt her. Wil she was rubed her arm in pain, Super Layton throwed a fireball at her. "Y, u little..." Super Emm-Ay angryed. Upon witch Super Layton throwed the hat at her, ans it gived her a cut. She added, "Sew, I see tat a super form humen is ass strong ass a super form Shinigami. Tis mite actuallu be a fun fit."

Super Watari flyed forward, ans gived her a pinch in teh noose, sew she kiked hem away. She sudenly felt an impact on her hed, ass Super Layton had kiked her there, sins he was teh quikest 2 realise tat flying gived him anuther axis 2 fit on. He commeted, "It is usually unbecoming 4 a gentleman 2 fit wif a laddy, but wen said laddy defies teh rules, it's only polite 2 go by her morals." making a rely coal fitting pose.(A/N: It locks lick teh Brycen dud)

Super Emm-Ay growled, ans her supper aura flared up ans getted bigger, but ten she stoped wen she was hit by another fireball. Super Watari advised Super Layton, "I just worked owt tat we can charge up are fireballs!"

Super Layton ten flu forward, ans beginning 2 try ans disable Super Emm-Ay. He grabed her arm, ans tried a Chinese Burn. She at first screemed, but ten used her 3 arm 2 shove Super Layton away. Super Layton responded wif a fireball, "If I can't use a Chinese Burn, ten a traditional burn wil do." ans Super Watari observed, "Is it juts me, or does been in a super form seem 2 mack u moar violent?" ans The Shinigami King soddenly sent a telepathetic massage, "Yes, the humen mind can't contain comprehension off all teh power tat a super form gives, ans sew it makes one essentially Drunk On Power." amd Super Watari replayed, "Thnaks, my god man."

Super Layton and Super Watari chased Super Emm-Ay across teh London skys. Super Layton and Supper Emm-Ay getted in2 a grabble, ans ten Super Layton throwed her, ans she crashed in2 a blak box in teh air, ans ten wood splinters ans a saw jabbed in2 her. Super Layton commeted, "Tat's ware teh Grim Raper put me in Chapter 4!" ans Super Emm-Ay replayed, "Yes, we thot tat u wood haf nether escaped tat. Teh table was ment 2 taunt u in2 thinking tehir was a way owt. Looks lick u managed 2 work sumthin out." Super Layton ten explained how he getted owt. Super Emm-Ay cometed, "Wat? How did u dew tat?" ans he sad, "I'm a Professor, of course I'm smart enuf 2 think of it." ans ten Super Emm-Ay suddenly stoped as thou in shock, sins Super Layton was actually distracting her sew tat Super Watari cod line up a "BOOM! HEDSHOOT!" yelled Super Watari.

"NO! I had it all..." Super Emm-Ay moaned as she turned bak in2 Emm-Ay. She falled bak in2 London, angrying, "I am the Queen Of Death: Jack The Raper! I am the real ruler off Shinigami."

Super Layton and Super Watari shaked hands, Super Layton happyed, "We have finally won, for real this time." and Super Watari ten locked down, and yelled at Emm-Ay, "It's now al other, u stupid bugger!"

(S/N: Professor Layton theme)

Emmy landed bak in London, whining, "Layton? Y must u always b butter then me?" Super Layton and Super Watari landed, and returned to normal. Layton answered, "Mayb there are sum things tat only experiance can truly gift us." Watari then handcuffed Emmy, 2 ensure tat she woodn't escap. The heroes arrived again, and The Shinigami King told tem all, "Thank you. All of you have been extremely helpful in stopping my daughter. I am extremely grateful to all of you." and as if on cue, a Shaymin flu past, ans Gracidea Flowers blomed in Hide Park. The Shinigami King went up 2 his shacked daughter, "Emm-Ay, lissen to me. I am ur father, and I only went wat is best 4 u. I haf tryed 2 draw u away form tis cereal killer nonsense, sins it is knot healthy. I no how tat u probably c me ass demanding, butt sumtims, being harsh is neccesary, ass it can b teh only weigh 2 make sum1 lern."

(S/N: Iris: End Theme - Professor Layton 2)

Emmy nodded her hed, sadly, telling hem, "Father, I'm sorry 4 wat I haf done. Now I lock at teh distraction arond me, ans realies how horible it locks." Sew he told her, "Do knot worry, Emm-Ay. We can start other again. First, I wil hire retainers and tudors 2 help teech u in2 becuming a batter person. We can decide wat 2 do after tat." He ten turned arond, and started, "Well, ever1, I belive tat tis is godbye. Mayb 1 day, we wil return, wif Emmy a better person, who can wander teh Earth wifowt cosing damage." ans Emmy confitantly declered, "Yes, I vow 2 be the beast persn tat I can b, necks tim we met. Farewell, all off u who haf helped me realies my erors." ans sew, The Shinigami King wrot in his Everythin Note, 'Return home.', ans teh 2 Shinigami royals left, gong bak 2 their home.

Matt ten waked bak up 2 Layton, "Now, I thin we can go bak 2 my request." ans Layton ten stated, "Okay, wat is it abot Flora?" ans Matt blushed, "May I... May I... take..." b4 Flora cam up, "Do u wish 4 my hand in..." ans Matt finished, "...Marriage, yes. That is what I want. We haf been threw sew mutch togeter in such a shrot tim." ans tey embraced. Layton ten decided, "I believe tat teh 2 off u wil be very hapy together. Once the two off u are of teh marriage age, we will have a grand saramony 4 teh 2 off u." Matt and Flora were crying in happy, "A grand seremony? How grand?" ans Layton explanned, "I wil spend teh necks few yeers keping money on teh sid 2 pay 4 it. I recommend tat teh 2 off u do so as well." Watari ten added, "I wil oslo chip in 4 tis." Alfendi ten waked over, "It was amazing 2 met u in ur prim, father. However, I must return 2 my tim, Lucy wil be weighting 4 me. Butt b4 I leve, here." ans he handed Layton a cheque witch was £2,500,000, ans ten added, "Use it 4 tehir weeding, or anythin else u want." Alfendi ten left.

Luke cometed, "Tis is quiet posably teh oddest case we haf ever done." Layton agred, "Quite so, MAH BOI!" Dr Who ten sumoed his tim machine, ans steped insid, Lucina ans Roban ten told hem, "Cod u weight 4 a bit, we wish 2 say are godbys." Dr Who ten sad, "Okay, sentiments our an impotent part off life."

Lucina went 2 Watari, ans happyed, "I am sew gald tat u helped me owt bak their. We may nether met agin, butt I wil knot forgot teh assistance u gived me aginst those assassins."

Roban meenwill told Layton, "Ur help bak aganst teh monster was simply marvelos. I haf know idea wat we juts faced, butt I can tel it was a massive thret 2 u. Let us nether forget are alliance. Sins I nether got tim 2 tel u b4, my nam is Robin." ans he held his hand owt, ans Layton shok it, "I am Professor Hershel Layton, and al ur help is greatly apricated. If we ever met again, I hop it is in tranquil tims, and knot danger."

Lucina and Roban ten departed on teh tim machine, ans left 4 moar aventures wif Dr Who. (A/N: Mayb I shod writ abot tem gong on adentures wif Dr Who, if I ever get tim ans space(GEDDIT!))

Matt ten went 2 his motorcycle, "Wel, Flora, I haf 2 retunr 2 Watari House. I wil mack sure 2 cum rond 2 London at lest ones a moth 2 visit. We can writ leters ass wel." Watari ten decided, "I shod go wif u, ans sumoed teh Watarimobile.

Ever1 waved at Watari ans Matt ass tey drov hom. Luke ten assed, "Sew, L, wat are gong 2 do, now tat ur helicopter is borken?" ans L replayed, "I haf spairs. For now, my brother wil tak me bak 2 my base." ans he and N climed on2 Zekrom's bak. N gived 1 last massage, "Thank u 4 ur demonstration of teh god sid off humens. I am always gald 2 met god humens. Juts notify Watari if u met Black or White, ans he'll haf L tell me." upon witch tey left.

Brain Blessed ten decided, "I am sure tat my agent is worryed abot me, sins I was in teh middle of tis distrection. I shod go ans reassure tem tat I am all right." ans he waked off.

It was now juts Layton ans his family. Luke decided, "Dew u thin I shod tel my dad abot tis?" ans Layton decided, "Im sure he wood be thriled 2 red ur recount off these events." Flora was stil tearing up, "Thank you so much, dad. U haf done sew match 4 me. I am sure tat whatever seramoney u had planed, my wedding wil be absolutely beautiful."

Layton noded, "Now ten, I think we deserv sumthin 2 relax. How abot we hed home ans listen 2 sum glorius music. I juts getted a new stero gramophone tat I am sure wil enhance teh sonds off are records." ans Luke ans Flora nodded in agreement.

The End

A/N: Thank you 4 reding al teh way 2 teh end off my amazing story. It might knot b as god as Dark Yagami, butt tat is impossible. Butt I am sure u enjoyed teh ride will it lasted. I wood lick 2 thank Fuyu 4 giving me ideas. 2 my frend, The Darkest Yagami, I am giving u extra special thanks 4 giving me teh idea 2 include Matt as a major charactor. Teh story took a completely different route form tat suggestion, ans I thin tat tis direction was much beter ten teh original palns. Originally, Flora was gong 2 b Jack The Raper, but wen I writted the Flora/Matt portion, I realiesed tat tey where a prefect couple, ans let Flora be innocnet, ans chose 4 teh much moar epic Emmy, ans oslo getted 2 add teh Shinigami part, witch I thought was a grate plot twist. Again, thanks to my reders, 4 reading teh hole story. I haf an idea 4 a knew story, witch u wil c later.

Oslo, I am gong 2 writ an epilogue 4 tis stroy latter, witch wil be Flora and Matt's wedding. Until ten, farewell, my loving fans.