Tobias's Back round

When I was little after my mom died my dad would go to town and bring back girls he would ask them if they were a virgin, if they said no he would kick them out if yes, he would seduce

them and take away their virginity and then kick them out. I guess he liked hurting them. One day before one of the girls left i asked " how bad does it hurt" i was about 8, she answered " it hurts like hell, don't you ever take a girl's virginity and kick her out, you understand?" her words shocked me but i understood "yes ma'am" i replied. that girl made me promise myself that I would never take a girl's virginity. I wanted to be a Bad boy like my dad so I decided that i wouldn't take anyone's virginity just fuck them and leave, My dad would be proud anyway and this is also how i met my partner Zeke, we sometimes worked together.

Tris's Back round

Ever since I was young I have been abused by my family, my mom died when I was born and so all I had was my dad and 3 older brothers. They would always tell me to take off my clothes but that was it but if I didn't I would get hit repeatedly sometimes kicked. I didn't know why they did this to me, perhaps they blamed me for my mother's death? I didn't know anything except they hated me. When I got older I got a job as a stripper because I had a nice body and I was used to taking off my clothes only this time I would get paid to, This job also gave me the opportunity to meet Christina my best friend.