So it's happened! I have finally updated! I sat down to write an essay about the influence in our ever-expanding pop culture and ended up writing fanfiction... Why am I like this? Either ways it's up I'm happy all is good. Enjoy!


Alexus took in her surroundings. To her left was the warehouse with a very promising looking parking garage. She could see two cars. I can work with that. She reveled in the little victory until she noticed how well lit the area surrounding was.

"Well then find her." Alexus heard an annoyed voice speak with an eerie amount of calm. There was nothing that freaked out the FBI agent more than a calm bad guy. A villain who knows they're not in any danger of losing.

Alexus decided the only option was to go big or go home. She sprinted for the first car and subsequently, the shaded area nearby. Finally making it to relative safety Alexus took the time to look around. It appeared she had gotten lucky. Or she had racked a couple points one her Karma club card. Either way she wasn't too hard pressed to question it. She quietly crouched down and inched her around the car to the front seat. Suddenly remembering the driver's side was opposite direction. Mentally stabbing herself she turned around only to nudge a pair of legs that had appeared, she assumed, amidst her idiocy. She looked up to see a tall man. Ginger hair, showing serious signs of balding. Too much for his age for he didn't appear to be to old. He looked at her triumphantly like a kindergarten teacher would a child who had been caught in the act of mischief.

"Excuse me a moment I'm in the middle of a dramatic escape from some lunatic," She said trying to keep a serious expression as though he were a bothersome bystander. Alexus looked up to see the man looking curious as to her reaction to being found out. He clearly was expecting a more defeated surrender. "Would you happen to know where the keys to this car are? I'm quite tired and don't feel like running all the way home," she looked at his stoic face "No? OK… don't sweat it, I'll just hotwire it," She stepped into the car wondering exactly how far he was going to let this play out.

"Enough Miss King I've had about as much as my patience allows," He said, non-committedly dusting off his sleeves with what Alexus assumed was his version of an eye roll. "I've brought you here for a reason and I'd like to get on with it if you're done."

Alexus eyed him up taking notice of his calm and composed demeanor and suddenly getting annoyed at his airs. "You mean to tell me you orchestrated my capture?" She feigned ignorance. Happy with the little rebellion she had found in her powerless state. "And I trusted you!" She stated portraying hurt and betrayal. He frowned clearly not amused and growing weary of her games.

"What is the nature of your relationship with Sherlock Holmes?" He asked cutting straight to his intended conversation.

"Fine, fine I get it. Had a bad day huh?" Alexus said stalling. She did not see this coming. Why was this guy interested in Sherlock? And where the hell did he get the idea that there was anything of worth she could offer him on the man? She momentarily let her confusion show before quickly covering it up. "We met the other day, fell madly in love. We're thinking a fall wedding. What do you think? Fall colors with my skin tone. It's always been an issue for me. I can never quite make up my mind. He had expressed an interest in a summer one but everyone has a summer wedding. Spring is too unpredictable and I personally hate cold so winter was automatically out. I guess color don't exactly have to fit my skin tone considering I'll be in white," He considered her words looking at her critically. "What's this about anyway?" She was getting real tired of being in the dark here.

The man stood still, as if considering answering "It's come to light that you have formed a type of bond The man"

Alexus was confused. "He has been a constant pain literally since my first night here."

"He took you on a case."

"We argued the entire time."

"He still lets you join him."

"Only trying to appease John."

"He left John."

"John had to go to work."

"He visited your flat."


"He stayed quite a while."


"He willingly assisted you with obnoxious paperwork."

"Not my first choice as far as assistants go."

"He bugged your flat"


They stared at each other. Neither wanting to start another round. The man looked at her once again creeping her out. She could see his gears turning. He was trying to figure something out and she was trying to make it as hard for him as she possibly could.

"Hold up. Pump the breaks," Alexus held up her hands in a stopping gesture. "How did you know about the paperwork? Or him bugging my apartment for that matter? Is there something I'm missing here? Is there some kind of unspoken law that gives you the right into the life of anyone who associates with Mr. Holmes?" She gave him her most deadly glare. This was unbelievable! She'd only been here a few days and in that short time managed to have her appointment bugged twice!

Alexus looked at him, closely this time. He wasn't a danger to Sherlock. With the resources that are at his disposal, he could have easily done something to him. Now there's a thought…

"You're not an enemy of Sherlock… so then what are you?" She circled him, exaggerating her confidence. "The only other people who are this obnoxiously intrusive are family," She paused looking him over. Bingo "You're his brother. Big brother I'd say considering your overbearing protectiveness,"

The man clearly wasn't anticipating her figuring it out. "Very astute of you Ms. King. My name is Mycroft Holmes, Sherlock is the younger of my mother's offspring," He paused "He worries me…"

"Well that makes two of us bro. Though I'm still at a loss of why I'm here. I have family I'm constantly worried for and I have yet to resort to kidnapping." She looked at him genuinely confused.

"What family is that exactly?" He smirked at her stunned expression. "I did some research on you Ms. King. I find it quite curious how difficult it was to get any useful information. It was almost like someone had worked very hard to hide you away. Even more curious is why you have been chosen to work with Scotland Yard. Why is it, out of every agent in the FBI you were selected to move across the pond? A position many would as an opportunity. This along with Sherlock's fascination with you, I felt introductions were in order. I find, I myself can't help but be a little fascinated myself," He looked at her, eyebrow raised.

She realized how she must look in his eyes. How she must look to everyone. What was she really doing here? They all must be thinking it. An FBI agent is suddenly thrust into their division with absolutely no explanation as to why and they were supposed to trust her? Maybe she had misread them. What if the tension she had felt her first day wasn't their fault, but hers? Now that she thought about it, maybe that's why Lestrade had been keen on her spending time with Sherlock. Not because he didn't want to work with her but merely because he didn't trust her and he knew Sherlock could figure out if there was truly a danger to his team. Sherlock had shocked everyone by letting her tag along but what if he was doing so to unravel whatever her not as a person, but as a threat? So, any things were starting to make sense.

As Mycroft watched he learned two things 1) she had no more answers than he did. 2) she posed no danger to his brother. So, he continued to his true purpose. "Ms. King I have a proposition for you. You stay close to my darling brother and if anything suspicious happens, you report to me. I can, of course, use more intrusive methods," he gives her meaningful, almost threatening look. "to meet my ends but it is such a dirty way of doing things…I would like to avoid resorting to that."

Alexus did not like her options. "One condition, you drop snooping around about me. You drop it and I'll keep tabs on Sherly. That's it. That's my condition."

He looked at her, considering her proposal. "I believe we have an agreement."

"I will know if you break our agreement, at which point, I will break mine. I do hope you understand this." She watched him carefully.

"My, my, you are a suspicious creature Ms. King." He gave something close to a chuckle.

"You say that as if it were a bad thing." She grinned. "Now, I happen to be exhausted. May I please go home?

"Of course, I'll call the car." Immediately after speaking a sleek, black car drove up and a beautiful brunette stepped out. "Anthea, Ms. King would like to go home now." The woman nodded taking her eyes off her phone only to glance at her indicating to step in. Alexus did so appreciating the softness of the seats.

She didn't realize just how tired she was until she was woken up at upon arriving at her apartment. What was that?