"I really don't understand humans." Galaco muttered, her fingers flying on her keyboard. She was typing up a summary on everything she was seeing - the human's reactions, their expressions, how they acted - everything. Her eyes were glued to the screen which was currently displaying people's shocked faces.

"Hmm...? What don't you understand?" Piko, her childhood friend (but not necessarily friend now) said, leaning over her shoulder.

"Their shock, honestly." Galaco said, not looking at him. "They've read, watched, and acted out several things about magic. Yet when they actually experience it..." She sighed and typed faster.

"You can't blame them, really. They grew up around scientific theories and other nonsense." Piko said, starting to get bored. "So, what type of magic did you guys place on Earth?" He asked. Galaco rolled her eyes.

"If you'd look up at the screen for once, you wouldn't have to ask." Galaco said. Piko stared up at the screen. He saw a couple walking down a sidewalk, and then a sparkly card slowly floating down in front of them.

"I still don't get it." Piko said. Galaco sighed.

"Just keep watching, idiot." She said. Piko looked at the screen once again. The card was closer to the ground, and the couple just noticed it. Then it happened so quickly the couple and Piko could barely process it: the card hit the ground, there was a bunch of silvery sparkles blocking the view, and in a flash the card was replaced by a pretty girl with pigtails. Piko blinked.

"W-what?" He said. He quickly recovered from the shock. "Mayu's magic, isn't it?"

"Of course. Who else would be stupid enough to create cards which contain beautiful girls who can kick butt?" Galaco said.

"Kick butt? So they fight?" Piko asked. Galaco nodded.

"Uh huh. They fight way better than humans, which isn't actually that difficult." Galaco said. "And of course, since it's Mayu's magic we're talking about here- they're all female." She said.

"She has always liked magical girl anime." Piko muttered. "So, tell me more about this magic." He said, although he was uninterested. He was just looking for an excuse to hang around Galaco longer.

"It's called Enkeli, after the Finnish word for "angel". Anyways, each card has their own personality and appearance, which I have to admit is quite impressive. Also they have their own weapons." Galaco explained.

"Hm... what was it ranked on the charts?" Piko asked.

"100th, obviously." Galaco said.

"What?!" Piko said. Galaco sighed.

"Earth wasn't supposed to get any magic at all, so they're lucky to get the currently worst magic there is." She said. Piko bit his lip.

"I suppose..." He said.

"Chart Ranking 100: Enkeli, has successfully been distributed to the planet: Earth. It has been requested Galaco Tohei deliver the summary within ten minutes." The loudspeaker boomed. Galaco turned red.

"There's no need for them to broadcast it!" She snarled. Piko laughed. "And you, get out! This is your fault for distracting me." She said. He shrugged and walked towards the door.

"I was just curious about how Earth would handle magic. It's quite an interesting planet, you know?" He said and walked out.

~Twenty Years Later~


My eyes shot open to see my younger brother, Mikuo, on top of me.

"A-ahhh!" I said. Mikuo rolled his eyes, and held up my alarm clock. 7:40.

I practically fell off my bed. "It's this late already?! Why didn't you wake me up sooner?" I asked, frantically searching my room for my school uniform. Mikuo threw it on my face.

"I tried waking you up, but you can sleep through a F5 tornado." Mikuo smirked. I frantically changed into my uniform (Mikuo looked away) and rushed downstairs for breakfast. Mikuo followed.

He picked up some already toasted bread from the toaster and tossed it towards me. I barely caught it. "Eat it on the way. Hurry up and go!" Mikuo said.

"You're a lifesaver, Mikuo!" I said, putting on my shoes.

"I know."

I burst into the classroom, one second before the bell. People around me slow-clapped.

"How do you do it, Ms. Hatsune?" Mrs. Raul, my teacher, said, stepping in. "Fifteenth time this month... you never cease to amaze me." She said. I felt my face growing hot. "Now please take a seat." I nodded, and sat down.

The door suddenly opened again, and a girl with bright green hair walked in. Gumi. "Guess what?" She said. She didn't wait for anybody to reply. "I got an Enkeli this morning." Everyone except me gasped.

"An Enkeli? Show us!" Someone said. Gumi smirked, probably feeling good about being the center of attention. Gumi pulled out the card from her pocket.

"This, my friends, is an Enkeli card." She said proudly, showing it off. It looked like a regular card. No, a trading card. Like a Pokemon card. "SUMMON!" She screeched.

"M-miss Megpoid, you know better than to summon an Enkeli in the middle of class, they could get stolen-" Mrs. Raul said. She got interrupted when a beautiful girl with white hair appeared.

"This is my Enkeli, Mayu." Gumi said with a smile.

"Hi." Mayu said, bowing.

"She's an archer." Gumi explained.


"So cool!"

"She's really pretty!"

I rolled my eyes and looked out the window. I didn't find Enkeli impressive anymore. It's been twenty years since the first one was discovered, why does everyone still make a big deal out of it?

"Miku, what do you think of her?" Gumi snarled, gazing my direction. I didn't look up from the window.

"I could care less." I admitted. Gumi fumed.

"You're never, ever going to get an Enkeli!" Gumi said.

"Yeah, because I don't have super rich parents who are willing to buy me an Enkeli." I muttered.

"Gumi is a bit spoiled, don't you think?" Luka said, sitting next to me at lunch.

"A bit?" I replied.

Luka laughed. "Okay, a lot."

I sighed and started to eat my lunch - my lunch... wait... where was my lunch? I didn't forget it at home right?

"U-um, I'm going to go to the classroom. I think I forgot my lunch there." I said to Luka. She nodded.

The classroom was completely dark and deserted. Everybody, including the teacher, was at lunch. I checked my desk for my lunch, but it wasn't there.

"Where could it be?" I muttered to myself.

"Looking for something?" A familiar voice said. I turned around. It was Gumi.

"Y-yeah. My lunch.." I replied.

"Oh, I think I saw it on the roof." Gumi snickered, and left. The rooftop?! I gritted my teeth. I guess I had no choice if I wanted to spend the day without a hungry stomach.

It was freezing on the rooftop.

"S-so cold.." I said. I searched the rooftop for my lunch, but it wasn't there. Stupid, stupid, stupid! I should've known. I was about to leave when I noticed something sparkly.

I got closer and closer and noticed it was a... card? Could it be an Enkeli card?! The card suddenly hit the ground, and then a... HOT GUY APPEARED?!

He had yellow hair, a playboy-ish smile on his face, and a weird outfit on that kind of looked like a school uniform.

"U-um..." Was all I could say. This guy had to be an Enkeli, right? But... weren't all Enkeli female?

"Yo. My name is Len Kagamine, and I'm guessing you're my master."

A/N: ...umm. Did you like it? I just got this idea one day. Idk... it's a bit weird, isn't it?