I never really planned on a second chapter to this story, but since it was first posted it's received a lot of attention, on Ao3 at least, and I got a lot of comments and kudos and appreciation for my efforts. So many in fact, that I decided to give a little back. Happy New Year everyone! Here, have some porn!

Anders generally didn't drink. It wasn't that he was opposed to drinking, he'd certainly spent more than his share of time in the past with one hand wrapped around a bottle and another wrapped around another person. But that was before coming to Kirkwall, before Justice.

Things were different now. He had to be cautious, he really had no choice. Not with his thoughts and Justice's ideals weaving and blending together to the point that he couldn't tell what was what any longer. Not since coming to a city crawling with Templar's and firmly under the thumb id of the Order. Losing control was simply not a risk he could take, not while there was work to be done.

But tonight, for whatever reason, the wine was flowing too freely, and tasted too sweet on his tongue to resist. It was a celebration of sorts, an anniversary of Hawke's return from the deep roads. In truth, it was simply an excuse. They'd not had much to celebrate over lately, and the break from routine had been well earned by them all. Hawke had them all to her estate for dinner; stories were shared and jokes were told and the wine continually flowed. There was a relaxed feeling to the entire evening that seeped into his bones and refused to let go.

Eventually the others began to filter out. Sebastian left first, followed not long after by Aveline. Bodahn had disappeared at some point and Isabela had only made a brief appearance, quickly excusing herself by mentioning a friend who had literally just sailed into town. Anders himself was preparing to leave when Varric offered to escort a very tipsy Merrill to the Alienage, but he was stopped, surprisingly, by Fenris.

"You haven't finished your wine, mage," the elf said, looking pointedly at Anders goblet, which he could have sworn was empty just a moment before.

He opened his mouth to speak but shut it again when the elf narrowed his eyes, pinning him in place. He reached for his goblet and took a sip, half hoping it wasn't poisoned, as the others stood to leave. Both he and the elf watched as Hawke escorted Merrill and Varric to the door and their locked eyes once more when the three of them were out of earshot.

"What are you on about now, Fenris?" he asked with no small amount of suspicion.

The elf simply raised one of his black brows and smirked at him. Subtle as the expression was, the implications were very clear and Anders suddenly had an image in his mind, one which had been fairly burned there since that night on the coast weeks before. Certainly Fenris wasn't looking for a repeat performance? Was he?

At the thought he grabbed his goblet again and drank deeply from it in an attempt to moisten his suddenly dry mouth.

Hawke returned, face flushed from wine and laughter, and smiled at him warmly, "It's not like you to be the last one out the door, Anders."

"He was finishing his wine," Fenris stated, earning him a strange look from Hawke, which was quickly replaced by surprise when the elf wrapped one arm around her waist and hauled her into his lap. Settling her across his legs he looked over to Anders. "Weren't you, mage?" he said, nuzzling Hawke's neck. The two of them were not given to public displays, save clearly, for one exception, and he found it hard to concentrate on the elf's words. He did, eventually, catch up.

"Yes. Just, ah... finishing my wine," he said, covering his lapse in thought with a smile at Hawke, who was looking up at her lover with a curious expression.

The elf leaned forward to press a kiss on her lips and softly suggested, "Speaking of wine, it seems I've not lost my taste for it tonight. Could I convince you to find us another bottle?"

Her expression, no less confused, flickered over to Anders for a moment before she rose, "Ah.. certainly. I'll be right back," she said hesitantly, pausing to give them each a brief look before she moved in the direction of the cellar.

The moment she was gone Fenris turned to face him, and as usual, was not one to mince words. "This is on my terms. And my terms alone," he said firmly. His smirk had been replaced by a sneer, his relaxed posture suddenly tense. "Understand me, mage, if you do anything of your own initiation you will regret it. You will do what you are told. No more. If you cannot accept that I suggest you leave now."

"I… understand," he said, and though his reply sounded skeptical he did, in fact, understand. Anders had no intention of stepping on anyone's toes.

The elf wasn't quite finished getting his point across. "If she tells you to stop, you will stop. If you are told to leave you will do so without question." Fenris suddenly narrowed his eyes dangerously, "And if you dare kiss her on her lips I will reach through your chest and squeeze your heart so hard in my fist that the demon inside you will flee back to the void."

Well, that was...graphic… and frighteningly believable. "Of course. I'm.. a… I'm a guest."

The elf nodded sharply, clearly satisfied with that response. He stood as Hawke returned with a bottle in one hand and the curious expression still on her face. He took the bottle from her and gave her, well, not a smile, Anders wasn't certain Fenris could smile, but he gave her a look of affection and took one of her hands in his.

"I was thinking we could take this upstairs, Hawke," he said quietly, giving her an opportunity to stop the proceedings before they began, "If that would please you?"

Her mouth opened, but she didn't speak, simply looking at them both in turn before settling her eyes on her lover, a question clearly written across her features. "Fenris, what are you…" she paused to look between them, lowering her voice to a stage whisper, "are you suggesting that..?" she did not finish the thought.

"I am suggesting, that the three of us retire to your chamber, Hawke. It is your decision whether or not you we do so," Fenris responded calmly, as though this were an everyday occurrence.

Clearly surprised, she looked over to where he still sat, "And… and you, Anders?"

In response he downed the last of his wine and stood, "I will leave, if you would prefer it. Though I am not opposed to Fenris' … suggestion, I would not want anyone to feel compelled to do anything they do not wish to do." He he looked to the elf, who inclined his head in approval.

"I…" she glanced between them, her flush from earlier blossoming into a true blush. She cleared her throat lightly, "I would like that, I think."

Fenris smirked once more, this time it did nearly morph into a smile, and placing a hand at the small of her back directed her to the stairs. Anders followed a few steps behind.

Within her chamber the fire was burning in the grate, illuminating the room well enough to see. Anders stood apart from them, uncertain as to what role he would be playing this evening. He would have been perfectly content with simply observing once more, though he did not deny himself that he hoped for a bit more of an active role.

Fenris began by kissing her thoroughly, one hand at her waist, another in her hair, and Anders continued to stand back, watching and waiting for direction. Her tunic was soon loosened and being tugged over her head to be tossed aside. The fire played over her skin beautifully, highlighting each rise and filling each valley with shadow. Anders was once more struck by her beauty, and already his cock was swelling in anticipation.

Soon Fenris' shirt joined hers, and Anders did not could not deny that the elf was far more attractive than he'd allowed himself to consider before. The lyrium in his skin, while cruel in its application, enhanced his physique far more than mere firelight ever could. Fine lines of white etched into skin, contouring his musculature and nearly glowing in the dim light of the room.

As the elf continued to kiss her, as he rid her of her clothes, she was stealing shy glances at Anders where he slight blush on her cheeks and coy looks endearing on a woman who was usually quite confident, if not bold.

Fenris suddenly swept Hawke up in his arms, earning him a startled laugh from her, and she was quick to wrap her arms around his neck and offer him a smile. He deposited her on the bed, and made short work of her breeches, pausing only long enough to look back over his shoulder where Anders still stood. "What are you waiting for, mage? Undress," he said casually, calmly, his voice every bit as hypnotic and cadenced as it had been that night they'd shared before.

Anders said nothing, for fear the sound of his voice would break whatever spell was weaving around them, instead simply undoing the fastenings to his robes to pull them off and toss them beside the rest of their clothing.

By the time he was unclothed, Hawke was fully bared before them as well. She was laid out on the bed, her back propped up against the pillows and watching Anders closely as he approached. Fenris was caressing her torso, her thighs, occasionally teasing the swell of her breasts, and Anders was once more struck by the how attractive the deep hue of his olive skin was beside the fairness of hers. The elf was watching him beneath lowered brows, green eyes glittering in the low light of the fire, his lips playing on the skin of her shoulders. He inclined his head slightly, indicating that Anders should take a place on her other side.

He did so without hesitation, stretching out beside her, far enough away that they did not touch. He still did not know his role in all this, and could still not find it in himself to care, simply grateful to be given this chance to be part it, even if from a distance. His cock certainly didn't seem to mind, it ached already and bobbed heavily between his legs as he moved. Settling himself beside them, he waited for direction once more.

Fenris bowed his head over her chest, lips sliding across her collar bones, further, until finally latching firmly onto one pebbled nipple. Hawke let out a breathy little moan, arching towards his mouth, fingers twining through his hair and slipping outwards to play with the tips of his ears. Fenris released the bud from between his lips, looking up towards Anders and speaking once more, his voice husky and deep, "Would you like to touch her, mage?"

A rush of blood was sent to his groin as Hawke's eyes snapped open to meet his, a lovely flush playing across her features, her eyes dark with desire.

"May I?" he asked, his eyes on hers, seeking permission before he dared move. She gave the faintest of nods in return and raised her arms behind her head, arching her back in invitation and giving up her torso to them both. Fenris did not wait, stroking one hand languidly down her side, soon Anders joined his, slipping across her abdomen and over her rib cage, hesitating slightly before running the backs of his fingers across one breast. They caressed her like that for some time, hands occasionally brushing. Anders touch became more certain and less tentative as the minutes passed, and her little sighs of pleasure grew.

Fenris' head bowed low once more, teeth scraping against the underside of her breast, nuzzling against her, all the while eyes locked on his. Anders leaned forward, the tight bud of her nipple too tempting a focal point, but hesitated before he dared touch her with his mouth, seeking approval from Fenris first. The elf gave him another small smirk before taking her nipple between his teeth, toying and tugging at it gently before wrapping his lips it suckling upon her. Anders took his actions for consent, and soon did the same to the other.

As they both latched onto her her sighs grew to moans and her body began to writhe between them. He watched the elf, who's eyes rarely left his face, as they teased and tugged and suckled on her. One of her hands stroked Fenris' head, and Anders started when he felt the touch of her fingers in his own locks, threading her fingers deeply and holding them both close. Her back arched as they feasted on her. As their hands continued to stroke her and pet her and savor the silk of her skin, hers tightened upon their respective heads and her moans urged them on.

Fenris released her from between his lips, looking over to Anders who did the same.

"She's beautiful, is she not, mage?"

"You both are," he admitted, and before he could second guess himself he leaned across her and pressed his lips to the elf's. It was brief and soft, and Anders pulled away quickly hoping he did not offend. At Fenris' shocked expression, he could not help but add with a trace of self satisfaction, "You told me I couldn't kiss her." It felt good, he had to admit, to turn the tables on him for once.

The elf's tongue came out to wet his lips and Anders wondered if he had perhaps overstepped his bounds. Fenris' expression did not change to disgust though, or revulsion, or hate, nor did he seem ready to plunge his hands though anyone's chest. Instead he just stared back at him, or more specifically, his mouth. Anders decided to take a chance, and hoped it didn't lead to pain or death, or even just the end of this evening and leaned forward and pressed his mouth to Fenris' once more.

The elf started at first, but soon relaxed his mouth, though he did not kiss him back so much as allow Anders more access. A faint gasp from beside him had him glancing at Hawke out of the corner of his eye, who had leaned forward and was watching them with rapt attention, her eyes half lidded and her breath shallow. There was no doubt in his mind that Hawke, at least, was very much enjoying what she was taking place.

Her attention prompted him to raise one hand to touch the elf's hair lightly, and when he didn't object he threaded his fingers through it to cup the back of his head, sweeping his mouth with his tongue. Fenris who had passively allowed kiss to begin, hesitantly, lightly, touched his tongue to Anders', sending a wave of heat down his spine.

Eventually Fenris pulled away, pupils blown wide and a flush playing upon his olive skin. Eyes burning hotly, breath ragged and rough, but no anger on his face. That he'd enjoyed the kiss, Anders had no doubt, though he did not seem prepared for... more. The elf shook his head slightly, as if to clear it, and glanced up at Hawke. She smiled at him, warm and accepting, assuring him with her expression that she'd enjoyed the sight. Still, to the elf at least, it seemed to have gone on long enough.

Backing up towards the headboard he leaned against the pillows, pulling Hawke across him and settling her between her legs. He reached beneath her, taking one of her thighs and looping it over his knee, spreading her open. Fenris' composure had returned by the time he next spoke. "I believe you could put that mouth to better use, mage," posture leaving little doubt as to exactly what he meant.

Anders felt himself exhale at the implication and glanced at Hawke, who was staring at him intently. She dampened her parted lips with her tongue and gave him the faintest nod, her breath once more shallow in anticipation, her eyes still half lidded with lust.

He moved to kneel between their legs, eyes raking up her thighs to find her center, the palest of pinks and glistening with moisture. He slid his palms up her thighs, pausing once to press a kiss upon her skin before he finally reached his destination. Her heady musk smelled of woman and want and the first swipe of his tongue had him moaning against her.

"I told you mage, she tastes of honey," he heard Fenris say, a certain smugness in his voice, a hint of possession that Anders thought was well deserved. She did taste of honey, honey and sin, warmth and want. He did not say as much but instead moved to taste her once more.

She was slick beneath his lips, and her hips bucked towards his mouth invitingly. Fenris moved one of his hands down to rest on her thigh, opening her further and holding her still. Anders, near gone with the taste of her thought to touch himself, his shaft ached and his sack was heavy and tight, but the elf halted him with his voice.

"Do not touch yourself until I say otherwise, mage. Focus on your task."

In any other circumstance his domineering tone would have raised Anders hackles and had him itching for a fight, but in this context it simply sent another rush of blood to his cock, which twitched in anticipation and was no doubt leaking with need.

He fairly feasted upon her flesh, laving her from top to bottom and teasing the pearl between her folds. She moaned beneath him, the sounds she made delectable. He found her opening, and pierced her with his tongue, but it wasn't enough, not for him and surely not for her. He moved one hand towards her, but stopped himself again, eyes moving upwards, seeking permission. The elf, seeing his intent, inclined his head, and Anders wasted no more time.

She was tight around his finger, tight and hot, but he slipped into her easily, carefully curling it to seek out that spot he knew all women had hidden deep within. The pad of his finger found it out, and her hips rose once more, her moan more desperate and harsh than before. Anders sought that nub of flesh with his tongue, circling it and lapping at it, loving her strangled cries.

"Suck on her mage, it's what she prefers," the elf said, directing the proceedings.

He did just that and was rewarded with a jerk of her hips and a tensing of her entire body, not to mention the pleading whine she gave him for his efforts. He continued to torment her, the pad of his finger in time with each suck of his lips.

Fenris' voice was thick with lust when he next spoke, his words less cadenced, more urgent than before, "She's close, mage, do not stop. Make her come."

He did as he was told, suckling at her relentlessly as his finger continued its work, and was rewarded soon after as her channel tightened and a cry tore from her throat.

He looked up from where he knelt between her legs. Her head had lolled back against Fenris's shoulder in pleasure, eyes shut and breathing hard. The elf was watching Anders closely beneath lowered brows, his mouth sucking the column of her throat and his hands cupping her breasts, teasing her nipples with each pass. It was beautiful the sight they presented, and one he could still scarce believe he was allowed to see.

And though the taste of her on his tongue had been better than he could have imagined, and the sounds his actions wrought from her were sweeter than he ever dreamed, and even despite the fact that he had no right to want more… wanting more is exactly what he did.

Cautiously he slipped his hands beneath Hawkes rear, not to cup her, but to reach for the fastening on Fenris' trousers. He didn't move to undo them, or even touch him more than to show intent, but paused there, looking up towards the elf, waiting for either permission to continue or a sign to stop.

Fenris froze and seemed to consider the implications for a moment, Anders remained still, hopeful, but prepared to back away. At length the elf seemed to come to a decision, shifting Hawke in his arms, raising her slightly to give Anders easier access. It was all the permission he needed.

Hands fumbling slightly, he divested the elf of his breeches, tossing them aside and watching as the thick length bobbed between Hawke's legs. He did not wait to savor the sight of it, but moved to taste immediately. He licked him from sack to broad glans, wetting him with his saliva and in turn pressing him against Hawke's center, coating him with her slick taste. His bathed the underside of his cock, the sides, teased his sack with both fingers and tongue. Each touch causing the elf to twitch before his eyes and bringing forth barely audible gasps from his lips.

Pressing his lips to the crown Anders allowed them to part and swallowed him. The groan of pleasure the elf let loose was intoxicating, and the jerk of his hips assured him the action was well received. "Oh, Maker," Hawke's breathy voice rose over the deep moan escaping the elf, and he glanced up from his task to find both sets of eyes rapt upon him.

Anders had not done this in some time, but had ample practice in the past, and knew he had skill. He worked the elf's shaft between his lips, taking him to the back of his throat, applying suction as he withdrew, and teasing the head with his tongue as his hand gently toyed with his heavy sack. Soon the elf's hips were rising to meet him enthusiastically, lifting Hawke with him who continued to watch with rapt attention.

Fenris suddenly jerked forward, his hand reaching for Anders hair, pulling him away roughly. He sat back on his heels to gauge the elf's reaction. The look of desperation in his eyes let Anders know just how close he had been to the end. His ragged breaths letting him know just how much he enjoyed his skill. Anders was once more hard pressed to suppress a smug grin from stealing over his features.

The elf took a moment to gather himself, allowing his breath to even out, eyes still on Anders where he knelt. His voice, when he did finally speak, was barely under control, breaking slightly as he asked, eyes locked with his, but with words meant for her, "Are you ready, Hawke? Are you ready for me to fuck you?"

She exhaled a shaky breath, "Please," the word escaped her lips on a whisper.

Fenris sent him one more hot look, eyes glittering, nostrils flared; and through the words themselves sounded casual, his voice was anything but. "A little assistance, mage," he said pausing to press his lips to her neck, cupping her breasts with his hands, "my hands are full."

Anders swallowed, and once more reached for his cock, aligning the head at her entrance and watching as Fenris thrust gently forward, disappearing into her heat. A moan passed her lips, and the elf's deep groan soon followed. Anders may have made some noise as well, though he was too rapt on the scene before him to notice.

Fenris fucked her slowly, languidly, hands on her hips to hold her just above him where he thrust, her back arched, her head fell back once more, and her entire body displayed gloriously. Between his own legs Anders cock continued to ache and his balls continued to tighten and he was near the point where he was about to tell Fenris to fuck off so that he could finally touch himself, when the elf, ever timely, interrupted his thoughts.

The control of his voice was tenuous at best, but his words as firm as certain as ever. "Do you want him to help you, Hawke? Do you want his mouth on you again? His tongue between your legs while I fuck you?"

His eyes were locked on where Fenris's cock was sliding in and out of her warmth, waiting near breathlessly for her response.

"Oh Maker yes," she moaned, drawing out that final word and sounding near as lost to the prospect as Anders felt.

There was no hesitation as he lowered his head and touched his mouth where the two of them met. His tongue traced the shape of Fenris' cock and her opening where it was stretched wide, toying with them both. Her hips jerked under the touch, and Fenris groaned again, whether from Anders tongue or Hawke's sweet cunt he did not know, and could not find it within himself to care. Eventually he moved up towards the little pearl of flesh at Hawke's apex, circling it with his tongue teasingly. She bucked again, another moan escaping her throat, and he continued to torment her until she was positively whining and her hips were jerking towards him, seeking out more contact.

"Enough teasing, mage," said the elf. Anders glanced up to find him looking down where he labored. The look on Fenris' face was unexpected, almost as though he shared Anders humor in the teasing she'd been forced to endure. "Give her what she wants," humor or not, his voice was heated and held the edge of demand. Anders lips may have twitched upwards in amusement, but he immediately moved to comply. He pressed them to that bit of flesh at her apex and drew it between them, suckling on her with small pulses designed to bring her towards her peak.

It did not take long and soon her entire body tensed and a scream tore from her throat as she came. Fenris gave an answering moan as she tightened around him, and Anders drew away, knowing she would need a reprieve from the touch.

The elf locked eyes with his once more, his voice slightly hoarse, "You may touch yourself, mage, where I can see you, and you will not come until I tell you."

He did not wait, but gripped himself instantly, nearly jumping at the contact of his own damp hand on his long neglected cock. He was careful not to overstimulate, a task made more difficult by the sight of Fenris' increased thrusts and Hawkes sated body arched over elf's eyes were no longer locked with his, but staring intently where he stroked himself, burning hotly on his shaft.

Soon the elf's thrusts became erratic and his sack tightened visibly and his entire body became tense. With a groan he came, Anders watched as his cock pulsed deep inside her, and forced himself to stop the movement of his hand for fear he too would join him. Fenris' breath was ragged and harsh, and eventually he slipped free from her, a trail of silver dripping from her pink center. Anders continued to grasp his cock, all but unmoving, fearful if he moved his hand he's spill himself.

"Do you like what you see, mage?" the elf asked between breaths.

"You know I do," he replied hoarsely.

"If you'd like, you may taste her once more," Fenris said, watching him closely, gauging his reaction. When Anders did not move to respond he asked, "Would you like that mage? To taste us both?"

He swallowed, hard, in truth he wanted nothing more at that moment. Not trusting his voice he nodded, and though they had both finished their eyes continued to bore down on him heatedly.

"Then do so, and while you do, you may come."

He lowered his mouth to Hawke, who was dripping with Fenris' seed and fisted his cock in one hand as he pressed his mouth to her core, moaning once more at the taste of her, and of him, where they mixed together. He tongued her opening, searching it out, wanting to gather as much of it into his mouth as he could. His hand began pumping on his shaft earnestly, it did not take long for the heat to build at his spine and for his balls to tighten painfully as his own end drew near. A harsh moan escaped him as his orgasm tore through him, powerful and sharp, drawing it out with his hand and spilling between their spread legs.

He collapsed beside them, breathing heavily, boneless and sated and completely debauched. They lay together, each catching their breath. Fenris rested his head on Hawke's chest as her fingers gently stroked his hair, occasionally sliding along the length of his ear. She glanced over at Anders, a sleepy smile on her lips, and reached out to push his hair from his face, which had long since come loose from its binding. The touch was tender, affectionate, something he'd gone too long without, and it gave him every bit as much pleasure as their activities moments before. He fought the urge to turn his face towards her hand to press himself against her, to take more of that gentleness for himself. He stopped himself, fearful the elf would protest, but though Fenris did glance up to see what she was doing, he soon closed his eyes and sank against her once more, seemingly content.

Anders felt himself sigh and could not help but comment,"That was…." he trailed off. No words could satisfy the description of what they'd just shared. Fenris, eyes still closed, nodded his head slightly, and Hawke, small smile still playing on her lips, merely 'hmmmd', her eyes half lidded and her body seemed as limp and boneless as he felt. Fenris rubbed his face against her chest, much like a cat. She smiled down at him and pressed her lips to the elf's forehead affectionately.

He knew he shouldn't stay here. His role in all this was finished, he knew. Though the moments they had shared were… beautiful, this sort of tenderness was not meant to be shared. He moved to rise, but Fenris' eyes snapped open.

"Where are you going, mage?"


Fenris hesitated, but eventually spoke. "Stay."

"For the night?" he asked, more surprised by the suggestion than the invitation to join them earlier.

The elf seemed to consider his words before settling on an answer, "For now. Go to sleep, mage."

And that is exactly what he did.

Well, there you go! I know some people probably wanted a more active participant in Anders, and I did in fact try to write that version. The result was pretty good, it just didn't work for me. It's my opinion that, as I wrote them, Fenris is too possessive to share Hawke entirely, and probably does not trust Anders (or himself) enough to do much more than what they did. Still, good times were had by all! Hope you enjoyed it as well!

If you liked THIS story, check out two other stories of mine. "Chafing" a fun, fluffy piece in which Sebastian proves to Hawke he wasn't always a chaste man, and "Broken" a quick look at the angst filled, emotional relationship between F!Warden Cousland and the too delicious for words Nathaniel Howe. Both are relatively short and full of smutty goodness!

A special thank you to the talented MostHopelessofRomantics for allowing me to bounce my filthy ideas off her. She needed a shower by the time I was done.

Also, comments are what make all my efforts worth the trouble!