Here is another idea that came to me…

Here we go…

Disclaimer: I don't own anything except my imagination.


Alfred F. Jones was bored.

Everyone knew this was a bad thing so they either sacrificed time to entertain him or they ran away as fast as they could.

Right now Alfred was bored. Sadly for him he was home alone at the moment. Tony disappeared on his ship, Whale-dude was somewhere in the ocean and everyone else seemed to have work to much work to do.

Technically he did to but, he would do it later.

Alfred got up and wandered around, he went by his storage room and debated whether or not he wanted to try and clean it again. Spring Cleaning would be here soon. Then decided against it.

H walked down the hall and stopped when he reached the third door on the left. He stared at it for a moment and then felt a smile cross his face.



Five minutes later Alfred was tuning his guitar. It had been a long time since he played it last.

He loved music. Just like his people.

When he was younger Iggy had tried to teach him how to play the violin.

He never got past the basics.

Then Iggy decided to try and teach him how to play the piano.

He didn't understand where all the keys were.

He tried, he really did. He used to sneak downstairs to try and memorize where all the keys were. He wanted to make Iggy proud of him.

Alfred felt a sad smile cross his face. Making Iggy proud worked out well didn't it?

He strummed the guitar, after experimenting a little, he decided to play a song he knew by heart.

The Star Spangled Banner.


Matthew knocked on Alfred's door.

No answer.

Three more times.


Matthew sighed and grabbing the key on top of the door's edge let himself in. It didn't look like his brother was even home. The house was silent-


Matthew strained his hearing and listened.

Alfred was playing the guitar again!

Matthew was heading towards the music when the doorbell rang behind him. Sighing in frustration the Canadian opened the door to see a see two men in the doorway.


"Bloody hell Matthew what are you doing here?"

"Matthieu! I haven't seen you since the last meeting!"

Matthew sighed. This wasn't even his house but he still felt like they were trespassing. They probably came for a reason though and it would be rude to turn them away.

"Come in Francis, Arthur."

When Francis stepped inside he cocked his head to the side.

"Is that music I hear?"

"I think Al is playing again."

Arthur nodded in agreement as his eyes lit up in excitement. Francis smiled in anticipation. The last time Alfred had played anything was after 9/11. Even then it was a sad song played as a small tribute to all the people that died.

To hear him playing songs again was a good thing.

Arthur, Francis and Matthew were starting up the stairs when the doorbell rang again.

'It's a conspiracy,' Matthew thought.

This time the door opened to reveal, to everyone's surprise, Austria and Hungary. Behind them was Japan, Germany and the Italy brothers.

"May we-"

"Yes," Matthew sighed.

When they were in Austria shocked them al by asking where Alfred was.

"I don't know. We were going to go look when you guys showed up."

"Then let's go quickly. I have heard that America can play many instrument and all of them very well. Especially the guitar," Austria said excitedly.

They pinpointed the sound to one door and listened in.

A beautiful, strong masculine voice could be heard harmonizing with the guitar.

It was beautiful


Should I continue this or quit?