Hey guys! I know I used this song in another one of my stories but for Veterans day I thought I would use it again because it just seems to fit.

Don't worry, I'll get back to the growing list of requests for songs. I just gotta say how impressed I am that people are reading this! You know it was only supposed to be one song with a story and now…well, you can see how much it's grown! Now on with the story!

The song is "See You Again" by Carrie Underwood!

Disclaimer: I don't own anything except my imagination!


Amelia stood behind the curtain but peeked around the corner to see the audience take their seats. The President had offered her to celebrate with him at Washington but Amelia turned him down, this was the seventieth anniversary and she had made a promise to someone.

Amelia's eyes lit up when she saw a man in his late eighties being ushered to the front with a little girl and boy with him. Amelia felt a soft smile light up her face. She was glad to be in this small town celebration, it just felt…more real? Was that the right way to say it? Amelia wasn't sure but she focused on the events for the rest of the celebration.

When the show was almost over Amelia saw her que and walked on stage, the band behind her was at attention and the direct was waiting for her signal. She smiled when she saw no empty seats and more young faces in the audience rather than recording or directing it. She took a deep breath and started her mini speech.

"Thank you, everyone, for coming today. I am so glad to see so many of you here. And before I start I just wanted to tell you-no, remind you what this day means. Today is a celebration, a celebration of the men and women who lived. So please, after my part in your day is over find a veteran, in uniform or not and thank them. Now enough of my babbling, let's wrap this up!" Amelia gave the crowd a brilliant smile and nodded to the band director.

Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh

Amelia looked into the aged green eyes of the man she came to see.

Said goodbye, turned around and you were gone, gone, gone

Faded into the setting sun, slipped away

But I won't cry 'cause I know I'll never be lonely

For you are the stars to me

You are the light I follow

I will see you again


This is not where it ends

I will carry you with me

Oh, 'till I see you again

Amelia felt her smile turn sad and she batted her eyelids to hold in her tears. She lightly gripped her head in a dull pain.

I can hear those echoes in the wind at night

Calling me back in time, back to you

In a place far away, where the water meets the sky

The thought of it makes me smile

You were my tomorrow!

I will see you again


This is not where it ends

I will carry

You with me

Oh, 'till I see you again

Amelia made a fist over her heart.

Sometimes I feel my heart is breaking

But I stay strong and I hold on, 'cause I know

I will see you again


This is not where it ends

I will carry you with me

Yeah! Yeah!

I will see you again


This is not where it ends

I will carry you with me

Oh, 'till I see you again

Amelia looked into those smiling green eyes filled with tears and that caused her own to tear up.

'till I see you again

The man flickered his eyes to the tow children beside him, their faces wide with wonder as they met Amelia's eyes.

'till I see you again

Oh, 'till I see you again

Said goodbye, turned around and you were gone, gone, gone…

The band wound down and the lights dimmed until black and the last echo of Amelia's voice faded. There was a beat of silence before the audience erupted in applause. Amelia gave a bow and wave before exiting the stage. Her eyes were running but she didn't care, she had fulfilled her promise it took her seventy years to do it but she finally gathered the courage.

She stayed for the rest of the celebration, even though she wanted to run away. Once everything was over she hurried to the black limo waiting to pick her up, hoping to avoid a pair of green eyes. She was only about two feet from the limo when a child's voice reached her ears.

"W-wait! Jones!" The little girl skidded to a stop with her brother in tow. The looked up at her with huge smiles.

"Thank you for singing Miss Jones, it was really pretty!" Her brother nodded in agreement, Amelia smiled. The girl had her grandfather's smile and the boy had his eyes, she could already tell they would follow in their father's footsteps. Amelia crouched down and opened her mouth to reply when a deep gravelly voice spoke up.

"Avery, John, don't keep Miss Jones busy, she has to go home." Amelia looked into those green eyes and smiled just like she used to, even with tear tracks lining her face. The older man smiled back. "Miss Jones, thank you."

"Captain, I'm sorry it took me this long but I did fulfill my promise to her." With that Amelia spun and left the trio behind her, scrubbing her face dry as she got in the limo. She didn't look back as she was driven away, memories from a lifetime ago flooding her brain. One voice echoed in her head.

"Please Miss Jones, give him one last goodbye. For both of us."


This one hit me in the feels, anyone else?

I realized after typing the story that this is the second Carrie Underwood song, in a row! We are going to avoid her for a while after this ok? For variety's sake.

Thank you for reading! Please leave a fav, follow or review! C: