Can't Cry, Want to Cry

Hey guys Meme12 here, so I know you guys are dying to strangle me something along the lines of 'Damn it woman update!' so which is why I'm updating now…so basically a lot of stuff happen and I just managed to sort them out…but nevertheless I am back so here's the next angst-filled chapter. So please read and review!

Chapter 5: Secrets in the Dark

OCC present in Damian and maybe Tim's character.

Disclaimer: Meme12 does not own Batman, Young Justice and Justice League and their characters. (That's a mouthful)

Previously: Tim finds Damian's journal and starts reading it.

Dear Journal, my name is Damian and you are my first friend. Mother doesn't know about you but I want to keep it that way so that Mother doesn't make you disappear like the others.

Tim froze in mid read as his mind ponders over what Talia would have done but he shakes the thoughts away and continues to read the Journal.

Mother is always busy; I don't really see her often. She always looks so angry so I asked sister what I should do. She says to give her flowers so I went to get one. Actually sister found it for me but I'm sure it wouldn't hurt. I gave it to mother but she hit me saying I shouldn't do it and that it was weak. She wanted me to tell her who asked me to do this. I told her that it was sister and after that I never saw her again. I really want to make Mother happy but no matter what I did it never worked…and everyone keeps going away… You won't go away right?

Tim felt his heart sink as the first entry ended in such a way. It was evident from the first time that he met Talia that she was not a perfect mother material. He couldn't help but froze as he realised that Damian's past was almost like his. Nobody to care about him, nobody realizing his existence… The third youngest swallowed to soothe his suddenly dry throat as he continues to flip the pages. Each entry was a paragraph long but nevertheless the contents soon changed and Tim felt his blood froze at the words lining each page as he read deeper.

With Bruce

"I understand… Yes, as quickly as possible." Bruce hangs up sighing softly to himself just as Alfred appeared with a cup of tea. "Is that Dr Leslie?" "Yes, she can only arrive in another 2 days. Her flight was delayed…" The butler nods and proceeds to serve the tea to his charge as Bruce sigh. "Alfred…" The butler pauses in his serving to properly face the man. "I've screwed it up badly." "Yes you have Master Bruce. A 5 year old would be able to see that as well." The frosty tone in the elderly butler's voice did not go unnoticed by the male and he sighs knowing full well that the tone was only applied when he had done something very wrong. "I didn't know Alfred. Damian had never opened up to me…" "He has tried Master Bruce. Numerous times in fact yet you refuse to acknowledge what the child had accomplished and refuse to put out the patience required to listen." The male sighs in response, rubbing his face with one hand. The room fell into contemplative silence which was soon broken.

"Alfred." The elderly butler stares at his charge. "Do you think I still have a make this right?" The elderly gentleman remains silent and Bruce felt his heart sank. The male knew fully well that he has screwed up in most ways that he has ever done. He had never bothered to find out more about Damian, always assuming that the child is as scheming as his mother. The child's constant aggression and the way he kept trying to hurt Tim always made him weary of Damian. But Bruce was unaware that by pushing away his own son, he was hurting the boy even more then he had expected. Bruce was so deep in thought that he was startled when Alfred spoke. "Permit me to be frank Master Bruce." "Go ahead Alfred." The elderly butler continues. "Master Damian has been deeply hurt by our actions and I am unsure that even if he ever recovers…he may never be the same spirited child I see despite all of his flaws."Bruce's hand tightens into a fist at those words. "But if there is one thing that child inherited from you is his stubbornness and it is this stubbornness that lets me believe that he will recover but only if we remain by his side and show him that he is still loved. He needs that the most and nothing else…is more important than that…" Bruce looks at Alfred who nods at him with determination. They could not give up now and he will find a way to persuade Damian… To let his youngest know that he is loved. The conviction though was bittersweet for both as it was only realised when the youngest had finally broke.

Young Justice Headquarters

"Ah peace at last…" "You sound happy." The blond girl states as a green skinned male happily stretched out on the sofa. "Come on! It's great, especially without Robin around." "Isn't that kind of rude ese?" A blue armoured male asks while the male scoffed. "Seriously blue you have to be insane!? I mean Robin only knows how to just mock us and seriously he drives me insane!" "I second that. By Neptune's beard I've never heard anyone complain so much or insult anyone with every line!" Lagan states as he took a bit of his crab cake that Magan made. "Even so, we should try to get along with him. He hasn't spite us much recently hasn't he?" Magan states as she came out of the kitchen with more crab cakes to Lagan's delight. "Well I guess you can say it's pretty peaceful…" "Come on Cassie its great!"

Beast Boy exclaims just as the zeta beam announced a certain speedster arrival and a blur stops right in front of the kitchen. "What's crash today?" "Hey Impulse, Robin isn't here!" The red and white clad hero raised a brow. "Serious but it's like 3 months already?" "Its fine isn't it. He probably is on some secret mission that Batman put him on and soon he will be back bragging about his mission and what's not… Hey what's wrong?" Beast Boy pauses in his words when he notices the way the hyperactive speedster seems to stiffen at the words. "Nothing at all. Oopslookathetimegottarun!" With that, the speedster leaves in a cloud of smoke while the remainder of the team shrugs and resume their chat unaware of Damian's condition.

Wayne Manor

A thud sound resounded as Damian's journal fell out of Tim's trebling hands. What Damian had gone through was too terrifying to imagine and he couldn't help but wonder how the 7 year old had survived through those years. Tim looks at the journal on the floor. The male couldn't help but feel his anger and hatred grow for Talia for putting her own flesh and blood through those torments. But even more so…he hated himself for judging Damian so much for his actions. He had always assumed Damian was born to be like Talia…Scheming and ruthless… But the greatest detective among the Bat children had forgotten one factor… That Damian was still a child. A child that seek assurance and needed encouragement no matter how arrogant he was… A child that could get hurt no matter how much rage and spite he used as a mask… Tim abruptly stares at Damian, his eyes widening in response to his own stupidity. This child seating in the bed, staring lifelessly out of the window is Damian's true self… A child that had long given up on hope on everything in this world… A child that was exactly like him…

Tim immediately pulls Damian close, unable to hold back the tears from the whirl of emotions from his discovery. "I'm sorry… I'm so sorry Damian… It will be ok I promise…" Tim continues to whisper the words while Damian remains emotionless in his arms. The wind blew at the forgotten journal and the pages revealed a picture of a battered and bruised individual falling into a seemingly endless pit.

To be continued

That's all for now folks, this is Meme12 saying sayonara matta o!