I hate it when Arthur is honest. When he's honest, he turns into a condescending douchebag and I feel like I could tear him a new one. But I can't do that, because I love him. When he's honest, he'll talk and talk about your flaws and he won't fucking pause because you know he's right and you know you do all of those things and you know he doesn't even like you. It's enough to break your heart, y'know? I definitely know.

'I love you just the way you are.' Arthur had said, giving me a tiny little smile as if that was going to make it okay. Was it okay? Fuck no. He'd literally just told me he hated so much about me, and could he do anything to redeem himself? He lied to me. As if that would matter. If he was going to lie, he should've lied and said you're not doing anything wrong, Alfred. Or, an even better lie? I love you. Right from the start. I swear to god, he's been telling me all these lies! He's only in it for the sex, isn't he? I mean, I'm hardly surprised.

Arthur is the grumpy type. I'd do my best to make him happy. I would hug him and cover him in kisses and I'd take him on nice dates to milkshake bars. I thought I was doing well. I thought I was being a good boyfriend, one who cared with all of his heart. The thing is, I was being a good boyfriend. It was Arthur who was being terrible. I noticed how the arguments started to build up, and I fucking knew. I knew, I knew! I knew!

"No, you don't." I said, my heart in pieces within my chest. Fuck him. Okay. Fuck him. "You're a bastard, Arthur." For once, I was going to be completely honest. He'd cut me deeply, and I was going to do the same. "Do you want to know the goddamn truth about yourself? Since you've been so kind as to tell me all that shit about me?" I don't think he'd been expecting the backlash. Good. He deserves it. He's downright horrible. I mean, sure, I love him, and a part of my heart still holds that stupid sentiment for him, but my anger boiled over and the words came spilling out with no regrets attached.

"You're grumpy. You don't let me get my say! You're a condescending prick! You try so fucking hard to control me! I do everything I can to make you happy, and you just break me down!"

I'm a nice person. I find it genuinely hard to pick out insults for someone that are actually relevant to who they are. I have trouble seeing the bad in people. I always try to look on the bright side of life. Arthur is so easy to name faults for. Maybe it's because he's such a controlling dicknozzle. You see, if I was asked to name bad things about my friend Kiku, or my brother Matthew, I wouldn't be able to start. And to think, I don't love them half as much as I love Arthur.

"I'm fucking done with you," I said, flipping him the bird. He was clearly shocked; he staggered back and looked rather upset. I had not an ounce of sympathy for him. He had this coming, and he has had it coming for a long time. "I'm so over this! I'm just going to leave for your sake. So you can find someone you actually like! Fuck you, Arthur Hugo Kirkland!" And with that said, I stormed out of our apartment. Well, it was his apartment now. I crashed with Mattie for the next week. I would write how he reacted, but I don't fucking care about that asshole at the moment. I just don't.

Y'see, Arthur was honest, well and truely. And honesty is a virtue. But sometimes, I swear to god, it's better just to lie so you don't break hearts everywhere you go.

thanks to popular demand (like 1 or 2 reviews) its a second tiny lil chapter YAYYEeee

u go alfred he fucking deserves it!