Chapter 16

"Everything is on schedule my friend. We will have it running."

Nicolette looked at the building that looked like the others in the village. Her lip twitched since she was thinking about the purpose of the place and what she intended to so. She hoped that when she went back… maybe he would want to come. She started walking down the main road with the leader of the village. She replied, "I know you will Ibrahim. Your people are good workers."

"And we feel a debt of gratitude for the one who saved us."

"It was the right thing to do." Nicolette looked at Ibrahim and gave a tired smile. She looked over to see children running to play and women going about their business along with the men. "We were using your village as a base point. I wasn't going to let you reap the consequences."

"And you have been a good friend since. We believe in the freedoms of the west and we still hold to our traditions and values." Ibrahim looped his arm with Nicolette's as was a custom to do. It had nothing to do with them being a couple. The village knew that they were friends. "Tradition is important but so is balancing it against ignorance. We may not live in palaces like your country but we have our pride and willingness to learn and be a part of the world." He gestured at the village.

"And some would say that you are going against Allah," Nicolette pointed out. She remembered the last time she was there and the debate over whether or not to help her out with her mission at the time. The big thing was that she was a woman. "I still remember shariyah being quoted and hadiths."

"And my case was made. You were respectful of our ways and allowed us to help you. In the end, we were right about you." Ibrahim grinned at her as he continued to walk with her down the path. "You are a good person Nico. It is a rare thing in these times."

"I guess I just don't like bullies."

Ibrahim chuckled as they walked past the area were the camels were. They looked almost sleepy eyed as they watched the world around them. There were a couple of tents set up for the desert dwellers who had been welcomed with open arm. The village was actually a mixture of peoples that had been dislocated and even though some traditionally would never have considered being neighbors, it ended up working out. "I know you don't," Ibrahim replied, "It's why we are the village of today. You brought us all together."

"I wouldn't know about that," Nicolette replied with a smile and a chuckle. "I just happened to say what was on my mind and it was all you Ibrahim. Now your grandchildren have something to be proud of."

"Yes my friend."

They had stopped at Nicolette's house and paused. Ibrahim released Nicolette's arm and she shuffled a bit on her feet while adjusting the jacket she wore that was suited for the Moroccan climate. It was a contrast to the other women there with a few exceptions since she looked more masculine but one hardly expected her to be like them. Still she was accepted by them.

Nicolette sighed and said, "Ibrahim, you are a good friend like my other good friend. They are hard to come by in times like these."

Ibrahim studied Nicolette. He ran a hand through his beard and said, "Indeed Nico. With men like this Makarov and those like him coming to power, the ones who suffer are places like this. These men crave power and they don't care about those that they trample on. All it takes is the courage of one to stand against the tide and others will follow."

Nicolette gave a gentle smile at Ibrahim. She nodded as she gave a slight chuckle that was more of a hum. "And that is why you are the leader of this village. The people here will be all right." She paused and sighed as she looked around. "I do thank you and everyone here. Your help will be paid back."

"It already has been paid. It is no problem." Ibrahim paused a moment and then said, "Rani mentioned turning out your place. Something about a guest."

Nicolette frowned and asked, "What?"

"She noticed a picture on your table. She assumed that it was a guest."

Nicolette felt her face redden. She knew it was red. She managed to brush it off by saying, "No it's just a picture of me and a… friend."

Ibrahim studied Nicolette. He knew that and he noticed a few things that were different from the last time she was there. "You are close. You love him."

"Allah have mercy," Nicolette muttered as she looked away nervously.

Ibrahim smiled at the reaction. He had noticed that she looked tired more often. The dark circles under her eyes said a lot as well as the pensive expression she would wear when she was thinking alone. She missed whoever it was. He said, "He is merciful, Nico. Things will be all right."

"Inshallah." Nicolette sighed as she wiped the sweat from her brow. It was late afternoon and she was going to have to time her bath accordingly. She didn't mind the cold water and it was something that needed to be done.

Ibrahim nodded and asked, "So you will be leaving soon?"

"I don't know. I like it here. It is peaceful," Nicolette replied with a shrug of her shoulders. "I just need to think about a few things."

Ibrahim nodded and didn't say anything at first. Then he asked, "Would you mind sharing bread this evening with us?"

Nicolette looked at Ibrahim and nodded, "I will like that. Presentable attire?"

"Please. Come early to join us for prayer."

Nicolette nodded in agreement. "I will be there."

"Good. Enjoy your day."

Nicolette watched as Ibrahim leave to do what he did as the leader of the village. She then turned to go into her house to think. She knew that her work was finished and when the construction was finished here, she would be ready to go. In the meantime she could piss Makarov off by making him think that the Fox was uncovering his operations. Addy would be able to help her once she got her situated. Then maybe she could breathe a little easier.

She thought about it as she took her bath with the water that Reza drew for her. He was a sweet boy that liked a good story about her adventures. She indulged mostly telling him a romanticized version of what she did as a spy. She changed the names of course but she often got sentimental when she told about the things she and MacTavish did. She did miss him and there were things that she hadn't been able to say in the letters and then later in emails. She wanted to go home but she wasn't sure if she should.

I hope that you will think of that when you're gone and come back home.

Nicolette couldn't stop thinking about the kiss he gave her. True she had given him one but it was along the lines of platonic but it said more than what she couldn't when she gave it. The one he gave her though… it was… she had no words to describe it and she didn't know what it meant except that it strengthened her feelings and she wanted to go home.

Twilight came and Nicolette knew that she was running late for the last prayer of the day. She wasn't a practioner of Islam but she did respect the customs. She put the hijab that had been given to her by Lilah better on her head and adjusted her clothes that were more respectable for women as she double timed it to Ibrahim's place.

She was almost to her friend's place when she noticed a jeep parked nearby. She paused and frowned since it was rare that someone would drive into the village. The only people that did that were like survey engineers and maybe the military or back when she was there on her op pre Kingfish. She narrowed her eyes and her hand strayed to where she had her handgun hidden and was ready to pull it out. She couldn't be too careful.

Slowly she pulled it out and started on a sweep to find out who the jeep belonged to. There was a chance that Makarov was looking for her and followed a lead here. Or one of his goons. She moved through the houses, sticking to the shadows while avoiding the fires that indicated the evening meal was going to start. She had missed prayers but she wasn't going to let these people suffer for harboring someone like her no matter what they said.

She went by the corral where the horse she had been given was grazing. There were a couple of vehicles used for work and transport. Gas was expensive so they weren't used much unless it was for heavy loads. For the most part bicycles, walking, camels and horses were the main mode of transportation along with your own two feet. There was one who had a motorcycle; like Ibrahim said, they were a mixture of all peoples there.

Nicolette rubbed the nose of her horse as the Arabian stallion gave a low rumble of recognition. She gave a slight smile as she looked around, "Djinn you are a magnificent animal."

The horse rumbled and became soothed with the stroking of his nose. Nicolette looked around and moved forward. She left the corral and started a slow sweep of the small workshops and homes and scouting the clusters of tents. She held her gun pointed down but it was ready to pull up at a moment's notice. She sighed silently knowing that she was going to have to explain things to Ibrahim. She couldn't stand being rude with the man who essentially saved her life when he did. She would make it up to him one way or another.

She continued along her way with her sweep. The danger was there since she was alone. She suspected that Makarov could find her even though she had been careful setting it up. The man wasn't stupid and he might have figured it out that she was the Black Fox and then started on a personal manhunt for her. Then again it could be nothing related to Makarov and a rogue group of extremists that decided to try their hand at extorting the village.

Fat chance of that happening.

She would be ridiculously outnumbered by the extremists if that was the case, but she had the advantage of knowing the village. The other bonus was that she started a series of weapons caches. Ibrahim didn't like the idea of it but she made her case and she said she didn't like it either but considering the risk the village was doing with the construction… In the end there were caches there as well as other locations in her section just in case. There were also support groups that she developed before she met up with Bravo Six and his team and the couple through Nikolai.

There were also the villagers, the ones that would fight if necessary. That was something they insisted upon. She didn't want the casualties but she understood their position. She helped train a few the first time and when she started developing the caches, she instructed them to teach the others. They would do what they had to do. The fact that no one was reacting and there was no screaming was an indicator that they were under attack. It could be that there were infils that no one could see.

She didn't find anything until she finished her sweep. The jeep was still there. It could be that they were in Ibrahim's home and… Her mind went to worst case scenario and she made her way back while still scanning around. She came around the other side that offered the most cover for her and her approach. Her eyes narrowed with determination even though she felt that her attire would get her spotted. The upside was that her sweep took time and darkness came.

She made it up to Ibrahim's home. There were no sounds that indicated trouble. She took a risk and stepped out in the main street. She lowered her weapon and looked around. Who did the fucking jeep belong to? She looked around until she saw alone figure standing at dueling distance from her. She recognized who it was. She blinked and gasped.


It was hard to be patient but MacTavish was willing to stick it out. He had made it this far and he would finish it. It wasn't like a mission that he would see through but thinking of it in terms of one, it kept him on the path. He adjusted the jacket and the scarf that was around his neck as he sat in the leader of the village's home. He was well aware that he was being stared at by the family but he didn't think much of it.

"I am sorry. Our friend should have been here." Ibrahim looked at his visitor that had come before prayers. He knew who he was here to see and Rani's description of the photo helped in recognition. "Perhaps something had happened. Our friend does have business in other places."

MacTavish didn't want to think that she had picked up and left. When he made arrangements, a couple of days ago, Nikolai said she was still here. He didn't care for the what. He just needed her to be here and that was why he was there with the leader. He didn't want to cause problems and local help would further his cause. He asked, "Is this usual?"

"We don't question our friend's activities," Ibrahim replied. "She hasn't left but there are reasons that even we don't know."

MacTavish sighed as he accepted the plate with food. He was not too familiar with the customs and hesitated until he was encouraged to eat. He ate and even then she didn't come. He tried not to be discouraged.

"Perhaps she decided not to come," Ibrahim said as he drank his tea. "She has been troubled and it has nothing to do with her business here."

MacTavish sighed quietly. He knew that they weren't going to tell him where she was exactly. Like the 141 these people were willing to protect her with their lives. He would try tomorrow. He stood up and took his leave saying that he would come back and see if she was there. He left the house and started towards the jeep he had acquired when he arrived in Morocco. He turned and noticed someone who was looking around and holding a pistol and they turned and looked at him.

There were no lights except for maybe the jeep headlights if he turned them on. The moon though was bright and by that light, MacTavish was able to see who it was. He breathed out, "Nico?"


MacTavish stepped away from the jeep and slowly walked towards her. She had put down her pistol as she came towards him as well. He stopped and took a moment to look at her. She was wearing the veil she had worn when they had to avoid capture and her clothing blended in with the village and the people. It was her though. He looked at her and said, "I couldn't stay away. I miss you."

Nicolette stared at MacTavish. She could barely register the fact that he was there and standing in front of her. He came to see her and he said that he missed her. "I miss you."

It seemed awkward that they were there and not much was being said. Yet both knew that they had said things to each other that were hurtful. Neither one wanted a repeat of that. Still one of them had to speak and MacTavish did first, "I came because I have something important to tell you and I was afraid that you weren't going to come home."

Nicolette felt her throat convulse. He wanted her to come back. It was… "I wasn't sure if you wanted me to."

"I didn't want you to go, lass." MacTavish paused to take a breath. He looked down to think before looking up at her. "But I understand why. I'm sorry."

Nicolette studied the man. She walked closer and saw that he was letting her dictate the conversation for the moment. She saw his expression and it gave her confidence. Slowly she reached out and fingered his jacket testing her senses to make sure that he was there.

MacTavish sensed her hesitation and said softly, "I am here, Nico." He reached out and took her hand. It was cold like the previous times he held her hands but they were hers. He slowly began to rub her hand to warm it up.

Nicolette felt her hand warm up the way it did the first time he rubbed her hands. He was there with her. Slowly she asked, "Why?"

MacTavish knew what she meant. He finished rubbing her hand and held it within hers. He felt like a fool. He had gone over it in the chopper with Nikolai. That man was a good friend but he was lousy when it came to giving advice on certain things. Now he found that his rehearsed attempts flew out the window. He swallowed though and said, "I know we said things before you left… and then…" He stopped and swore a bit. This was hard and he wasn't sure if was right. He sighed in frustration before saying, "What I am trying to say is that, Nico, I…"

It was a surprise when MacTavish felt her lips touch his gently but he felt a sort of electrical feeling pass. The pressure was there but it wasn't like when he kissed her but there was a lot of feeling in that kiss. She broke it before he could respond and said, "I love you."

MacTavish blinked as he looked at her. Her expression looked like she was worried she may have said the wrong thing. Her hazel green eyes flickered with uncertainty. Slowly this time, he swooped forward and returned her kiss with one of his own. He released her hand and wrapped his own around her waist. "I guess you did think about the last thing I said," he teased as he held her and breathed in her scent. His head pressed gently against hers.

Nicolette closed her eyes as she felt his forehead press against hers. "I did a lot and I wanted to come home but I wasn't…"

She was silenced by another kiss and she slowly wrapped her arms around MacTavish's neck. She could feel the warmth of his body radiate onto hers and she ended up cuddling into an embrace not wanting it end. Still… "Can this…"

"I aim to," MacTavish finished before she got the question out. He was content holding her but in the middle of the street it was a bit of a free for all in terms of free entertainment. "Is there somewhere we can go and talk about this?"

"Ibrahim didn't tell you?" Nicolette decided to tease him a little bit. She looked up at him with a slight smile.

"You know he wouldn't," MacTavish growled back but gently. He gave a peck to her forehead. "You have everyone that likes you doing everything they can to make sure you're okay… Even the boys at base. You're worth it Nico."

Nicolette stared at MacTavish. He had always been honest with her. "You're sweet," she replied with a smile. She gave a hum and added, "I know where we could go and talk." She took a step back after reluctantly releasing him and held out her hand.

MacTavish took the proffered hand and followed her down to the house that was hers. Neither noticed that Ibrahim was watching with a satisfied smile on his face as they entered the house. He looked over at his companion and said, "It seems things are working out my friend."

"Da," said Nikolai with a grin, "It is a good day."


Nicolette had gone silent and looked at her hands. She had folded them and placed them on the table. Her expression was neutral.


"And what?" Nicolette looked up at Said with a puzzled frown. She noticed the eager look on his and the guard's faces. She tried not to laugh, "You mean you want to know if we did it?"

Said felt his cheeks flush. "Um…"

"You disappoint me Said," Nicolette replied with her eyes twinkling. She folded her arms and leaned on the table. "I didn't think you were into porn… pervert."

"Uh…" Said blew out air, not sure of what to say. He had become interested in the story and wanted to know what happened. It was like when he had been roped into watching a soap opera by his wife. He cleared his throat when he saw his interviewee looking at him with an amused expression. "You did that on purpose."

"Now we are into childish games?"

Said could see why MacTavish liked to play word games with her. It was addicting and you felt the urge to try and get the last word in. Sighing he replied, "Okay I get it. First you trained and then it became something more."

"You're good and I'll give you that." Nicolette looked around. She was tempted to smoke and she still blamed MacTavish and Price for that habit in their joking way. She could finish this. "In the end I went back with MacTavish and the 141 became stronger. We understood more about the people we were working with and we became close. New trainees came and some died or left but we were bound. Like Shakespeare said, 'We band of brother'. That was what we were."

"And what of Sanderson and Riley?"

"Roach always knew I would come back and I had a promise to keep to Ghost," Nicolette replied. "Since then we always understood each other. We all did." She sat back in her seat and waited for Said to come to a decision.

Said thought for a moment. He could tell that it was the end of this story. He nodded, "Alright. We'll pick this up again tomorrow. You may go."

Nicolette stood up and grinned at Said as she passed him with her escort, "You are getting the hang of things Said. I shall enjoy tomorrow's tale."

"I look forward to it."

Nicolette chuckled as she was led back to her cell. She knew that she had Said listening. She was amused that he was hanging onto every word and wanted to know what she and MacTavish did that night. He might be surprised at what did happen but she wanted to keep him in her grasp in terms of what she had set out there to do. She laid down on the bunk that was her bed and started up at the ceiling thinking about what did happen and what Said expected to have happened.

They had been in Morocco a couple of days. MacTavish suggested it and said he was on leave anyway and she was on her 'assignment' until she deemed it completed. It irked her that she had to keep that secret and tried to tell him but he forestalled her saying that he understood her job and he trusted her. He sealed it with a kiss and it said a lot and he was determined to make this work.

It was their last night in the village and Ibrahim had thrown a farewell for them. It lasted until late at night when MacTavish walked her home. It had been like the awkward first date the last couple of days since it was new territory for both of them. MacTavish had opened the door to let her in as was going to leave when she asked him to stay.

It was bold even for her but she wanted him to stay. It started out with a general conversation that ended up with MacTavish kissing her. She kissed him back, each teasing the other. He teased her neck; she raked her nails down his chest. He ended up with his shirt off first and hers was second.

There was one moment when she paused. She didn't want to stop but she was shy about the scar on her chest. MacTavish understood and slowly melted away her hesitancy. In the end he pressed her on the bed and…

Nicolette felt her lip twitch as her hand absently rubbed between her breasts where the scar was. MacTavish washed away her fears, many of them and she had been able to emerge stronger. She had to be since she had Makarov dogging her through her alias and there was the job of hunting down the bastard. The 141 was a band of brothers that she was damn well proud to be of. She would vindicate them fully and erase all doubts. That was why she was there. Sighing in content, she turned to go to sleep. Tomorrow was another day.

A/N: And here we have it. Finally MacTavish and Nico say what they mean to each other and looks like we are moving forward towards the events of Makarov and all that. Stay tuned for the next installment Scars of Duty: Cry Havoc...