Disclaimer and A/N: First fic for TWD fandom and I have no claims to the characters and such. I appreciate your patience with this fic and all comments and ideas are welcome. I might need it more than you think. Enjoy my AU fic.

Nearly two years had gone by since civilization collapsed under the weight of the walker apocalypse. During that course of time the Greene family had witnessed their share of horrors from their own porch. Walkers would occasionally come by the farm but the family managed to find ways to lure them away from the house...but not without its cost. Through time and patience, a light seemed to be appearing at the end of the tunnel. Groups of people from the surrounding areas were organizing an effort to keep the walkers under control and restore order to the area. Some were bandits who were taking advantage of the people. But most of them did turn out to be good people.

The most efficient of these groups were led by a man who called himself The Governor who was stationed in a town called Woodbury. It was clear that most of western Georgia was now looking to him as their new leader as he restored what once resembled a form of government in the area, now dubbed West Georgia Territory, with Woodbury as their capital. Thankfully the Greene farm was far out from Woodbury with only the biweekly visits from the census takers. With walkers still a threat, the population census was constantly being updated. Hershel Greene was reluctant to start trading deals with the Governor and the locals in the area, but they got walker protection in return for a fair exchange of their crops and eggs. Even with a deal like that, there were very few people outside of his close friends and family that he could put any trust into. One of them was Rick Grimes, a former sheriff who was now head of the Walker Patrol in their district. He didn't enjoy working for the Governor anymore than Hershel enjoyed trading with him, but it kept his family fed and since Rick's wife just had another baby, he was willing to comply.

"Mornin' Hershel."

Hershel was surprised to find Rick had driven to his farm to see him. "I take it you're not here for a friendly visit."

"I'm here playing messenger boy for the Gov.," Rick said. "He's got a new law in the books."

"Nothing that will affect my farm, will it?"

Rick rubbed his head. "No...it's your daughters." He handed Hershel a set of papers explaining the new laws. "You might want to sit down and talk with them about this."


Maggie set the papers aside in disbelief. "Dad, they can't be serious about this. They want every woman married?"

"Not everyone," said Hershel. "Just those between 18 and 35."

"Why would the Governor want that?"

Hershel sighed. There was only one explanation given the new world. "Procreation...a need to restore the human race. The law also says that all new wives must confirm their pregnancy within 6 months after they're married."

"I don't believe this!"

"What are you so worried about?" asked Beth. "You know Glenn will probably propose to you."

"And what about you? You going to marry Jimmy?"

"If I have to...I guess."

"I don't want you thinkin' about that," said Hershel. "Bethy, you don't turn 18 for months. The law doesn't apply to you yet. I want you to enjoy the time and freedom you still have."

They heard a knock at the door and were surprised to find Glenn standing there. Ever since Maggie met Glenn working at the trading post some months back, they seem to be spending far too much time with one another much to Hershel's discomfort. "Hey...um...I heard about the new law...and I wondering..."

Maggie smiled. "No ring?"

Glenn got nervous. "Well we are kinda in a rush, aren't we? I...I was going to ask your dad first."

"Glenn." Hershel approached him. "This is difficult for me, but given the circumstances...I know that you and Maggie love each other. I trust you."

At that moment, Maggie rushed to Glenn and embraced him. Hershel leaned over to Beth and whispered, "I mean what I said, Bethy. I want to focus on one wedding at a time."


A wedding ceremony was not required, just a signed contract. Maggie and Glenn signed theirs the day the law was passed, but they still wanted a small wedding.

But the Greene sisters knew how difficult it would be for their dad. Because the law also required for them to move in with their husbands, Hershel would be losing both of his daughters in a short amount of time. Fortunately Glenn lived near the marketplace, which was only a short walk from the Greene farm.

Even Beth didn't seem all that worried. Since the apocalypse, Jimmy had been living on an adjacent farm with Otis and Patricia who looked after him like a son. The two families had been close since the world came to an end. Even with Beth's 18th birthday getting closer and closer, Hershel wanted to avoid the discussion of marriage when it came to her and Jimmy, law or no law.

On the day of Glenn and Maggie's celebration, Beth thought about the future. Even though she had Jimmy, it made her sad to know that their children would grow up to see marriage not as an act of love but an obligation. "It won't be so bad."

Jimmy seem confused. "What?"

"Getting married...having children...I mean, it's something I've wanted to do someday."

"Yeah, but they shouldn't have to force it on you."

"Things are different, Jimmy. I've come to terms with that. They use to marry off girls younger than me."

"Yeah...back in ancient history."

Beth laughed and then kissed Jimmy on the cheek. "I think we should have a wedding just like this...on my birthday."

Jimmy was always the shy, reluctant type. He was coming to terms with what he would have to do. He hadn't proposed to Beth, yet only because it would be too difficult for Hershel but the two of them had already silently agreed with one another that they would sign the contract together when Beth's birthday came along.


Over time, Hershel was feeling a bit more optimistic knowing that both of his daughters would be taken care of. Maggie and Glenn would come by the farm whenever they could to help with the farm. Only two months away from Beth's birthday did they announce that they were having a baby. Beth had made a promise to her father that she would hold off getting pregnant after she and Jimmy got married for as long as she could. It made her grateful that she would have six months to take the next step after signing the papers.

Time was going by faster than she had anticipated. Beth was spending more time on farm work than making wedding preparations. She didn't want to leave her dad with so much work to do once she had to move out. Three weeks before her birthday, she had spent a whole day outside in the field and was surprised to find her family in the living room, along with Glenn and Otis and Patricia. They had worried looks on their faces when Beth saw them but then as they all turned to look at her, she could see the sadness in their eyes.

"What's wrong?" Beth asked. "Is everything okay?"

"Sit down, Bethy." Beth sat at an occupied recliner and Hershel kneeled down next to her. "There was a hoard of walkers near Otis's farm. Jimmy tried to help the patrol lure them away. But...there was a problem..."

She looked around and realized that Jimmy was completely absent from the unexpected family gathering. "Daddy, where's Jimmy?"

No one was saying anything. They were letting their faces do the talking. "There was just too many of them," said Hershel finally. "I'm sorry, Bethy."

Beth looked down at her hands and realized her entire body was shaking. Seconds later, she realized how everyone in the room was staring at her and she dashed upstairs to her room. Only then did she let the tears flow.

Nobody could console Beth because they all had one thought on their mind. "Dad...the marriage law. What are we gonna do?"

Hershel sighed. "I don't know, Maggie. I just don't know."

If this seems similar to those Marriage Law fics in Harry Potter, it probably does. Daryl will be in the next chap though. Pinky swear.