A/N - I was in the process of writing updates for my stories when my laptop started acting up. Thankfully I managed to backup up everything on an external hard drive so I didn't lose anything. The bad news is I won't have regular access to a computer which means my updates will be delayed.

The good news is when I was backing up my files, I came across something I had initially been planning for Stefonnie week back in November. Since that's actually finished for the most part, I figured I would post that until I have the chance to update my other stories. Here's the first half of it and I plan to have to second half of this up the next time I have access to a computer.

Waking up in the middle of nowhere with no memory of how you got there is frightening enough. However, waking up with a stranger staring down at you is downright terrifying. Thankfully the stranger had been his brother and had shown up to help him. Damon had been shocked when he realized that not only did Stefan not remember any of the people he was introduced to but he also didn't remember being a vampire.

Stefan hadn't wanted to believe him at first, but when he suddenly grew hungry and nearly depleted Damon's stash of blood, he realized it was true. After that Damon tried everything he could think of to jog his memories. He introduced him to Elena and Caroline, hoping that his relationships with them would help him remember, but it hadn't. He however does have to admit that Caroline did manage to help him get his intake of blood on track.

As for Elena, she has spent the day taking him around town to their favorite spots, hoping that something will stick and his memories will return. It's been several hours and despite her efforts to jog his memory, he still feels no connection to her or any of the places she's taken him to. Having grown frustrated and bothered by the distraught look on her face, he grabs her by the shoulders and hauls her against him. He only does so because he hopes that kissing her will somehow bring back his feelings for her, but before his lips connect to hers she pulls away.

"I can't…. I'm with Damon." She looks away guilty, knowing she should have told him the truth before now.

"You're dating my brother?" Stefan furrows his eyebrows, surprised by the development. "Then why have you been taking me around town reminiscing about our relationship?" He asks angrily.

"I hoped it would jog your memory."

"So how exactly did you go from me to Damon? I'm going to go out on a limb and assume I wasn't too happy about it."

"No you weren't." She admits. "But things hadn't been working between us for a while. And there were always underlying feelings between me and Damon. We didn't start dating until months after our breakup." Elena lets the half truth slip out, hoping he takes it at face value. While it's true she and Damon only became a couple several months after her breakup with Stefan, she still hasn't told him the entire truth.

"You're lying."Stefan narrows his eyes at her. Despite not knowing her he can sense that she's not telling him the truth. "There's more to it than that isn't it? I think after wasting my time all day you owe me the truth. Why did we really break up?" He pins her with an angry and intense gaze.

"Okay." Elena sighs resignedly, knowing that when she tells Stefan what really happened he'll want nothing to with her or Damon. Again.

11 Months Ago

"Where is he?" Elena wonders out loud as she paces back and forth in Stefan's bedroom. She's been here waiting for Stefan for hours and he has yet show up. She doesn't understand how he could do this on today of all days. It's the anniversary of her parents' deaths and he was supposed to be taking her out so she wouldn't have to think about it. Yet he's several hours late and she's beginning to think he won't show up at all. Sighing, she walks over and takes a seat deciding to give another twenty minutes before she goes home.

The moment Damon makes it up the stairs he senses her distress immediately. He knows it partially because of the sire bond, but it's mostly because of his feelings for her. He has been able to pick up on her feelings for years now and right now he can tell she's a wreck.

When he stands in the threshold he can see that she's sitting on Stefan's bed, trying her hardest not to cry. The sight of her distressed face makes him want to snap his brother's neck for not being here. He exhales several times to get his anger in check and decides that he'll be here for her today since his brother has decided to flake. Without any hesitation he walks into his brother's room and immediately sits down on the bed next to her. He doesn't say anything; instead he waits for her to say what's on her mind, knowing she'll open up when she's ready.

"Stefan never showed up." She says softly after several minutes of silence. "He knows how important today is for me, but he never showed up or even called."

"I'm sorry." He slides closer to her so their legs touch each other. He knows how difficult the anniversary of her parents' death is for her.

"Why are you apologizing?" Elena glances at in confusion. "You're not the one that stood me up."

"Yeah, but I still hate seeing you hurt this way." He hugs her tightly, feeling warmth when she returns it.

"You're always here for me when I need you." She smiles against his chest.

"And I always will be."He smiles and tightens his hold on her. Damon can't help but wonder what possible reason Stefan could have for standing Elena up when he knows how vulnerable she's been since she's become a vampire. When she looks up from his chest all he can think of is their last kiss and how he wants the chance to do it again. So he lifts his hand and tucks his thumb and index finger under her chin before slowly turning her face to so their gazes are meeting.

Elena feels a jolt of arousal when she sees the heat in his eyes and quickly decides to indulge in it for once instead holding back like she has been. The moment Damon leans down and presses his lips to hers, they both become overwhelmed with the attraction they had been trying their hardest to suppress.

Damon groans into her mouth as he pushes her back on the bed, his body covering hers. All he can think about is getting as close to Elena as possible.


Stefan glances at Bonnie as they make their to the lake house, slightly awed by how determined she seems. Ever since Jeremy has become a vampire hunter, he's wanted to kill every vampire he comes in contact with, including Elena. Bonnie has been searching through every grimoire or magic related books for a way to temper his urges. Jeremy hasn't exactly been all that receptive and several times Bonnie's had to use her powers on him, yet she is still here trying to help him. Even though she really has no obligation or reason to.

"What?" Bonnie looks back at Stefan slightly self conscious, when he continues to stare at her silently.

"I have to admit I'm a little surprised that you're willing to go out of your way to help Jeremy after what happened." He says thinking of Jeremy's cheating incident. He'd been surprised when he found out about what happened and not for the first time has been questioning the younger Gilbert's intelligence. Because no one in their right mind would have the chance to be with a girl like Bonnie and then throw it away the way Jeremy did.

"I guess it's like you and Damon in a way."Bonnie shrugs breaking him out of his thoughts. They stop walking as they get closer to the door. "I may not be Jeremy's biggest fan at the moment and I may hope a certain lower appendage of his is struck with an itchy rash or something," The two share a laugh. "That doesn't mean I want anything to happen to the idiot and it will if he continues to go after every vampire he comes across."

Stefan nods in agreement, knowing that Elena in particular has had to avoid coming home in fear of Jeremy trying to kill her. "How long do you think it will take for this to work? Normally I wouldn't be in such a rush, but I have to meet Elena. Today's the—"

"The anniversary of her parents' death, I know."Bonnie nods solemnly, knowing how difficult the day is for Elena. She imagines now that she's a vampire and her emotions her enhanced, it will be even worse. "It shouldn't take long at all. I'll give him a potion and we should know immediately whether or not he's able to control is the urge to kill. If it doesn't work I'll go back to the drawing board for another solution."

Bonnie turns to face the door and knocks, waiting for Jeremy to open the door. He doesn't respond so she knocks harder and longer. After several more tries she closes her eyes and tries to sense his presence. After a few moments, worry and fear flow through when she fails to sense him.

"That's weird he knew we were supposed to meet today, but I'm not sensing him at all." She looks at Stefan. "Are you sensing anything?"

Stefan uses his enhanced senses to listen for Jeremy's heartbeat, but he gets nothing. "No I don't sense him either." They look at each other, the concern evident on both of their faces.

"If you're looking for the hunter he's not here." A voice says from the shadows interrupting their silent pondering.

They turn toward the voice and are surprised to see a scrawny vampire looking back at them. One minute the vampire is standing and the next he's on his knees clutching his head in pain. The pain lessens, but before he is able to get to his feet Stefan is grabbing him by the collar.

"What did you do to him?" Bonnie glares at the vampire.

"Wait, wait… it's not what you think I didn't hurt him." The vampire pleads frantically, knowing that being in the Bennett witch or the Ripper's crosshairs would not be a good thing.

"Then what are you doing here?" Bonnie lifts her hand threateningly.

"I was waiting for someone in your group to show up so I could tell you what happened."

"Explain." Stefan lets go of the vampire's collar causing him to crash to the ground.

He exhales and slowly stands up before looking back at the two of them. "The hunter attacked the vampire crew I was a part of. He killed most of them, including the leader."

"If that's true than why are you still alive?" Stefan can tell he's a young vamp that Jeremy could easily take out.

"He let me go and said that he would hunt me down later. Said that he had a stronger and more important person to take out. "

"Klaus?" Bonnie and Stefan ask simultaneously, hoping he wouldn't be that stupid despite already knowing the answer to that question.

"Yeah. " The vampire confirms with a nod. "It's suicidal; everyone knows how dangerous Klaus is. That's why I came back here so I could tell you who probably has him."

"Why would you want to help him after he killed your crew?" Stefan briefly glances at Bonnie who is obviously wondering the same thing.

"Because I was only a part of their crew because I was compelled by the leader. The hunter killing him and the other's finally got me my freedom. Even though those weren't his intentions, I wanted to help him the way he helped me. I figured the least I could do was tell one of you who took him." He glances between Bonnie and Stefan. "Can I go now?"

Stefan looks at Bonnie for affirmation and once she nods, he relents. "You can go, but I would advise you to get out of town. Until he gets his urges under control he'll likely be looking to finish you off." Normally he would leave well enough alone, but he can tell the vampire wouldn't likely make it out of another confrontation alive.

"Don't worry I'm out of here." He gives them both a nod before walking away.

The two watch until he's out of their line of vision before turning back to each other. "Looks like we're going to have another run in with Klaus." Bonnie says the moment her eyes meet Stefan's.

"No, there's no way that's happening. I'll go by myself." He shakes his head, not wanting to risk Bonnie's life that way. He just hopes Klaus isn't in too of a spiteful mood today so he can get Jeremy out quickly.

"After the last year there is no way I'm letting you go there by yourself." Bonnie disagrees, her voice leaving no room for argument. "You're far too vulnerable around him. You've finally managed to come back from the compulsion and losing your emotions. There's no way we're risking that happening again." She looks up at him her eyes sparkling with emotion.

"I didn't know you cared so much." Stefan smiles in surprise. Despite his apology for the mess with Abby and the renewal of their friendship, he wouldn't blame her at all if she still hated his guts. So for her to actively worry about his well being warms his heart.

"You're okay." She jokes before sobering up. "Besides I'm the only one who's come close to taking him out. I may not be able to kill him, but I can handle him. All we need to do is get Jeremy out of this alive. Are you in or are we both going on our own?" She tilts her head in question.

"I'm in." He nods before they both rush to his car.


By the time Damon comes to his senses, he's hard and naked with Elena equally naked underneath him. His cock is right up against her entrance, but he hasn't pushed inside of her yet. Despite how far they've gone they could stop now and things could go back to normal. But when he opens his eyes to protest and finds Elena staring up at him, he sees the fire that he feels for her reflected in her eyes. And instead of pulling away from her and telling her it was a mistake, he thrusts inside of her.

Damon knows that by making this decision he's effectively ruined his relationship with his brother, but as Elena's walls clench around him and he moves in and out of her, he can't bring himself to care.


"He's alive, I can sense him." Stefan says the moment they stop at the mansion. On the drive over they decided to approach Klaus head on, knowing sneaking around would get them nowhere. He sighs and gets out of the car.

"That's good, I was a little afraid that he wouldn't be." Bonnie says as she gets out of the car as well.

"I wouldn't put it past Klaus, but he would have less to gain if he killed Jeremy." He walks over to Bonnie and stands in front of her. "Which means we have to be prepared for—" He stops speaking when he sees the stricken look in Bonnie's eyes.

"Stefan, you have—" Bonnie's eyes widen when she sees what she can only assume is a vervain dart sticking out of his neck. However before she can finish the rest of her sentence she begins to feel drowsy as well.

"Bonnie, there's a—" Stefan starts to say when he sees a tranquilizer dart sticking out of her neck, but stops speaking abruptly when he starts to feel the effects of the vervain flowing through his system.

Bonnie falls forward into his arms and despite his increasing descent into unconsciousness still manages to hold onto her as he falls to the ground, taking the brunt of the fall himself.

"Did he seriously just catch her in his arms before he passed out?" One of Klaus' hybrids asks from a few feet away. In her hand is a vervain dart gun.

"That's Stefan forever the martyr." Rebekah scoffs as she looks down at the couple wrapped around each other on the ground. "I've always hated that about him." She hands the tranquilizer gun she used on the witch to that same hybrid before turning toward the two hybrids standing behind her. "Take them inside."

The two hybrids nod and immediately do as she says, each lifting a body into their arms.


The bed whines as Damon pounds Elena from behind. Elena gasps surprised by the amount of pleasure he's giving her. She always been afraid to try having sex anally in fear that would be painful, but Damon is proving those fears to be unfounded.

Damon growls become feral as he moves inside of her, loving the way she screams out her enjoyment. If he's honest there is a part of him that is proud that he's experiencing something his brother hasn't. That he is able to mark her this way. That no matter what happens; he'll always have been there first.


Stefan wakes up to find himself in room he doesn't recognize at first. As his senses clear it becomes obvious that this is Klaus' basement. Sitting up cautiously, he looks around the room and spies Jeremy on the ground, unconscious but still alive. It's clear that he's also been dosed with something. Beside him he hears Bonnie groan and he turns his gaze to her, watching as she slowly comes to as well.

"Are you okay, Bonnie?" He moves his hand to her cheek, searching for any injuries.

"I think so. What about you?" She brushes off his hand, slightly self-conscious about him touching her.

"I'm fine."

"Enough with the pathetic small talk." Rebekah's voice calls out impatiently. She had been greatly annoyed when the pair had woken up and immediately asked the other's well being.

Stefan and Bonnie both turn toward the voice and are not at all surprised to find Rebekah and Klaus looking down at them. Stefan quickly stands up when he sees the amused look in Klaus' eyes, knowing a playful Klaus is a dangerous Klaus.

"Why'd you bring us here?" Stefan asks as he helps Bonnie to her feet.

"I apologize for the theatrics, but you left me no choice since you two insisted on blazing in here like white knights." He grins. "Besides, sometimes rendering powerful supernatural beings unconscious and tossing them into a dark basement can be fun."

"Cut the crap." Bonnie snaps impatiently. She really hates how wordy he tends to get. "Just get to the point."

"Fine." Klaus sighs as though she's the one annoying him. "I need a favor."

"You did all of this just to get us to do you a favor." Stefan growls, the veins in his face showing up.

"What makes you think we'd even help you?" Bonnie's brow furrows in surprise at the question.

"You will if you want to get him out of this alive." Klaus glances at Jeremy who is still unconscious across the room before looking at Rebekah. The woman in question silently grabs Jeremy by the neck and bites into him.

Bonnie and Stefan both take a step forward, intending on making a move, but Klaus' voice stops them cold.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." His gaze is fixed on Bonnie who has her hand raised. "You really think I wouldn't have the foresight to protect my home from witch attacks? Especially after our previous encounters?" He turns to Stefan "And Stefan, I could very easily compel you again. Maybe this time I'll have you focus your attention on the witch. I bet Bonnie would be very interested to know some of the thoughts you've had about her. I know I was surprised when I looked inside your head while you two were unconscious."

"What do you want?" Stefan growls, when he feels Bonnie stiffen next to him. While his inner thoughts about Bonnie have always been more hedonistic than murderous, he knows she would still be uncomfortable regardless.

"I know you've looking for the cure Elena's vampirism." He grins when they both avert their eyes. "I want in on that. That means I'll be in the loop with anything major that happens. The truce we've made"

"We aren't even sure that it really exists." While it's true they have been looking for a cure to help Elena, so far they've come up with nothing and Stefan has started to wonder if such cure actually exists.

"According to a source of mine it does exist and you two are my best bet to find it. It seems there is you both have some kind of connection to the person that invented the cure in the first place." The professor Klaus talked to hadn't exactly been all that forthcoming initially, but once Klaus cut off his hand, he was willing to spill everything. The look on the professor's face when his hand came flying off had been good, but it still hadn't topped the look on the man's face right before he died.

"What is that supposed mean?"

"Come now, love." He looks at Bonnie. "You don't really expect me to feed you all the information?" Klaus laughs wickedly. "If you want to know, you're going to have to do some research of your own. Now do we have an agreement or do I leave my lovely sister here to her meal?"

Stefan briefly look at Jeremy who is slowly being drained before looking at Bonnie. They come to a silent agreement before they both turn back to a waiting Klaus. "We have an agreement."

"Great!" He turns back to Rebekah and snaps his finger. The original immediately loosens her hold on Jeremy, letting him crumple to the floor. Immediately the two rush over to Jeremy, Bonnie watching as Stefan gives Jeremy some of his blood to heal.

When they hear a throat clear, both their gazes shoot to Klaus, who has a calm look on his. "You're free to go now, but don't think of crossing me because neither of you will like the outcome if you do." He gives them one last smile before he and Rebekah leave the basement.

Bonnie and Stefan sigh, hoping that making a deal with devil won't come back to haunt them.


Elena moans as Damon kisses a trail down her body. The moment he gets to her center, he moves his mouth against her as slowly as possible. He knows that after they leave this bed he might not get another chance to taste her. So he takes his time and relishes in her taste. He hopes once he's finished tasting her he can persuade her to reciprocate.


After leaving the mansion, they drop Jeremy off with Matt so the there's someone around to keep him out of trouble for the time being. He tries to call Elena, but it goes straight to voicemail. At first he wonders if she's purposely screening his call, but when Bonnie tries and gets the same thing he knows it's definitely turned off. He can only assume that she's mad at him, but considering what just happened he can't really think about it right now.

Because of Klaus' threat, they decide that it would be best for them to get started with their research as right away. So after dropping Jeremy off, they come back to the boardinghouse since the Salvatore's have an extensive collection of books.

When they finally make their way to the boardinghouse, it's close to sunrise. "Maybe we should hold off on this." He suggests when they both take a seat on the couch. "So you can get some sleep, you must be exhausted."

"There's no way I'll be able to sleep right now." Bonnie shakes her head. "It's better we try to figure out what Klaus meant while it's still fresh in our minds.

"Well I have a book on my dresser that should help us get started. I can go get it." He moves to stand up.

"That's okay, I'll go get it. I really need to stretch my legs after being cooped up for so long."

"And I'll go make some coffee in the meantime." He smiles at her warmly, widening it when she smiles back.

As Bonnie walks up the stairs and down the hall leading to Stefan's room, she senses another presence and assumes it is Elena at first considering what day it is. Her jaw drops when she spots Elena and Damon completely naked on Stefan's bed. The two vampires are going at it without a care in the world and based on their growls and moans they are definitely enjoying themselves. So far neither vampire has sensed they are no longer alone, but she knows it's only a matter of time before Stefan comes looking for her.

Oh god Stefan. Bonnie frowns, her heart aching for him. How could they do this to him? The two people that he should be able to trust the most have betrayed him. She'd known that things between Elena and Damon weren't entirely platonic. That underneath the surface there was some repressed feelings, but she always assumed they would only cross the line if Elena and Stefan were no longer together. So to come across the two of them right now in Stefan's bed of all places, infuriates her.

When she hears Elena's moan of pleasure, she grows tired of waiting for them to realize they are no longer alone. So she clears her throat, loudly. Freezing abruptly, the two vampires turn to face the doorway and are surprised to see Bonnie standing there with her arms folded across her chest. They immediately separate from each other, but make no move to get out of the bed.

"Bonnie, what are you doing here?" Elena asks when Bonnie continues to glare at both her and Damon.

"I came to get this." She walks over to the dresser and picks up the book Stefan asked her to get. "Definitely wasn't expecting the show." She snorts in disgust.

"Well maybe you next time you'll be smart enough to knock when you decide to come in other people's rooms. You never know what you're going to see." Damon snarls at her, angry that his time with Elena has been interrupted. He doubts she'll be eager to continue this after witch finally leaves.

"You're right." Bonnie begins sarcastically. "Despite the fact that the door is wide open, I should have totally expected to walk in and find you fucking your brother's girlfriend in his bed." Bonnie stops herself from knocking Damon on his ass like she wants to.

Neither vampire says anything, making it obvious that they are just now thinking about what they did to Stefan. Elena immediately jumps out of the bed; wrapping the sheet around her while Damon shifts so his feet are on the floor.

"You know I sort of expect this from you. You've made it clear that you would go after her if you were given the opportunity." She looks at Damon who finally climbs out of the bed before turning her gaze back on Elena. "But I never thought you would do something like this to Stefan. Why even pick him in the first place if you were just going to end up in Damon's arms?"

"We were supposed to go out on a date, but he never showed up. He knows how difficult the anniversary of my parents' death is. It's ten times worse now that I'm a vampire, but he was too selfish to be there for me. Damon was here when I needed him. Like always and we got carried away..."She trails off when sees the anger in Bonnie's eyes.

Damon sees it too and lashes out due to his guilt. "I can see it in your eyes that you want to tell my brother about this, but I would keep your mouth shut if I were you. This is none of your business"

"Damon." Elena gently admonishes before turning her attention back to Bonnie. She knows making threats will do more harm than good with Bonnie. "I know you two have come to an understanding, but please don't tell Stefan about this." Elena pleads with her. "This would break his heart."

"Well I doubt I will be able to keep this kind of secret for very long, especially since Stefan's right downstairs."

"He is?" Elena stiffens while Damon swears under his breath behind her.

"How else do you think I knew exactly where to look for this?" She holds up the book in her hand. "It's not like I've ever spent any time in his room."

"Bonnie, are you okay? I figured you would be back by…." Stefan's voice trails off when in addition to Bonnie, he spies a half naked Damon and Elena close to his bed. He closes his eyes hoping that he's seeing things, but that sadly is not the case. Their clothes are spread out on the floor and he can smell the mixture of their scents in the air. Not to mention the looks of guilt both are sporting.

"Stefan—"Elena attempts to plead, but he cuts her off.

"How could you do this? Why say you want to be with me, if that wasn't true?"He stares at her, the hurt palpable. "I would have understood if you'd chosen Damon. I wouldn't have liked it, but I would have respected you for being honest. Instead you fuck my brother in my bed!"

"I was upset. I needed you and you weren't there for me. Even after I told you how difficult last night usually is." Elena tries to explain as tears roll down her face. "Damon was there to listen and keep me company."

"Well he can keep you company for good because from this moment on I want nothing to do with you."

Elena cries grow louder and Damon chooses that moment to wipe her tears away.

Bonnie manages to suppress a growl, knowing that Damon's little move will likely set Stefan off. Her prediction is right and in a flash Stefan he's standing right in front of Damon, trying his best not grab him by the neck.

"You just couldn't help yourself could you, Damon? You just had to go after her!" Stefan snarls, leaving Bonnie to wonder if she'll need to break up a fight tonight. Elena stands there quietly, not quite sure what to do.

"Not my fault that you're a poor excuse for a boyfriend. Unlike you, I'm the one that's been here for Elena." Damon's expression darkens as well and Bonnie can tell whatever his next words are won't be any better. "And it's not like she wasn't just as willing."

"You told me that you were going to make my life miserable. I guess this was the best way to do it."

"This has nothing to do with that and you know it!" Damon spits, annoyed that Stefan brought up the stupid threat he'd made when he first returned to Mystic Falls. "I don't appreciate you acting like my feelings for her aren't as real as yours. If anything they are better because I'll never take her for granted like you have." He gets in Stefan's face. "Where the fuck were you when she was crying her eyes out last night?"

Stefan opens his mouth to tell them about Jeremy, but decides not to because they still had no qualms about betraying him. "You know what? You two can have each other. I'm done!" He rushes out of the room before anyone else can move.

The moment he's gone, Elena begins to pull on the rest of her clothing while Damon watches her.

"I should go." Bonnie says after a few moments of awkward silence. She heads to the door only to stop when she gets to the threshold. "By the way…" She begins as she turns to face them. "…the reason the guy that you claim is so selfish never showed up was because we spent the night being held hostage by Klaus and Rebekah after trying to get your brother out of the mess he made."

"What are you talking about?" Elena's gaze snaps back to Bonnie.

"Jeremy took it upon himself to try and take out the two of them by himself. We figured out what he was doing and planned to go after him, but Klaus had his hybrids shoot us with tranquilizer darts. We spent the night trapped in his basement until he finally decided to let us go. Matt's keeping an eye on Jeremy right now." She relishes in the guilty looks that appear on their faces before turning back around and leaving as well.

The moment she leaves, Elena breaks down into sobs and Damon immediately wraps her arms around her. Both allowing the knowledge that while they were betraying Stefan he was out helping one of their own to eat at them.


"So much for you and Damon not getting together until months after we broke up." Stefan glares when Elena is finished talking. "Why the hell have you been lying to me?"

"I wasn't sure how to tell you about what happened. You were already so distant we didn't want to make it worse."

"What you really mean is, you were afraid I wouldn't want anything to do with you." He glares. "You're right, I don't want anything to do with either of you and I don't want to be in this waste of a town." He turns to walk away.

"Stefan, you can't continue walking around without your memories." She steps in from of him to block his exit. "It's not safe."

"Why should I listen to you? It's clear you're not thinking about my best interests. If you were you wouldn't have spent the day lying to me." He glares at her before pushing past her and walking away.

Elena watches him go with a frown on her face.


The moment he makes it to the boardinghouse, he packs some of his things to take with him. Before he leaves town however, he decides to say goodbye to Caroline.

"I see Elena told you about Damon." She deduces the moment she sees the look on Stefan's face. She'd told Elena and Damon that misleading Stefan that way could back fire, but neither had listened. Now Stefan will be even harder to reach

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"I thought it would be better coming from them." Caroline admits. "How are you doing with all this?"

"I'm fine." He reassures her. "It actually explains why I feel no connection to Elena. I tried, you know. To jog my memories, but I guess even subconsciously, I knew things weren't quite right. Now that I know, I've decided to leave town for a while."

"But what about your memories. How are you going to get them back if you leave?"

"Maybe I don't want them back. I haven't heard anything good about my life so far. Maybe it's better for me to have a fresh start without being plagued with old feelings."

"What about the good things you've experienced? I know it doesn't seem like it, but you have had some good times. I know I can't stop you from leaving, but I hope you'll consider reconsider not wanting your memories back. Just think about while you're gone. Okay?"

"Okay," He agrees.

"And hey maybe while you're gone something will trigger your memories and they end up coming back on their own." She smiles softly.

"Maybe." Stefan agrees half-heartedly, he can't see anything being strong enough to trigger his memories. "Before I go. I do have one question though." He continues when she gestures for him to continue. "Who's Bonnie?" He remembers getting this weird feeling when Elena mentioned that particular name. He would have asked Elena, but figured Caroline would be more forthcoming about her.

"She's best friends with me and Elena. Why?" Bonnie had been the last thing she expected him to ask about.

"Elena mentioned her when she told me what happened with her and Damon. I just wondered who she was since no one has mentioned her. Based on what Elena said I take it she's a witch?"

"Yeah, a really powerful one. I guess we didn't mention her because she's been out of town for the last few months spending time with her mother. We figured it would be wiser to focus on the people that are actually in Mystic Falls right now. I have a picture of her if you want to see what she looks like." She moves to her dresser and picks up a picture to give him.

When he takes the picture he sees that it's a picture of Caroline and Elena with a beautiful green eyed woman that he can only assume is the woman in question. The second his eyes focus on Bonnie he feels a jolt that makes every part of him including his brain stand at attention. He closes his eyes as his mind flashes to a memory of some kind.

Gasps and growls fill the candlelit bedroom as bodies that are slick with sweat move together. Stefan's eyes roll in the back of his head as he moves in and out of Bonnie, her walls squeezing him tightly. Bonnie's back arches as he moves above her, the pleasure flowing through her body.

"Never stop loving me." He pleads against her mouth before pulling away to stare into her eyes. Being with Bonnie has been the best thing that's ever happened to him and he couldn't bear the thought of losing her.

"I won't." She answers back, her eyes bright with emotion.

The couple share a smile as they continue to move hard and fast against each other, their focus only on one another.

"Stefan?" Caroline's voice brings Stefan out of his thoughts. "You zoned out on me. Are you okay?"

"What exactly is my relationship with Bonnie?" Stefan asks suddenly, surprising Caroline.

"You guys are friends, but I have to admit you two aren't exactly close." Caroline's brow furrows in confusion before a thought occurs to her. "Did you remember something about her? Is that why you're asking about Bonnie?

"No, I was just curious." Stefan shakes his head in denial. He had been planning on telling Caroline about the memory he just had, but when she revealed his true relationship with Bonnie he realized that it might not be a memory after all. That maybe it was just a vision of what he wanted to do to Bonnie when he laid eyes on her picture. Since he knows that wouldn't go over very well with Caroline, he decides to keep it to himself.

"You're acting kind of strange. Are you sure you're okay?" Caroline steps closer to Stefan.

"Yeah I'm okay." Stefan answers after a brief hesitation. I should go." He says as he makes his way to the door. "I'll keep in touch."

Outside of Mystic Falls - Later that Night

Hours later, Stefan is asleep in the hotel room he rented for the night, the long day he had finally catching up with him. The moment he falls asleep, his mind is bombarded with memories.

"Hey beautiful." He calls out the moment he spots Bonnie outside of the school. She looks amazing in her blue prom dress. Stefan had known she would and it's been killing him that he couldn't acknowledge that in front of the others. He's been waiting all night for the chance to be alone with her. Something he'd begun to think was impossible with the way the others were monopolizing her time.

"Hey." She turns to face face him with a smile. "What are you doing out here?" She came outside to get some air after the whole Silas thing, but she figured that he would still be helping Damon with Elena.

"I wanted to check up on you and I also thought we could share a dance while we're out here." He steps closer to Bonnie who looks up at him in surprise.

"But...I thought we agreed that..." She trails off in confusion. She and Stefan had agreed that between Jeremy's death and everything else that's been going on, that it would be best for them to keep their relationship a secret. Which is the reason they agreed they wouldn't attend prom together.

"I've danced with both Elena and Caroline tonight, I think it's only right I get to dance with the person I actually want to dance with." He smiles hopefully as he holds out his hand for her to take. "So will you dance with me?"

"Okay." She nods happily and allows Stefan to pull her into his arms.


"Stop trying to distract me." Bonnie looks up from the book she's looking through and glares at Stefan who happens to be sitting directly across from the table. She's been trying to focus on her research, but that's impossible with Stefan's gaze practically burning a hole in her.

"I'm not trying to distract you." Stefan denies it, though the mischievous look on his face says otherwise.

"Yeah right." She laughs not believing him one bit. "I can feel your eyes on me."

"Is it my fault that I happen to like looking at you?" He leans on the table to get closer to her, his eyes brightening when he realizes she's blushing.

"And you don't think your looking is distracting?" She gives him a knowing look.

"Nope because If I was trying to distract you, I would do more than just look at you." He grins wickedly at her, purposely trailing his gaze down her body.


"Are you awake?" Stefan asks softly as he cradles her in his arms. They are currently draped across Bonnie's couch, close enough that nearly every part of them is touching. For once they actually have a quiet evening to themselves and they decided to spend it watching tv on the couch.

"Yeah, why?" Bonnie answers just as softly before pressing a kiss to his jaw.

"I wanted to ask you something." Stefan begins nervously. He has no idea how she'll react to his question.

"You know you can ask me anything." She gives him a reassuring smile.

He returns her smile, grinning when she pressures her forehead against his chin. "I was wondering if you would spend the summer with me. No Damon, no Elena or anyone else. Just you and me for three months away from Mystic Falls."

Bonnie squirms uncomfortably in his arms at the mention of his ex-girlfriend. "Are you still having trouble seeing them together?" Aside from that first night, they haven't really talked about Elena and Damon's betrayal. "Is that why you want to go away?"

"You mean because of what they did?"

"Yeah." She bites her lip, trying not come off as too anxious. She'd be lying if she said she never worried that what she and Stefan have is some kind of rebound relationship for him.

Stefan sits up slightly when he feels the tension in her body but he decides not to comment on it. "I'll be honest and admit that I'm still hurt about what they did, but I've gotten to the point where I can wish them the best. So no us going away for the summer has nothing to do with them." His eyes sparkle with passion. "I love you and I want to spend as much time with you as possible with no interruptions. Something we both know is unlikely to happen if we stay in Mystic Falls."

"You're right. " Bonnie admits with a slight laugh. Trouble does have tendency to pop up in Mystic Falls whenever they think things are going well..

He caresses her cheek. "So are you in?"

"I'm in. I'll spend the summer with you" She smiles brightly before she relaxes against him and begins to stroke his collarbone with her fingers.


Bonnie rushes down the stairs when she hears her doorbell ring. She pulls the door open and is only halfway surprised to see Stefan at the door. He'

"I hope I'm not disturbing you" He says when he takes in her sweat pants. It's clear she had been planning on staying in. "I didn't know where else to go." Stefan looks at her sadly.

"No, I'm glad you're here, I was worried about you." She gestures for him to come in and he does. She gestures toward her couch and they both take a seat.

"So how are you holding up?" Bonnie asks after several hours of silence. She knows Stefan had been expecting her to immediately talk about what happened at the boardinghouse earlier, but she figured he could use a few hours of silence to gather his thoughts. So the last few hours have been spent watching old movies on her been hurt when Jeremy cheated on her, but she imagines being betrayed by both your brother and girlfriend has to be even worse.

"A little better I guess." Stefan Now I just have to figure out where I'm going to stay. There's no way I'm going back to the boardinghouse."

"You can stay here. No one ever comes here so you won't have to worry about running into anyone here. You're the only vampire I've ever invited in." Bonnie shrugs nonchalantly.

"Why are you being so nice to me?" Stefan asks when he realizes just what him being the only vampire invited into her home means. "I've done horrible things to you. Things that you have every right to hold against me forever."

"I guess I'm sucker for punishment." She grins so he knows she's joking. He smiles back before she sobers up and admits the truth. "The truth is I'm struggling with my own broken heart and I figured it would be less lonely if you were around. You can stay for however long you need."

Abruptly Stefan sits up in bed, gasping for air that he doesn't actually need. He remembers everything. Who he is, what's happened to him and more importantly his relationship with Bonnie.

Sadly with those thoughts he also remembers Silas revealing her death before he locked him in that safe. He also knows that based on his interactions with them while he still had amnesia no one back home has any idea what happened to her. A revelation that causes some slight rage, but right now his mind is focused on one thing and one thing only.

And that's finding a way to bring the woman he loves back to life.