The week went by slowly, no one talked to young Hari except for her friends. Everywhere she went they thought that she was the one that put her name in the goblet and lied to get more fame but in truth she wanted to just be Hari.

Hari sat in the Fae common room working on her charms essay when Fred, George, Draco, and Neville came in from wherever they were. Hari looked and smiled at them as they came and sat around her. Hari listened to they conversation when her arm gently touched Neville's and felt her ring heat up, groaning she turned to Neville and gave him a small smile.

"Neville?" Neville turned to her and smiled.
"Yeah Hari?" Hari sighed and reached into her coat, pulling out the box with bracelets in it she opened it and there sat one of the bracelets shining with the symbol of Embrys on it.
"um.. When you touched me… I mean… I…" Neville touched her arm gently looking at her. "Calm down Hari, deep breaths." Hari did just that and look right into Neville's eyes. "You're one of my soulmates Nev." It got quiet for a few minutes seeing as the twins and Draco are now listening in.

"I am? How?" Neville turned his head to the side slightly as Hari thought was cute.
" Well… when you touched me my ring got warm and now one of my bracelets are shining and showing a house for you." Neville smiled and hugged Hari.
" aww, I accept Hari, after all if you hadn't help me I would be a shy, easily scared kid instead." Hari smiled and carefully took out the bracelet and slipped it on Neville which shined and shrunk to fit his wrist.

Hari turned and saw the twins and Draco staring at them. Hari smiled and sighed because of the twins look like they were about to cause trouble.

"so, it seems-"
"That our dear Hari-"
"And Neville are-"
Being lovey dovey now" The twins say as they had on their Cheshire grin on. Hari rolled her eyes and wandless sent a stinging hex at them causing them to yelp. Draco smirked and looked to the young Potter.
"So if your soulmate touches you then your ring will warm knowing that they are yours huh?" Hari nodded and was shocked when Draco pulled her into a hug and felt her ring warm up again. Looking over she saw they yet another bracelet was shining and had Pendragon on it. Draco smirked and cuddled Hari for a few minutes, Hari took the bracelet and slipped it on Draco wrist and watched it resize itself.

"Well them Draco is also a soulmate for Pendragon. Funny how two of my friends are my soulmates what next the twins." Hari said while laughing but shut up when they grabbed her and her ring warmed twice as warm. Groaning Hari looked and saw two more bracelets shining with Gryffindor and Peverell on them. Hari grabbed the Peverell and slipped it on Fred while George got Gryffindor, those two also shrunk in size. The five friends stared at each other before busting out laughing in irony of it all that they were all soulmates and had become friends before.


It was the weekend when Hari took off to Diagon Ally seeing as she could leave whenever she wished being an adult and all, then went to Gringotts to look into things.

"Hell Ragnarok may your life be filled with gold always. So what happened this time?" Ragnarok smirked and handed her a sheet with a fake signature that Dumbledore tried to give to the goblins but did not work. Hari couldn't help but laugh at that. "Ah, I see the old got is at it again." Ragnarok smirked and showed her what had happened. By the time it was over Hari was on the floor laughing so hard for Dumbledore to be kicked out of Gringotts by goblins.

"I see. So I found four mates so far and was wondering if there was something I would need." Ragnarok thought for a minute before handing her four rings that are the consort rings for the houses that had a mate. Hari smiled and understood. "Ah I see… Consort rings lovely."

Hari suddenly felt a tug in her chest and her ring flare in warmth. A man had knocked and walked in. He was fairly tall, well built, flaming red hair that went to his shoulders; his icy blue eyes stared into hers as her heart beat fastened. His smile was to die for; he was pretty much a god in her eyes.

"Miss. Potter this is my best curse breaker Bill Weasely. Mr. Weasely this is Hari Potter." Ragnarok smirked and looked between the two and knew by the shine in the rings and the Potter Consort ring appear that he was also a mate and by the looks of things was the Alpha of them.

"Hello." Hari's voice was soft as she watched Bill as he walked over, grabbed her hand and kissed the back of it.
"Hello Miss. Potter." Hari blushed and smiled. "Hari, Just Hari Mr. Weasely." Bill smiled and melted poor hari.
"Then I am Bill. I take it by the feeling in my chest and the ring shining on your hand we are mates?" Hari nodded sheepishly and looked into his eyes.

"Y-yes… but I have more than one mate." Bill nodded and shrugged his shoulders. "Not a problem my dear, now how do you do living arrangements my dear?" Hari shrugged and told him about the ancient house and house she had four mates plus him so five as of right now. She told him about her life and that she was a creature but he wasn't afraid of her and smiled gently at her. After a while they knew that she had to go back to school and he told her that he would see her later, slipped on the Potter ring, kissed her cheek and watched her leave.

Hari arrived at the school before curfew and sighed as many things went through her mind, she smiled gently when she went and laid down for the night thinking about her life and plans to get revenge for the old goat.